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from typing import Any, Dict, List, Tuple
import torch
from hivemind import nested_flatten, nested_pack
# TODO: Move functions to hivemind
def _mark_masked_tensor(index: int) -> bytes:
return b"__T" + str(index).encode()
def _is_masked_tensor(item: Any) -> bool:
return isinstance(item, bytes) and item.startswith(b"__T")
def _get_tensor_index(item: bytes) -> int:
return int(item[3:])
def pack_args_kwargs(*args, **kwargs) -> Tuple[List[torch.Tensor], Any]:
Check the function's arguments and pack all tensors into different flattened lists.
:returns: a flattened list of tensors and args and kwargs, where tensors were masked
masked_flat_values, flat_tensors, tensor_to_index = [], [], {}
for value in nested_flatten((args, kwargs)):
if isinstance(value, torch.Tensor):
tensor_index = tensor_to_index.setdefault(value, len(flat_tensors))
if tensor_index == len(flat_tensors):
return flat_tensors, nested_pack(masked_flat_values, (args, kwargs))
def unpack_args_kwargs(flat_tensors: List[torch.Tensor], args_structure: Any):
Restore arguments after `pack_args_kwargs` function.
:returns: list of args and dict of kwargs
return nested_pack(
value if not _is_masked_tensor(value) else flat_tensors[_get_tensor_index(value)]
for value in nested_flatten(args_structure)