import asyncio import math import threading import time from functools import partial from typing import Dict, Sequence import hivemind from hivemind.proto import dht_pb2 from hivemind.utils.logging import get_logger logger = get_logger(__name__) async def ping( peer_id: hivemind.PeerID, _dht: hivemind.DHT, node: hivemind.dht.DHTNode, *, wait_timeout: float = 5, ) -> float: try: ping_request = dht_pb2.PingRequest(peer=node.protocol.node_info) start_time = time.perf_counter() await node.protocol.get_stub(peer_id).rpc_ping(ping_request, timeout=wait_timeout) return time.perf_counter() - start_time except Exception as e: if str(e) == "protocol not supported": # Happens on servers with client-mode DHT (e.g., reachable via relays) return time.perf_counter() - start_time logger.debug(f"Failed to ping {peer_id}:", exc_info=True) return math.inf async def ping_parallel(peer_ids: Sequence[hivemind.PeerID], *args, **kwargs) -> Dict[hivemind.PeerID, float]: rpc_infos = await asyncio.gather(*[ping(peer_id, *args, **kwargs) for peer_id in peer_ids]) return dict(zip(peer_ids, rpc_infos)) class PingAggregator: def __init__(self, dht: hivemind.DHT, *, ema_alpha: float = 0.2, expiration: float = 300): self.dht = dht self.ema_alpha = ema_alpha self.expiration = expiration self.ping_emas = hivemind.TimedStorage() self.lock = threading.Lock() def ping(self, peer_ids: Sequence[hivemind.PeerID], **kwargs) -> None: current_rtts = self.dht.run_coroutine(partial(ping_parallel, peer_ids, **kwargs)) logger.debug(f"Current RTTs: {current_rtts}") with self.lock: expiration = hivemind.get_dht_time() + self.expiration for peer_id, rtt in current_rtts.items(): prev_rtt = self.ping_emas.get(peer_id) if prev_rtt is not None and prev_rtt.value != math.inf: rtt = self.ema_alpha * rtt + (1 - self.ema_alpha) * prev_rtt.value # Exponential smoothing, rtt, expiration) def to_dict(self) -> Dict[hivemind.PeerID, float]: with self.lock, self.ping_emas.freeze(): smoothed_rtts = {peer_id: rtt.value for peer_id, rtt in self.ping_emas.items()} logger.debug(f"Smothed RTTs: {smoothed_rtts}") return smoothed_rtts