`phetch` is a terminal client designed to help you quickly navigate the gophersphere.
![demo of phetch in action](img/phetch-demo.gif "demo of phetch") ## features - <1MB executable for Linux, Mac, and NetBSD - Technicolor design (based on [GILD](https://github.com/xvxx/gild)) - No-nonsense keyboard navigation - Supports Gopher searches, text and menu pages, and downloads - Save your favorite Gopher sites with bookmarks - Opt-in history tracking - Secure Gopher support (TLS) - Tor support ## usage Usage: phetch [options] Launch phetch in interactive mode phetch [options] url Open Gopher URL in interactive mode Options: -s, --tls Try to open Gopher URLs securely w/ TLS -o, --tor Use local Tor proxy to open all pages -S, -O Disable TLS or Tor -m, --media PROGRAM Use to open media files. Default: mpv -M, --no-media Just download media files, don't download -r, --raw Print raw Gopher response only -p, --print Print rendered Gopher response only -l, --local Connect to -c, --config FILE Use instead of ~/.config/phetch/phetch.conf -C, --no-config Don't use any config file -h, --help Show this screen -v, --version Show phetch version Command line options always override options set in phetch.conf. Once you've launched phetch, use `ctrl-h` to view the on-line help. ## installation If you already have a Gopher client, download `phetch` here: gopher://phkt.io/1/phetch/latest On macOS you can install with [Homebrew](https://brew.sh/): brew install xvxx/code/phetch On Arch Linux, install phetch with your favorite [AUR helper][aur]: yay phetch On NetBSD, phetch is included in the main pkgsrc repo: pkgin install phetch Binaries for Linux, Raspberry Pi, and Mac are available at https://github.com/xvxx/phetch/releases: - [phetch-v1.0.4-linux-x86_64.tgz][0] - [phetch-v1.0.4-linux-armv7.tgz (Raspberry Pi)][1] - [phetch-v1.0.4-macos.zip][2] Just unzip/untar the `phetch` program into your `$PATH` and get going! You can also build and install from source if you have `cargo`, `make`, and the other dependencies described in the next section: git clone https://github.com/xvxx/phetch cd phetch env PREFIX=/usr/local make install ## development To build with TLS support on **Linux**, you need `openssl` and `pkg-config`: sudo apt install -y pkg-config libssl-dev Regular development uses `cargo`: cargo run -- _Pro-tip:_ Run a local gopher server (like [phd]) on `` and start phetch with `-l` or `--local` to quickly connect to it. Useful for debugging! phetch builds with TLS and Tor support by default. To disable these features, or to enable only one of them, use the `--no-default-features` flag: cargo build --no-default-features You can check whether TLS is enabled by visiting the About page: cargo run --no-default-features -- gopher://phetch/about To enable just TLS support, or just Tor support, use `--features`: cargo run --no-default-features --features tor -- gopher://phetch/about ## media player support phetch includes support for opening video files (`;` item type) and sound files (`s` item type) in [mpv] or an application of your choice using the `-m` command line flag. To test it out, visit a compatible Gopher server (maybe one using [Gophor]?). Or check out the "gopher types" help page by pressing `ctrl-h` then `3` in phetch. ## todo - [ ] ctrl-c in load() not yet implemented ## bugs - [ ] telnet IO seems broken after raw_input change (1146f42) ## future features - [ ] track binary size per release - [ ] text views are menus when URLs are present (one per line max) - [ ] Find Text in Text views - [ ] fuzzy find incremental search - [ ] persistent history - [ ] bookmarks: toggle instead of just prepending to the file - [ ] bookmarks: save the title of the current page [0]: https://github.com/xvxx/phetch/releases/download/v1.0.4/phetch-v1.0.4-linux-x86_64.tgz [1]: https://github.com/xvxx/phetch/releases/download/v1.0.4/phetch-v1.0.4-linux-armv7.tgz [2]: https://github.com/xvxx/phetch/releases/download/v1.0.4/phetch-v1.0.4-macos.zip [phd]: https://github.com/xvxx/phd [aur]: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/AUR_helpers [mpv]: https://github.com/mpv-player/mpv [gophor]: https://github.com/grufwub/gophor