use phd; use std::net::SocketAddr; use std::process; const DEFAULT_BIND: &str = "[::]:7070"; const DEFAULT_HOST: &str = ""; const DEFAULT_PORT: u16 = 7070; fn main() { let args = std::env::args().skip(1).collect::>(); let mut args = args.iter(); let mut root = "."; let mut bind: SocketAddr = DEFAULT_BIND.parse().unwrap(); let mut host = DEFAULT_HOST; let mut port = DEFAULT_PORT; let mut render = ""; while let Some(arg) = { match arg.as_ref() { "--version" | "-v" | "-version" => return print_version(), "--help" | "-help" => return print_help(), "--render" | "-render" | "-r" => { if let Some(path) = { render = path; } else { render = "/"; } } "--bind" | "-b" | "-bind" => { if let Some(b) = { bind = b .parse() .map_err(|_| { eprintln!("bad socket bind: {}", b); process::exit(1) }) .unwrap(); } } "--port" | "-p" | "-port" => { if let Some(p) = { port = p .parse() .map_err(|_| { eprintln!("bad port: {}", p); process::exit(1) }) .unwrap(); } } "-h" => { if let Some(h) = { host = &h; } else { return print_help(); } } "--host" | "-host" => { if let Some(h) = { host = &h; } } _ => { if let Some('-') = arg.chars().nth(0) { eprintln!("unknown flag: {}", arg); process::exit(1); } else { root = &arg; } } } } if !render.is_empty() { return match phd::server::render(host, port, root, &render) { Ok(out) => print!("{}", out), Err(e) => eprintln!("{}", e), }; } if let Err(e) = phd::server::start(bind, host, port, root) { eprintln!("{}", e); } } fn print_help() { println!( "Usage: phd [options] Options: -r, --render SELECTOR Render and print SELECTOR to stdout only. -h, --host HOST Hostname for links. [Default: {host}] -p, --port PORT Port for links. [Default: {port}] -b, --bind ADDRESS Socket address to bind to. [Default: {bind}] Other flags: -h, --help Print this screen. -v, --version Print phd version. Examples: phd ./path/to/site # Serve directory over port 7070. phd -p 70 docs # Serve 'docs' directory on port 70 phd -h # Serve current directory over port 7070 # using hostname '' phd -r / ./site # Render local gopher site to stdout. ", host = DEFAULT_HOST, port = DEFAULT_PORT, bind = DEFAULT_BIND, ); } fn print_version() { println!("phd v{}", env!("CARGO_PKG_VERSION")); }