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import asyncio
import multiprocessing as mp
import random
import time
from typing import Optional
import pytest
import pytest_asyncio # make sure the module exists; otherwise the test will be skipped
import torch
from hivemind import TensorDescriptor
from petals.server.memory_cache import AllocationFailed, MemoryCache
from petals.utils.misc import get_size_in_bytes
def _make_tensor_descriptor(num_bytes: int, dtype: Optional[torch.dtype] = None):
if dtype is None:
dtype = random.choice((torch.int64, torch.int8, torch.uint8, torch.float32, torch.bfloat16, torch.bool))
elem_size_bytes = get_size_in_bytes(dtype)
descr = TensorDescriptor.from_tensor(torch.empty((num_bytes // elem_size_bytes,), dtype=dtype))
return descr
async def test_cache_timeout():
cache = MemoryCache(max_size_bytes=1024, max_alloc_timeout=0.5)
cache.runtime_pid += 1 # pretend we're another process
async with cache.allocate_cache(_make_tensor_descriptor(768), timeout=0):
async with cache.allocate_cache(_make_tensor_descriptor(100), timeout=999):
async with cache.allocate_cache(_make_tensor_descriptor(512), timeout=0):
async with cache.allocate_cache(_make_tensor_descriptor(128), _make_tensor_descriptor(32), timeout=1):
t_start = time.perf_counter()
with pytest.raises(AllocationFailed):
async with cache.allocate_cache(_make_tensor_descriptor(768), timeout=0.1):
assert 0.1 < time.perf_counter() - t_start < 0.2, "wait time exceeds alloc timeout"
async with cache.allocate_cache(_make_tensor_descriptor(128), timeout=float("inf")):
t_start = time.perf_counter()
with pytest.raises(AllocationFailed):
async with cache.allocate_cache(_make_tensor_descriptor(384), timeout=1.0): # exceeds max timeout
assert 0.5 < time.perf_counter() - t_start < 0.6, "wait time exceeds max alloc timeout"
# test memory allocation when another task frees the memory
async def _klog_the_cache():
async with cache.allocate_cache(_make_tensor_descriptor(512), timeout=0.2):
large_alloc_task = asyncio.create_task(_klog_the_cache())
t_start = time.perf_counter()
await asyncio.sleep(0.05) # wait for large alloc to enqueue
async with cache.allocate_cache(_make_tensor_descriptor(128), timeout=float("inf")): # exceeds max timeout
pass # this memory should allocate once the background task clears the queue
assert 0.2 < time.perf_counter() - t_start < 0.3, "memory should be allocated after background task clears"
with pytest.raises(AllocationFailed):
await large_alloc_task
# test that zero-timeout allocation fails instantaneously even if someone else is awaiting alloc
large_alloc_task = asyncio.create_task(_klog_the_cache())
t_start = time.perf_counter()
await asyncio.sleep(0.05) # wait for large alloc to enqueue
with pytest.raises(AllocationFailed):
async with cache.allocate_cache(_make_tensor_descriptor(512), timeout=0):
pass # this memory should allocate once the background task clears the queue
assert time.perf_counter() - t_start < 0.1, "zero-timeout task should fail (or succeed) instantaneously"
with pytest.raises(AllocationFailed):
await large_alloc_task
async def test_unlimited_timeout():
cache = MemoryCache(max_size_bytes=1024)
cache.runtime_pid += 1 # pretend we're another process
t_start = time.perf_counter()
async def _klog_the_cache():
async with cache.allocate_cache(_make_tensor_descriptor(512), timeout=0.2):
await asyncio.sleep(0.5)
alloc_task = asyncio.create_task(_klog_the_cache())
await asyncio.sleep(0.1)
async with cache.allocate_cache(_make_tensor_descriptor(768), timeout=float("inf")):
await alloc_task
assert 0.5 < time.perf_counter() - t_start < 0.6, "memory should be allocated after background task clears"
async def test_cache_usage():
cache = MemoryCache(max_size_bytes=2048)
alloc_event, dealloc_a_event, dealloc_bcd_event, dealloc_e_event, dealloc_f_event = (mp.Event() for _ in range(5))
pipe_receiver, pipe_sender = mp.Pipe(duplex=False)
with pytest.raises(AssertionError):
async with cache.allocate_cache(_make_tensor_descriptor(123), timeout=1):
pass # fails because cache must be allocated from another process
descr_a = TensorDescriptor.from_tensor(torch.empty(768, dtype=torch.uint8)) # 768 bytes
descr_b = TensorDescriptor.from_tensor(torch.empty((), dtype=torch.float64)) # 8 bytes
descr_c = TensorDescriptor.from_tensor(torch.empty((33,), dtype=torch.bool)) # 33 bytes
descr_d = TensorDescriptor.from_tensor(torch.empty((0,), dtype=torch.int64)) # 0 bytes
descr_e = TensorDescriptor.from_tensor(torch.empty((96, 8), dtype=torch.bfloat16)) # 1536 bytes
descr_f = TensorDescriptor.from_tensor(torch.empty((1792,), dtype=torch.uint8)) # 1792 bytes
async def _allocate_and_wait(dealloc_event, *descrs, timeout=None):
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
async with cache.allocate_cache(*descrs, timeout=timeout) as handles:
await loop.run_in_executor(None, dealloc_event.wait)
async def _allocate_af():
allocate_a_task = asyncio.create_task(_allocate_and_wait(dealloc_a_event, descr_a))
await allocate_a_task
allocate_f_task = asyncio.create_task(_allocate_and_wait(dealloc_f_event, descr_f)) # klogs the cache
await allocate_f_task
alloc_process1 = mp.context.ForkProcess(target=lambda:, daemon=True)
async def _allocate_bcde():
await asyncio.sleep(0.1) # ensure that the other tensor is always allocated (and sent through pipe) first
allocate_bcd_task = asyncio.create_task(_allocate_and_wait(dealloc_bcd_event, descr_b, descr_c, descr_d))
allocate_e_task = asyncio.create_task(_allocate_and_wait(dealloc_e_event, descr_e)) # doesn't fit
await asyncio.wait({allocate_e_task, allocate_bcd_task}, return_when=asyncio.ALL_COMPLETED)
alloc_process2 = mp.context.ForkProcess(target=lambda:, daemon=True)
assert cache.current_size_bytes == 0
(handle_a,) = pipe_receiver.recv()
handle_b, handle_c, handle_d = pipe_receiver.recv()
with cache.use_cache(handle_a) as (tensor_a,):
assert tensor_a.dtype == torch.uint8
tensor_a[2:5] = torch.tensor((42, 43, 44))
with cache.use_cache(handle_a, handle_b, handle_d) as (tensor_a, tensor_b, tensor_d):
assert tensor_b.dtype == torch.float64 and tensor_b.numel() == 1 and tensor_b.ndim == 0
assert tensor_d.dtype == torch.int64 and tensor_d.numel() == 0
tensor_a += 1
tensor_b[...] = -1.337
assert cache.current_size_bytes == 809 # this checks a,b,c,d are allocated but b still awaits memory
await asyncio.sleep(0.1)
assert cache.current_size_bytes == 768 # only tensor a should be allocated
with pytest.raises(KeyError):
with cache.use_cache(handle_a, handle_b):
pass # one of handles (c) is deallocated
with pytest.raises(KeyError):
with cache.use_cache(handle_d):
pass # handle_d is deallocated correctly, even though it is never used
with cache.use_cache(handle_a) as (tensor_a,):
assert tuple(tensor_a[2:5]) == (43, 44, 45)
(handle_e,) = pipe_receiver.recv() # e can finally be allocated
await asyncio.sleep(0.1)
assert cache.current_size_bytes == 1536 # tensor e should finally be able to allocate
with pytest.raises(KeyError):
with cache.use_cache(handle_a):
pass # tensor a is no longer allocated
with cache.use_cache(handle_e) as (tensor_e,):
assert tensor_e.dtype == torch.bfloat16 and tensor_e.shape == (96, 8)
await asyncio.sleep(0.1)
assert cache.current_size_bytes == 1792 # only tensor f is still allocated
await asyncio.sleep(0.1)
assert cache.current_size_bytes == 0
assert cache.current_size_bytes == 0
assert alloc_process1.exitcode == 0, "allocation process 1 failed or did not finish, see stderr for details"
assert alloc_process2.exitcode == 0, "allocation process 2 failed or did not finish, see stderr for details"