use std::fmt; /// Gopher types are defined according to RFC 1436. #[allow(missing_docs)] #[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Debug)] pub enum Type { Text, // 0 | cyan Menu, // 1 | blue CSOEntity, // 2 | unsupported Error, // 3 | red Binhex, // 4 | download DOSFile, // 5 | download UUEncoded, // 6 | download Search, // 7 | white Telnet, // 8 | gray underline Binary, // 9 | download Mirror, // + | unsupported GIF, // g | download Telnet3270, // T | unsupported HTML, // h | green Image, // I | download PNG, // p | download Info, // i | yellow Sound, // s | green underline Document, // d | download Video, // ; | green underline Xml, // x | cyan Calendar, // c | download Mailbox, // M | unsupported } impl Type { /// Is this an info line? pub fn is_info(self) -> bool { self == Type::Info } /// Text document? pub fn is_text(self) -> bool { matches!(self, Type::Text | Type::Xml) } /// HTML link? pub fn is_html(self) -> bool { self == Type::HTML } /// Telnet link? pub fn is_telnet(self) -> bool { self == Type::Telnet } /// Is this a link, ie something we can navigate to or open? pub fn is_link(self) -> bool { !self.is_info() } /// Is this something we can download? pub fn is_download(self) -> bool { matches!( self, Type::Binhex | Type::DOSFile | Type::UUEncoded | Type::Binary | Type::GIF | Type::Image | Type::PNG | Type::Sound | Type::Video | Type::Calendar | Type::Document ) } /// Check if media to open in player pub fn is_media(self) -> bool { matches!(self, Type::Sound | Type::Video) } /// Is this a type phetch supports? pub fn is_supported(self) -> bool { !matches!( self, Type::CSOEntity | Type::Mirror | Type::Telnet3270 | Type::Mailbox ) } /// Gopher Item Type to RFC char. pub fn to_char(self) -> char { match self { Type::Text => '0', Type::Menu => '1', Type::CSOEntity => '2', Type::Error => '3', Type::Binhex => '4', Type::DOSFile => '5', Type::UUEncoded => '6', Type::Search => '7', Type::Telnet => '8', Type::Binary => '9', Type::Mirror => '+', Type::GIF => 'g', Type::Telnet3270 => 'T', Type::HTML => 'h', Type::Image => 'I', Type::PNG => 'p', Type::Info => 'i', Type::Sound => 's', Type::Document => 'd', Type::Video => ';', Type::Calendar => 'c', Type::Xml => 'x', Type::Mailbox => 'M', } } /// Create a Gopher Item Type from its RFC char code. pub fn from(c: char) -> Option { Some(match c { '0' => Type::Text, '1' => Type::Menu, '2' => Type::CSOEntity, '3' => Type::Error, '4' => Type::Binhex, '5' => Type::DOSFile, '6' => Type::UUEncoded, '7' => Type::Search, '8' => Type::Telnet, '9' => Type::Binary, '+' => Type::Mirror, 'g' => Type::GIF, 'T' => Type::Telnet3270, 'h' => Type::HTML, 'I' => Type::Image, 'p' => Type::PNG, 'i' => Type::Info, 's' => Type::Sound, 'd' => Type::Document, ';' => Type::Video, 'c' => Type::Calendar, 'x' => Type::Xml, 'M' => Type::Mailbox, _ => return None, }) } } impl fmt::Display for Type { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result { write!(f, "{}", self.to_char()) } }