You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Tuple
import numpy as np
from hivemind import PeerID, get_logger
from src.data_structures import RemoteModuleInfo, ServerState
__all__ = ["choose_best_blocks", "should_choose_other_blocks"]
logger = get_logger(__file__)
class Span:
start: int
end: int
throughput: float
def length(self):
return self.end - self.start
def move_to(self, new_start: int) -> None:
self.start, self.end = new_start, new_start + self.length
def _compute_spans(module_infos: List[Optional[RemoteModuleInfo]]) -> Tuple[Dict[PeerID, Span], np.ndarray]:
spans = {}
throughputs = np.zeros(len(module_infos))
for block, module in enumerate(module_infos):
if module is None:
# We sort servers here to ensure that we get exactly the same throughputs for a given set of servers.
# If the order were not defined, we would get slightly different values due to floating point errors,
# which may cause excess block replacements.
for peer_id, server in sorted(module.servers.items()):
if server.state == ServerState.OFFLINE:
if peer_id in spans:
spans[peer_id].start = min(spans[peer_id].start, block)
spans[peer_id].end = max(spans[peer_id].start, block + 1)
spans[peer_id] = Span(start=block, end=block + 1, throughput=server.throughput)
throughputs[block] += server.throughput
return spans, throughputs
def _choose_best_start(throughputs: np.ndarray, num_blocks: int) -> int:
options = ((sorted(throughputs[i : i + num_blocks]), i) for i in range(0, len(throughputs) - num_blocks + 1))
return min(options)[-1]
def choose_best_blocks(num_blocks: int, module_infos: List[Optional[RemoteModuleInfo]]) -> List[int]:
_, throughputs = _compute_spans(module_infos)
start = _choose_best_start(throughputs, num_blocks)
return list(range(start, start + num_blocks))
def should_choose_other_blocks(
local_peer_id: PeerID, module_infos: List[Optional[RemoteModuleInfo]], balance_quality: float
) -> bool:
if balance_quality > 1.0:
return True # Forces rebalancing on each check (may be used for debugging purposes)
spans, throughputs = _compute_spans(module_infos)
initial_throughput = throughputs.min()
eps = 1e-3
assert local_peer_id in spans, "Span served by this server is not present in the DHT"
local_span = spans[local_peer_id]
throughputs[local_span.start : local_span.end] -= local_span.throughput * (1 + eps)
# Without (1 + eps) here, we would sometimes subtract a value slightly less than local_span.throughput
# due to the floating point error, which would cause excess block replacements.
# Also, subtracting local_span.throughput * (1 + eps) makes _choose_best_start() prefer
# the previous server position in case of other things being almost equal.
new_start = _choose_best_start(throughputs, local_span.length)
if local_span.start == new_start:
return False # This server is on its best place already
throughputs[local_span.start : local_span.end] += local_span.throughput * eps
throughputs[local_span.start : local_span.end] += local_span.throughput
moved = True
while moved:
servers = list(spans.keys())
moved = False
for peer_id in servers:
span = spans[peer_id]
throughputs[span.start : span.end] -= span.throughput * (1 + eps)
new_start = _choose_best_start(throughputs, span.length)
throughputs[span.start : span.end] += span.throughput * eps
if span.start != new_start:
moved = True
throughputs[span.start : span.end] += span.throughput
new_throughput = throughputs.min()
if new_throughput < initial_throughput or new_throughput < eps:
return False
actual_quality = initial_throughput / new_throughput"Swarm balance quality: {actual_quality * 100:.1f}%")
return actual_quality < balance_quality - eps