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import time
import hivemind
import pytest
import torch
from petals import DistributedBloomConfig, RemoteSequential
from petals.server.handler import CACHE_TOKENS_AVAILABLE
from test_utils import *
def test_server_info(block_from: int = 22, block_to: int = 24, max_length: int = 100, max_length2: int = 50):
config = DistributedBloomConfig.from_pretrained(MODEL_NAME)
dht = hivemind.DHT(initial_peers=INITIAL_PEERS, client_mode=True, start=True)
blocks1 = RemoteSequential(config, dht=dht, start_block=block_from, end_block=block_to)
blocks2 = RemoteSequential(config, dht=dht, start_block=block_to - 1, end_block=block_to)
info_before = blocks1.sequence_manager.rpc_info
with blocks1.inference_session(max_length=max_length) as sess:
sess.step(torch.randn(1, 1, config.hidden_size))
blocks1.sequence_manager.state.rpc_info = None # invalidate cache
info_inside = blocks1.sequence_manager.rpc_info
with blocks2.inference_session(max_length=max_length2) as sess2:
sess2.step(torch.randn(1, 1, config.hidden_size))
blocks2.sequence_manager.state.rpc_info = None # invalidate cache
info_inside2 = blocks2.sequence_manager.rpc_info
blocks1.sequence_manager.state.rpc_info = None # invalidate cache
info_after = blocks1.sequence_manager.rpc_info
assert info_before[CACHE_TOKENS_AVAILABLE] == info_after[CACHE_TOKENS_AVAILABLE]
assert info_before[CACHE_TOKENS_AVAILABLE] - info_inside[CACHE_TOKENS_AVAILABLE] == max_length * len(blocks1)
assert info_inside[CACHE_TOKENS_AVAILABLE] - info_inside2[CACHE_TOKENS_AVAILABLE] == max_length2 * len(blocks2)