use crate::{Request, Result}; use gophermap::{GopherMenu, ItemType}; use std::{ fs::{self, File}, io::prelude::*, io::{BufReader, Read, Write}, net::{TcpListener, TcpStream}, path::Path, }; use threadpool::ThreadPool; const MAX_WORKERS: usize = 10; const MAX_PEEK_SIZE: usize = 1024; const TCP_BUF_SIZE: usize = 1024; /// Starts a Gopher server at the specified host, port, and root directory. pub fn start(host: &str, port: u16, root: &str) -> Result<()> { let addr = format!("{}:{}", host, port); let listener = TcpListener::bind(&addr)?; let full_root_path = fs::canonicalize(&root)?.to_string_lossy().to_string(); let pool = ThreadPool::new(MAX_WORKERS); println!("-> Listening on {} at {}", addr, full_root_path); for stream in listener.incoming() { let stream = stream?; println!("-> Connection from: {}", stream.peer_addr()?); let req = Request::from(host, port, root)?; pool.execute(move || { if let Err(e) = accept(stream, req) { eprintln!("-! {}", e); } }); } Ok(()) } /// Reads from the client and responds. fn accept(stream: TcpStream, mut req: Request) -> Result<()> { let reader = BufReader::new(&stream); let mut lines = reader.lines(); if let Some(Ok(line)) = { println!("-> Client sent: {:?}", line); req.selector = line; write_response(&stream, req)?; } Ok(()) } /// Writes a response to a client based on a Request. fn write_response<'a, W>(w: &'a W, mut req: Request) -> Result<()> where &'a W: Write, { let path = req.file_path(); // check for dir.gph if we're looking for dir let mut gph_file = path.clone(); gph_file.push_str(".gph"); if Path::new(&gph_file).exists() { req.selector = req.selector.trim_end_matches('/').into(); req.selector.push_str(".gph"); return write_gophermap(w, req); } else { // check for index.gph if we're looking for dir let mut index = path.clone(); if !index.ends_with('/') { index.push('/'); } index.push_str("index.gph"); if Path::new(&index).exists() { if !req.selector.ends_with('/') { req.selector.push('/'); } req.selector.push_str("index.gph"); return write_gophermap(w, req); } } let md = fs::metadata(&path)?; if path.ends_with(".gph") { write_gophermap(w, req) } else if md.is_file() { write_file(w, req) } else if md.is_dir() { write_dir(w, req) } else { Ok(()) } } /// Send a directory listing (menu) to the client based on a Request. fn write_dir<'a, W>(w: &'a W, req: Request) -> Result<()> where &'a W: Write, { let mut dir = fs::read_dir(&req.file_path())?; let mut menu = GopherMenu::with_write(w); let rel_path = req.relative_file_path(); while let Some(Ok(entry)) = { let mut path = rel_path.clone(); if !path.ends_with('/') { path.push('/'); } let file_name = entry.file_name(); path.push_str(&file_name.to_string_lossy()); menu.write_entry( file_type(&entry), &file_name.to_string_lossy(), &path, &, req.port, )?; } menu.end()?; Ok(()) } /// Send a file to the client based on a Request. fn write_file<'a, W>(mut w: &'a W, req: Request) -> Result<()> where &'a W: Write, { let path = req.file_path(); let md = fs::metadata(&path)?; let mut f = fs::File::open(&path)?; let mut buf = [0; TCP_BUF_SIZE]; let mut bytes = md.len(); while bytes > 0 { let n = buf[..])?; bytes -= n as u64; w.write_all(&buf[..n])?; } Ok(()) } /// Send a gophermap (menu) to the client based on a Request. fn write_gophermap<'a, W>(mut w: &'a W, req: Request) -> Result<()> where &'a W: Write, { let path = req.file_path(); let file = File::open(&path)?; let reader = BufReader::new(file); for line in reader.lines() { let mut line = line?.trim_end_matches("\r\n").to_string(); match line.chars().filter(|&c| c == '\t').count() { 0 => line.push_str(&format!("\t(null)\t{}\t{}",, req.port)), 1 => line.push_str(&format!("\t{}\t{}",, req.port)), 2 => line.push_str(&format!("\t{}", req.port)), _ => {} } line.push_str("\r\n"); w.write_all(line.as_bytes())?; } Ok(()) } /// Determine the gopher type for a DirEntry on disk. fn file_type(dir: &fs::DirEntry) -> ItemType { let metadata = match dir.metadata() { Err(_) => return ItemType::Error, Ok(md) => md, }; if metadata.is_file() { if let Ok(file) = fs::File::open(&dir.path()) { let mut buffer: Vec = vec![]; let _ = file.take(MAX_PEEK_SIZE as u64).read_to_end(&mut buffer); if content_inspector::inspect(&buffer).is_binary() { ItemType::Binary } else { ItemType::File } } else { ItemType::Binary } } else if metadata.is_dir() { ItemType::Directory } else { ItemType::Error } }