backend schema

justheuristic 2 years ago
parent 3ccd0b5e2d
commit 54cf292374

@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
"""Code for serving bloom blocks via hivemind-server"""
import contextlib
import threading
from typing import AsyncIterator, Tuple, List, Dict, Optional
import torch
from hivemind import P2PContext, DHT
from import ConnectionHandler
from import DHTHandlerThread
from import ExpertBackend
from import Runtime
from import Server
from hivemind.proto import runtime_pb2
from torch import nn
class BloomServer(Server):
"""Serves one or more bloom layers for inference, forward and backward; announces oneself to the DHT"""
def __init__(
self, dht: DHT, device=torch.device, num_connection_handlers: int = 8, update_period: int = 30,
attention_cache_size: Optional[int] = None, start=False, **kwargs,
self.attention_cache = AttentionCache(attention_cache_size, dtype=torch.bfloat16, device=torch.)
expert_blocks = dict(LOAD_BLOOM_LAYERS_HERE)
expert_backends = {name: _BloomBlockBackend(name, block, ..., self.attention_kv_cache) for name, block in expert_blocks.items()}
self.dht, self.experts, self.update_period = dht, expert_backends, update_period
self.conn_handlers = [ConnectionHandler(dht, self.experts) for _ in range(num_connection_handlers)]
self.runtime = Runtime(self.experts, **kwargs)
self.dht_handler_thread = DHTHandlerThread(self.experts, dht, update_period=update_period, daemon=True)
self.checkpoint_saver = None # no need to save checkpoints since we do not change model state
if start:
class _BloomConnectionHandler(ConnectionHandler):
"""Handles three request types: forward, backward and forward-incremental (inference)"""
async def rpc_forward_incremental(
self, requests: AsyncIterator[runtime_pb2.ExpertRequest], context: P2PContext
) -> AsyncIterator[runtime_pb2.ExpertRequest]:
# encode expert_uid as @model_name[starting_layer:finishing_layer]
# - while not closed: read input embeddings, check input shapes, run inference, return batch of outputs, repeat
# - receive and maintain a handle for attention cache here
raise NotImplementedError()
class _BloomBlockBackend(ExpertBackend):
def __init__(self, name: str, expert: nn.Module, *, attention_cache: AttentionCache, **kwargs):
self.attention_cache = attention_cache
super().__init__(name, expert, **kwargs)
# BloomBackend serves a single layer
# - ensure that parameters do not require grad!
# - ensure that TaskPool for inference is NOT batched
# - ensure that optimizer/scheduler is not created
def forward_incremental(self, *inputs: torch.Tensor, attention_cache_handle: int) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, ...]:
with self.attention_cache.use_cache(attention_cache_handle) as (current_length, cached_keys, cached_values):
raise NotImplementedError("TODO")
class AttentionCache:
lock: mp.Lock
data: Dict[int, SomeKindOfTupleWithTensors] # workaround for now, while we are on CPU
async def allocate_cache(self, size: torch.Size, dtype: torch.dtype) -> int:
Allocate buffers for attention cache on the compute device, return a unique handle;
This function should be called by connection handler processes, may be called concurrently
async with acquire_asynchronously(self.lock):
handle: int = generate_unique_handle() # or just use counter mpvalue and increment each time
assert handle not in data[handle] = todo_allocate(self, size, dtype)
yield handle
todo_deallocate(self, handle)
# ^-- this should NOT move any data. But it may mark data for movement during next allocation, None);
def use_cache(self, handle: int) -> Tuple[mp.Value, torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]:
"""Return a previously allocated cache, called by ExpertBackend in runtime (a single process)"""
with self.lock:
# later:
# - if possible, do not change how DHTHandler handles for now
# - do not worry about OOM in cache for now! - just make sure that nothing except cache could oom.
# - contiguous attention cache with max size
# - select a subset of experts
# - priorities
# - option to backtrack a few tokens
# - ensure that backprop is performed optimally, does not accumulate grads wrt parameters
# - forget about length-adaptive forward/backward for now, use fixed length, maybe several fixed lengths - or better yet, forget finetuning for now