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37 lines
884 B

title = "Rust Design Patterns"
authors = ["the rust-unofficial authors"]
description = "A catalogue of Rust design patterns, anti-patterns and idioms"
language = "en"
multilingual = false
src = "src"
create-missing = false
extra-watch-dirs = ["po", "third_party"]
after = ["links"]
edition = "2018"
curly-quotes = true
default-theme = "rust"
site-url = "/patterns/"
git-repository-url = ""
git-repository-icon = "fa-github"
edit-url-template = "{path}"
additional-css = ["./language-picker.css"]
additional-js = ["./third_party/mdbook/book.js"]
enable = true
level = 1
editable = false
# [output.linkcheck] # enable the "mdbook-linkcheck" renderer, disabled due to gh-actions