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import pytest
import torch
from hivemind import DHT, get_logger, use_hivemind_log_handler
from test_utils import *
from src import RemoteSequential
from src.client.remote_model import DistributedBloomConfig
logger = get_logger(__file__)
def test_remote_sequential():
config = DistributedBloomConfig.from_pretrained(MODEL_NAME, initial_peers=INITIAL_PEERS)
dht = DHT(initial_peers=config.initial_peers, client_mode=True, start=True)
test_inputs = torch.randn(1, 5, config.hidden_size, requires_grad=True)
grad_proj = torch.randn(1, 5, config.hidden_size)
sequential = RemoteSequential(config, dht)
full_outputs = sequential(test_inputs)
(full_outputs * grad_proj).sum().backward()
assert test_inputs.grad is not None
full_grad = test_inputs.grad.clone()
first_half = sequential[: config.n_layer // 2]
second_half = sequential[config.n_layer // 2 :]
assert len(first_half) + len(second_half) == len(sequential)
assert abs(len(first_half) - len(second_half)) == config.n_layer % 2
for m in sequential, first_half, second_half:
assert isinstance(repr(m), str)
hidden = first_half(test_inputs)
assert isinstance(hidden, torch.Tensor)
assert hidden.shape == test_inputs.shape
assert hidden.requires_grad
second_half_outputs = second_half(hidden)
assert torch.allclose(second_half_outputs, full_outputs)
(second_half_outputs * grad_proj).sum().backward()
assert torch.allclose(test_inputs.grad, full_grad)