from typing import Dict, List import numpy as np from hivemind import PeerID, get_logger from petals.data_structures import RemoteModuleInfo, RemoteSpanInfo, ServerState from petals.utils.dht import compute_spans logger = get_logger(__name__) def compute_throughputs(spans: Dict[PeerID, RemoteSpanInfo], *, total_blocks: int) -> np.ndarray: # We sort servers here to ensure that we get exactly the same throughputs for a given set of servers. # If the order were not defined, we would get slightly different values due to floating point errors, # which may cause excess block replacements. throughputs = np.zeros(total_blocks) for span in sorted(spans.values(), key=lambda span: span.peer_id): throughputs[span.start : span.end] += span.throughput return throughputs def _choose_best_start(throughputs: np.ndarray, num_blocks: int) -> int: options = ((sorted(throughputs[i : i + num_blocks]), i) for i in range(0, len(throughputs) - num_blocks + 1)) return min(options)[-1] def choose_best_blocks(num_blocks: int, module_infos: List[RemoteModuleInfo]) -> List[int]: spans = compute_spans(module_infos, min_state=ServerState.JOINING) throughputs = compute_throughputs(spans, total_blocks=len(module_infos)) start = _choose_best_start(throughputs, num_blocks) return list(range(start, start + num_blocks)) def _move_span(span: RemoteSpanInfo, new_start: int): span.start, span.end = new_start, new_start + span.length def should_choose_other_blocks( local_peer_id: PeerID, module_infos: List[RemoteModuleInfo], balance_quality: float ) -> bool: if balance_quality > 1.0: return True # Forces rebalancing on each check (may be used for debugging purposes) spans = compute_spans(module_infos, min_state=ServerState.JOINING) throughputs = compute_throughputs(spans, total_blocks=len(module_infos)) initial_throughput = throughputs.min() eps = 1e-3 assert local_peer_id in spans, "Span served by this server is not present in the DHT" local_span = spans[local_peer_id] throughputs[local_span.start : local_span.end] -= local_span.throughput * (1 + eps) # Without (1 + eps) here, we would sometimes subtract a value slightly less than local_span.throughput # due to the floating point error, which would cause excess block replacements. # Also, subtracting local_span.throughput * (1 + eps) makes _choose_best_start() prefer # the previous server position in case of other things being almost equal. if initial_throughput > eps and throughputs.min() <= 0: return False # Switching blocks would make the swarm disjoint new_start = _choose_best_start(throughputs, local_span.length) if local_span.start == new_start: return False # This server is on its best place already throughputs[local_span.start : local_span.end] += local_span.throughput * eps _move_span(local_span, new_start) throughputs[local_span.start : local_span.end] += local_span.throughput moved = True while moved: servers = list(spans.keys()) np.random.shuffle(servers) moved = False for peer_id in servers: span = spans[peer_id] throughputs[span.start : span.end] -= span.throughput * (1 + eps) new_start = _choose_best_start(throughputs, span.length) throughputs[span.start : span.end] += span.throughput * eps if span.start != new_start: _move_span(span, new_start) moved = True throughputs[span.start : span.end] += span.throughput new_throughput = throughputs.min() if new_throughput < initial_throughput or new_throughput < eps: return False actual_quality = initial_throughput / new_throughput"Swarm balance quality: {actual_quality * 100:.1f}%") return actual_quality < balance_quality - eps