#!/bin/bash ###### Osync file synchronizer tool based on rsync ###### (L) 2013 by Orsiris "Ozy" de Jong (www.netpower.fr) #### Config file rev 2007201301 ## Sync job identification, any string you want SYNC_ID="sync_test" ## Directories to synchronize MASTER_SYNC_DIR="/home/git/osync/test/dir1" SLAVE_SYNC_DIR="/home/git/osync/test/dir2" ## List of directories to exclude in sync on both sides (rsync patterns, wildcards work). Must be relative paths. List is separated by PATH SEPARATOR CHAR defined below (semicolon by default). RSYNC_EXCLUDE_PATTERN="nosyncdir;otherdir" ## You might change this separator case in the unholy case that your filename may contain semicolons. Change it then to whatever unholy char you want. PATH_SEPARATOR_CHAR=";" ## Generate an alert if master or slave have lass space than given value in KB. MINIMUM_SPACE=1048576 ## If enabled, synchronization will be processed with sudo command. See documentation SUDO_EXEC=yes ## Paranoia option. Don't change this unless you read the documentation and still feel concerned about security issues. RSYNC_EXECUTABLE=rsync ##Remote options (will sync slave through ssh tunnel, needs RSA key. See documentation for remote sync. REMOTE_SYNC=no SSH_RSA_PRIVATE_KEY=~/.ssh/id_rsa REMOTE_USER=syncmaster REMOTE_HOST=yourhost.local REMOTE_PORT=22 SSH_COMPRESSION=yes REMOTE_HOST_PING=yes REMOTE_3RD_PARTY_HOST="www.kernel.org" PRESERVE_ACL=yes PRESERVE_XATTR=yes RSYNC_COMPRESS=yes SOFT_MAX_EXEC_TIME=30000 HARD_MAX_EXEC_TIME=36000ÔŽ CONFLICT_PREVALANCE=master CONFLICT_BACKUP=yes CONFLICT_BACKUP_DAYS=30 # This can be very space consuming CONFLICT_BACKUP_MULTIPLE=yes SOFT_DELETE=yes SOFT_DELETE_DAYS=30 RESUME_SYNC=yes RESUME_TRY=2 SLAVE_DEADLOCK_RESUME=yes VERBOSE_LOGS=yes DESTINATION_MAILS="ozy@badministrateur.com" LOCAL_RUN_BEFORE_CMD="" LOCAL_RUN_AFTER_CMD="" REMOTE_RUN_BEFORE_CMD="" REMOTE_RUN_AFTER_CMD="" MAX_EXEC_TIME_PER_CMD_BEFORE=0 MAX_EXEC_TIME_PER_CMD_AFTER=0