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from typing import Optional, Union
import torch
from accelerate import init_empty_weights
from transformers import BloomConfig
from petals.bloom.block import WrappedBloomBlock
def resolve_block_dtype(config: BloomConfig, dtype: Union[str, torch.dtype]) -> Union[str, torch.dtype]:
"""If dtype is "auto", resolves it using BloomConfig. Returns `dtype` intact otherwise."""
if dtype == "auto" or dtype is None:
dtype = config.torch_dtype
if dtype == "auto" or dtype is None:
dtype = torch.float32
return dtype
def get_block_size(
config: BloomConfig,
location: str,
dtype: Optional[Union[str, torch.dtype]] = None,
load_in_8bit: Optional[bool] = None,
eps: float = 0.01, # eps accounts for ~1% of metainfo for tensor descriptions, quantization tables, etc.
) -> int:
if location == "memory":
assert (
dtype is not None and load_in_8bit is not None
), 'get_block_size(..., location="memory") requires to specify dtype and load_in_8bit for calculations'
with init_empty_weights():
block = WrappedBloomBlock(config)
n_params = sum(param.numel() for param in block.parameters())
if location == "memory" and load_in_8bit:
# Note: We may need a larger eps here for models of size < 1B
return n_params * (1 + eps)
if location == "memory":
dtype = resolve_block_dtype(config, dtype)
elif location == "disk":
dtype = resolve_block_dtype(config, "auto")
raise ValueError('get_block_size() expects location to be "memory" or "disk"')
return round(n_params * torch.finfo(dtype).bits // 8 * (1 + eps))