import argparse import configargparse from hivemind.proto.runtime_pb2 import CompressionType from hivemind.utils.limits import increase_file_limit from hivemind.utils.logging import get_logger, use_hivemind_log_handler from humanfriendly import parse_size from src.constants import PUBLIC_INITIAL_PEERS from src.server.server import Server use_hivemind_log_handler("in_root_logger") logger = get_logger(__file__) def main(): # fmt:off parser = configargparse.ArgParser(default_config_files=["config.yml"], formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter) parser.add('-c', '--config', required=False, is_config_file=True, help='config file path') group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group(required=True) group.add_argument('--converted_model_name_or_path', type=str, default=None, help="path or name of a pretrained model, converted with cli/") group.add_argument('model', nargs='?', type=str, help="same as --converted_model_name_or_path") parser.add_argument('--num_blocks', type=int, default=None, help="The number of blocks to serve") parser.add_argument('--block_indices', type=str, default=None, help="Specific block indices to serve") parser.add_argument('--prefix', type=str, default=None, help="Announce all blocks with this prefix. By default," "use the same name as in the converted model.") parser.add_argument('--host_maddrs', nargs='+', default=['/ip4/', '/ip6/::/tcp/0'], required=False, help='Multiaddrs to listen for external connections from other peers. Default: all IPv4/IPv6 interfaces, a random free TCP port') parser.add_argument('--announce_maddrs', nargs='+', default=None, required=False, help='Visible multiaddrs the host announces for external connections from other peers') parser.add_argument('--compression', type=str, default='NONE', required=False, help='Tensor compression communication') parser.add_argument('--num_handlers', type=int, default=8, required=False, help='server will use this many processes to handle incoming requests') parser.add_argument('--min_batch_size', type=int, default=1, help='Minimum required batch size for all operations (in total tokens)') parser.add_argument('--max_batch_size', type=int, default=2048, help='The total number of tokens in the same batch will not exceed this value') parser.add_argument('--prefetch_batches', type=int, default=1, required=False, help='Pre-form this many subsequent batches while GPU is processing the current one') parser.add_argument('--sender_threads', type=int, default=1, required=False, help='Use this many threads to pass results/exceptions from Runtime to Pools') parser.add_argument('--inference_max_length', type=int, default=2048, help='Maximum total sequence length permitted per inference, defaults to 16384 tokens') parser.add_argument('--cache_dir', type=str, default=None, help='Path to a directory in which a downloaded pretrained model configuration should be cached if the standard cache should not be used.') parser.add_argument('--device', type=str, default=None, required=False, help='all blocks will use this device in torch notation; default: cuda if available else cpu') parser.add_argument("--torch_dtype", type=str, default="auto", help="Use this dtype to store block weights and do computations. " "By default, respect the dtypes in the pre-trained state dict.") parser.add_argument('--attn_cache_size', type=str, default=None, help='The size of GPU memory allocated for storing past attention keys/values between inference' ' steps; examples: 500MB or 1.2GB or 1073741824 (bytes); be warned: 1KB != 1KiB') parser.add_argument('--alloc_timeout', type=float, default=60, help='If the cache is full, the server will wait for this number of seconds hoping that some memory will be freed ' 'before rejecting the request') parser.add_argument('--revision', type=str, default='main', help="The specific model version to use. It can be a branch name, a tag name, or a commit id, since we use a git-based system for storing models" "and other artifacts on, so `revision` can be any identifier allowed by git.") parser.add_argument('--throughput', type=lambda value: value if value in ['auto', 'eval'] else float(value), default='auto', help='Expected server throughput (a float measured in RPS). ' 'If set to "auto" (default), the script evaluates network and compute throughput ' 'on the first run and uses these estimates for future runs. ' 'If set to "eval", the script re-evaluates the throughput and overrides the cache.') parser.add_argument('--update_period', type=float, required=False, default=30, help='Server will report blocks to DHT once in this many seconds') parser.add_argument('--expiration', type=float, required=False, default=None, help='DHT entries will expire after this many seconds') parser.add_argument('--request_timeout', type=float, required=False, default=3 * 60, help='Timeout for the whole rpc_forward/rpc_backward/rpc_forward_stream/rpc_backward_stream request') parser.add_argument('--session_timeout', type=float, required=False, default=30 * 60, help='Timeout for the whole inference session') parser.add_argument('--step_timeout', type=float, required=False, default=5 * 60, help="Timeout for waiting the next step's inputs inside an inference session") group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group() group.add_argument('--initial_peers', type=str, nargs='*', required=False, default=PUBLIC_INITIAL_PEERS, help='Multiaddrs of one or more DHT peers from the target swarm. Default: connects to the public swarm') group.add_argument('--new_swarm', action='store_true', help='Start a new private swarm (i.e., do not connect to any initial peers)') parser.add_argument('--increase_file_limit', action='store_true', help='On *nix, this will increase the max number of processes ' 'a server can spawn before hitting "Too many open files"; Use at your own risk.') parser.add_argument('--stats_report_interval', type=int, required=False, help='Interval between two reports of batch processing performance statistics') parser.add_argument('--custom_module_path', type=str, required=False, help='Path of a file with custom nn.modules, wrapped into special decorator') parser.add_argument('--identity_path', type=str, required=False, help='Path to identity file to be used in P2P') parser.add_argument("--balance_quality", type=float, default=0.75, help="Rebalance the swarm if its throughput is worse than this share of the optimal " "throughput. Use 0.0 to disable rebalancing, values > 1.0 to force rebalancing " "on each check for debugging purposes.") parser.add_argument("--mean_balance_check_period", type=float, default=60, help="Check the swarm's balance every N seconds (and rebalance it if necessary)") parser.add_argument("--use_auth_token", type=str, default=None, help="auth token for from_pretrained") parser.add_argument('--load_in_8bit', action='store_true', help='Convert the loaded model into mixed-8bit quantized model.') # fmt:on args = vars(parser.parse_args()) args.pop("config", None) args["converted_model_name_or_path"] = args.pop("model") or args["converted_model_name_or_path"] if args.pop("increase_file_limit"): increase_file_limit() compression_type = args.pop("compression").upper() compression = getattr(CompressionType, compression_type) attn_cache_size = args.pop("attn_cache_size") if attn_cache_size is not None: attn_cache_size = parse_size(attn_cache_size) assert isinstance( attn_cache_size, (int, type(None)) ), "unrecognized value for attention_cache_bytes, examples: 1.5GB or 1500MB or 1572864000 (bytes)" if args.pop("new_swarm"): args["initial_peers"] = [] use_auth_token = args.pop("use_auth_token") args["use_auth_token"] = True if use_auth_token in ("True", "true", "") else use_auth_token server = Server(**args, compression=compression, attn_cache_size=attn_cache_size) try: except KeyboardInterrupt:"Caught KeyboardInterrupt, shutting down") finally: server.shutdown() if __name__ == "__main__": main()