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5 years ago
//! Terminal colors.
//! Provides a macro to color text as well as sturcts to get their
//! raw ansi codes.
use std::fmt;
/// Shortcut to produce a String colored with one or more colors.
5 years ago
/// Example:
/// ```
/// let s = color_string!("Red string", Red);
/// let x = color_string!("Hyperlink-ish", Blue, Underline);
macro_rules! color_string {
($s:expr, $( $color:ident ),+) => {{
if *crate::NO_COLOR {
} else {
let mut out = String::from("\x1b[");
$( out.push_str(crate::color::$color::code()); out.push_str(";"); )+
out.replace(";m", "m")
5 years ago
/// Shortcut to produce a color's ANSI escape code. Don't forget to Reset!
/// ```
/// let mut o = String::new();
/// o.push_str(color!(Blue));
/// o.push_str(color!(Underline));
/// o.push_str("Hyperlinkish.");
/// o.push_str(color!(Reset));
macro_rules! color {
($color:ident) => {
if *crate::NO_COLOR {
} else {
/// Create a color:: struct that can be used with format!.
/// Example:
/// ```
/// define_color(Red, 91);
/// define_color(Reset, 0);
/// println!("{}Error: {}{}", color::Red, msg, color::Reset);
macro_rules! define_color {
($color:ident, $code:literal) => {
pub struct $color;
impl fmt::Display for $color {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
write!(f, "{}", self.as_ref())
impl $color {
pub fn code() -> &'static str {
impl AsRef<str> for $color {
fn as_ref(&self) -> &'static str {
concat!("\x1b[", $code, "m")
define_color!(Reset, 0);
define_color!(Bold, 1);
define_color!(Underline, 4);
define_color!(Grey, 90);
define_color!(Red, 91);
define_color!(Green, 92);
define_color!(Yellow, 93);
define_color!(Blue, 94);
define_color!(Magenta, 95);
define_color!(Cyan, 96);
define_color!(White, 97);
define_color!(Black, 30);
define_color!(DarkRed, 31);
define_color!(DarkGreen, 32);
define_color!(DarkYellow, 33);
define_color!(DarkBlue, 34);
define_color!(DarkMagenta, 35);
define_color!(DarkCyan, 36);
define_color!(DarkWhite, 37);
define_color!(BlackBG, 40);
define_color!(RedBG, 41);
define_color!(GreenBG, 42);
define_color!(YellowBG, 43);
define_color!(BlueBG, 44);
define_color!(MagentaBG, 45);
define_color!(CyanBG, 46);
define_color!(WhiteBG, 47);
mod tests {
fn test_colors() {
assert_eq!(color_string!("Error", Red), "\x1b[91mError\x1b[0m");
color_string!("Fancy Pants", Blue, Underline),
"\x1b[94;4mFancy Pants\x1b[0m"
color_string!("Super-duper-fancy-pants", Magenta, Underline, Bold, BlueBG),