use gopher::Type; use std::io::stdout; use std::io::Write; use ui::{Action, Key, View}; pub struct MenuView { pub input: String, // user's inputted value pub menu: Menu, // data pub link: usize, // selected link pub scroll: i16, // scrolling offset } pub struct Menu { url: String, // gopher url lines: Vec, // lines longest: usize, // size of the longest line } #[derive(Debug)] pub struct Line { name: String, url: String, typ: Type, link: usize, // link #, if any } impl View for MenuView { fn render(&self, cols: u16, rows: u16) -> String { self.render_lines(cols, rows) } fn process_input(&mut self, key: Key) -> Action { match self.process_key(key) { a @ Action::Unknown => return a, a => a, } } fn url(&self) -> String { } } impl MenuView { pub fn from(url: String, response: String) -> MenuView { MenuView { menu: Menu::from(url, response), input: String::new(), link: 0, scroll: 0, } } fn lines(&self) -> &Vec { & } fn links(&self) -> impl Iterator { } fn render_lines(&self, _cols: u16, rows: u16) -> String { let mut out = String::new(); macro_rules! push { ($c:expr, $e:expr) => {{ out.push_str("\x1b["); out.push_str($c); out.push_str("m"); out.push_str($e); out.push_str("\x1b[0m"); }}; } let iter = self .lines() .iter() .skip(self.scroll as usize) .take(rows as usize - 2); for line in iter { if line.typ == Type::Info { out.push_str(" "); } else { if - 1 == { out.push_str("\x1b[97;1m*\x1b[0m") } else { out.push(' '); } out.push(' '); out.push_str("\x1b[95m"); if < 10 { out.push(' '); } out.push_str(&; out.push_str(".\x1b[0m "); } match line.typ { Type::Text => push!("96", &, Type::Menu => push!("94", &, Type::Info => push!("93", &, Type::HTML => push!("92", &, Type::Error => push!("91", &, typ if typ.is_download() => push!("4;97", &, _ => push!("0", &, } out.push('\n'); } out.push_str(&self.input); out } fn redraw_input(&self) -> Action { print!("\r\x1b[K{}", self.input); stdout().flush(); Action::None } fn action_page_down(&mut self) -> Action { if (self.scroll as usize) < self.lines().len() - 15 { self.scroll += 15; Action::Redraw } else { Action::None } } fn action_page_up(&mut self) -> Action { if self.scroll > 0 { self.scroll -= 15; if self.scroll < 0 { self.scroll = 0; } Action::Redraw } else { Action::None } } fn action_up(&mut self) -> Action { if > 0 { -= 1; Action::Redraw } else { Action::None } } fn action_down(&mut self) -> Action { if < self.links().count() - 1 { += 1; Action::Redraw } else { Action::None } } fn action_select_link(&mut self, line: usize) -> Action { if line < self.links().count() { = line; Action::Redraw } else { Action::None } } fn action_follow_link(&mut self, link: usize) -> Action { self.input.clear(); if let Some(line) = self.links().nth(link) { let url = line.url.to_string(); Action::Open(url) } else { Action::None } } fn process_key(&mut self, key: Key) -> Action { match key { Key::Char('\n') => { self.input.clear(); if let Some(line) = self.links().nth( { let url = line.url.to_string(); Action::Open(url) } else { Action::None } } Key::Up | Key::Ctrl('p') => self.action_up(), Key::Down | Key::Ctrl('n') => self.action_down(), Key::Backspace => { if self.input.is_empty() { Action::Back } else { Action::Unknown } } Key::Delete => { self.input.pop(); self.redraw_input() } Key::Ctrl('c') => { if self.input.len() > 0 { self.input.clear(); self.redraw_input() } else { Action::Quit } } Key::PageUp | Key::Char('-') => { if self.input.is_empty() { self.action_page_up() } else { self.input.push('-'); self.redraw_input() } } Key::PageDown | Key::Char(' ') => { if self.input.is_empty() { self.action_page_down() } else { self.input.push(' '); self.redraw_input() } } Key::Char(c) => { self.input.push(c); let count = self.links().count(); let input = &self.input; for i in 0..count { // jump to number for z in 1..9 { if count < (z * 10) && c == to_char(z as u32) && i == z - 1 { return self.action_follow_link(i); } } if input.len() > 1 && input == &(i + 1).to_string() { return self.action_select_link(i); } else { let name = if let Some(link) = self.links().nth(i) { } else { "".to_string() }; if name.contains(&self.input.to_ascii_lowercase()) { return self.action_select_link(i); } } } self.action_select_link(0) } _ => Action::Unknown, } } } impl Menu { pub fn from(url: String, gopher_response: String) -> Menu { Self::parse(url, gopher_response) } pub fn links(&self) -> impl Iterator { self.lines.iter().filter(|&line| > 0) } fn parse(url: String, raw: String) -> Menu { let mut lines = vec![]; let mut link = 0; let mut longest = 0; for line in raw.split_terminator("\n") { if let Some(c) = line.chars().nth(0) { let typ = match c { '0' => Type::Text, '1' => Type::Menu, '2' => Type::CSOEntity, '3' => Type::Error, '4' => Type::Binhex, '5' => Type::DOSFile, '6' => Type::UUEncoded, '7' => Type::Search, '8' => Type::Telnet, '9' => Type::Binary, '+' => Type::Mirror, 'g' => Type::GIF, 'T' => Type::Telnet3270, 'h' => Type::HTML, 'i' => Type::Info, 's' => Type::Sound, 'd' => Type::Document, '.' => continue, '\n' => continue, _ => continue, }; // build string URL let parts: Vec<&str> = line.split_terminator("\t").collect(); let mut url = String::from("gopher://"); if parts.len() > 2 { url.push_str(parts[2]); // host } if parts.len() > 3 { // port let port = parts[3].trim_end_matches('\r'); if port != "70" { url.push(':'); url.push_str(parts[3].trim_end_matches('\r')); } } // auto-prepend gopher type to selector if let Some(first_char) = parts[0].chars().nth(0) { if first_char == '0' || first_char == '1' || first_char == 'h' { url.push_str("/"); url.push(first_char); } } if parts.len() > 1 { url.push_str(parts[1]); // selector } let name = parts[0][1..].to_string(); if typ != Type::Info { link += 1; } let link = if typ == Type::Info { 0 } else { link }; if line.len() > longest { longest = line.len(); } lines.push(Line { name, url, typ, link, }); } } Menu { url, lines, longest, } } } // number -> char of that number fn to_char(c: u32) -> char { if let Some(ch) = std::char::from_digit(c, 10) { ch } else { '0' } }