use bookmarks; use history; pub fn lookup(name: &str) -> Option { Some(match name { "" | "/" | "home" | "home/" => format!("{}{}", HEADER, START), "help" | "help/" => format!("{}{}", HEADER, HELP), "history" => history::as_raw_menu(), "bookmarks" => bookmarks::as_raw_menu(), "help/keys" => format!("{}{}", HEADER, KEYS), "help/nav" => format!("{}{}", HEADER, NAV), "help/types" => format!("{}{}", HEADER, TYPES), "help/bookmarks" => format!("{}{}", HEADER, BOOKMARKS), "help/history" => format!("{}{}", HEADER, HISTORY), _ => return None, }) } pub const HEADER: &str = " i i / / / i ___ (___ ___ (___ ___ (___ i| )| )|___)| | | ) i|__/ | / |__ |__ |__ | / i| i "; pub const START: &str = " i ~ * ~ i 7search gopher /v2/vs 1welcome to gopherspace /gopher 1the gopher project / 1gopher lawn /lawn i i ~ * ~ i 1show help (ctrl-h) /help phetch 1show history (ctrl-a) /history phetch 1show bookmarks (ctrl-b) /bookmarks phetch i "; pub const HELP: &str = " i ** help topics ** i 1keyboard shortcuts /help/keys phetch 1menu navigation /help/nav phetch 1gopher types /help/types phetch 1bookmarks /help/bookmarks phetch 1history /help/history phetch i i ~ * ~ i 1start screen /home phetch hphetch webpage URL: i "; pub const KEYS: &str = " i ** keyboard shortcuts ** i ileft back in history iright next in history iup select prev link idown select next link ipage up scroll page up ipage down scroll page down i inum key open/select link ienter open current link iescape cancel i ictrl-g go to gopher url ictrl-u show gopher url ictrl-y copy url ictrl-r view raw source ictrl-w toggle wide mode i ictrl-a show history ictrl-b show bookmarks ictrl-s save bookmark i ictrl-q quit phetch ictrl-c cancel / quit iescape cancel / quit i "; pub const NAV: &str = " i ** menu navigation ** i ithere are three ways to inavigate menus in phetch: i 1up & down arrows /help/nav phetch i iuse the up and down arrows or ithe ctrl-p/ctrl-n combos to iselect menu items. phetch will iscroll for you, or you can use ipage up & page down (or - and ispacebar) to scroll by many ilines at once. i 1number keys /help/nav phetch i iif there are few enough menu iitems, pressing a number key iwill open a link. otherwise, ithe first matching number will ibe selected. use enter to open ithe selected link. i 1incremental search /help/nav phetch i ijust start typing. phetch will ilook for the first case- iinsensitive match and try to iselect it. use arrow keys or ictrl-p/n to cycle matches. i "; pub const BOOKMARKS: &str = " i ** bookmarks ** i iphetch has two ways to save ithe url of the current page: i ictrl-y copy url ictrl-s save bookmark i iif ~/.config/phetch/ exists, ibookmarks will be saved to i~/.config/phetch/bookmarks.gph i iuse ctrl-b to view them. i ithe clipboard function uses: i i- `pbcopy` on macos i- `xclip -sel clip` on linux i"; pub const HISTORY: &str = " i ** history ** i iif you create a history.gph ifile in ~/.config/phetch/, ieach gopher url you open will ibe stored there. i inew urls are appended to the ibottom, but loaded in reverse iorder, so you'll see the most irecently visited pages first iwhen you use ctrl-a. i ifeel free to edit your history ifile directly, or share it iwith your friends! "; pub const TYPES: &str = " i ** gopher types ** i iphetch supports these links: i 0text files /Mirrors/RFC/rfc1436.txt 65446 1menu items /lawn/ascii 3errors /help/types phetch 7search servers / 7001 8telnet links /help/types phetch hexternal urls URL: phetch i iand these download types: i 4binhex /help/types phetch 5dosfiles /help/types phetch 6uuencoded files /help/types phetch 9binaries /help/types phetch gGIFs /help/types phetch Iimages downloads /help/types phetch ssound files /help/types phetch ddocuments /help/types phetch i iphetch does not support: i 2CSO Entries /help/types phetch +Mirrors /help/types phetch TTelnet3270 /help/types phetch i ";