and you think it may not be appropriate to file an issue open a discussion in our [discussion board](
the [Pull Requests]( if there are existing issues or someone
is working on that topic.
If you don't find an issue regarding your topic and you are sure it is not more feasible to open a thread in the [discussion board](
please open a new issue, so we can discuss about the ideas and future content of the article together and maybe
When writing a new article it's recommended to copy the [pattern template]( into the
appropriate directory and start editing it. You may not want to fill out every section and remove it or you might want to add extra sections.
Consider writing your article in a way that has a low barrier of entry so also [Rustlings]( can follow
Please **don't force push** your branch to keep commit history and make it easier of us to see changes between reviews.
Make sure to `Allow edits of maintainers` (under the text box) in the PR so people can actually collaborate on things or fix smaller issues themselves.