""" A copy of run_dht.py from hivemind with the ReachabilityProtocol added: https://github.com/learning-at-home/hivemind/blob/master/hivemind/hivemind_cli/run_dht.py This script may be used for launching lightweight CPU machines serving as bootstrap nodes to a Petals swarm. This may be eventually merged to the hivemind upstream. """ import argparse import time from secrets import token_hex from hivemind.dht import DHT, DHTNode from hivemind.utils.logging import get_logger, use_hivemind_log_handler from hivemind.utils.networking import log_visible_maddrs from petals.server.reachability import ReachabilityProtocol use_hivemind_log_handler("in_root_logger") logger = get_logger(__name__) async def report_status(dht: DHT, node: DHTNode): logger.info( f"{len(node.protocol.routing_table.uid_to_peer_id) + 1} DHT nodes (including this one) " f"are in the local routing table " ) logger.debug(f"Routing table contents: {node.protocol.routing_table}") logger.info(f"Local storage contains {len(node.protocol.storage)} keys") logger.debug(f"Local storage contents: {node.protocol.storage}") # Contact peers and keep the routing table healthy (remove stale PeerIDs) await node.get(f"heartbeat_{token_hex(16)}", latest=True) def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter) parser.add_argument( "--initial_peers", nargs="*", help="Multiaddrs of the peers that will welcome you into the existing DHT. " "Example: /ip4/ /ip4/", ) parser.add_argument( "--host_maddrs", nargs="*", default=["/ip4/", "/ip6/::/tcp/0"], help="Multiaddrs to listen for external connections from other DHT instances. " "Defaults to all IPv4 interfaces and the TCP protocol: /ip4/", ) parser.add_argument( "--announce_maddrs", nargs="*", help="Visible multiaddrs the host announces for external connections from other DHT instances", ) parser.add_argument( "--use_ipfs", action="store_true", help='Use IPFS to find initial_peers. If enabled, you only need to provide the "/p2p/XXXX" ' "part of the multiaddrs for the initial_peers " "(no need to specify a particular IPv4/IPv6 host and port)", ) parser.add_argument( "--identity_path", help="Path to a private key file. If defined, makes the peer ID deterministic. " "If the file does not exist, writes a new private key to this file.", ) parser.add_argument( "--no_relay", action="store_false", dest="use_relay", help="Disable circuit relay functionality in libp2p (see https://docs.libp2p.io/concepts/nat/circuit-relay/)", ) parser.add_argument( "--use_auto_relay", action="store_true", help="Look for libp2p relays to become reachable if we are behind NAT/firewall", ) parser.add_argument( "--refresh_period", type=int, default=30, help="Period (in seconds) for fetching the keys from DHT" ) args = parser.parse_args() dht = DHT( start=True, initial_peers=args.initial_peers, host_maddrs=args.host_maddrs, announce_maddrs=args.announce_maddrs, use_ipfs=args.use_ipfs, identity_path=args.identity_path, use_relay=args.use_relay, use_auto_relay=args.use_auto_relay, ) log_visible_maddrs(dht.get_visible_maddrs(), only_p2p=args.use_ipfs) reachability_protocol = ReachabilityProtocol.attach_to_dht(dht, await_ready=True) while True: dht.run_coroutine(report_status, return_future=False) time.sleep(args.refresh_period) if __name__ == "__main__": main()