import fcntl import os import shutil from contextlib import contextmanager from pathlib import Path from typing import Optional import huggingface_hub from hivemind.utils.logging import get_logger logger = get_logger(__name__) DEFAULT_CACHE_DIR = os.getenv("PETALS_CACHE", Path(Path.home(), ".cache", "petals")) BLOCKS_LOCK_FILE = "blocks.lock" @contextmanager def _blocks_lock(cache_dir: Optional[str], mode: int): if cache_dir is None: cache_dir = DEFAULT_CACHE_DIR lock_path = Path(cache_dir, BLOCKS_LOCK_FILE) os.makedirs(lock_path.parent, exist_ok=True) with open(lock_path, "wb") as lock_fd: fcntl.flock(lock_fd.fileno(), mode) # The OS will release the lock when lock_fd is closed or the process is killed yield def allow_cache_reads(cache_dir: Optional[str]): """Allows simultaneous reads, guarantees that blocks won't be removed along the way (shared lock)""" return _blocks_lock(cache_dir, fcntl.LOCK_SH) def allow_cache_writes(cache_dir: Optional[str]): """Allows saving new blocks and removing the old ones (exclusive lock)""" return _blocks_lock(cache_dir, fcntl.LOCK_EX) def free_disk_space_for( size: int, *, cache_dir: Optional[str], max_disk_space: Optional[int], os_quota: int = 1024**3, # Minimal space we should leave to keep OS function normally ): if cache_dir is None: cache_dir = DEFAULT_CACHE_DIR cache_info = huggingface_hub.scan_cache_dir(cache_dir) available_space = shutil.disk_usage(cache_dir).free - os_quota if max_disk_space is not None: available_space = min(available_space, max_disk_space - cache_info.size_on_disk) gib = 1024**3 logger.debug(f"Disk space: required {size / gib:.1f} GiB, available {available_space / gib:.1f} GiB") if size <= available_space: return cached_files = [file for repo in cache_info.repos for revision in repo.revisions for file in revision.files] # Remove as few least recently used files as possible removed_files = [] freed_space = 0 extra_space_needed = size - available_space for file in sorted(cached_files, key=lambda file: file.blob_last_accessed): os.remove(file.file_path) # Remove symlink os.remove(file.blob_path) # Remove contents removed_files.append(file) freed_space += file.size_on_disk if freed_space >= extra_space_needed: break if removed_files:"Removed {len(removed_files)} files to free {freed_space / gib:.1f} GiB of disk space") logger.debug(f"Removed paths: {[str(file.file_path) for file in removed_files]}") if freed_space < extra_space_needed: raise RuntimeError( f"Insufficient disk space to load a block. Please free {(extra_space_needed - freed_space) / gib:.1f} GiB " f"on the volume for {cache_dir} or increase --max_disk_space if you set it manually" )