basic multi-step inference session

justheuristic 2 years ago
parent c4d508c00e
commit a00ec56ade

@ -1,33 +1,109 @@
from concurrent.futures import Future
from __future__ import annotations
import asyncio
from functools import partial
from typing import List, Optional, Union, Sequence
from typing import List, Optional, Union, Sequence, AsyncIterator, Dict, Any
import torch
from import RemoteExpert
from import RemoteExpertWorker
from import ExpertUID
from import _get_experts
from hivemind.p2p import StubBase, P2P
from hivemind.proto.runtime_pb2 import ExpertInfo
from hivemind.dht import DHT
from hivemind.utils import MPFuture, DHTExpiration
from import RemoteExpert, RemoteExpertWorker
from import ExpertUID, ExpertInfo as RemoteModuleInfo
from hivemind.p2p import P2P, PeerID, StubBase
from hivemind.proto import runtime_pb2
from hivemind.dht import DHT, DHTNode, DHTValue
from hivemind.utils import MPFuture, DHTExpiration, get_dht_time, as_aiter, anext, nested_flatten
from hivemind.compression import serialize_torch_tensor, deserialize_torch_tensor
from src.server.handler import TransformerConnectionHandler
class RemoteTransformerBlock(RemoteExpert):
"""A class that interacts with a specific remote server for forward/backward or inference"""
def __init__(self, info: ExpertInfo, p2p: P2P):
super().__init__(info, p2p)
# self._config = config
# self._inputs_cache = torch.empty(1, MAX_LENGTH, config.hidden_size, dtype=config.dtype)
# self._active_stream: Optional[RemoteTransformerStream] = None
"""A class that interacts with a remote module on a specific server for forward/backward or inference"""
def stub(self) -> StubBase:
return TransformerConnectionHandler.get_stub(self.p2p, self.peer_id)
def begin_inference_session(self) -> RemoteTransformerBlockInferenceSession:
"""Initialize a new inference session with the specified remote server"""
return RemoteExpertWorker.run_coroutine(RemoteTransformerBlockInferenceSession._create(self))
class RemoteTransformerBlockInferenceSession:
"""An interface to a single multi-step *inference* session for a specific remote module with a specific server"""
def __init__(self, uid: ExpertUID, info: Dict[str, Any], inputs_queue: asyncio.Queue, outputs_aiter: AsyncIterator):
self.uid, = uid, info
# warning: this code manages async objects that are only usable inside RemoteExpertWorker's background thread;
# using them in any other EventLoop may cause side-effects including, headaches, diarrhea, and loss of sleep
self._inputs_queue: asyncio.Queue[runtime_pb2.ExpertRequest] = inputs_queue
self._outputs_stream: AsyncIterator[runtime_pb2.ExpertResponse] = outputs_aiter
self.closed = False
async def _create(
cls, remote_module: RemoteTransformerBlock, timeout: Optional[float] = None
) -> RemoteTransformerBlockInferenceSession:
"""Create a new session for a given remote module. This code is meant to be run inside RemoteExpertWorker"""
inputs_queue = asyncio.Queue()
outputs_stream = await remote_module.stub.rpc_inference(
cls._read_inputs_from_queue(inputs_queue, timeout), timeout=timeout
return cls(remote_module.uid,, inputs_queue, outputs_stream)
async def _read_inputs_from_queue(queue: asyncio.Queue, timeout: Optional[float]) -> AsyncIterator:
while True:
next_input_message = await asyncio.wait_for(queue.get(), timeout)
yield next_input_message
if not next_input_message.uid and not next_input_message.tensors:
break # this message means "done sending"
def step(self, new_hidden_states: torch.Tensor):
"""Inference step: send a chunk of input tensors and receive a chunk of outputs"""
if self.closed:
raise Exception("Session is closed, cannot perform step")
# serialize inputs and put them into the queue
inputs = (new_hidden_states,)
outputs_serialized = RemoteExpertWorker.run_coroutine(self._step(
runtime_pb2.ExpertRequest(uid=self.uid, tensors=[
serialize_torch_tensor(tensor, proto.compression)
for tensor, proto in zip(inputs, nested_flatten(["forward_schema"]))
outputs = list(map(deserialize_torch_tensor, outputs_serialized.tensors))
assert outputs[0].shape == inputs[0].shape, f"expected outputs[0] to be hidden states but got {outputs[0]}"
return outputs[0]
async def _step(self, inputs_serialized: runtime_pb2.ExpertRequest) -> runtime_pb2.ExpertResponse:
"""Inference step on serialized data. This code is meant to be run inside RemoteExpertWorker"""
await self._inputs_queue.put(inputs_serialized)
return await anext(self._outputs_stream)
def close(self):
"""Finish a given inference session, close the underlying connection"""
if self._outputs_stream is None:
return # already closed
self._outputs_stream = self._inputs_queue = None
self.closed = True
async def _aclose_stream(self):
"""Close the inference session. This code is meant to be run inside RemoteExpertWorker"""
if self._outputs_stream is None:
return # already closed
await self._inputs_queue.put(runtime_pb2.ExpertRequest()) # empty request will trigger end of session
await anext(self._outputs_stream)
except StopAsyncIteration:
def __del__(self):
def __enter__(self):
assert not self.closed
return self
def __exit__(self, *exc_details):
def get_remote_module(
@ -40,25 +116,38 @@ def get_remote_module(
:returns: a list of [RemoteTransformerBlock if found else None]
assert not isinstance(uids, str), "Please send a list / tuple of expert uids."
result = dht.run_coroutine(partial(_get_experts, uids=list(uids), expiration_time=expiration_time), return_future)
return create_remote_module(result, dht, return_future)
infos = dht.run_coroutine(
partial(_get_remote_module_infos, uids=list(uids), expiration_time=expiration_time),
def create_remote_module(
infos: Union[Sequence[Optional[ExpertInfo]], MPFuture], dht: DHT, return_future: bool = False
) -> Union[List[Optional[RemoteTransformerBlock]], Future]:
if return_future:
async def _unpack(infos_future: MPFuture, dht: DHT):
p2p = await dht.replicate_p2p()
return _create_remote_experts(await infos_future, p2p)
return _create_remote_modules_from_infos(await infos_future, p2p)
return RemoteExpertWorker.run_coroutine(_unpack(infos, dht), return_future)
p2p = RemoteExpertWorker.run_coroutine(dht.replicate_p2p())
return _create_remote_experts(infos, p2p)
return _create_remote_modules_from_infos(infos, p2p)
async def _get_remote_module_infos(
dht: DHT, node: DHTNode, uids: List[ExpertUID], expiration_time: Optional[DHTExpiration]
) -> List[Optional[RemoteModuleInfo]]:
if expiration_time is None:
expiration_time = get_dht_time()
num_workers = len(uids) if dht.num_workers is None else min(len(uids), dht.num_workers)
found: Dict[ExpertUID, DHTValue] = await node.get_many(uids, expiration_time, num_workers=num_workers)
experts: List[Optional[RemoteModuleInfo]] = [None] * len(uids)
for i, uid in enumerate(uids):
server_peer_id = found[uid]
if server_peer_id is not None and isinstance(server_peer_id.value, str):
experts[i] = RemoteModuleInfo(uid, PeerID.from_base58(server_peer_id.value))
return experts
def _create_remote_experts(infos: Sequence[Optional[ExpertInfo]], p2p: P2P) -> List[Optional[RemoteTransformerBlock]]:
def _create_remote_modules_from_infos(infos: Sequence[Optional[RemoteModuleInfo]], p2p: P2P
) -> List[Optional[RemoteTransformerBlock]]:
experts: List[Optional[RemoteTransformerBlock]] = []
for info in infos:
if info is not None:

@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ class TransformerBackend(ModuleBackend):
attention_cache_handle = int(cache_metadata[0, 0].item())
current_sequence_length = int(cache_metadata[0, 1].item())
with self.memory_cache.use_cache(attention_cache_handle) as cache:
print('METADATA:', cache_metadata, "CACHE ENTRIES:", len(self.memory_cache._allocated_tensors))
print('METADATA:', cache_metadata, "CACHE", cache.mean(), "CACHE ENTRIES:", len(self.memory_cache._allocated_tensors))
cache[...] += 1
return (inputs[0] + cache.flatten()[0],)

@ -4,11 +4,11 @@ A pytorch memory cache that can be allocated by ConnectionHandler (on cpu) and u
For now, the only purpose of this code is to ensure that allocated memory will be deleted properly.
TODO In future, one could modify cache to implement, among other things,
- in allocate_cache, if there is not enough memory, wait for memory to be freed by existing tasks up to a given timeout.
-- note: this can be done using mp.Condtion
- allocate cache as one contigous buffer to avoid fragmentation
- quantize cached values using bitsandbytes
- LRU offloading from gpu to ram
import contextlib

@ -22,7 +22,10 @@ class TransformerConnectionHandler(ConnectionHandler):
) -> AsyncIterator[runtime_pb2.ExpertRequest]:
"""Compute a single step of inference using attention cache; update attention cache accordingly."""
request = await anext(requests)
if not request.uid:
raise RuntimeError("User did not provide any uids.")
backend = self.module_backends[request.uid]
assert isinstance(backend, TransformerBackend)
@ -33,13 +36,15 @@ class TransformerConnectionHandler(ConnectionHandler):
current_sequence_length = 0
async with backend.memory_cache.allocate_cache(cache_descriptor) as cache_handle:
inputs = [cache_metadata, *(deserialize_torch_tensor(tensor) for tensor in request.tensors)]
print("INPUTS:", inputs)
assert len(inputs) == 2 and inputs[1].ndim == 3, "send only hidden states for now"
cache_metadata[0, 0], cache_metadata[0, 1] = cache_handle, current_sequence_length
outputs = await self._process_inputs(inputs, backend.inference_pool, backend.outputs_schema)
yield runtime_pb2.ExpertResponse(tensors=outputs)
current_sequence_length += inputs[1].shape[1]
while request.uid or request.tensors: # iterate while user is willing to supply tensors
inputs = [cache_metadata, *(deserialize_torch_tensor(tensor) for tensor in request.tensors)]
print("INPUTS:", inputs)
assert len(inputs) == 2 and inputs[1].ndim == 3, "send only hidden states for now"
cache_metadata[0, 0], cache_metadata[0, 1] = cache_handle, current_sequence_length
outputs = await self._process_inputs(inputs, backend.inference_pool, backend.outputs_schema)
yield runtime_pb2.ExpertResponse(tensors=outputs)
current_sequence_length += inputs[1].shape[1]
request = await(anext(requests))
