use std::io; use std::io::{stdin, stdout, BufRead, BufReader, Write}; use std::process; use std::process::Stdio; use termion::color; use termion::input::TermRead; use termion::raw::IntoRawMode; use termion::terminal_size; use gopher; use gopher::io_error; use gopher::Type; use help; use menu::Menu; use text::Text; pub type Key = termion::event::Key; pub const SCROLL_LINES: usize = 15; pub const MAX_COLS: usize = 72; pub struct UI { pages: Vec>, // loaded views page: usize, // currently focused view dirty: bool, // redraw? running: bool, // main ui loop running? pub size: (usize, usize), // cols, rows } #[derive(Debug)] pub enum Action { None, // do nothing Back, // back in history Forward, // also history Open(String), // url Keypress(Key), // unknown keypress Redraw, // redraw everything Quit, // yup Error(String), // error message } pub trait View { fn respond(&mut self, key: Key) -> Action; fn render(&self) -> String; fn url(&self) -> String; fn raw(&self) -> String; fn term_size(&mut self, cols: usize, rows: usize); } impl UI { pub fn new() -> UI { let mut size = (0, 0); if let Ok((cols, rows)) = terminal_size() { size = (cols as usize, rows as usize); } UI { pages: vec![], page: 0, dirty: true, running: true, size, } } pub fn run(&mut self) { self.startup(); while self.running { self.draw(); self.update(); } self.shutdown(); } pub fn draw(&mut self) { if self.dirty { print!( "{}{}{}{}", termion::clear::All, termion::cursor::Goto(1, 1), termion::cursor::Hide, self.render() ); self.dirty = false; } } pub fn update(&mut self) { let mut stdout = stdout().into_raw_mode().unwrap(); stdout.flush().unwrap(); let action = self.process_page_input(); self.process_action(action) .map_err(|e| error(&e.to_string())); } pub fn open(&mut self, url: &str) -> io::Result<()> { // no open loops if let Some(page) = self.pages.get( { if &page.url() == url { return Ok(()); } } // non-gopher URL if !url.starts_with("gopher://") { return open_external(url); } // on-line help if url.starts_with("gopher://help/") { return self.open_help(url); } // gopher URL status(&format!( "{}Loading...{}", color::Fg(color::LightBlack), termion::cursor::Show )); let (typ, host, port, sel) = gopher::parse_url(url); gopher::fetch(host, port, sel) .and_then(|response| match typ { Type::Menu | Type::Search => { Ok(self.add_page(Menu::from(url.to_string(), response))) } Type::Text | Type::HTML => Ok(self.add_page(Text::from(url.to_string(), response))), _ => Err(io_error(format!("Unsupported Gopher Response: {:?}", typ))), }) .map_err(|e| io_error(format!("Error loading {}: {} ({:?})", url, e, e.kind()))) } // open a phetch on-line help url, ex: gopher://help/1/types pub fn open_help(&mut self, url: &str) -> io::Result<()> { if let Some(source) = help::lookup( &url.trim_start_matches("gopher://help/") .trim_start_matches("1/"), ) { self.add_page(Menu::from(url.to_string(), source.to_string())); Ok(()) } else { Err(gopher::io_error(format!("Help file not found: {}", url))) } } pub fn render(&mut self) -> String { if let Ok((cols, rows)) = terminal_size() { self.term_size(cols as usize, rows as usize); if !self.pages.is_empty() && < self.pages.len() { if let Some(page) = self.pages.get_mut( { page.term_size(cols as usize, rows as usize); return page.render(); } } String::from("No content to display.") } else { format!( "Error getting terminal size. Please file a bug: {}", "" ) } } fn startup(&mut self) { self.load_history(); } fn shutdown(&self) { self.save_history(); } fn config_dir_path(&self) -> Option { let homevar = std::env::var("HOME"); if homevar.is_err() { return None; } let dotdir = "~/.config/phetch".replace('~', &homevar.unwrap()); let dotdir = std::path::Path::new(&dotdir); if dotdir.exists() { Some(std::path::PathBuf::from(dotdir)) } else { None } } fn load_history(&mut self) { let dotdir = self.config_dir_path(); if dotdir.is_none() { return; } let history = dotdir.unwrap().join("history"); if let Ok(file) = std::fs::OpenOptions::new().read(true).open(history) { let buffered = BufReader::new(file); let mut lines = buffered.lines(); while let Some(Ok(url)) = {} } } fn save_history(&self) { let dotdir = self.config_dir_path(); if dotdir.is_none() { return; } let dotdir = dotdir.unwrap(); let mut out = String::new(); for page in &self.pages { let url = page.url(); if url.starts_with("gopher://help/") { continue; } out.push_str(&page.url()); out.push('\n'); } let history = dotdir.join("history"); if let Ok(mut file) = std::fs::OpenOptions::new() .append(true) .create(true) .open(history) { file.write_all(out.as_ref()); } } fn term_size(&mut self, cols: usize, rows: usize) { self.size = (cols, rows); } fn add_page(&mut self, view: T) { self.dirty = true; if !self.pages.is_empty() && < self.pages.len() - 1 { self.pages.truncate( + 1); } self.pages.push(Box::from(view)); if self.pages.len() > 1 { += 1; } } fn process_page_input(&mut self) -> Action { if let Some(page) = self.pages.get_mut( { if let Ok(key) = stdin() .keys() .nth(0) .ok_or(Action::Error("stdin.keys() error".to_string())) { if let Ok(key) = key { return page.respond(key); } } } Action::None } fn process_action(&mut self, action: Action) -> io::Result<()> { match action { Action::Quit | Action::Keypress(Key::Ctrl('q')) | Action::Keypress(Key::Ctrl('c')) => { self.running = false } Action::Error(e) => return Err(io_error(e)), Action::Redraw => self.dirty = true, Action::Open(url) =>, Action::Back | Action::Keypress(Key::Left) | Action::Keypress(Key::Backspace) => { if > 0 { self.dirty = true; -= 1; } } Action::Forward | Action::Keypress(Key::Right) => { if < self.pages.len() - 1 { self.dirty = true; += 1; } } Action::Keypress(Key::Ctrl('r')) => { if let Some(page) = self.pages.get( { let url = page.url().to_string(); let raw = page.raw().to_string(); self.add_page(Text::from(url, raw)); } } Action::Keypress(Key::Ctrl('g')) => { if let Some(url) = prompt("Go to URL: ") { if !url.contains("://") && !url.starts_with("gopher://") {!("gopher://{}", url))?; } else {; } } } Action::Keypress(Key::Ctrl('h')) =>"gopher://help/")?, Action::Keypress(Key::Ctrl('u')) => { if let Some(page) = self.pages.get( { status(&format!("Current URL: {}", page.url())); } } Action::Keypress(Key::Ctrl('y')) => { if let Some(page) = self.pages.get( { copy_to_clipboard(&page.url())?; status(&format!("Copied {} to clipboard.", page.url())); } } _ => (), } Ok(()) } } impl Drop for UI { fn drop(&mut self) { print!("\x1b[?25h"); // show cursor } } fn copy_to_clipboard(data: &str) -> io::Result<()> { spawn_os_clipboard() .and_then(|mut child| { let child_stdin = child.stdin.as_mut().unwrap(); child_stdin.write_all(data.as_bytes()) }) .map_err(|e| io_error(format!("Clipboard error: {}", e))) } fn spawn_os_clipboard() -> io::Result { if cfg!(target_os = "macos") { process::Command::new("pbcopy") .stdin(Stdio::piped()) .spawn() } else { process::Command::new("xclip") .args(&["-sel", "clip"]) .stdin(Stdio::piped()) .spawn() } } // runs the `open` shell command fn open_external(url: &str) -> io::Result<()> { process::Command::new("open") .arg(url) .output() .and_then(|_| Ok(())) } /// Prompt user for input and return what was entered, if anything. pub fn prompt(prompt: &str) -> Option { let (_cols, rows) = terminal_size().unwrap(); print!( "{}{}{}{}{}", color::Fg(color::Reset), termion::cursor::Goto(1, rows), termion::clear::CurrentLine, prompt, termion::cursor::Show, ); stdout().flush(); let mut input = String::new(); for k in stdin().keys() { if let Ok(key) = k { match key { Key::Char('\n') => { print!("{}{}", termion::clear::CurrentLine, termion::cursor::Hide); stdout().flush(); return Some(input); } Key::Char(c) => input.push(c), Key::Esc | Key::Ctrl('c') => { if input.is_empty() { print!("{}{}", termion::clear::CurrentLine, termion::cursor::Hide); stdout().flush(); return None; } else { input.clear(); } } Key::Backspace | Key::Delete => { input.pop(); } _ => {} } } else { break; } print!( "{}{}{}{}", termion::cursor::Goto(1, rows), termion::clear::CurrentLine, prompt, input, ); stdout().flush(); } if !input.is_empty() { Some(input) } else { None } } // Display a status message to the user. pub fn status(s: &str) { let (_cols, rows) = terminal_size().unwrap(); print!( "{}{}{}{}", termion::cursor::Goto(1, rows), termion::clear::CurrentLine, s, color::Fg(color::Reset) ); stdout().flush(); } // Display an error message to the user. pub fn error(e: &str) { let (_cols, rows) = terminal_size().unwrap(); print!( "{}{}{}{}{}", "\x1b[91m", termion::cursor::Goto(1, rows), termion::clear::CurrentLine, e, color::Fg(color::Reset) ); stdout().flush(); }