add preliminary 8bit backward

dbaranchuk 2 years ago
parent 11a424837f
commit d0ea74dc5a

@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ from src.server.block_selection import choose_best_blocks
from src.server.cache import MemoryCache
from src.server.handler import TransformerConnectionHandler
from src.server.throughput import get_host_throughput
from src.utils.convert_8bit import replace_8bit_linear
from src.utils.tmp_convert_8bit import replace_8bit_linear
logger = get_logger(__file__)

@ -0,0 +1,230 @@
# This file contains a temporary solution for int8 backward until the new 'bitsandbytes' release will come.
# To be removed
import operator
from functools import reduce # Required in Python 3
import bitsandbytes as bnb
import bitsandbytes.functional as F
import torch
def replace_8bit_linear(model, threshold=6.0):
A helper function to replace all `torch.nn.Linear` modules by `bnb.nn.Linear8bit` modules from the `bitsandbytes`
library. This will enable running your models using mixed int8 precision as described by the paper `GPT3.int8():
8-bit Matrix Multiplication for Transformers at Scale`. Make sure `bitsandbytes` compiled with the correct CUDA
version of your hardware is installed before running this function. `pip install -i
bitsandbytes-cudaXXX` with `XXX` is your CUDA version (e.g., 11.6 = 116)
The function will be run recursively and replace all `torch.nn.Linear` modules except for the `lm_head` that should
be kept as a `torch.nn.Linear` module. The replacement is done under `init_empty_weights` context manager so no
CPU/GPU memory is required to run this function.
model (`torch.nn.Module`):
Input model or `torch.nn.Module` as the function is run recursively.
threshold (`float`, *optional*):
`int8_threshold` for outlier detection as described in the formentioned paper. This parameters is set to
`6.0` as described by the paper.
for n, module in model.named_children():
if len(list(module.children())) > 0:
replace_8bit_linear(module, threshold)
if isinstance(module, torch.nn.Linear) and n != ["lm_head", "score"]:
model._modules[n] = Linear8bitLtFor8bitBackward(
module.bias is not None,
return model
class Linear8bitLtFor8bitBackward(bnb.nn.Linear8bitLt):
def forward(self, x):
self.state.is_training =
if self.weight.CB is not None:
out = matmul(x, self.weight, state=self.state)
if self.bias is not None:
out += self.bias.unsqueeze(0).expand_as(out)
if not self.state.has_fp16_weights and self.state.CB is not None:
# we converted 8-bit row major to turing/ampere format in the first inference pass
# we no longer need the row-major weight
del self.state.CB = self.state.CxB
return out
# not compatible with python < 3.8
def prod(iterable):
return reduce(operator.mul, iterable, 1)
class MatMul8bitLt(torch.autograd.Function):
def forward(ctx, A, B, out=None, state=bnb.autograd._functions.MatmulLtState()):
# default to pytorch behavior if inputs are empty
ctx.is_empty = False
if prod(A.shape) == 0:
ctx.is_empty = True
ctx.A = A
ctx.B = B
if A.shape[-1] == B.shape[0]:
return torch.empty(A.shape[:-1] + B.shape[1:], dtype=torch.float16, device=A.device)
return torch.empty(A.shape[:-1] + B.shape[:1], dtype=torch.float16, device=A.device)
# 1. Quantize A
# 2. Quantize B
# 3. Matmul
# 4. Mixed-precision decomposition matmul
# 5. Save state
requires_gradA = A.requires_grad
requires_gradB = B.requires_grad
formatB = state.formatB
input_shape = A.shape
if state.outlier_pool is None:
state.outlier_pool = bnb.autograd._functions.GlobalOutlierPooler.get_instance()
assert A.dtype == torch.float16, f"The input data type needs to be fp16 but {A.dtype} was found!"
# 1. Quantize A
if len(A.shape) == 3:
A = A.view(-1, A.shape[-1]).contiguous()
CA, CAt, SCA, SCAt, coo_tensorA = F.double_quant(A, threshold=state.threshold)
if state.threshold > 0.0 and coo_tensorA is not None:
if state.has_fp16_weights:
idx = torch.unique(coo_tensorA.colidx).long()
CA[:, idx] = 0
CAt[:, idx] = 0
subA = A[:, idx]
state.subB = B[:, idx].t().contiguous()
state.idx = idx
if state.CxB is None:
# B in in 8-bit row-major, we can transform it back to 16-bit to extract outlier dimensions
# we also need to convert it to the turing/ampere format
state.CxB, state.SB = F.transform(state.CB, to_order=formatB)
if not state.has_fp16_weights and state.CxB is None:
state.CxB, state.SB = F.transform(state.CB, to_order=formatB)
subA = None
# 2. Quantize B
if state.has_fp16_weights:
has_grad = True if (getattr(B, "grad", None) is not None) else False
is_transposed = not B.is_contiguous() and B.shape[0] == B.stride(1)
if is_transposed:
B = B.contiguous()
if (state.is_training and not has_grad) or state.CxB is None:
) = F.double_quant(B)
state.CxB, state.SB = F.transform(CB, to_order=formatB)
has_grad = False
if coo_tensorA is not None and not state.has_fp16_weights:
# extract outliers
outlier_idx = torch.unique(coo_tensorA.colidx)
state.idx = outlier_idx
outliers = F.extract_outliers(state.CxB, state.SB,
state.subB = (outliers * state.SCB.view(-1, 1) / 127.0).t().contiguous().half()
CA[:, state.idx.long()] = 0
CAt[:, state.idx.long()] = 0
subA = A[:, state.idx.long()]
shapeB = state.SB[0]
if len(input_shape) == 3:
output_shape = (input_shape[0], input_shape[1], shapeB[0])
output_shape = (input_shape[0], shapeB[0])
# 3. Matmul
C32A, SA = F.transform(CA, "col32")
out32, Sout32 = F.igemmlt(C32A, state.CxB, SA, state.SB)
output = F.mm_dequant(out32, Sout32, SCA, state.SCB)
# 4. Mixed-precision decomposition matmul
if coo_tensorA is not None and subA is not None:
output += torch.matmul(subA, state.subB)
# 5. Save state
ctx.state = state
ctx.formatB = formatB
ctx.grad_shape = input_shape
ctx.req_grads = [requires_gradA, requires_gradB]
if requires_gradA or requires_gradB:
ctx.tensors = (CAt, subA)
ctx.tensor_states = (SCAt, state.idx)
ctx.tensors = [None, None]
ctx.tensor_states = (None, None)
ctx.save_for_backward(None, None)
# clone_func = torch.clone if len(output_shape) == 3 else lambda x : x
clone_func = torch.clone
return clone_func(output.view(output_shape))
def backward(ctx, grad_output):
if ctx.is_empty:
return torch.zeros_like(ctx.A), torch.zeros_like(ctx.B), None, None
req_gradA, req_gradB = ctx.req_grads
CAt, subA = ctx.tensors
SCAt, idx = ctx.tensor_states
formatB = ctx.formatB
state = ctx.state
if len(grad_output.shape) == 3:
grad_output = grad_output.view(-1, grad_output.shape[-1]).contiguous()
grad_A = grad_B = None
Cgrad, Cgradt, SCgrad, SCgradt, coo_tensor = F.double_quant(grad_output)
if req_gradB:
CxAt, SAt = F.transform(CAt, formatB, transpose=True)
C32grad, Sgrad = F.transform(Cgradt, "col32", transpose=True)
gradB32, SgradB32 = F.igemmlt(C32grad, CxAt, Sgrad, SAt)
grad_B = F.mm_dequant(gradB32, SgradB32, SCgradt, SCAt)
if state.threshold > 0.0 and subA is not None:
grad_B[:, idx] += torch.matmul(grad_output.t(), subA)
if req_gradA:
C32grad, Sgrad = F.transform(Cgrad, "col32")
if state.CxBt is None:
state.CxBt, state.SBt = F.transform(state.CBt, to_order=formatB, transpose=True)
gradA32, SgradA32 = F.igemmlt(C32grad, state.CxBt, Sgrad, state.SBt)
grad_A = F.mm_dequant(gradA32, SgradA32, SCgrad, state.SCBt).view(ctx.grad_shape)
return grad_A, grad_B, None, None
def matmul(
A: torch.Tensor,
B: torch.Tensor,
out: torch.Tensor = None,
state: bnb.autograd._functions.MatmulLtState = None,
state = state or bnb.autograd._functions.MatmulLtState()
if threshold > 0.0:
state.threshold = threshold
return MatMul8bitLt.apply(A, B, out, state)