You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

390 lines
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from __future__ import annotations
import asyncio
import itertools
import time
import uuid
from typing import AsyncIterator, List, Optional, Tuple
import torch
from hivemind import MSGPackSerializer, anext, deserialize_torch_tensor, get_logger, serialize_torch_tensor
from import RemoteExpertWorker
from hivemind.p2p import P2P
from hivemind.proto import runtime_pb2
from hivemind.utils.tensor_descr import BatchTensorDescriptor
from petals.client.config import ClientConfig
from petals.client.routing import RemoteSequenceManager, maybe_log_traceback
from petals.data_structures import CHAIN_DELIMITER, ModuleUID, RemoteSpanInfo, RPCInfo
from petals.server.handler import TransformerConnectionHandler
from petals.utils.misc import DUMMY, DUMMY_INT64, is_dummy
from petals.utils.packaging import pack_args_kwargs
logger = get_logger(__name__)
class _ServerInferenceSession:
An interface to a single multi-step *inference* session for a a set of blocks on a specific server.
:note: This class is *not* fault-tolerant out of the box.
def __init__(
config: ClientConfig,
span: RemoteSpanInfo,
uid: ModuleUID,
rpc_info: RPCInfo,
inputs_queue: asyncio.Queue,
outputs_aiter: AsyncIterator,
max_length: int,
self.config = config
self.span, self.uid, self.rpc_info = span, uid, rpc_info
self.num_blocks = uid.count(CHAIN_DELIMITER) + 1
self._inputs_queue: asyncio.Queue[runtime_pb2.ExpertRequest] = inputs_queue
self._outputs_stream: AsyncIterator[runtime_pb2.ExpertResponse] = outputs_aiter
self.session_id = str(uuid.uuid4())
self.session_metadata = dict(max_length=max_length, **metadata)
self.stepped = False
self.closed = False
self._position = 0
self.history = None # Used in case of server failures to regenerate attention caches on new servers
self.next_session = None
async def create(
config: ClientConfig,
p2p: P2P,
span: RemoteSpanInfo,
uid: ModuleUID,
rpc_info: RPCInfo,
) -> _ServerInferenceSession:
"""Create a new session for a given remote module. This code is meant to be run inside RemoteExpertWorker"""
stub = TransformerConnectionHandler.get_stub(p2p, span.peer_id)
inputs_queue = asyncio.Queue()
outputs_stream = await asyncio.wait_for(
return cls(config, span, uid, rpc_info, inputs_queue, outputs_stream, **metadata)
async def _read_inputs_from_queue(queue: asyncio.Queue, input_timeout: Optional[float] = None) -> AsyncIterator:
while True:
next_input_message = await asyncio.wait_for(queue.get(), input_timeout)
yield next_input_message
if not next_input_message.uid and not next_input_message.tensors:
break # this message means "done sending"
def step(
inputs: torch.Tensor,
prompts: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None,
hypo_ids: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None,
step_id: str,
) -> torch.Tensor:
Inference step: send a chunk of input tensors and receive a chunk of outputs
:prompts: optional DEEP prompts, added to a prefix of each layer's outputs,
if specified, deep prompts should have shape [num_layers, batch_size, prefix_len, hid_size]
if self.closed:
raise Exception("Session is closed, cannot perform step")
n_input_tokens = inputs.shape[1]
if self.history is None:
self.history = inputs
elif self.history.shape[1] == self._position:
self.history =[self.history, inputs[:, -n_input_tokens:]], dim=1)
assert self.history.shape[1] == self._position + n_input_tokens, (
f"Broken input cache: span={self.span} shape={self.history.shape} "
f"position={self._position} n_input_tokens={n_input_tokens}"
if not self.stepped:
inputs = self.history # Pass full inputs including prefix
inputs = inputs[:, -n_input_tokens:] # No need to pass prefix further
if prompts is None or is_dummy(prompts):
prompts = DUMMY
assert prompts.ndim == 4, "deep prompts should have shape [num_blocks, batch_size, prefix_len, hid_size]"
assert prompts.shape[0] == self.num_blocks
assert prompts.shape[1] in (inputs.shape[0], 1)
assert prompts.shape[2] <= inputs.shape[1]
assert prompts.shape[3] == inputs.shape[2]
if hypo_ids is None or is_dummy(hypo_ids):
hypo_ids = DUMMY_INT64
assert len(hypo_ids) == len(inputs)
assert hypo_ids.dtype == torch.int64
# serialize inputs and put them into the queue
input_tensors, args_structure = pack_args_kwargs(inputs, prompts, hypo_ids)
request_metadata = dict(session_id=self.session_id, step_id=step_id)
if not self.stepped:
elif self.config.use_server_to_server:
next_servers = self._collect_next_servers()
if next_servers:
request_metadata["next_servers"] = next_servers
request_metadata["args_structure"] = args_structure
# TODO: make possible to use different compression method for different tensors
server_side_inference_schema, kwargs_schema = self.rpc_info["inference_schema"]
compression = server_side_inference_schema[0].compression
inference_schema = tuple(BatchTensorDescriptor.from_tensor(arg, compression) for arg in input_tensors)
# TODO: create more explicit way to check servers schema and client's structure
assert len(input_tensors) >= len(
), "Hidden_state, prompts and hypo_ids tensors are necessary for an inference step"
outputs_serialized = RemoteExpertWorker.run_coroutine(
serialize_torch_tensor(, proto.compression)
for tensor, proto in zip(input_tensors, inference_schema)
outputs = list(map(deserialize_torch_tensor, outputs_serialized.tensors))
assert (
outputs[0].shape == inputs.shape
), f"output activation shape is different from input shape: {outputs[0].shape} != {inputs.shape}"
self._position += n_input_tokens
return outputs[0]
def _collect_next_servers(self) -> List[Tuple[str, str, int, int]]:
next_servers = []
session = self.next_session
while session is not None and session.stepped:
(session.span.peer_id.to_base58(), session.session_id, session.span.start, session.span.end)
session = session.next_session
return next_servers
async def _step(self, inputs_serialized: runtime_pb2.ExpertRequest) -> runtime_pb2.ExpertResponse:
"""Inference step on serialized data. This code is meant to be run inside RemoteExpertWorker"""
await self._inputs_queue.put(inputs_serialized)
self.stepped = True
return await asyncio.wait_for(anext(self._outputs_stream), self.config.request_timeout)
def close(self):
"""Finish a given inference session, close the underlying connection"""
if self._outputs_stream is None:
return # already closed
self._outputs_stream = self._inputs_queue = None
self.closed = True
async def _aclose_stream(self):
"""Close the inference session. This code is meant to be run inside RemoteExpertWorker"""
if self._outputs_stream is None:
return # already closed
if self.stepped:
await self._inputs_queue.put(runtime_pb2.ExpertRequest()) # empty request will trigger end of session
await anext(self._outputs_stream)
except StopAsyncIteration:
def __del__(self):
def __enter__(self):
assert not self.closed
return self
def __exit__(self, *exc_details):
class InferenceSession:
An interface to a multi-step *inference* session for a sequence of remote transformer blocks
Refactor RemoteSequenceManager (#309) This PR: 1. **Extracts `SequenceManagerConfig` and `SequenceManagerState` subclasses.** The config is provided by caller and never changed from inside `RemoteSequenceManager`. The state is a part of the `RemoteSequenceManager`'s state shared between the main manager and its slices. We fix some slicing bugs along the way. 2. **Removes `dht_prefix` and `p2p` arguments, makes `dht` argument optional.** `dht_prefix` can always be overridden using `config.dht_prefix`. `p2p` actually needed only under the hood of `RemoteSequenceManager`, so it can extract it by itself without exposing this low-level class to callers. If strictly necessary, a caller can provide `p2p` as a part of `SequenceManagerState`. `dht` is also needed only by `RemoteSequenceManager`, so we can make it optional in the parent classes and create it automatically when it's not provided. 3. **Simplifies retry logic.** Previously, we could have "nested" retry loops: one in `._update()`, another in inference/forward/backward steps. The loop in `._update()` could introduce issues to concurrent inference/forward/backward calls, since it blocks the entire class if its delay period becomes too high. Now this logic is simplified: `._update()` performs only one attempt to fetch the DHT info, any retries are triggered by the inference/forward/backward steps. 4. **Removes deprecated `RemoteTransformerBlock`.** `RemoteTransformerBlock` was deprecated a long time ago, before Petals 1.0.0. Its removal is long due. 5. **Removes `dht_utils.get_remote_module()`, `dht_utils.get_remote_sequence()`.** This functions duplicate the functionality of the `RemoteSequential` constructor. 6. (minor) **Removes `RemoteSequential.is_subsequence` flag.** This flag worked incorrectly and was never used. I am removing it for the sake of simplicity.
1 year ago
def __init__(self, sequence_manager: RemoteSequenceManager, max_length: int):
self._sequence_manager = sequence_manager
self._closed = False
self._server_sessions = []
self._position = 0
self._max_length = max_length
self.output_ids = None
def num_blocks(self) -> int:
return len(self._sequence_manager)
def position(self) -> int:
return self._position
def _enter_server_sessions(self, chosen_spans: List[RemoteSpanInfo]) -> List[_ServerInferenceSession]:
server_sessions = []
for span in chosen_spans:
span_uids = CHAIN_DELIMITER.join(self._sequence_manager.block_uids[span.start : span.end])
metadata = self._sequence_manager.get_request_metadata("rpc_inference", span_uids, peer_id=span.peer_id)
session = RemoteExpertWorker.run_coroutine(
return server_sessions
def _exit_server_sessions(self, server_sessions: List[_ServerInferenceSession]) -> None:
for session in reversed(server_sessions):
session.__exit__(None, None, None)
except Exception:
logger.debug("Caught exception while closing connection to server:", exc_info=True)
def __enter__(self) -> "InferenceSession":
assert not self._closed and not self._server_sessions
return self
def step(self, inputs: torch.Tensor, prompts: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None, **kwargs) -> torch.Tensor:
assert not self._closed
if torch.is_grad_enabled():
logger.warning("Running inference session with grad enabled. Gradients will *not* be propagated correctly.")
if prompts is None or is_dummy(prompts):
prompts = DUMMY
assert prompts.ndim == 4, "deep prompts should have shape [num_blocks, batch_size, prefix_len, hid_size]"
assert prompts.shape[0] == self.num_blocks
inputs_device = inputs.device
inputs_dtype = inputs.dtype
inputs = inputs.cpu()
prompts = prompts.cpu()
step_id = str(uuid.uuid4())
n_input_tokens = inputs.shape[1]
if self._position + n_input_tokens > self._max_length:
raise ValueError(
f"Maximum length exceeded: prefix {self._position} + current {n_input_tokens} exceeds pre-allocated maximum {self._max_length}"
server_idx = 0
block_idx = 0
while block_idx < self.num_blocks:
for attempt_no in itertools.count():
logger.debug(f"Inference: block {block_idx}, attempt {attempt_no}")
server_session = None
if not self._server_sessions or attempt_no >= 1:
self._update_sequence(server_idx, block_idx, attempt_no)
server_session = self._server_sessions[server_idx]
inputs = server_session.step(
inputs, prompts[server_session.span.start : server_session.span.end], step_id=step_id, **kwargs
server_idx += 1
block_idx = server_session.span.end
except Exception as e:
server_session.span.peer_id if server_session is not None else None
Refactor RemoteSequenceManager (#309) This PR: 1. **Extracts `SequenceManagerConfig` and `SequenceManagerState` subclasses.** The config is provided by caller and never changed from inside `RemoteSequenceManager`. The state is a part of the `RemoteSequenceManager`'s state shared between the main manager and its slices. We fix some slicing bugs along the way. 2. **Removes `dht_prefix` and `p2p` arguments, makes `dht` argument optional.** `dht_prefix` can always be overridden using `config.dht_prefix`. `p2p` actually needed only under the hood of `RemoteSequenceManager`, so it can extract it by itself without exposing this low-level class to callers. If strictly necessary, a caller can provide `p2p` as a part of `SequenceManagerState`. `dht` is also needed only by `RemoteSequenceManager`, so we can make it optional in the parent classes and create it automatically when it's not provided. 3. **Simplifies retry logic.** Previously, we could have "nested" retry loops: one in `._update()`, another in inference/forward/backward steps. The loop in `._update()` could introduce issues to concurrent inference/forward/backward calls, since it blocks the entire class if its delay period becomes too high. Now this logic is simplified: `._update()` performs only one attempt to fetch the DHT info, any retries are triggered by the inference/forward/backward steps. 4. **Removes deprecated `RemoteTransformerBlock`.** `RemoteTransformerBlock` was deprecated a long time ago, before Petals 1.0.0. Its removal is long due. 5. **Removes `dht_utils.get_remote_module()`, `dht_utils.get_remote_sequence()`.** This functions duplicate the functionality of the `RemoteSequential` constructor. 6. (minor) **Removes `RemoteSequential.is_subsequence` flag.** This flag worked incorrectly and was never used. I am removing it for the sake of simplicity.
1 year ago
if attempt_no + 1 == self._sequence_manager.config.max_retries:
delay = self._sequence_manager.get_retry_delay(attempt_no)
f"Caught exception when running inference via {server_session.span if server_session is not None else None} "
f"(retry in {delay:.0f} sec): {repr(e)}"
self._position += n_input_tokens
outputs = inputs[:, -n_input_tokens:]
outputs =, dtype=inputs_dtype)
return outputs
def _update_sequence(self, server_idx: int, block_idx: int, attempt_no: int) -> int:
# If there is a failed server session, this code closes it
self._exit_server_sessions(self._server_sessions[server_idx : server_idx + 1])
n_prev_spans = len(self._server_sessions)
update_end = self._server_sessions[server_idx].span.end if server_idx < n_prev_spans else self.num_blocks
if attempt_no >= 1:
f"Due to a server failure, remote attention caches "
f"from block {block_idx} to {update_end} will be regenerated"
updated_spans = self._sequence_manager.make_sequence(
block_idx, update_end, mode="min_latency", cache_tokens_needed=self._max_length
# make_sequence() could return a longer sequence
updated_spans[-1].end = min(updated_spans[-1].end, update_end)
updated_sessions = self._enter_server_sessions(updated_spans)
logger.debug(f"Found path from block {block_idx} to {update_end} via {len(updated_spans)} servers")
# If there is a failed span, this code replaces it, otherwise it just adds new ones
if server_idx < n_prev_spans:
updated_sessions[0].history = self._server_sessions[server_idx].history
self._server_sessions[server_idx : server_idx + 1] = updated_sessions
# Update links to the next server session for direct server-to-server communication via rpc_push()
for i in range(max(server_idx - 1, 0), min(server_idx + len(updated_spans), len(self._server_sessions) - 1)):
self._server_sessions[i].next_session = self._server_sessions[i + 1]
def close(self, *exc_details):
"""Finish a given inference session, close the underlying connection"""
if not self._closed:
self._closed = True
def __exit__(self, *exc_details):
def __del__(self):
def last_token_id(self) -> Optional[torch.Tensor]: # Backward compatibility with Petals < 2.1.0
return self.output_ids[:, -1:] if self.output_ids is not None else None
def last_token_id(self, value: torch.Tensor): # Backward compatibility with Petals < 2.1.0
if self.output_ids is None:
raise RuntimeError("Can't override `last_token_id` since the session has not stepped yet")
self.output_ids[:, -1:] = value