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2 years ago
# bloom-demo
2 years ago
Early dev prototype for decentralized bloom. Not for public eyes **yet**.
2 years ago
2 years ago
if and not in '@timdettmers @borzunov @mryab @greenfatguy'.split():
# install
conda create -y --name bloom-demo python=3.8.12 pip
conda activate bloom-demo
conda install -y -c conda-forge cudatoolkit-dev==11.3.1 cudatoolkit==11.3.1 cudnn==
pip install torch==1.11.0+cu113 torchvision==0.12.0+cu113 -f
pip install accelerate==0.10.0 huggingface-hub==0.7.0
2 years ago
pip install bitsandbytes-cuda113==0.26.0
pip install
pip install
2 years ago
# tests
# run one bloom block for a few steps
python -m cli.inference_one_block --config cli/config.json # see other args
# convert model from HF hub to a distributed format
python -m cli.convert_model --model bigscience/bloom-6b3 \
--output_path ./converted_model --output_repo bigscience/test-bloomd-6b3 \
--use_auth_token $MY_WRITE_TOKEN # ^-- todo replace output repo with something you have access to
# minimalistic server with non-trained bloom blocks
python -m cli.run_server --prefix smol --block_config bigscience/bloom-6b3 --num_blocks 2 \
--identity_path ./ --host_maddrs /ip4/
# when running multiple servers:
# - give each server a unique --identity_path (or remote --identity_path arg when debugging)
# - if running multiple servers on the same machine, give each a unique port (last integer in --host_maddrs, 0 means random port)
# - when running over the internet, change --host_maddrs according to
# - each server except first should have --initial_peers pointing to one of pre-existing servers