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5 years ago
5 years ago
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5 years ago
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5 years ago
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5 years ago
--> <p align="center"> <img src="./img/logo.png"> </p>
5 years ago
`phetch` is a terminal client designed to help you quickly navigate
the gophersphere.
5 years ago
5 years ago
## features
5 years ago
5 years ago
- <1MB executable for linux and mac
- technicolor design (based on [GILD](
5 years ago
- no nonsense keyboard navigation
- supports gopher searches, text and menu pages, and downloads
- save your favorite gopherholes with bookmarks
5 years ago
- opt-in history
5 years ago
5 years ago
## usage
5 years ago
phetch launch and show start page
phetch <gopher-url> open gopher url
5 years ago
phetch -r, --raw <gopher-url> print raw gopher response
phetch -h, --help show this screen
phetch -v, --version show phetch version
5 years ago
once you've launched phetch, use `ctrl-h` to view the on-line help.
5 years ago
## installation
binaries for linux, mac, and raspberry pi are available
5 years ago
- [phetch-v0.1.4-linux-x86_64.tar.gz][0]
- [phetch-v0.1.4-linux-armv7.tar.gz (RPi)][1]
- [][2]
5 years ago
just unzip/untar the `phetch` program into your $PATH and get going!
5 years ago
5 years ago
## development
5 years ago
cargo run -- <gopher-url>
5 years ago
## screenies
5 years ago
![DOS Archive](./img/dos.png)
5 years ago
![Menu View](./img/menu-view.png)
5 years ago
![Text View](./img/text-view.png)
5 years ago
## todo
5 years ago
5 years ago
- [ ] fork+exec telnet: gopher://
5 years ago
- [ ] alternate screen support
5 years ago
- [ ] bookmarks: toggle instead of just prepending to the file
- [ ] bookmarks: save the title of the current page
## bugs
5 years ago
- [ ] gopher:// ("iWritten and performed by Nathaniel" weirdness)
5 years ago
- [ ] screen flicker in win10 WSL
- [ ] NUM entry and Find entry shouldn't use same buffer
5 years ago
- [ ] page down / spacebar when last link selected & there is more content
5 years ago
## future features
5 years ago
- [ ] Incremental search in Text views
- [ ] Linked gopher and http URLs in Text views
5 years ago
- [ ] TLS --
- [ ] Fuzzy Find incremental search