#!/usr/bin/env bash ## dev pre-processor bootstrap rev 2018093001 ## Yeah !!! A really tech sounding name... In fact it's just include emulation in bash function Usage { echo "$0 - Quick and dirty preprocessor for including ofunctions into programs" echo "Creates and executes $0.tmp.sh" echo "Usage:" echo "" echo "$0 --program=osync|obackup|pmocr [options to pass to program]" echo "Can also be run with BASHVERBOSE=yes environment variable in order to prefix program with bash -x" } if [ ! -f "./merge.sh" ]; then echo "Plrase run bootstrap.sh from osync/dev directory." exit 1 fi bootstrapProgram="" opts="" outputFileName="$0" for i in "$@"; do case $i in --program=*) bootstrapProgram="${i##*=}" ;; *) opts=$opts" $i" ;; esac done if [ "$bootstrapProgram" == "" ]; then Usage exit 128 else source "merge.sh" __PREPROCESSOR_PROGRAM=$bootstrapProgram __PREPROCESSOR_PROGRAM_EXEC="n_$bootstrapProgram.sh" __PREPROCESSOR_Constants if [ ! -f "$__PREPROCESSOR_PROGRAM_EXEC" ]; then echo "Cannot find file [n_$bootstrapProgram.sh]." exit 1 fi fi cp "$__PREPROCESSOR_PROGRAM_EXEC" "$outputFileName.tmp.sh" if [ $? != 0 ]; then echo "Cannot copy original file [$__PREPROCESSOR_PROGRAM_EXEC] to [$outputFileName.tmp.sh]." exit 1 fi for subset in "${__PREPROCESSOR_SUBSETS[@]}"; do __PREPROCESSOR_MergeSubset "$subset" "${subset//SUBSET/SUBSET END}" "ofunctions.sh" "$outputFileName.tmp.sh" done chmod +x "$outputFileName.tmp.sh" if [ $? != 0 ]; then echo "Cannot make [$outputFileName] executable." exit 1 fi # Termux fix if type termux-fix-shebang > /dev/null 2>&1; then termux-fix-shebang "$outputFileName.tmp.sh" fi if [ "$BASHVERBOSE" == "yes" ]; then bash -x "$outputFileName.tmp.sh" $opts else "$outputFileName.tmp.sh" $opts fi