`phetch` is a terminal client designed to quickly navigate the gophersphere. **features:** - <1MB executable for linux and mac - technicolor design (based on [GILD](https://github.com/dvkt/gild)) - no nonsense keyboard navigation ## usage phetch # Launch and show start page. phetch # Launch and show Gopherhole at URL. phetch -r # Print raw Gopher response. phetch -h # Show help. phetch -v # Show version. Once you've launched phetch, use `ctrl-h` to view the on-line help. ## installation Binaries for Linux and Mac are available at https://github.com/dvkt/phetch/releases Just unzip/untar the `phetch` program into your $PATH and get going! ## development cargo run -- ## screencast [![asciicast](./img/start.png)](https://asciinema.org/a/oVwXkFUKfrJ1C7TaKvFCsicOv) ## screenshots ![DOS Archive](./img/dos.png) ![Menu View](./img/menu-view.png) ![Text View](./img/text-view.png) ## todo - [ ] telnet: gopher://bitreich.org/1/lawn/bbs ## bugs - [ ] gopher://1436.ninja/1/twit.cgi ("iWritten and performed by Nathaniel" weirdness) ## future features - [ ] Incremental search in Text views - [ ] Linked gopher and http URLs in Text views - [ ] TLS -- https://dataswamp.org/~solene/2019-03-07-gopher-server-tls.html - [ ] Fuzzy Find incremental search