import contextlib import dataclasses from contextvars import ContextVar from typing import ContextManager, List, Optional import torch import transformers from hivemind.utils.logging import get_logger from transformers.generation.utils import ModelOutput from petals.client.inference_session import InferenceSession from petals.client.remote_sequential import RemoteSequential from petals.utils.misc import DUMMY, docstring_from logger = get_logger(__name__) @dataclasses.dataclass(frozen=True) class RemotePastKeyValues: """A mock class representing the fact that `past_key_values` do exist but are stored on remote servers.""" hypo_ids: Optional[torch.LongTensor] = None def __getitem__(self, _index: int) -> List[torch.Tensor]: return [DUMMY] # For compatibility with BloomForCausalLM.prepare_inputs_for_generation() _skipped_tokens = ContextVar("skipped_tokens", default=0) class _SkipTokensMixin: # This override is used in RemoteGenerationMixin by has to be defined in a class not named as "GenerationMixin" # due to how transformers.PreTrainedModel.can_generate() works def prepare_inputs_for_generation(self, input_ids: torch.LongTensor, **kwargs) -> dict: input_ids = input_ids[:, _skipped_tokens.get() :] _skipped_tokens.set(0) return super().prepare_inputs_for_generation(input_ids, **kwargs) class RemoteGenerationMixin(_SkipTokensMixin): """ This class is an upgrade to `transformers.GenerationMixin` that: - Designed to be compatible with most `transformers.GenerationMixin` strategies and options - Supports generation inside a remote InferenceSession, so that remote servers store your attention caches and you don't have to rerun the prefix through all the servers to generate each new token - Supports multiple `.generate()` calls inside one InferenceSession, so you can easily run interactive generation by showing tokens on the fly (multiple calls like `.generate(None, max_new_tokens=1, ...)`) or accept prompts from a user in a chat bot (multiple calls like `.generate(new_prompts, ...)`). - If there is no active session, `.generate()` will create a new InferenceSession with proper `max_length`. Otherwise, `.generate()` will use the active session. You can use the `session=...` argument to override that. """ @docstring_from(RemoteSequential.active_session) @property def active_session(self) -> Optional[InferenceSession]: return self.transformer.h.active_session @docstring_from(RemoteSequential.use_session) def use_session(self, session: Optional[InferenceSession]) -> ContextManager[InferenceSession]: return self.transformer.h.use_session(session) @docstring_from(RemoteSequential.inference_session) def inference_session(self, **kwargs) -> ContextManager[InferenceSession]: return self.transformer.h.inference_session(**kwargs) @docstring_from(transformers.GenerationMixin.generate.__doc__) def generate( self, inputs: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None, *args, session: Optional[InferenceSession] = None, **kwargs ): self._fix_generate_kwargs(kwargs) if session is not None: # If a session specified explicitly, use it context_manager = self.use_session(session) elif self.active_session is not None: # If there's an active session, don't do anything context_manager = contextlib.nullcontext(self.active_session) else: # If there's no active session, create a new one max_length = kwargs.get("max_length") max_new_tokens = kwargs.get("max_new_tokens") assert (max_length is None) != ( max_new_tokens is None ), "You should set `max_length` or `max_new_tokens` (but not both) to reserve server-side attention caches" if max_length is not None: session_max_length = max_length else: session_max_length = (inputs.shape[1] if inputs is not None else 0) + max_new_tokens context_manager = self.inference_session(max_length=session_max_length) with context_manager as session: # Prepend the tokens from the previous .generate() call n_prev_tokens = session.output_ids.shape[1] if session.output_ids is not None else 0 if n_prev_tokens > 0: if kwargs.get("num_beams", 1) > 1: logger.warning( "Beam search will not work properly in the resumed petals.InferenceSession " "since intermediate beam entries are lost" ) if inputs is not None: inputs =[session.output_ids, inputs], dim=1) else: inputs = session.output_ids # Don't actually run all previous tokens through the transformer, # but keep them for transformers.GenerationMixin (e.g., to compute repetition_penalty) _skipped_tokens.set(max(0, n_prev_tokens - 1)) result = super().generate(inputs, *args, **kwargs) sequences = result.sequences if isinstance(result, ModelOutput) else result # Save tokens from this .generate() call session.output_ids = sequences # Crop the last tokens from the previous call sequences = sequences[:, n_prev_tokens:].clone() if isinstance(result, ModelOutput): result.sequences = sequences else: result = sequences return result @staticmethod def _fix_generate_kwargs(kwargs: dict) -> dict: # Suppress inappropriate "Both max_new_tokens and max_length" HF warning if "max_length" in kwargs and kwargs["max_length"] is None: del kwargs["max_length"] # Support do_sample = {0, 1} for backward compatibility with Petals < 2.1.0 do_sample = kwargs.get("do_sample") if isinstance(do_sample, int): kwargs["do_sample"] = bool(do_sample) return kwargs @staticmethod def _reorder_cache(past_key_values: RemotePastKeyValues, beam_idx: torch.LongTensor) -> RemotePastKeyValues: return dataclasses.replace(past_key_values, hypo_ids=beam_idx)