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# Iterating over an `Option`
## Description
`Option` can be viewed as a container that contains either zero or one elements. In particular, it implements the `IntoIterator` trait, and as such can be used with generic code that needs such a type.
## Examples
Since `Option` implements `IntoIterator`, it can be used as an argument to [`.extend()`](
let turing = Some("Turing");
let mut logicians = vec!["Curry", "Kleene", "Markov"];
// equivalent to
if let Some(turing_inner) = turing {
If you need to tack an `Option` to the end of an existing iterator, you can pass it to [`.chain()`](
let turing = Some("Turing");
let logicians = vec!["Curry", "Kleene", "Markov"];
for logician in logicians.iter().chain(turing.iter()) {
println!("{} is a logician", logician);
Note that if the `Option` is always `Some`, then it is more idiomatic to use [`std::iter::once`]( on the element instead.
Also, since `Option` implements `IntoIterator`, it's possible to iterate over it using a `for` loop. This is equivalent to matching it with `if let Some(..)`, and in most cases you should prefer the latter.
## See also
* [`std::iter::once`]( is an iterator which yields exactly one element. It's a more readable alternative to `Some(foo).into_iter()`.
* [`Iterator::filter_map`]( is a version of [`Iterator::flat_map`](, specialized to mapping functions which return `Option`.
* The [`ref_slice`]( crate provides functions for converting an `Option` to a zero- or one-element slice.
* [Documentation for `Option<T>`](