use gopher; use std::fs::{File, OpenOptions}; use std::io::{BufReader, Result, Write}; pub const DIR: &str = "~/.config/phetch/"; // Loads a file in the config directory for reading. pub fn load(filename: &str) -> Result> { if let Some(dotdir) = path() { let path = dotdir.join(filename); if let Ok(file) = OpenOptions::new().read(true).open(&path) { Ok(BufReader::new(file)) } else { Err(error!("Couldn't open {:?}", path)) } } else { Err(error!("{} directory doesn't exist", DIR)) } } // Append a menu item as a line to a file in the config dir. pub fn append(filename: &str, label: &str, url: &str) { if let Some(dotdir) = path() { let filename = dotdir.join(filename); if let Ok(mut file) = std::fs::OpenOptions::new() .append(true) .create(true) .open(filename) { let (t, host, port, sel) = gopher::parse_url(&url); file.write_all( format!( "{}{}\t{}\t{}\t{}\r\n", gopher::char_for_type(t).unwrap_or('i'), label, sel, host, port ) .as_ref(), ); } } } // PathBuf to config dir if it exists. // None if the config dir doesn't exist. pub fn path() -> Option { let homevar = std::env::var("HOME"); if homevar.is_err() { return None; } let dotdir = DIR.replace('~', &homevar.unwrap()); let dotdir = std::path::Path::new(&dotdir); if dotdir.exists() { Some(std::path::PathBuf::from(dotdir)) } else { None } }