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import dataclasses
import os
from typing import Optional, Sequence, Union
from hivemind import PeerID
from petals.constants import PUBLIC_INITIAL_PEERS
_max_retries = os.getenv("PETALS_MAX_RETRIES")
DEFAULT_MAX_RETRIES = int(_max_retries) if isinstance(_max_retries, str) else None
class ClientConfig:
initial_peers: Sequence[str] = tuple(PUBLIC_INITIAL_PEERS) # a list of initial peers for hivemind DHT
dht_prefix: Optional[str] = None # a prefix for all dht keys that correspond to this model (default: model name)
daemon_startup_timeout: int = 60 # timeout for the libp2p daemon connecting to initial peers
show_route: Union[str, bool] = "inference" # show chosen route through servers. one of [False, "inference", True]
allowed_servers: Optional[Sequence[Union[PeerID, str]]] = None # if defined, send requests only to these servers
blocked_servers: Optional[Sequence[Union[PeerID, str]]] = None # if defined, do not use these servers
use_server_to_server: bool = True # Use direct server-to-server communication
connect_timeout: float = 5 # timeout for opening a connection
request_timeout: float = 3 * 60 # timeout for forward/backward/inference requests
update_period: float = 60 # refresh DHT information once in this many seconds
max_retries: Optional[int] = DEFAULT_MAX_RETRIES # max number of retries before an exception (default: inf)
min_backoff: float = 1 # after a repeated failure, sleep for this many seconds times 2 ** (num_failures - 1)
max_backoff: float = 60 # limit maximal sleep time between retries to this value
ban_timeout: float = 15 # when a remote peer fails to respond, prevent routing to that peer for this many seconds
active_adapter: Optional[str] = None # name of active LoRA adapter (usually, Hugging Face repo)
max_pinged: int = 3 # max servers to ping from each sequence side, per update
ping_timeout: float = 2 # max time to wait for pings, per update