import multiprocessing as mp import multiprocessing.pool import threading from collections import defaultdict from itertools import chain from queue import SimpleQueue from selectors import EVENT_READ, DefaultSelector from statistics import mean from time import time from typing import Dict, NamedTuple, Optional import torch from import ModuleBackend from hivemind.utils import get_logger from prefetch_generator import BackgroundGenerator logger = get_logger(__name__) class Runtime(threading.Thread): """ A group of processes that processes incoming requests for multiple module backends on a shared device. Runtime is usually created and managed by Server, humans need not apply. For debugging, you can start runtime manually with .start() or .run() >>> module_backends = {'block_uid': ModuleBackend(**kwargs)} >>> runtime = Runtime(module_backends) >>> runtime.start() # start runtime in background thread. To start in current thread, use >>> runtime.ready.wait() # await for runtime to load all blocks on device and create request pools >>> future = runtime.module_backends['block_uid'].forward_pool.submit_task(*module_inputs) >>> print("Returned:", future.result()) >>> runtime.shutdown() :param module_backends: a dict [block uid -> ModuleBackend] :param prefetch_batches: form up to this many batches in advance :param sender_threads: dispatches outputs from finished batches using this many asynchronous threads :param device: if specified, moves all blocks and data to this device via .to(device=device). If you want to manually specify devices for each block (in their forward pass), leave device=None (default) :param stats_report_interval: interval to collect and log statistics about runtime performance """ SHUTDOWN_TRIGGER = "RUNTIME SHUTDOWN TRIGGERED" def __init__( self, module_backends: Dict[str, ModuleBackend], prefetch_batches: int = 1, sender_threads: int = 1, device: torch.device = None, stats_report_interval: Optional[int] = None, ): super().__init__() self.module_backends = module_backends self.pools = tuple(chain(*(backend.get_pools() for backend in module_backends.values()))) self.device, self.prefetch_batches, self.sender_threads = device, prefetch_batches, sender_threads self.shutdown_recv, self.shutdown_send = mp.Pipe(duplex=False) self.shutdown_trigger = mp.Event() self.ready = mp.Event() # event is set iff server is currently running and ready to accept batches self.stats_report_interval = stats_report_interval if self.stats_report_interval is not None: self.stats_reporter = StatsReporter(self.stats_report_interval) def run(self): for pool in self.pools: if not pool.is_alive(): pool.start() if self.device is not None: for backend in self.module_backends.values(): with mp.pool.ThreadPool(self.sender_threads) as output_sender_pool: try: self.ready.set() if self.stats_report_interval is not None: self.stats_reporter.start()"Started") batch_iterator = self.iterate_minibatches_from_pools() if self.prefetch_batches > 0: batch_iterator = BackgroundGenerator(batch_iterator, self.prefetch_batches) for pool, batch_index, batch in batch_iterator: logger.debug(f"Processing batch {batch_index} from pool {}") start = time() try: outputs = pool.process_func(*batch) output_sender_pool.apply_async(pool.send_outputs_from_runtime, args=[batch_index, outputs]) batch_processing_time = time() - start batch_size = outputs[0].size(0) logger.debug(f"Pool {}: batch {batch_index} processed, size {batch_size}") if self.stats_report_interval is not None: self.stats_reporter.report_stats(, batch_size, batch_processing_time) except KeyboardInterrupt: raise except BaseException as exception: logger.exception(f"Caught {exception}, attempting to recover") output_sender_pool.apply_async(pool.send_exception_from_runtime, args=[batch_index, exception]) finally: if not self.shutdown_trigger.is_set(): self.shutdown() def shutdown(self): """Gracefully terminate a running runtime.""""Shutting down") self.ready.clear() if self.stats_report_interval is not None: self.stats_reporter.stop.set() self.stats_reporter.join() logger.debug("Terminating pools") for pool in self.pools: if pool.is_alive(): pool.shutdown() logger.debug("Pools terminated") # trigger background thread to shutdown self.shutdown_send.send(self.SHUTDOWN_TRIGGER) self.shutdown_trigger.set() def iterate_minibatches_from_pools(self, timeout=None): """ Chooses pool according to priority, then copies exposed batch and frees the buffer """ with DefaultSelector() as selector: for pool in self.pools: selector.register(pool.batch_receiver, EVENT_READ, pool) selector.register(self.shutdown_recv, EVENT_READ, self.SHUTDOWN_TRIGGER) while True: # wait until at least one batch_receiver becomes available logger.debug("Waiting for inputs from task pools") ready_fds = ready_objects = { for (key, events) in ready_fds} if self.SHUTDOWN_TRIGGER in ready_objects: break # someone asked us to shutdown, break from the loop logger.debug("Choosing the pool with first priority") pool = min(ready_objects, key=lambda pool: pool.priority) logger.debug(f"Loading batch from {}") batch_index, batch_tensors = pool.load_batch_to_runtime(timeout, self.device) logger.debug(f"Loaded batch from {}") yield pool, batch_index, batch_tensors BatchStats = NamedTuple("BatchStats", (("batch_size", int), ("processing_time", float))) class StatsReporter(threading.Thread): def __init__(self, report_interval: int): super().__init__() self.report_interval = report_interval self.stop = threading.Event() self.stats_queue = SimpleQueue() def run(self): while not self.stop.wait(self.report_interval): pool_batch_stats = defaultdict(list) while not self.stats_queue.empty(): pool_uid, batch_stats = self.stats_queue.get() pool_batch_stats[pool_uid].append(batch_stats) total_processed_batches = sum(len(pool_stats) for pool_stats in pool_batch_stats.values())"Processed {total_processed_batches} batches in last {self.report_interval} seconds:") for pool_uid, pool_stats in pool_batch_stats.items(): total_batches = len(pool_stats) total_examples = sum(batch_stats.batch_size for batch_stats in pool_stats) avg_batch_size = mean(batch_stats.batch_size for batch_stats in pool_stats) total_time = sum(batch_stats.processing_time for batch_stats in pool_stats) batches_to_time = total_batches / total_time batch_performance = f"{batches_to_time:.2f} " + ("batches/s" if batches_to_time > 1 else "s/batch") examples_to_time = total_examples / total_time example_performance = f"{examples_to_time:.2f} " + ( "examples/s" if examples_to_time > 1 else "s/example" ) f"{pool_uid}: " f"{total_batches} batches ({batch_performance}), " f"{total_examples} examples ({example_performance}), " f"avg batch size {avg_batch_size:.2f}" ) def report_stats(self, pool_uid, batch_size, processing_time): batch_stats = BatchStats(batch_size, processing_time) self.stats_queue.put_nowait((pool_uid, batch_stats))