import ctypes import multiprocessing as mp import threading import time from concurrent.futures._base import PENDING from dataclasses import dataclass, field from queue import PriorityQueue from typing import Any, List, Optional, Sequence, Tuple, Union import torch from hivemind import get_logger from hivemind.utils.mpfuture import ALL_STATES, MPFuture logger = get_logger(__name__) @dataclass(order=True, frozen=True) class Task: priority: float time_submitted: float future: MPFuture = field(compare=False) args: Sequence[torch.Tensor] = field(compare=False) @property def uid(self) -> int: return self.future._uid class PrioritizedTaskPool(threading.Thread): """ Aggregates requests from multiple ConnectionHandler instances, orders them for processing in Runtime, then returns results (or exception) to the corresponding ConnectionHandler. Runs a background process. A single PrioritizedTaskPool services a specific function (e.g. layer1.forward, layer2.forward or layer1.backward) :note: unlike TaskPool, this pool does *not* combine incoming requests into batches. This would require grouping requests of different length. :param process_func: function to be applied to every formed batch; called by Runtime Note that process_func should accept only positional args (Tensors) and return a flat tuple of Tensors :param max_batch_size: process at most this many inputs in a batch (task contains have one or several inputs) Measured in the total number of tokens (i.e. batch size * sequence length) :param name: pool name, used for logging :param min_batch_size: process at least this many inputs in a batch, otherwise wait for more :param device: if specified, input tensors will be moved to that device by default :param start: if True, start automatically at the end of __init__ """ def __init__( self, process_func: callable, max_batch_size: int, name: str, min_batch_size=1, device: Optional[torch.device] = None, daemon=True, start=False, ): super().__init__(daemon=daemon, name=name) self.process_func = process_func # the lower the priority is, the more urgent it is to process this pool self._priority = mp.Value(ctypes.c_double, 1.0) self.min_batch_size, self.max_batch_size = min_batch_size, max_batch_size self.device = device self.submitted_tasks = mp.SimpleQueue() # interaction with ConnectionHandlers self._ordered_tasks = PriorityQueue() # interaction with Runtime - only valid inside Runtime self._dispatched_tasks = {} self.batch_receiver, self.batch_sender = mp.Pipe(duplex=False) self._oldest_undispatched_timestamp = mp.Value(ctypes.c_double, 1.0) self.priority = float("inf"), float("inf") # (first task priority, first task timestamp) if start: self.start() def run(self): """Read tasks from incoming queue and put them into a local priority queue""" while True: task = self.submitted_tasks.get() if task is None: logger.debug("Shutting down prioritizer thread") break self._ordered_tasks.put(task, block=True) def terminate(self): """An alias for hivemind.Runtime that assumes that each TaskPool is a process""" self.shutdown() def shutdown(self): self.submitted_tasks.put(None) # Shuts down def submit_task(self, *args: Any, priority: float = 0.0) -> MPFuture: """Add task to this pool's queue, return Future for its output""" future = MPFuture() # Remove shmem from MPFuture. This disables the .cancel() feature but # saves the server from "could not unlink the shared memory file" crashes during rebalancing future._shared_state_code = torch.tensor([ALL_STATES.index(PENDING)], dtype=torch.uint8) task = Task(priority, time.monotonic(), future, args) if self.get_task_size(task) > self.max_batch_size: exc = ValueError(f"Task size greater than max_batch_size ({self.max_batch_size}), it can't be processed") task.future.set_exception(exc) else: self.submitted_tasks.put(task) self.batch_sender.send(None) # use this pipe to count the number of unfinished batches if (task.priority, task.time_submitted) < self.priority: self.priority = (task.priority, task.time_submitted) return task.future def get_task_size(self, task: Task) -> int: """compute task processing complexity; defaults to the total number of tokens""" if task.args and task.args[0].ndim >= 2: return task.args[0].shape[0] * task.args[0].shape[1] return 1 def load_batch_to_runtime( self, timeout: Optional[float] = None, device: Optional[torch.device] = None ) -> Tuple[Any, List[torch.Tensor]]: """receive next batch of arrays""" device = device if device is not None else self.device task = self._ordered_tasks.get(block=True, timeout=timeout) batch_inputs = [_move_to_device_if_tensor(arg, device, share_memory=False) for arg in task.args] self._dispatched_tasks[task.uid] = task self.batch_receiver.recv() # reduce the number of active batches if not self._ordered_tasks.empty(): first_remaining_task: Task = self._ordered_tasks.queue[0] self.priority = (first_remaining_task.priority, first_remaining_task.time_submitted) return task.uid, batch_inputs def send_outputs_from_runtime(self, uid: int, batch_outputs: List[torch.Tensor]): """send results for a processed batch, previously loaded through load_batch_to_runtime""" batch_outputs = [_move_to_device_if_tensor(output, device="cpu", share_memory=True) for output in batch_outputs] task = self._dispatched_tasks.pop(uid, None) if task is None: logger.error( f"Internal error: task task with index {uid} is missing from the dictionary; " f"Could not set result" ) else: task.future.set_result(batch_outputs) def send_exception_from_runtime(self, uid: int, exception: BaseException): task = self._dispatched_tasks.pop(uid, None) if task is None: logger.error( f"Internal error: task task with index {uid} is missing from the dictionary; " f"Could not set exception {exception}" ) else: task.future.set_exception(exception) @property def empty(self): return not self.batch_receiver.poll() @property def priority(self) -> Tuple[float, float]: """The priority of this pool equals the (priority, timestamp) of the most important task in it.""" return float(self._priority.value), float(self._oldest_undispatched_timestamp.value) @priority.setter def priority(self, item: Tuple[float, float]): assert len(item) == 2 self._priority.value = float(item[0]) self._oldest_undispatched_timestamp.value = float(item[1]) def _move_to_device_if_tensor(arg: Any, device: Union[torch.device, str], share_memory: bool = False): if isinstance(arg, torch.Tensor): arg = arg.detach().to(device, non_blocking=not share_memory).requires_grad_(arg.requires_grad) # note: it is important that non_blocking is disabled if share_memory=True; using share_memory on a tensor # produced by a non-blocking copy will result in undefined behavior (depending on your gpu speed) if share_memory: arg = arg.share_memory_() return arg