from typing import Optional, Union import torch from accelerate import init_empty_weights from transformers import PretrainedConfig from petals.utils.convert_block import QuantType def resolve_block_dtype(config: PretrainedConfig, dtype: Union[str, torch.dtype]) -> torch.dtype: """If dtype is "auto", resolves it using BloomConfig. Returns `dtype` intact otherwise.""" if dtype not in ("auto", None): return dtype if config.torch_dtype not in ("auto", None): return config.torch_dtype return torch.bfloat16 def get_block_size( config: PretrainedConfig, location: str, *, dtype: Optional[Union[str, torch.dtype]] = None, quant_type: QuantType = QuantType.NONE, eps: float = 0.01, # eps accounts for ~1% of metainfo for tensor descriptions, quantization tables, etc. ) -> int: if location == "memory": assert ( dtype is not None and quant_type is not None ), 'get_block_size(..., location="memory") requires to specify dtype and quant_type for calculations' with init_empty_weights(include_buffers=True): block = config.block_class(config) n_params = sum(param.numel() for param in block.parameters()) if location == "memory": if quant_type == QuantType.NONE: dtype = resolve_block_dtype(config, dtype) bytes_per_value = torch.finfo(dtype).bits // 8 elif quant_type == QuantType.INT8: bytes_per_value = 1 elif quant_type == QuantType.NF4: bytes_per_value = 4.25 / 8 # Bitness of NF4 with this config (measured empirically) else: raise ValueError(f"Unsupported quant_type={quant_type}") elif location == "disk": dtype = resolve_block_dtype(config, "auto") bytes_per_value = torch.finfo(dtype).bits // 8 return round(n_params * bytes_per_value * (1 + eps))