You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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2 years ago
.TH "PHETCH" "1" "2022-11-14"
phetch - quick lil gopher client
\fBphetch\fR [\fIOPTIONS\fR] [\fIURL\fR]
\fBphetch\fR is a terminal client designed to help you quickly navigate
the gophersphere.\& It features non-nonsense keyboard navigation,
support for most Gopher features, easy-to-use TLS and Tor support, as
well as bookmarking and history features.\&
Usually \fBphetch\fR is started with a Gopher URL:
.RS 4
phetch gopher://some-gopher-url.\&com
If no URL is given, however, \fBphetch\fR will launch and open its default
"start page".\& This can be configured to be any URL.\& (See \fBCONFIG\fR.\&)
\fB-l\fR, \fB--local\fR
.RS 4
Connect to the local Gopher server at URL \fI127.\&0.\&0.\&1:7070\fR.\&
\fB-p\fR \fIURL\fR, \fB--print\fR \fIURL\fR
.RS 4
Print a rendered Gopher server response of \fIURL\fR and exit.\&
\fB-r\fR \fIURL\fR, \fB--raw\fR \fIURL\fR
.RS 4
Print the raw Gopher server response of \fIURL\fR and exit.\&
\fB-s\fR, \fB--tls\fR
.RS 4
Attempt to fetch all pages securely over TLS.\&
\fB-S\fR, \fB--no-tls\fR
.RS 4
Do not use TLS for connections.\& This can be used to cancel out an
option set in the config file, for instance.\&
\fB-o\fR, \fB--tor\fR
.RS 4
Make all connections using a local Tor proxy.\&
Tor is The Onion Router.\&
Set the TOR_PROXY env variable to use an address other than the
Tor default of 127.\&0.\&0.\&1:9050.\&
\fB-O\fR, \fB--no-tor\fR
.RS 4
Disable Tor.\&
\fB-w\fR, \fB--wrap\fR \fICOLUMN\fR
.RS 4
Wrap long lines in Gopher "text" views at \fICOLUMN\fR.\&
Default: 0 (off)
4 years ago
\fB-m\fR, \fB--media\fR \fIPATH\fR
.RS 4
Use program at \fIPATH\fR to open media files (movies and sounds).\&
4 years ago
Default: mpv
\fB-M\fR, \fB--no-media\fR
.RS 4
Don'\&t try to open media files.\& Download them like regular binary
Gopher items.\&
\fB-a\fR, \fB--autoplay\fR
.RS 4
Autoplay media files instead of prompting.\&
\fB-A\fR, \fB--no-autoplay\fR
.RS 4
Don'\&t autoplay media files.\& Prompt instead.\&
4 years ago
\fB-c\fR, \fB--config\fR \fIFILE\fR
.RS 4
Use \fIFILE\fR instead of \fI~/.\&config/phetch/phetch.\&conf\fR
\fB-C\fR, \fB--no-config\fR
.RS 4
Do not use any config file.\&
2 years ago
\fB-t\fR, \fB--theme\fR \fIFILE\fR
.RS 4
Use \fIFILE\fR for color theme.\&
.RS 4
Print current theme.\&
4 years ago
\fB-e\fR, \fB--encoding\fR \fIENCODING\fR
.RS 4
Render text views in CP437 or UTF8 (default) encoding.\&
4 years ago
\fB-h\fR, \fB--help\fR
.RS 4
Print a help summary and exit.\&
\fB-v\fR, \fB--version\fR
.RS 4
Print version information and exit.\&
5 years ago
When given a \fIURL\fR, \fBphetch\fR will show the requested Gopher page and
enter interactive mode.\&
Without a \fIURL\fR, \fBphetch\fR will show a builtin dashboard with easy
access to online help, bookmarks and history, and enter interactive
Command line options always override options set in phetch.\&conf.\&
All single letter commands also work with the \fBCtrl\fR key: e.\&g.\&, \fBh\fR
and \fBCtrl-h\fR are synonyms.\&
.RS 4
Go to builtin help page.\&
.RS 4
Quit \fBphetch\fR.\&
\fBleft arrow\fR
.RS 4
Go back in history.\&
\fBright arrow\fR
.RS 4
Go forward in history.\&
\fBup arrow\fR, \fBp\fR, \fBk\fR
.RS 4
Select previous link.\&
\fBdown arrow\fR, \fBn\fR, \fBj\fR
.RS 4
Select next link.\&
\fBPgUp\fR, \fB-\fR
.RS 4
Scroll up by many lines.\&
\fBPgDn\fR, \fBSPACE\fR
.RS 4
Scroll down by many lines.\&
\fBNumber key\fR
.RS 4
Open/select link.\&
.RS 4
Open current link.\&
\fBEsc\fR, \fBCtrl-c\fR
.RS 4
\fBf\fR, \fB/\fR
.RS 4
Find link in page.\&
.RS 4
Go to Gopher URL.\&
.RS 4
Reload current URL.\&
.RS 4
Edit URL.\&
.RS 4
Copy URL.\&
.RS 4
Show bookmarks.\&
.RS 4
Save bookmark.\&
.RS 4
Show history.\& (Mnemonic: \fBAll\fR pages/history)
.RS 4
View raw source.\&
.RS 4
Toggle wide mode.\&
.RS 4
Toggle encoding between UTF8 and CP437.\&
Up and down arrows
.RS 4
Use the up and down arrows, \fBj\fR and \fBk\fR keys, or \fBn\fR and \fBp\fR
keys to select links.\& \fBphetch\fR will scroll for you, or you can
use page up and page down (or \fB-\fR and spacebar) to scroll by
many lines at once.\&
Number keys
.RS 4
If there are few enough menu items, pressing a number key will
open a link.\& Otherwise, the first matching number will be
selected.\& Use \fBEnter\fR to open the selected link.\&
Incremental search
.RS 4
Press \fBf\fR or \fB/\fR to activate search mode, then just start
typing.\& \fBphetch\fR will look for the first case-insensitive match
and try to select it.\& Use arrow keys or \fBCtrl-p\fR/\fBCtrl-n\fR to cycle
through matches.\&
There are two ways to save the URL of the current page:
.RS 4
Copy URL.\&
.RS 4
Save bookmark.\&
Bookmarks will be saved to the file \fI~/.\&config/phetch/bookmarks.\&gph\fR if
the directory \fI~/.\&config/phetch/\fR exists.\&
.RS 4
View saved bookmarks.\&
The clipboard function uses \fBpbcopy\fR on MacOS, and \fBxsel\fR \fI-sel clip\fR
on Linux.\&
If you create a \fIhistory.\&gph\fR file in \fI~/.\&config/phetch/\fR, each Gopher
URL you open will be stored there.\&
New URLs are appended to the bottom, but loaded in reverse order, so
you'\&ll see all the most recently visited pages first when you press
the \fBa\fR key.\&
Feel free to edit your history file directly, or share it with your
If you create a \fIphetch.\&conf\fR file in \fI~/.\&config/phetch/\fR, it will be
automatically loaded when \fBphetch\fR starts.\& The config file supports
5 years ago
most command line options, for your convenience, as well as a few ways
to customize your browsing experience.\& For example, \fBphetch\fR will
5 years ago
always launch in TLS mode if `tls yes` appears in the config file --
no need to pass `--tls` or `-t` on startup.\&
Here is an example config with all options:
.RS 4
# Page to load when launched with no URL argument\&.
start gopher://phetch/1/home
# Always use TLS mode\&. (--tls)
tls no
# Connect using local TOR proxy\&. (--tor)
tor no
5 years ago
# Always start in wide mode\&.
wide no
4 years ago
# Program to use to open media files\&.
media mpv
5 years ago
# Use emoji indicators for TLS & Tor\&.
emoji no
4 years ago
# Encoding\&. Only CP437 and UTF8 are supported\&.
encoding utf8
# Wrap text at N columns\&. 0 = off (--wrap)
wrap 0
2 years ago
# How many lines to page up/down by? 0 = full screen
scroll 0
# Path to theme file, if you want to use one
theme ~/\&.config/phetch/dark\&.theme
You can change phetch'\&s color scheme by supplying your own theme
file with `--theme`/`-t` or by setting `theme FILE` in your
You can also view the current theme with:
.RS 4
$ phetch --print-theme
Theme files look like this:
.RS 4
ui\&.cursor white bold
ui\&.number magenta
ui\&.menu yellow
ui\&.text white
item\&.text cyan
item\&.menu blue
item\&.error red
item\&.search white
item\&.telnet grey
item\&.external green
item\&.download white underline
item\&.media green underline
item\&.unsupported whitebg red
Valid colors for use in phetch themes:
.RS 4
4 years ago
\fBphetch\fR includes support for opening video files (`;` item type) and
sound files (`s` item type) in `mpv` or an application of your choice
using the `-m` command line flag.\& To test it out, visit a compatible
4 years ago
Gopher server or check out the "gopher types" help page by lauching
\fBphetch\fR and then pressing `ctrl-h` then `3`.\&
4 years ago
2 years ago
By default \fBphetch\fR will prompt you when you try to open a media file,
but you can change this behavior by starting it with `--autoplay`/`-a`
or by setting `autoplayer true` in your config file.\&
\fBphetch\fR is maintained by chris west, and released under the MIT license.\&
phetch'\&s Gopher hole:
.RS 4
phetch'\&s webpage:
.RS 4