//! A simple multi-threaded Gopher server. use crate::{color, Request, Result}; use gophermap::{GopherMenu, ItemType}; use std::{ cmp::Ordering, fs::{self, DirEntry}, io::{self, prelude::*, BufReader, Read, Write}, net::{TcpListener, TcpStream}, os::unix::fs::PermissionsExt, path::Path, process::Command, str, }; use threadpool::ThreadPool; /// phd tries to be light on resources, so we only allow a low number /// of simultaneous connections. const MAX_WORKERS: usize = 10; /// how many bytes of a file to read when trying to guess binary vs text? const MAX_PEEK_SIZE: usize = 1024; /// Files not displayed in directory listings. const IGNORED_FILES: [&str; 3] = ["header.gph", "footer.gph", ".reverse"]; /// Starts a Gopher server at the specified host, port, and root directory. pub fn start(host: &str, port: u16, root: &str) -> Result<()> { let addr = format!("{}:{}", "", port); let listener = TcpListener::bind(&addr)?; let full_root_path = fs::canonicalize(&root)?.to_string_lossy().to_string(); let pool = ThreadPool::new(MAX_WORKERS); println!( "{}┬ Listening {}on {}{}{} at {}{}{}", color::Yellow, color::Reset, color::Yellow, addr, color::Reset, color::Blue, full_root_path, color::Reset ); for stream in listener.incoming() { let stream = stream?; println!( "{}┌ Connection{} from {}{}", color::Green, color::Reset, color::Magenta, stream.peer_addr()? ); let req = Request::from(host, port, root)?; pool.execute(move || { if let Err(e) = accept(stream, req) { eprintln!("{}└ {}{}", color::Red, e, color::Reset); } }); } Ok(()) } /// Reads from the client and responds. fn accept(stream: TcpStream, mut req: Request) -> Result<()> { let reader = BufReader::new(&stream); let mut lines = reader.lines(); if let Some(Ok(line)) = lines.next() { println!( "{}│{} Client sent:\t{}{:?}{}", color::Green, color::Reset, color::Cyan, line, color::Reset ); req.parse_request(&line); write_response(&stream, req)?; } Ok(()) } /// Writes a response to a client based on a Request. fn write_response<'a, W>(w: &'a W, mut req: Request) -> Result<()> where &'a W: Write, { let path = req.file_path(); // check for dir.gph if we're looking for dir let mut gph_file = path.clone(); gph_file.push_str(".gph"); if fs_exists(&gph_file) { req.selector = req.selector.trim_end_matches('/').into(); req.selector.push_str(".gph"); return write_gophermap(w, req); } else { // check for index.gph if we're looking for dir let mut index = path.clone(); index.push_str("/index.gph"); if fs_exists(&index) { req.selector.push_str("/index.gph"); return write_gophermap(w, req); } } let meta = match fs::metadata(&path) { Ok(meta) => meta, Err(_) => return write_not_found(w, req), }; if path.ends_with(".gph") { write_gophermap(w, req) } else if meta.is_file() { write_file(w, req) } else if meta.is_dir() { write_dir(w, req) } else { Ok(()) } } /// Send a directory listing (menu) to the client based on a Request. fn write_dir<'a, W>(w: &'a W, req: Request) -> Result<()> where &'a W: Write, { let path = req.file_path(); if !fs_exists(&path) { return write_not_found(w, req); } let mut header = path.clone(); header.push_str("/header.gph"); if fs_exists(&header) { let mut sel = req.selector.clone(); sel.push_str("/header.gph"); write_gophermap( w, Request { selector: sel, ..req.clone() }, )?; } let mut menu = GopherMenu::with_write(w); let rel_path = req.relative_file_path(); // show directory entries let mut reverse = path.to_string(); reverse.push_str("/.reverse"); let paths = sort_paths(&path, fs_exists(&reverse))?; for entry in paths { let file_name = entry.file_name(); let f = file_name.to_string_lossy().to_string(); if f.chars().nth(0) == Some('.') || IGNORED_FILES.contains(&f.as_ref()) { continue; } let mut path = rel_path.clone(); if path != "/" { path.push('/'); } path.push_str(&file_name.to_string_lossy()); menu.write_entry( file_type(&entry), &file_name.to_string_lossy(), &path, &req.host, req.port, )?; } let mut footer = path; footer.push_str("/footer.gph"); if fs_exists(&footer) { let mut sel = req.selector.clone(); sel.push_str("/footer.gph"); write_gophermap( w, Request { selector: sel, ..req.clone() }, )?; } menu.end()?; println!( "{}│{} Server reply:\t{}DIR {}{}{}", color::Green, color::Reset, color::Yellow, color::Bold, req.relative_file_path(), color::Reset, ); Ok(()) } /// Send a file to the client based on a Request. fn write_file<'a, W>(mut w: &'a W, req: Request) -> Result<()> where &'a W: Write, { let path = req.file_path(); let mut f = fs::File::open(&path)?; io::copy(&mut f, &mut w)?; println!( "{}│{} Server reply:\t{}FILE {}{}{}", color::Green, color::Reset, color::Yellow, color::Bold, req.relative_file_path(), color::Reset, ); Ok(()) } /// Send a gophermap (menu) to the client based on a Request. fn write_gophermap<'a, W>(mut w: &'a W, req: Request) -> Result<()> where &'a W: Write, { let path = req.file_path(); // Run the file and use its output as content if it's executable. let reader = if is_executable(&path) { shell(&path, &[&req.query, &req.host, &req.port.to_string()])? } else { fs::read_to_string(&path)? }; for line in reader.lines() { w.write_all(gph_line_to_gopher(line, &req).as_bytes())?; } println!( "{}│{} Server reply:\t{}MAP {}{}{}", color::Green, color::Reset, color::Yellow, color::Bold, req.relative_file_path(), color::Reset, ); Ok(()) } /// Given a single line from a .gph file, convert it into a /// Gopher-format line. Supports a basic format where lines without \t /// get an `i` prefixed, and the geomyidae format. fn gph_line_to_gopher(line: &str, req: &Request) -> String { if line.starts_with('#') { return "".to_string(); } let mut line = line.trim_end_matches('\r').to_string(); if line.starts_with('[') && line.ends_with(']') && line.contains('|') { // [1|name|sel|server|port] let port = req.port.to_string(); line = line .replacen('|', "", 1) .trim_start_matches('[') .trim_end_matches(']') .replace("\\|", "__P_ESC_PIPE") // cheap hack .replace('|', "\t") .replace("__P_ESC_PIPE", "\\|") .replace("\tserver\t", format!("\t{}\t", req.host).as_ref()) .replace("\tport", format!("\t{}", port).as_ref()); let tabs = line.matches('\t').count(); if tabs < 1 { line.push('\t'); line.push_str("(null)"); } // if a link is missing host + port, assume it's this server. // if it's just missing the port, assume port 70 if tabs < 2 { line.push('\t'); line.push_str(&req.host); line.push('\t'); line.push_str(&port); } else if tabs < 3 { line.push('\t'); line.push_str("70"); } } else { match line.matches('\t').count() { 0 => { // Always insert `i` prefix to any lines without tabs. line.insert(0, 'i'); line.push_str(&format!("\t(null)\t{}\t{}", req.host, req.port)) } // Auto-add host and port to lines with just a selector. 1 => line.push_str(&format!("\t{}\t{}", req.host, req.port)), 2 => line.push_str(&format!("\t{}", req.port)), _ => {} } } line.push_str("\r\n"); line } fn write_not_found<'a, W>(mut w: &'a W, req: Request) -> Result<()> where &'a W: Write, { let line = format!("3Not Found: {}\t/\tnone\t70\r\n", req.selector); println!( "{}│ Not found: {}{}{}", color::Red, color::Cyan, req.relative_file_path(), color::Reset, ); w.write_all(line.as_bytes())?; Ok(()) } /// Determine the gopher type for a DirEntry on disk. fn file_type(dir: &fs::DirEntry) -> ItemType { let metadata = match dir.metadata() { Err(_) => return ItemType::Error, Ok(md) => md, }; if metadata.is_file() { if let Ok(file) = fs::File::open(&dir.path()) { let mut buffer: Vec = vec![]; let _ = file.take(MAX_PEEK_SIZE as u64).read_to_end(&mut buffer); if content_inspector::inspect(&buffer).is_binary() { ItemType::Binary } else { ItemType::File } } else { ItemType::Error } } else if metadata.is_dir() { ItemType::Directory } else { ItemType::Error } } /// Does the file exist? Y'know. fn fs_exists(path: &str) -> bool { Path::new(path).exists() } /// Is the file at the given path executable? fn is_executable(path: &str) -> bool { if let Ok(meta) = fs::metadata(path) { meta.permissions().mode() & 0o111 != 0 } else { false } } /// Run a script and return its output. fn shell(path: &str, args: &[&str]) -> Result { let output = Command::new(path).args(args).output()?; if output.status.success() { Ok(str::from_utf8(&output.stdout)?.to_string()) } else { Ok(str::from_utf8(&output.stderr)?.to_string()) } } /// Sort directory paths: dirs first, files 2nd, version #s respected. fn sort_paths(dir_path: &str, reverse: bool) -> Result> { let mut paths: Vec<_> = fs::read_dir(dir_path)?.filter_map(|r| r.ok()).collect(); let is_dir = |entry: &fs::DirEntry| match entry.file_type() { Ok(t) => t.is_dir(), _ => false, }; paths.sort_by(|a, b| { let a_is_dir = is_dir(a); let b_is_dir = is_dir(b); if a_is_dir && b_is_dir || !a_is_dir && !b_is_dir { let ord = alphanumeric_sort::compare_os_str(a.path().as_ref(), b.path().as_ref()); if reverse { ord.reverse() } else { ord } } else if is_dir(a) { Ordering::Less } else if is_dir(b) { Ordering::Greater } else { Ordering::Equal // what } }); Ok(paths) } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::*; macro_rules! str_path { ($e:expr) => { $e.path() .to_str() .unwrap() .trim_start_matches("tests/sort/") }; } #[test] fn test_sort_directory() { let paths = sort_paths("tests/sort", false).unwrap(); assert_eq!(str_path!(paths[0]), "zzz"); assert_eq!(str_path!(paths[1]), "phetch-v0.1.7-linux-armv7.tar.gz"); assert_eq!( str_path!(paths[paths.len() - 1]), "phetch-v0.1.11-macos.zip" ); } #[test] fn test_rsort_directory() { let paths = sort_paths("tests/sort", true).unwrap(); assert_eq!(str_path!(paths[0]), "zzz"); assert_eq!(str_path!(paths[1]), "phetch-v0.1.11-macos.zip"); assert_eq!( str_path!(paths[paths.len() - 1]), "phetch-v0.1.7-linux-armv7.tar.gz" ); } #[test] fn test_gph_line_to_gopher() { let req = Request::from("localhost", 70, ".").unwrap(); assert_eq!( gph_line_to_gopher("regular line test", &req), "iregular line test (null) localhost 70\r\n" ); assert_eq!( gph_line_to_gopher("1link test /test localhost 70", &req), "1link test /test localhost 70\r\n" ); let line = "0short link test /test"; assert_eq!( gph_line_to_gopher(line, &req), "0short link test /test localhost 70\r\n" ); } #[test] fn test_gph_geomyidae() { let req = Request::from("localhost", 7070, ".").unwrap(); assert_eq!( gph_line_to_gopher("[1|phkt.io|/|phkt.io]", &req), "1phkt.io / phkt.io 70\r\n" ); assert_eq!(gph_line_to_gopher("#[1|phkt.io|/|phkt.io]", &req), ""); assert_eq!( gph_line_to_gopher("[1|sdf6000|/not-real|sdf.org|6000]", &req), "1sdf6000 /not-real sdf.org 6000\r\n" ); assert_eq!( gph_line_to_gopher("[1|R-36|/]", &req), "1R-36 / localhost 7070\r\n" ); assert_eq!( gph_line_to_gopher("[1|R-36|/|server|port]", &req), "1R-36 / localhost 7070\r\n" ); assert_eq!( gph_line_to_gopher("[0|file - comment|/file.dat|server|port]", &req), "0file - comment /file.dat localhost 7070\r\n" ); assert_eq!( gph_line_to_gopher( "[0|some \\| escape and [ special characters ] test|error|server|port]", &req ), "0some \\| escape and [ special characters ] test error localhost 7070\r\n" ); assert_eq!( gph_line_to_gopher("[|empty type||server|port]", &req), "empty type\t\tlocalhost\t7070\r\n", ); } }