import random from typing import Optional import pytest import torch from hivemind import TensorDescriptor from petals.server.memory_cache import MemoryCache, AllocationFailed import asyncio from petals.utils.misc import get_size_in_bytes import multiprocessing as mp import pytest_asyncio # make sure the module exists; otherwise the test will be skipped def _make_tensor_descriptor(num_bytes: int, dtype: Optional[torch.dtype] = None): if dtype is None: dtype = random.choice((torch.int64, torch.int8, torch.uint8, torch.float32, torch.bfloat16, torch.bool)) elem_size_bytes = get_size_in_bytes(dtype) descr = TensorDescriptor.from_tensor(torch.empty((num_bytes // elem_size_bytes,), dtype=dtype)) return descr @pytest.mark.asyncio async def test_cache_usage(): cache = MemoryCache(max_size_bytes=2048) alloc_event, dealloc_e_event, dealloc_bcd_event, dealloc_a_event = mp.Event(), mp.Event(), mp.Event(), mp.Event() pipe_receiver, pipe_sender = mp.Pipe(duplex=False) with pytest.raises(AssertionError): async with cache.allocate_cache(_make_tensor_descriptor(123)): pass # fails because cache must be allocated from another process descr_a = TensorDescriptor.from_tensor(torch.empty(768, dtype=torch.uint8)) # 768 bytes descr_b = TensorDescriptor.from_tensor(torch.empty((), dtype=torch.float64)) # 8 bytes descr_c = TensorDescriptor.from_tensor(torch.empty((33, ), dtype=torch.bool)) # 33 bytes descr_d = TensorDescriptor.from_tensor(torch.empty((0, ), dtype=torch.int64)) # 0 bytes descr_e = TensorDescriptor.from_tensor(torch.empty((96, 8), dtype=torch.bfloat16)) # 1536 bytes descr_f = TensorDescriptor.from_tensor(torch.empty((1792,), dtype=torch.uint8)) # 1792 bytes descr_g = TensorDescriptor.from_tensor(torch.empty((1793,), dtype=torch.uint8)) # 1792 bytes async def _allocate_and_wait(dealloc_event, *descrs, timeout=None): loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() async with cache.allocate_cache(*descrs, timeout=timeout) as handles: pipe_sender.send(handles) await loop.run_in_executor(None, dealloc_event.wait) async def _allocate_af(): alloc_event.wait() print("BEGAN AF") try: async with cache.allocate_cache(descr_g): allocate_f_task = asyncio.create_task(_allocate_and_wait(mp.Event(), descr_f)) # klogs the cache print("CANCELLED") raise asyncio.CancelledError() except asyncio.CancelledError: pass allocate_f_task.cancel() # unklog the cache allocate_a_task = asyncio.create_task(_allocate_and_wait(dealloc_a_event, descr_a)) await allocate_a_task alloc_process1 = mp.Process(target=lambda:, daemon=True) alloc_process1.start() async def _allocate_bcde(): await asyncio.sleep(0.2) # ensure that the other tensor is always allocated (and sent through pipe) first print("BEGAN BCDE") allocate_bcd_task = asyncio.create_task(_allocate_and_wait(dealloc_bcd_event, descr_b, descr_c, descr_d)) allocate_e_task = asyncio.create_task(_allocate_and_wait(dealloc_e_event, descr_e)) # doesn't fit await asyncio.wait({allocate_e_task, allocate_bcd_task}, return_when=asyncio.ALL_COMPLETED) alloc_process2 = mp.Process(target=lambda:, daemon=True) alloc_process2.start() assert cache.current_size_bytes == 0 alloc_event.set() handle_a, = pipe_receiver.recv() handle_b, handle_c, handle_d = pipe_receiver.recv() with cache.use_cache(handle_a) as (tensor_a,): assert tensor_a.dtype == torch.uint8 tensor_a[2:5] = torch.tensor((42, 43, 44)) with cache.use_cache(handle_a, handle_b, handle_d) as (tensor_a, tensor_b, tensor_d): assert tensor_b.dtype == torch.float64 and tensor_b.numel() == 1 and tensor_b.ndim == 0 assert tensor_d.dtype == torch.int64 and tensor_d.numel() == 0 tensor_a += 1 tensor_b[...] = -1.337 assert cache.current_size_bytes == 809 # this checks a,b,c,d are allocated but b still awaits memory dealloc_bcd_event.set() await asyncio.sleep(0.1) assert cache.current_size_bytes == 768 # only tensor a is allocated with pytest.raises(KeyError): with cache.use_cache(handle_a, handle_b): pass # one of handles (c) is deallocated with pytest.raises(KeyError): with cache.use_cache(handle_d): pass # handle_e is deallocated, even though it is never used with cache.use_cache(handle_a) as (tensor_a,): assert tuple(tensor_a[2:5]) == (43, 44, 45) dealloc_a_event.set() handle_e, = pipe_receiver.recv() # e can finally be allocated assert cache.current_size_bytes == 1536 # tensor e should finally be able to allocate with pytest.raises(KeyError): with cache.use_cache(handle_a): pass # tensor a is no longer allocated with cache.use_cache(handle_e) as (tensor_e,): assert tensor_e.dtype == torch.bfloat16 and tensor_e.shape == (96, 8) dealloc_e_event.set() alloc_process1.join(1) alloc_process2.join(1) assert cache.current_size_bytes == 0 assert alloc_process1.exitcode == 0, "allocation process 1 failed or did not finish, see stderr for details" assert alloc_process2.exitcode == 0, "allocation process 2 failed or did not finish, see stderr for details" # cache.runtime_pid += 1 # pretend we're another process # async with cache.allocate_cache(_make_tensor_descriptor(768)) as a: # pass # # # async with cache.allocate_cache(_make_tensor_descriptor(768)): # async with cache.allocate_cache(_make_tensor_descriptor(1024)): # async with cache.allocate_cache(_make_tensor_descriptor(512), _make_tensor_descriptor(64)): # async with cache.allocate_cache(_make_tensor_descriptor(1536)): # with pytest.raises(TimeoutError): # async with cache.allocate_cache(_make_tensor_descriptor(256), ): # pass # async with cache.allocate_cache(_make_tensor_descriptor(192)): # pass