# Functional Language Optics Optics is a type of API design that is common to functional languages. This is a pure functional concept that is not frequently used in Rust. Nevertheless, exploring the concept may be helpful to understand other patterns in Rust APIs, such as [visitors](../patterns/behavioural/visitor.md). They also have niche use cases. This is quite a large topic, and would require actual books on language design to fully get into its abilities. However their applicability in Rust is much simpler. To explain the relevant parts of the concept, the `Serde`-API will be used as an example, as it is one that is difficult for many to to understand from simply the API documentation. In the process, different specific patterns, called Optics, will be covered. These are *The Iso*, *The Poly Iso*, and *The Prism*. ## An API Example: Serde Trying to understand the way *Serde* works by only reading the API is a challenge, especially the first time. Consider the `Deserializer` trait, implemented by any library which parses a new data format: ```rust,ignore pub trait Deserializer<'de>: Sized { type Error: Error; fn deserialize_any(self, visitor: V) -> Result where V: Visitor<'de>; fn deserialize_bool(self, visitor: V) -> Result where V: Visitor<'de>; // remainder omitted } ``` And here's the definition of the `Visitor` trait passed in generically: ```rust,ignore pub trait Visitor<'de>: Sized { type Value; fn visit_bool(self, v: bool) -> Result where E: Error; fn visit_u64(self, v: u64) -> Result where E: Error; fn visit_str(self, v: &str) -> Result where E: Error; // remainder omitted } ``` There is a lot of type erasure going on here, with multiple levels of associated types being passed back and forth. But what is the big picture? Why not just have the `Visitor` return the pieces the caller needs in a streaming API, and call it a day? Why all the extra pieces? One way to understand it is to look at a functional languages concept called *optics*. This is a way to do composition of behavior and proprieties that is designed to facilitate patterns common to Rust: failure, type transformation, etc.[^1] The Rust language does not have very good support for these directly. However, they appear in the design of the language itself, and their concepts can help to understand some of Rust's APIs. As a result, this attempts to explain the concepts with the way Rust does it. This will perhaps shed light on what those APIs are achieving: specific properties of composability. ## Basic Optics ### The Iso The Iso is a value transformer between two types. It is extremely simple, but a conceptually important building block. As an example, suppose that we have a custom Hash table structure used as a concordance for a document.[^2] It uses strings for keys (words) and a list of indexes for values (file offsets, for instance). A key feature is the ability to serialize this format to disk. A "quick and dirty" approach would be to implement a conversion to and from a string in JSON format. (Errors are ignored for the time being, they will be handled later.) To write it in a normal form expected by functional language users: ```text case class ConcordanceSerDe { serialize: Concordance -> String deserialize: String -> Concordance } ``` The Iso is thus a pair of functions which convert values of different types: `serialize` and `deserialize`. A straightforward implementation: ```rust use std::collections::HashMap; struct Concordance { keys: HashMap, value_table: Vec<(usize, usize)>, } struct ConcordanceSerde {} impl ConcordanceSerde { fn serialize(value: Concordance) -> String { todo!() } // invalid concordances are empty fn deserialize(value: String) -> Concordance { todo!() } } ``` This may seem rather silly. In Rust, this type of behavior is typically done with traits. After all, the standard library has `FromStr` and `ToString` in it. But that is where our next subject comes in: Poly Isos. ### Poly Isos The previous example was simply converting between values of two fixed types. This next block builds upon it with generics, and is more interesting. Poly Isos allow an operation to be generic over any type while returning a single type. This brings us closer to parsing. Consider what a basic parser would do ignoring error cases. Again, this is its normal form: ```text case class Serde[T] { deserialize(String) -> T serialize(T) -> String } ``` Here we have our first generic, the type `T` being converted. In Rust, this could be implemented with a pair of traits in the standard library: `FromStr` and `ToString`. The Rust version even handles errors: ```rust,ignore pub trait FromStr: Sized { type Err; fn from_str(s: &str) -> Result; } pub trait ToString { fn to_string(&self) -> String; } ``` Unlike the Iso, the Poly Iso allows application of multiple types, and returns them generically. This is what you would want for a basic string parser. At first glance, this seems like a good option for writing a parser. Let's see it in action: ```rust,ignore use anyhow; use std::str::FromStr; struct TestStruct { a: usize, b: String, } impl FromStr for TestStruct { type Err = anyhow::Error; fn from_str(s: &str) -> Result { todo!() } } impl ToString for TestStruct { fn to_string(&self) -> String { todo!() } } fn main() { let a = TestStruct { a: 5, b: "hello".to_string() }; println!("Our Test Struct as JSON: {}", a.to_string()); } ``` That seems quite logical. However, there are two problems with this. First, `to_string` does not indicate to API users, "this is JSON." Every type would need to agree on a JSON representation, and many of the types in the Rust standard library already don't. Using this is a poor fit. This can easily be resolved with our own trait. But there is a second, subtler problem: scaling. When every type writes `to_string` by hand, this works. But if every single person who wants their type to be serializable has to write a bunch of code -- and possibly different JSON libraries -- to do it themselves, it will turn into a mess very quickly! The answer is one of Serde's two key innovations: an independent data model to represent Rust data in structures common to data serialization languages. The result is that it can use Rust's code generation abilities to create an intermediary conversion type it calls a `Visitor`. This means, in normal form (again, skipping error handling for simplicity): ```text case class Serde[T] { deserialize: Visitor[T] -> T serialize: T -> Visitor[T] } case class Visitor[T] { toJson: Visitor[T] -> String fromJson: String -> Visitor[T] } ``` The result is one Poly Iso and one Iso (respectively). Both of these can be implemented with traits: ```rust trait Serde { type V; fn deserialize(visitor: Self::V) -> Self; fn serialize(self) -> Self::V; } trait Visitor { fn to_json(self) -> String; fn from_json(json: String) -> Self; } ``` Because there is a uniform set of rules to transform Rust structures to the independent form, it is even possible to have code generation creating the `Visitor` associated with type `T`: ```rust,ignore #[derive(Default, Serde)] // the "Serde" derive creates the trait impl block struct TestStruct { a: usize, b: String, } // user writes this macro to generate an associated visitor type generate_visitor!(TestStruct); ``` Or do they? ```rust,ignore fn main() { let a = TestStruct { a: 5, b: "hello".to_string() }; let a_data = a.serialize().to_json(); println!("Our Test Struct as JSON: {}", a_data); let b = TestStruct::deserialize( generated_visitor_for!(TestStruct)::from_json(a_data)); } ``` It turns out that the conversion isn't symmetric after all! On paper it is, but with the auto-generated code the name of the actual type necessary to convert all the way from `String` is hidden. We'd need some kind of `generated_visitor_for!` macro to obtain the type name. It's wonky, but it works... until we get to the elephant in the room. The only format currently supported is JSON. How would we support more formats? The current design requires completely re-writing all of the code generation and creating a new Serde trait. That is quite terrible and not extensible at all! In order to solve that, we need something more powerful. ## Prism To take format into account, we need something in normal form like this: ```text case class Serde[T, F] { serialize: T, F -> String deserialize: String, F -> Result[T, Error] } ``` This construct is called a Prism. It is "one level higher" in generics than Poly Isos (in this case, the "intersecting" type F is the key). Unfortunately because `Visitor` is a trait (since each incarnation requires its own custom code), this would require a kind of generic type boundary that Rust does not support. Fortunately, we still have that `Visitor` type from before. What is the `Visitor` doing? It is attempting to allow each data structure to define the way it is itself parsed. Well what if we could add one more interface for the generic format? Then the `Visitor` is just an implementation detail, and it would "bridge" the two APIs. In normal form: ```text case class Serde[T] { serialize: F -> String deserialize F, String -> Result[T, Error] } case class VisitorForT { build: F, String -> Result[T, Error] decompose: F, T -> String } case class SerdeFormat[T, V] { toString: T, V -> String fromString: V, String -> Result[T, Error] } ``` And what do you know, a pair of Poly Isos at the bottom which can be implemented as traits! Thus we have the Serde API: 1. Each type to be serialized implements `Deserialize` or `Serialize`, equivalent to the `Serde` class 1. They get a type (well two, one for each direction) implementing the `Visitor` trait, which is usually (but not always) done through code generated by a derive macro. This contains the logic to construct or destruct between the data type and the format of the Serde data model. 1. The type implementing the `Deserializer` trait handles all details specific to the format, being "driven by" the `Visitor`. This splitting and Rust type erasure is really to achieve a Prism through indirection. You can see it on the `Deserializer` trait ```rust,ignore pub trait Deserializer<'de>: Sized { type Error: Error; fn deserialize_any(self, visitor: V) -> Result where V: Visitor<'de>; fn deserialize_bool(self, visitor: V) -> Result where V: Visitor<'de>; // remainder omitted } ``` And the visitor: ```rust,ignore pub trait Visitor<'de>: Sized { type Value; fn visit_bool(self, v: bool) -> Result where E: Error; fn visit_u64(self, v: u64) -> Result where E: Error; fn visit_str(self, v: &str) -> Result where E: Error; // remainder omitted } ``` And the trait `Deserialize` implemented by the macros: ```rust,ignore pub trait Deserialize<'de>: Sized { fn deserialize(deserializer: D) -> Result where D: Deserializer<'de>; } ``` This has been abstract, so let's look at a concrete example. How does actual Serde deserialize a bit of JSON into `struct Concordance` from earlier? 1. The user would call a library function to deserialize the data. This would create a `Deserializer` based on the JSON format. 1. Based on the fields in the struct, a `Visitor` would be created (more on that in a moment) which knows how to create each type in a generic data model that was needed to represent it: `Vec` (list), `u64` and `String`. 1. The deserializer would make calls to the `Visitor` as it parsed items. 1. The `Visitor` would indicate if the items found were expected, and if not, raise an error to indicate deserialization has failed. For our very simple structure above, the expected pattern would be: 1. Begin visiting a map (*Serde*'s equivalent to `HashMap` or JSON's dictionary). 1. Visit a string key called "keys". 1. Begin visiting a map value. 1. For each item, visit a string key then an integer value. 1. Visit the end of the map. 1. Store the map into the `keys` field of the data structure. 1. Visit a string key called "value_table". 1. Begin visiting a list value. 1. For each item, visit an integer. 1. Visit the end of the list 1. Store the list into the `value_table` field. 1. Visit the end of the map. But what determines which "observation" pattern is expected? A functional programming language would be able to use currying to create reflection of each type based on the type itself. Rust does not support that, so every single type would need to have its own code written based on its fields and their properties. *Serde* solves this usability challenge with a derive macro: ```rust,ignore use serde::Deserialize; #[derive(Deserialize)] struct IdRecord { name: String, customer_id: String, } ``` That macro simply generates an impl block causing the struct to implement a trait called `Deserialize`. This is the function that determines how to create the struct itself. Code is generated based on the struct's fields. When the parsing library is called - in our example, a JSON parsing library - it creates a `Deserializer` and calls `Type::deserialize` with it as a parameter. The `deserialize` code will then create a `Visitor` which will have its calls "refracted" by the `Deserializer`. If everything goes well, eventually that `Visitor` will construct a value corresponding to the type being parsed and return it. For a complete example, see the [*Serde* documentation](https://serde.rs/deserialize-struct.html). The result is that types to be deserialized only implement the "top layer" of the API, and file formats only need to implement the "bottom layer". Each piece can then "just work" with the rest of the ecosystem, since generic types will bridge them. In conclusion, Rust's generic-inspired type system can bring it close to these concepts and use their power, as shown in this API design. But it may also need procedural macros to create bridges for its generics. If you are interested in learning more about this topic, please check the following section. ## See Also - [lens-rs crate](https://crates.io/crates/lens-rs) for a pre-built lenses implementation, with a cleaner interface than these examples - [Serde](https://serde.rs) itself, which makes these concepts intuitive for end users (i.e. defining the structs) without needing to understand the details - [luminance](https://github.com/phaazon/luminance-rs) is a crate for drawing computer graphics that uses similar API design, including procedural macros to create full prisms for buffers of different pixel types that remain generic - [An Article about Lenses in Scala](https://web.archive.org/web/20221128185849/https://medium.com/zyseme-technology/functional-references-lens-and-other-optics-in-scala-e5f7e2fdafe) that is very readable even without Scala expertise. - [Paper: Profunctor Optics: Modular Data Accessors](https://web.archive.org/web/20220701102832/https://arxiv.org/ftp/arxiv/papers/1703/1703.10857.pdf) - [Musli](https://github.com/udoprog/musli) is a library which attempts to use a similar structure with a different approach, e.g. doing away with the visitor [^1]: [School of Haskell: A Little Lens Starter Tutorial](https://web.archive.org/web/20221128190041/https://www.schoolofhaskell.com/school/to-infinity-and-beyond/pick-of-the-week/a-little-lens-starter-tutorial) [^2]: [Concordance on Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Concordance_(publishing))