import asyncio import math import threading import time from concurrent.futures import Future from contextlib import asynccontextmanager from functools import partial from typing import Optional import requests from hivemind.dht import DHT, DHTNode from import RemoteExpertWorker from hivemind.p2p import P2P, P2PContext, PeerID, ServicerBase from hivemind.proto import dht_pb2 from hivemind.utils import get_logger from petals.constants import REACHABILITY_API_URL logger = get_logger(__name__) def validate_reachability(peer_id, wait_time: float = 7 * 60, retry_delay: float = 15) -> None: """verify that your peer is reachable from a (centralized) validator, whether directly or through a relay""" for attempt_no in range(math.floor(wait_time / retry_delay) + 1): try: r = requests.get(f"{REACHABILITY_API_URL}/api/v1/is_reachable/{peer_id}", timeout=10) r.raise_for_status() response = r.json() if response["success"]:"Server is reachable from the Internet. It will appear at soon") return if attempt_no == 0: # Usually, libp2p manages to set up relays before we finish loading blocks. # In other cases, we may need to wait for up to `wait_time` seconds before it's done."Detected a NAT or a firewall, connecting to libp2p relays. This takes a few minutes") time.sleep(retry_delay) except Exception as e: logger.warning(f"Skipping reachability check because is down: {repr(e)}") return raise RuntimeError( f"Server has not become reachable from the Internet:\n\n" f"{response['message']}\n\n" f"You need to fix your port forwarding and/or firewall settings. How to do that:\n\n" f" 1. Choose a specific port for the Petals server, for example, 31337.\n" f" 2. Ensure that this port is accessible from the Internet and not blocked by your firewall.\n" f" 3. Add these arguments to explicitly announce your IP address and port to other peers:\n" f" python -m petals.cli.run_server ... --public_ip {response['your_ip']} --port 31337\n" f" 4. If it does not help, ask for help in our Discord:\n" ) def check_direct_reachability(max_peers: int = 5, threshold: float = 0.5, **kwargs) -> Optional[bool]: """test if your peer is accessible by others in the swarm with the specified network options in **kwargs""" async def _check_direct_reachability(): target_dht = await DHTNode.create(client_mode=True, **kwargs) try: protocol = ReachabilityProtocol(probe=target_dht.protocol.p2p) async with protocol.serve(target_dht.protocol.p2p): successes = requests = 0 for remote_peer in list(target_dht.protocol.routing_table.peer_id_to_uid.keys()): probe_available = await protocol.call_check(remote_peer=remote_peer, check_peer=target_dht.peer_id) if probe_available is None: continue # remote peer failed to check probe successes += probe_available requests += 1 if requests >= max_peers: break logger.debug(f"Direct reachability: {successes}/{requests}") return (successes / requests) >= threshold if requests > 0 else None finally: await target_dht.shutdown() return RemoteExpertWorker.run_coroutine(_check_direct_reachability()) STRIPPED_PROBE_ARGS = dict( dht_mode="client", use_relay=False, auto_nat=False, nat_port_map=False, no_listen=True, startup_timeout=60 ) class ReachabilityProtocol(ServicerBase): """Mini protocol to test if a locally running peer is accessible by other devices in the swarm""" def __init__(self, *, probe: Optional[P2P] = None, wait_timeout: float = 5.0): self.probe = probe self.wait_timeout = wait_timeout self._event_loop = self._stop = None async def call_check(self, remote_peer: PeerID, *, check_peer: PeerID) -> Optional[bool]: """Returns True if remote_peer can reach check_peer, False if it cannot, None if it did not respond""" try: request = dht_pb2.PingRequest(peer=dht_pb2.NodeInfo(node_id=check_peer.to_bytes())) timeout = self.wait_timeout if check_peer == remote_peer else self.wait_timeout * 2 response = await self.get_stub(self.probe, remote_peer).rpc_check(request, timeout=timeout) logger.debug(f"call_check(remote_peer={remote_peer}, check_peer={check_peer}) -> {response.available}") return response.available except Exception as e: logger.debug(f"Requested {remote_peer} to check {check_peer}, but got:", exc_info=True) return None async def rpc_check(self, request: dht_pb2.PingRequest, context: P2PContext) -> dht_pb2.PingResponse: """Help another peer to check its reachability""" response = dht_pb2.PingResponse(available=True) check_peer = PeerID(request.peer.node_id) if check_peer != context.local_id: # remote peer wants us to check someone other than ourselves response.available = await self.call_check(check_peer, check_peer=check_peer) is True f"reachability.rpc_check(remote_peer=...{str(context.remote_id)[-6:]}, " f"check_peer=...{str(check_peer)[-6:]}) -> {response.available}" ) return response @asynccontextmanager async def serve(self, p2p: P2P): try: await self.add_p2p_handlers(p2p) yield self finally: await self.remove_p2p_handlers(p2p) @classmethod def attach_to_dht(cls, dht: DHT, await_ready: bool = False, **kwargs) -> Optional["ReachabilityProtocol"]: protocol = cls(**kwargs) ready = Future() async def _serve_with_probe(): try: common_p2p = await dht.replicate_p2p() protocol._event_loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() protocol._stop = asyncio.Event() initial_peers = [str(addr) for addr in await common_p2p.get_visible_maddrs(latest=True)] for info in await common_p2p.list_peers(): initial_peers.extend(f"{addr}/p2p/{info.peer_id}" for addr in info.addrs) protocol.probe = await P2P.create(initial_peers, **STRIPPED_PROBE_ARGS) ready.set_result(True)"Reachability service started") async with protocol.serve(common_p2p): await protocol._stop.wait() except Exception as e: logger.debug("Reachability service failed:", exc_info=True) if not ready.done(): ready.set_exception(e) finally: if protocol is not None and protocol.probe is not None: await protocol.probe.shutdown() logger.debug("Reachability service shut down") threading.Thread(target=partial(, _serve_with_probe()), daemon=True).start() if await_ready: ready.result() # Propagates startup exceptions, if any return protocol def shutdown(self): if self._event_loop is not None and self._stop is not None: self._event_loop.call_soon_threadsafe(self._stop.set)