# Simple, stupid makefile to make phetch PREFIX ?= /usr/local _INSTDIR = $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX) BINDIR ?= $(_INSTDIR)/bin MANDIR ?= $(_INSTDIR)/share/man PHETCH_RELEASE = target/release/phetch PHETCH_DEBUG = target/debug/phetch RSFILES = $(wildcard src/*.rs src/**/*.rs) .PHONY: all release debug clean install manual scdoc # Default target all: release manual # Release build for distribution release: $(PHETCH_RELEASE) # Binary with debugging info debug: $(PHETCH_DEBUG) ./target/debug/phetch # Remove the release directory and its contents clean: @rm -rf target # Build the release version $(PHETCH_RELEASE): $(RSFILES) cargo build --release # Build the debug version $(PHETCH_DEBUG): $(RSFILES) cargo build --no-default-features # Install phetch and its manual. install: all mkdir -p $(BINDIR) $(MANDIR)/man1 install -m755 $(PHETCH_RELEASE) $(BINDIR)/phetch install -m644 doc/phetch.1 $(MANDIR)/man1/phetch.1 # Undo uninstall: rm -f $(BINDIR)/phetch $(MANDIR)/man1/phetch.1 # Build manual manual: doc/phetch.1 doc/phetch.1: doc/phetch.1.md scdoc scdoc < doc/phetch.1.md > doc/phetch.1 # Must have scdoc installed to build manual. scdoc: @which scdoc || (echo "scdoc(1) not found."; \ echo "install it: https://repology.org/project/scdoc"; exit 1)