#!/usr/bin/env bash ## On Mac OSX, this needs to be run as root in order to use sudo without password ## From current terminal run sudo -s in order to get a new terminal as root ## On CYGWIN / MSYS, ACL and extended attributes aren't supported # osync test suite 2018070202 # 4 tests: # quicklocal # quickremote (with ssh_filter.sh) # conflocal # confremote (with ssh_filter.sh) # for each test # files with spaces, subdirs # largefileset (...large ?) # exclusions # conflict resolution initiator with backups / multiple backups # conflict resolution target with backups / multiple backups # deletion propagation, failed deletion repropagation, skip deletion # symlink and broken symlink propagation and deletion # replica lock checks # file attribute tests # local / remote locking resume tests # conflict detection # timed execution tests # function test # WaitForTaskCompletion # ParallelExec # daemon mode tests for both config files # on BSD, remount UFS with ACL support using mount -o acls / # setfacl needs double ':' to be compatible with both linux and BSD # setfacl -m o::rwx file # drupal servers are often unreachable for whetever reason or give 0 bytes files #LARGE_FILESET_URL="http://ftp.drupal.org/files/projects/drupal-8.2.2.tar.gz" LARGE_FILESET_URL="http://www.netpower.fr/sites/default/files/osync-test-files.tar.gz" # Fakeroot for install / uninstall and test of executables FAKEROOT="/tmp/osync_test_install" OSYNC_DIR="$(pwd)" OSYNC_DIR=${OSYNC_DIR%%/dev*} DEV_DIR="$OSYNC_DIR/dev" TESTS_DIR="$DEV_DIR/tests" CONF_DIR="$TESTS_DIR/conf" LOCAL_CONF="local.conf" REMOTE_CONF="remote.conf" OLD_CONF="old.conf" TMP_OLD_CONF="tmp.old.conf" OSYNC_EXECUTABLE="$FAKEROOT/usr/local/bin/osync.sh" OSYNC_DEV_EXECUTABLE="dev/n_osync.sh" OSYNC_UPGRADE="upgrade-v1.0x-v1.2x.sh" TMP_FILE="$DEV_DIR/tmp" OSYNC_TESTS_DIR="${HOME}/osync-tests" INITIATOR_DIR="$OSYNC_TESTS_DIR/initiator" TARGET_DIR="$OSYNC_TESTS_DIR/target" OSYNC_WORKDIR=".osync_workdir" OSYNC_STATE_DIR="$OSYNC_WORKDIR/state" OSYNC_DELETE_DIR="$OSYNC_WORKDIR/deleted" OSYNC_BACKUP_DIR="$OSYNC_WORKDIR/backup" # Later populated variables OSYNC_VERSION=1.x.y OSYNC_MIN_VERSION=x OSYNC_IS_STABLE=maybe function SetupSSH { echo -e 'y\n'| ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 2048 -N "" -f "${HOME}/.ssh/id_rsa_local" if ! grep "$(cat ${HOME}/.ssh/id_rsa_local.pub)" "${HOME}/.ssh/authorized_keys"; then echo "from=\"*\",no-port-forwarding,no-X11-forwarding,no-agent-forwarding,no-pty,command=\"/usr/local/bin/ssh_filter.sh SomeAlphaNumericToken9\" $(cat ${HOME}/.ssh/id_rsa_local.pub)" >> "${HOME}/.ssh/authorized_keys" fi chmod 600 "${HOME}/.ssh/authorized_keys" # Add localhost to known hosts so self connect works if [ -z "$(ssh-keygen -F localhost)" ]; then ssh-keyscan -H localhost >> "${HOME}/.ssh/known_hosts" fi # Update remote conf files with SSH port sed -i.tmp 's#ssh://.*@localhost:[0-9]*/${HOME}/osync-tests/target#ssh://'$REMOTE_USER'@localhost:'$SSH_PORT'/${HOME}/osync-tests/target#' "$CONF_DIR/$REMOTE_CONF" } function RemoveSSH { local pubkey if [ -f "${HOME}/.ssh/id_rsa_local" ]; then pubkey=$(cat "${HOME}/.ssh/id_rsa_local.pub") sed -i.bak "s|.*$pubkey.*||g" "${HOME}/.ssh/authorized_keys" rm -f "${HOME}/.ssh/{id_rsa_local.pub,id_rsa_local}" fi } function DownloadLargeFileSet() { local destinationPath="${1}" cd "$OSYNC_DIR" if type wget > /dev/null 2>&1; then wget -q --no-check-certificate "$LARGE_FILESET_URL" > /dev/null assertEquals "Download [$LARGE_FILESET_URL] with wget." "0" $? elif type curl > /dev/null 2>&1; then curl -O -L "$LARGE_FILESET_URL" > /dev/null 2>&1 assertEquals "Download [$LARGE_FILESET_URL] with curl." "0" $? fi tar xf "$(basename $LARGE_FILESET_URL)" -C "$destinationPath" assertEquals "Extract $(basename $LARGE_FILESET_URL)" "0" $? rm -f "$(basename $LARGE_FILESET_URL)" } function CreateOldFile () { local drive local filePath="${1}" local type="${2:-false}" if [ $type == true ]; then mkdir -p "$filePath" else mkdir -p "$(dirname $filePath)" touch "$filePath" fi assertEquals "touch [$filePath]" "0" $? # Get current drive drive=$(df "$OSYNC_DIR" | tail -1 | awk '{print $1}') # modify ctime on ext4 so osync thinks it has to delete the old files debugfs -w -R 'set_inode_field "'$filePath'" ctime 201001010101' $drive assertEquals "CreateOldFile [$filePath]" "0" $? # force update of inodes (ctimes) echo 3 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches assertEquals "Drop caches" "0" $? } function PrepareLocalDirs () { # Remote dirs are the same as local dirs, so no problem here if [ -d "$INITIATOR_DIR" ]; then rm -rf "$INITIATOR_DIR" fi mkdir -p "$INITIATOR_DIR" if [ -d "$TARGET_DIR" ]; then rm -rf "$TARGET_DIR" fi mkdir -p "$TARGET_DIR" } function oneTimeSetUp () { START_TIME=$SECONDS mkdir --parents "$FAKEROOT" source "$DEV_DIR/ofunctions.sh" # Fix default umask because of ACL test that expects 0022 when creating test files umask 0022 GetLocalOS echo "Detected OS: $LOCAL_OS" # Set some travis related changes if [ "$TRAVIS_RUN" == true ]; then echo "Running with travis settings" REMOTE_USER="travis" RHOST_PING="no" SetConfFileValue "$CONF_DIR/$REMOTE_CONF" "REMOTE_3RD_PARTY_HOSTS" "" SetConfFileValue "$CONF_DIR/$REMOTE_CONF" "REMOTE_HOST_PING" "no" SetConfFileValue "$CONF_DIR/$OLD_CONF" "REMOTE_3RD_PARTY_HOSTS" "" SetConfFileValue "$CONF_DIR/$OLD_CONF" "REMOTE_HOST_PING" "no" else echo "Running with local settings" REMOTE_USER="root" RHOST_PING="yes" SetConfFileValue "$CONF_DIR/$REMOTE_CONF" "REMOTE_3RD_PARTY_HOSTS" "\"www.kernel.org www.google.com\"" SetConfFileValue "$CONF_DIR/$REMOTE_CONF" "REMOTE_HOST_PING" "yes" SetConfFileValue "$CONF_DIR/$OLD_CONF" "REMOTE_3RD_PARTY_HOSTS" "\"www.kernel.org www.google.com\"" SetConfFileValue "$CONF_DIR/$OLD_CONF" "REMOTE_HOST_PING" "yes" fi # Get default ssh port from env if [ "$SSH_PORT" == "" ]; then SSH_PORT=22 fi # Setup modes per test readonly __quickLocal=0 readonly __quickRemote=1 readonly __confLocal=2 readonly __confRemote=3 osyncParameters=() osyncParameters[$__quickLocal]="--initiator=$INITIATOR_DIR --target=$TARGET_DIR --instance-id=quicklocal" osyncParameters[$__confLocal]="$CONF_DIR/$LOCAL_CONF" osyncDaemonParameters=() readonly __local readonly __remote osyncDaemonParameters[$__local]="$CONF_DIR/$LOCAL_CONF --on-changes" # Do not check remote config on msys or cygwin since we don't have a local SSH server if [ "$LOCAL_OS" != "msys" ] && [ "$LOCAL_OS" != "Cygwin" ]; then osyncParameters[$__quickRemote]="--initiator=$INITIATOR_DIR --target=ssh://localhost:$SSH_PORT/$TARGET_DIR --rsakey=${HOME}/.ssh/id_rsa_local --instance-id=quickremote --remote-token=SomeAlphaNumericToken9" osyncParameters[$__confRemote]="$CONF_DIR/$REMOTE_CONF" osyncDaemonParameters[$__remote]="$CONF_DIR/$REMOTE_CONF --on-changes" SetupSSH fi #TODO: Assuming that macos has the same syntax than bsd here if [ "$LOCAL_OS" == "msys" ] || [ "$LOCAL_OS" == "Cygwin" ]; then SUDO_CMD="" elif [ "$LOCAL_OS" == "BSD" ] || [ "$LOCAL_OS" == "MacOSX" ]; then SUDO_CMD="" IMMUTABLE_ON_CMD="chflags schg" IMMUTABLE_OFF_CMD="chflags noschg" else IMMUTABLE_ON_CMD="chattr +i" IMMUTABLE_OFF_CMD="chattr -i" SUDO_CMD="sudo" fi # Get osync version OSYNC_VERSION=$(GetConfFileValue "$OSYNC_DIR/$OSYNC_DEV_EXECUTABLE" "PROGRAM_VERSION") OSYNC_VERSION="${OSYNC_VERSION##*=}" OSYNC_MIN_VERSION="${OSYNC_VERSION:2:1}" OSYNC_IS_STABLE=$(GetConfFileValue "$OSYNC_DIR/$OSYNC_DEV_EXECUTABLE" "IS_STABLE") echo "Running with $OSYNC_VERSION ($OSYNC_MIN_VERSION) STABLE=$OSYNC_IS_STABLE" # Be sure to set default values for config files which can be incoherent if tests gets aborted SetConfFileValue "$CONF_DIR/$LOCAL_CONF" "SKIP_DELETION" "" SetConfFileValue "$CONF_DIR/$REMOTE_CONF" "SKIP_DELETION" "" SetConfFileValue "$CONF_DIR/$LOCAL_CONF" "COPY_SYMLINKS" "no" SetConfFileValue "$CONF_DIR/$REMOTE_CONF" "COPY_SYMLINKS" "no" SetConfFileValue "$CONF_DIR/$LOCAL_CONF" "CONFLICT_BACKUP_MULTIPLE" "no" SetConfFileValue "$CONF_DIR/$REMOTE_CONF" "CONFLICT_BACKUP_MULTIPLE" "no" SetConfFileValue "$CONF_DIR/$LOCAL_CONF" "FORCE_STRANGER_LOCK_RESUME" "no" SetConfFileValue "$CONF_DIR/$REMOTE_CONF" "FORCE_STRANGER_LOCK_RESUME" "no" SetConfFileValue "$CONF_DIR/$REMOTE_CONF" "SOFT_MAX_EXEC_TIME" "7200" SetConfFileValue "$CONF_DIR/$REMOTE_CONF" "HARD_MAX_EXEC_TIME" "10600" } function oneTimeTearDown () { # Set osync version stable flag back to origin #SetConfFileValue "$OSYNC_DIR/osync.sh" "IS_STABLE" "$OSYNC_IS_STABLE" RemoveSSH #TODO: uncomment this when dev is done #rm -rf "$OSYNC_TESTS_DIR" rm -f "$TMP_FILE" cd "$OSYNC_DIR" echo "" echo "Uninstalling osync from $FAKEROOT" $SUDO_CMD ./install.sh --remove --no-stats --prefix="$FAKEROOT" assertEquals "Uninstall failed" "0" $? ELAPSED_TIME=$(($SECONDS - $START_TIME)) echo "It took $ELAPSED_TIME seconds to run these tests." } function setUp () { rm -rf "$INITIATOR_DIR" rm -rf "$TARGET_DIR" } # This test has to be done everytime in order for osync executable to be fresh function test_Merge () { cd "$DEV_DIR" ./merge.sh osync assertEquals "Merging code" "0" $? cd "$OSYNC_DIR" # Set osync version to stable while testing to avoid warning message # Don't use SetConfFileValue here since for whatever reason Travis does not like creating a sed temporary file in $FAKEROOT sed -i.tmp "s/IS_STABLE=*/IS_STABLE=yes" "$OSYNC_EXECUTABLE" #SetConfFileValue "$OSYNC_EXECUTABLE" "IS_STABLE" "yes" echo "" echo "Installing osync to $FAKEROOT" $SUDO_CMD ./install.sh --no-stats --prefix="$FAKEROOT" assertEquals "Install failed" "0" $? } function nope_test_LargeFileSet () { for i in "${osyncParameters[@]}"; do cd "$OSYNC_DIR" PrepareLocalDirs DownloadLargeFileSet "$INITIATOR_DIR" REMOTE_HOST_PING=$RHOST_PING $OSYNC_EXECUTABLE $i assertEquals "LargeFileSet test with parameters [$i]." "0" $? [ -d "$INITIATOR_DIR/$OSYNC_STATE_DIR" ] assertEquals "Initiator state dir exists" "0" $? [ -d "$TARGET_DIR/$OSYNC_STATE_DIR" ] assertEquals "Target state dir exists" "0" $? done } function nope_test_Exclusions () { # Will sync except php files # RSYNC_EXCLUDE_PATTERN="*.php" is set at runtime for quicksync and in config files for other runs local numberOfPHPFiles local numberOfExcludedFiles local numberOfInitiatorFiles local numberOfTargetFiles for i in "${osyncParameters[@]}"; do cd "$OSYNC_DIR" PrepareLocalDirs DownloadLargeFileSet "$INITIATOR_DIR" numberOfPHPFiles=$(find "$INITIATOR_DIR" ! -wholename "$INITIATOR_DIR/$OSYNC_WORKDIR*" -name "*.php" | wc -l) REMOTE_HOST_PING=$RHOST_PING RSYNC_EXCLUDE_PATTERN="*.php" $OSYNC_EXECUTABLE $i assertEquals "Exclusions with parameters [$i]." "0" $? numberOfInitiatorFiles=$(find "$INITIATOR_DIR" ! -wholename "$INITIATOR_DIR/$OSYNC_WORKDIR*" | wc -l) numberOfTargetFiles=$(find "$TARGET_DIR" ! -wholename "$TARGET_DIR/$OSYNC_WORKDIR*" | wc -l) numberOfExcludedFiles=$((numberOfInitiatorFiles-numberOfTargetFiles)) assertEquals "Number of php files: $numberOfPHPFiles - Number of excluded files: $numberOfExcludedFiles" $numberOfPHPFiles $numberOfExcludedFiles done } function nope_test_Deletetion () { local iFile1="$INITIATOR_DIR/ific" local iFile2="$INITIATOR_DIR/ifoc" local tFile1="$TARGET_DIR/tfic" local tFile2="$TARGET_DIR/tfoc" for i in "${osyncParameters[@]}"; do cd "$OSYNC_DIR" PrepareLocalDirs touch "$iFile1" touch "$iFile2" touch "$tFile1" touch "$tFile2" REMOTE_HOST_PING=$RHOST_PING $OSYNC_EXECUTABLE $i assertEquals "First deletion run with parameters [$i]." "0" $? rm -f "$iFile1" rm -f "$tFile1" REMOTE_HOST_PING=$RHOST_PING $OSYNC_EXECUTABLE $i assertEquals "Second deletion run with parameters [$i]." "0" $? [ -f "$TARGET_DIR/$OSYNC_DELETE_DIR/$(basename $iFile1)" ] assertEquals "File [$TARGET_DIR/$OSYNC_DELETE_DIR/$(basename $iFile1)] has been soft deleted on target" "0" $? [ -f "$iFile1" ] assertEquals "File [$iFile1] is still in initiator" "1" $? # The variable substitution is not the best comprehensible code [ -f "${iFile1/$INITIATOR_DIR/TARGET_DIR}" ] assertEquals "File [${iFile1/$INITIATOR_DIR/TARGET_DIR}] is still in target" "1" $? [ -f "$INITIATOR_DIR/$OSYNC_DELETE_DIR/$(basename $tFile1)" ] assertEquals "File [$INITIATOR_DIR/$OSYNC_DELETE_DIR/$(basename $tFile1)] has been soft deleted on initiator" "0" $? [ -f "$tFile1" ] assertEquals "File [$tFile1] is still in target" "1" $? [ -f "${tFile1/$TARGET_DIR/INITIATOR_DIR}" ] assertEquals "File [${tFile1/$TARGET_DIR/INITIATOR_DIR}] is still in initiator" "1" $? done } function nope_test_deletion_failure () { if [ "$LOCAL_OS" == "WinNT10" ] || [ "$LOCAL_OS" == "msys" ] || [ "$LOCAL_OS" == "Cygwin" ]; then echo "Skipping deletion failure test as Win10 does not have chattr support." return 0 fi for i in "${osyncParameters[@]}"; do cd "$OSYNC_DIR" PrepareLocalDirs DirA="some directory with spaces" DirB="another directoy/and sub directory" mkdir -p "$INITIATOR_DIR/$DirA" mkdir -p "$TARGET_DIR/$DirB" FileA="$DirA/File A" FileB="$DirB/File B" touch "$INITIATOR_DIR/$FileA" touch "$TARGET_DIR/$FileB" REMOTE_HOST_PING=$RHOST_PING $OSYNC_EXECUTABLE $i assertEquals "First deletion run with parameters [$i]." "0" $? rm -f "$INITIATOR_DIR/$FileA" rm -f "$TARGET_DIR/$FileB" # Prevent files from being deleted $SUDO_CMD $IMMUTABLE_ON_CMD "$TARGET_DIR/$FileA" $SUDO_CMD $IMMUTABLE_ON_CMD "$INITIATOR_DIR/$FileB" # This shuold fail with exitcode 1 REMOTE_HOST_PING=$RHOST_PING $OSYNC_EXECUTABLE $i assertEquals "Second deletion run with parameters [$i]." "1" $? # standard file tests [ -f "$TARGET_DIR/$FileA" ] assertEquals "File [$TARGET_DIR/$FileA] is still present in replica dir." "0" $? [ ! -f "$TARGET_DIR/$OSYNC_DELETE_DIR/$FileA" ] assertEquals "File [$TARGET_DIR/$OSYNC_DELETE_DIR/$FileA] is not present in deletion dir." "0" $? [ -f "$INITIATOR_DIR/$FileB" ] assertEquals "File [$INITIATOR_DIR/$FileB] is still present in replica dir." "0" $? [ ! -f "$INITIATOR_DIR/$OSYNC_DELETE_DIR/$FileB" ] assertEquals "File [$INITIATOR_DIR/$OSYNC_DELETE_DIR/$FileB] is not present in deletion dir." "0" $? # Allow files from being deleted $SUDO_CMD $IMMUTABLE_OFF_CMD "$TARGET_DIR/$FileA" $SUDO_CMD $IMMUTABLE_OFF_CMD "$INITIATOR_DIR/$FileB" REMOTE_HOST_PING=$RHOST_PING $OSYNC_EXECUTABLE $i assertEquals "Third deletion run with parameters [$i]." "0" $? [ ! -f "$TARGET_DIR/$FileA" ] assertEquals "File [$TARGET_DIR/$FileA] is still present in replica dir." "0" $? [ -f "$TARGET_DIR/$OSYNC_DELETE_DIR/$FileA" ] assertEquals "File [$TARGET_DIR/$OSYNC_DELETE_DIR/$FileA] is not present in deletion dir." "0" $? [ ! -f "$INITIATOR_DIR/$FileB" ] assertEquals "File [$INITIATOR_DIR/$FileB] is still present in replica dir." "0" $? [ -f "$INITIATOR_DIR/$OSYNC_DELETE_DIR/$FileB" ] assertEquals "File [$INITIATOR_DIR/$OSYNC_DELETE_DIR/$FileB] is not present in deletion dir." "0" $? done } function nope_test_skip_deletion () { local modes if [ "$OSYNC_MIN_VERSION" == "1" ]; then echo "Skipping SkipDeletion test because it wasn't implemented in osync v1.1." return 0 fi # TRAVIS SPECIFIC - time limitation if [ "$TRAVIS_RUN" != true ]; then modes=('initiator' 'target' 'initiator,target') else modes=('target') fi for mode in "${modes[@]}"; do SetConfFileValue "$CONF_DIR/$LOCAL_CONF" "SKIP_DELETION" "$mode" SetConfFileValue "$CONF_DIR/$REMOTE_CONF" "SKIP_DELETION" "$mode" for i in "${osyncParameters[@]}"; do cd "$OSYNC_DIR" PrepareLocalDirs DirA="another/one/bites/ de_dust" DirB="phantom of /the opera" mkdir -p "$INITIATOR_DIR/$DirA" mkdir -p "$TARGET_DIR/$DirB" FileA="$DirA/Iron Rhapsody" FileB="$DirB/Bohemian Maiden" touch "$INITIATOR_DIR/$FileA" touch "$TARGET_DIR/$FileB" # First run REMOTE_HOST_PING=$RHOST_PING SKIP_DELETION="$mode" $OSYNC_EXECUTABLE $i assertEquals "First deletion run with parameters [$i]." "0" $? rm -f "$INITIATOR_DIR/$FileA" rm -f "$TARGET_DIR/$FileB" # Second run REMOTE_HOST_PING=$RHOST_PING SKIP_DELETION="$mode" $OSYNC_EXECUTABLE $i assertEquals "First deletion run with parameters [$i]." "0" $? if [ "$mode" == "initiator" ]; then [ -f "$TARGET_DIR/$FileA" ] assertEquals "File [$TARGET_DIR/$FileA] still exists in mode $mode." "1" $? [ -f "$INITIATOR_DIR/$FileB" ] assertEquals "File [$INITIATOR_DIR/$FileB still exists in mode $mode." "0" $? elif [ "$mode" == "target" ]; then [ -f "$TARGET_DIR/$FileA" ] assertEquals "File [$TARGET_DIR/$FileA] still exists in mode $mode." "0" $? [ -f "$INITIATOR_DIR/$FileB" ] assertEquals "File [$INITIATOR_DIR/$FileB still exists in mode $mode." "1" $? elif [ "$mode" == "initiator,target" ]; then [ -f "$TARGET_DIR/$FileA" ] assertEquals "File [$TARGET_DIR/$FileA] still exists in mode $mode." "0" $? [ -f "$INITIATOR_DIR/$FileB" ] assertEquals "File [$INITIATOR_DIR/$FileB still exists in mode $mode." "0" $? else assertEquals "Bogus skip deletion mode" "0" "1" fi done done # Set original values back SetConfFileValue "$CONF_DIR/$LOCAL_CONF" "SKIP_DELETION" "" SetConfFileValue "$CONF_DIR/$REMOTE_CONF" "SKIP_DELETION" "" } function nope_test_handle_symlinks () { if [ "$OSYNC_MIN_VERSION" == "1" ]; then echo "Skipping symlink tests as osync v1.1x didn't handle this." return 0 fi if [ "$LOCAL_OS" == "msys" ]; then echo "Skipping symlink tests because msys handles them strangely or not at all." return 0 fi # Check with and without copySymlinks copySymlinks="no" echo "Running with COPY_SYMLINKS=$copySymlinks" SetConfFileValue "$CONF_DIR/$LOCAL_CONF" "COPY_SYMLINKS" "$copySymlinks" SetConfFileValue "$CONF_DIR/$REMOTE_CONF" "COPY_SYMLINKS" "$copySymlinks" for i in "${osyncParameters[@]}"; do cd "$OSYNC_DIR" PrepareLocalDirs DirA="some directory with spaces" DirB="another directoy/and sub directory" mkdir -p "$INITIATOR_DIR/$DirA" mkdir -p "$TARGET_DIR/$DirB" FileA="$DirA/File A" FileB="$DirB/File B" FileAL="$DirA/File A symlink" FileBL="$DirB/File B symlink" # Create symlinks touch "$INITIATOR_DIR/$FileA" touch "$TARGET_DIR/$FileB" ln -s "$INITIATOR_DIR/$FileA" "$INITIATOR_DIR/$FileAL" ln -s "$TARGET_DIR/$FileB" "$TARGET_DIR/$FileBL" COPY_SYMLINKS=$copySymlinks REMOTE_HOST_PING=$RHOST_PING $OSYNC_EXECUTABLE $i assertEquals "First symlink run with parameters [$i]." "0" $? # Delete symlinks rm -f "$INITIATOR_DIR/$FileAL" rm -f "$TARGET_DIR/$FileBL" COPY_SYMLINKS=$copySymlinks REMOTE_HOST_PING=$RHOST_PING $OSYNC_EXECUTABLE $i assertEquals "Second symlink deletion run with parameters [$i]." "0" $? # symlink deletion propagation [ ! -L "$TARGET_DIR/$FileAL" ] assertEquals "File [$TARGET_DIR/$FileAL] is still present in replica dir." "0" $? [ -L "$TARGET_DIR/$OSYNC_DELETE_DIR/$FileAL" ] assertEquals "File [$TARGET_DIR/$OSYNC_DELETE_DIR/$FileAL] is not present in deletion dir." "0" $? [ ! -L "$INITIATOR_DIR/$FileBL" ] assertEquals "File [$INITIATOR_DIR/$FileBL] is still present in replica dir." "0" $? [ -L "$INITIATOR_DIR/$OSYNC_DELETE_DIR/$FileBL" ] assertEquals "File [$INITIATOR_DIR/$OSYNC_DELETE_DIR/$FileBL] is not present in deletion dir." "0" $? # Create broken symlinks and propagate them ln -s "$INITIATOR_DIR/$FileA" "$INITIATOR_DIR/$FileAL" ln -s "$TARGET_DIR/$FileB" "$TARGET_DIR/$FileBL" rm -f "$INITIATOR_DIR/$FileA" rm -f "$TARGET_DIR/$FileB" COPY_SYMLINKS=$copySymlinks REMOTE_HOST_PING=$RHOST_PING $OSYNC_EXECUTABLE $i assertEquals "Third broken symlink run with parameters [$i]." "0" $? [ -L "$TARGET_DIR/$FileAL" ] assertEquals "File [$TARGET_DIR/$FileAL] is present in replica dir." "0" $? [ -L "$INITIATOR_DIR/$FileBL" ] assertEquals "File [$INITIATOR_DIR/$FileBL] is present in replica dir." "0" $? # Check broken symlink deletion propagation rm -f "$INITIATOR_DIR/$FileAL" rm -f "$TARGET_DIR/$FileBL" COPY_SYMLINKS=$copySymlinks REMOTE_HOST_PING=$RHOST_PING $OSYNC_EXECUTABLE $i assertEquals "Fourth symlink deletion run with parameters [$i]." "0" $? [ ! -L "$TARGET_DIR/$FileAL" ] assertEquals "File [$TARGET_DIR/$FileAL] is still present in replica dir." "0" $? [ -L "$TARGET_DIR/$OSYNC_DELETE_DIR/$FileAL" ] assertEquals "File [$TARGET_DIR/$OSYNC_DELETE_DIR/$FileAL] is not present in deletion dir." "0" $? [ ! -L "$INITIATOR_DIR/$FileBL" ] assertEquals "File [$INITIATOR_DIR/$FileBL] is still present in replica dir." "0" $? [ -L "$INITIATOR_DIR/$OSYNC_DELETE_DIR/$FileBL" ] assertEquals "File [$INITIATOR_DIR/$OSYNC_DELETE_DIR/$FileBL] is not present in deletion dir." "0" $? done # TRAVIS SPECIFIC - time limitation if [ "$TRAVIS_RUN" != true ]; then return 0 fi # Check with and without copySymlinks copySymlinks="yes" echo "Running with COPY_SYMLINKS=$copySymlinks" SetConfFileValue "$CONF_DIR/$LOCAL_CONF" "COPY_SYMLINKS" "$copySymlinks" SetConfFileValue "$CONF_DIR/$REMOTE_CONF" "COPY_SYMLINKS" "$copySymlinks" for i in "${osyncParameters[@]}"; do cd "$OSYNC_DIR" PrepareLocalDirs DirA="some directory with spaces" DirB="another directoy/and sub directory" mkdir -p "$INITIATOR_DIR/$DirA" mkdir -p "$TARGET_DIR/$DirB" FileA="$DirA/File A" FileB="$DirB/File B" FileAL="$DirA/File A symlink" FileBL="$DirB/File B symlink" # Create symlinks touch "$INITIATOR_DIR/$FileA" touch "$TARGET_DIR/$FileB" ln -s "$INITIATOR_DIR/$FileA" "$INITIATOR_DIR/$FileAL" ln -s "$TARGET_DIR/$FileB" "$TARGET_DIR/$FileBL" COPY_SYMLINKS=$copySymlinks REMOTE_HOST_PING=$RHOST_PING $OSYNC_EXECUTABLE $i assertEquals "First symlink run with parameters [$i]." "0" $? # Delete symlinks rm -f "$INITIATOR_DIR/$FileAL" rm -f "$TARGET_DIR/$FileBL" COPY_SYMLINKS=$copySymlinks REMOTE_HOST_PING=$RHOST_PING $OSYNC_EXECUTABLE $i assertEquals "Second symlink deletion run with parameters [$i]." "0" $? # symlink deletion propagation [ ! -f "$TARGET_DIR/$FileAL" ] assertEquals "File [$TARGET_DIR/$FileAL] is still present in replica dir." "0" $? [ -f "$TARGET_DIR/$OSYNC_DELETE_DIR/$FileAL" ] assertEquals "File [$TARGET_DIR/$OSYNC_DELETE_DIR/$FileAL] is not present in deletion dir." "0" $? [ ! -f "$INITIATOR_DIR/$FileBL" ] assertEquals "File [$INITIATOR_DIR/$FileBL] is still present in replica dir." "0" $? [ -f "$INITIATOR_DIR/$OSYNC_DELETE_DIR/$FileBL" ] assertEquals "File [$INITIATOR_DIR/$OSYNC_DELETE_DIR/$FileBL] is not present in deletion dir." "0" $? # Create broken symlinks and propagate them ln -s "$INITIATOR_DIR/$FileA" "$INITIATOR_DIR/$FileAL" ln -s "$TARGET_DIR/$FileB" "$TARGET_DIR/$FileBL" rm -f "$INITIATOR_DIR/$FileA" rm -f "$TARGET_DIR/$FileB" COPY_SYMLINKS=$copySymlinks REMOTE_HOST_PING=$RHOST_PING $OSYNC_EXECUTABLE $i assertEquals "Third broken symlink run with parameters should fail [$i]." "1" $? [ ! -f "$TARGET_DIR/$FileAL" ] assertEquals "File [$TARGET_DIR/$FileAL] is present in replica dir." "0" $? [ ! -f "$INITIATOR_DIR/$FileBL" ] assertEquals "File [$INITIATOR_DIR/$FileBL] is present in replica dir." "0" $? # Check broken symlink deletion propagation rm -f "$INITIATOR_DIR/$FileAL" rm -f "$TARGET_DIR/$FileBL" COPY_SYMLINKS=$copySymlinks REMOTE_HOST_PING=$RHOST_PING $OSYNC_EXECUTABLE $i assertEquals "Fourth symlink deletion run should resume with parameters [$i]." "0" $? [ ! -f "$TARGET_DIR/$FileAL" ] assertEquals "File [$TARGET_DIR/$FileAL] is still present in replica dir." "0" $? [ -f "$TARGET_DIR/$OSYNC_DELETE_DIR/$FileAL" ] assertEquals "File [$TARGET_DIR/$OSYNC_DELETE_DIR/$FileAL] is not present in deletion dir." "0" $? [ ! -f "$INITIATOR_DIR/$FileBL" ] assertEquals "File [$INITIATOR_DIR/$FileBL] is still present in replica dir." "0" $? [ -f "$INITIATOR_DIR/$OSYNC_DELETE_DIR/$FileBL" ] assertEquals "File [$INITIATOR_DIR/$OSYNC_DELETE_DIR/$FileBL] is not present in deletion dir." "0" $? done } function nope_test_softdeletion_cleanup () { #declare -A files files=() files[0]="$INITIATOR_DIR/$OSYNC_DELETE_DIR/someDeletedFileInitiator" files[1]="$TARGET_DIR/$OSYNC_DELETE_DIR/someDeletedFileTarget" files[2]="$INITIATOR_DIR/$OSYNC_BACKUP_DIR/someBackedUpFileInitiator" files[3]="$TARGET_DIR/$OSYNC_BACKUP_DIR/someBackedUpFileTarget" DirA="$INITIATOR_DIR/$OSYNC_DELETE_DIR/somedir" DirB="$TARGET_DIR/$OSYNC_DELETE_DIR/someotherdir" for i in "${osyncParameters[@]}"; do cd "$OSYNC_DIR" PrepareLocalDirs # First run #REMOTE_HOST_PING=$RHOST_PING $OSYNC_EXECUTABLE $i #assertEquals "First deletion run with parameters [$i]." "0" $? # Get current drive drive=$(df "$OSYNC_DIR" | tail -1 | awk '{print $1}') # Create some deleted & backed up files, some new and some old for file in "${files[@]}"; do # Create directories first if they do not exist (deletion dir is created by osync, backup dir is created by rsync only when needed) if [ ! -d "$(dirname $file)" ]; then mkdir -p "$(dirname $file)" fi touch "$file.new" if [ "$TRAVIS_RUN" == true ] || [ "$LOCAL_OS" == "BSD" ] || [ "$LOCAL_OS" == "MacOSX" ] || [ "$LOCAL_OS" == "WinNT10" ] || [ "$LOCAL_OS" == "msys" ] || [ "$LOCAL_OS" == "Cygwin" ]; then echo "Skipping changing ctime on file because travis / bsd / macos / Win10 / msys / cygwin does not support debugfs" else CreateOldFile "$file.old" fi done if [ "$TRAVIS_RUN" == true ] || [ "$LOCAL_OS" == "BSD" ] || [ "$LOCAL_OS" == "MacOSX" ] || [ "$LOCAL_OS" == "WinNT10" ] || [ "$LOCAL_OS" == "msys" ] || [ "$LOCAL_OS" == "Cygwin" ]; then echo "Skipping changing ctime on dir too" else CreateOldFile "$DirA" true CreateOldFile "$DirB" true fi # Second run REMOTE_HOST_PING=$RHOST_PING $OSYNC_EXECUTABLE $i # Check file presence for file in "${files[@]}"; do [ -f "$file.new" ] assertEquals "New softdeleted / backed up file [$file.new] exists." "0" $? if [ "$TRAVIS_RUN" == true ] || [ "$LOCAL_OS" == "BSD" ] || [ "$LOCAL_OS" == "MacOSX" ] || [ "$LOCAL_OS" == "WinNT10" ] || [ "$LOCAL_OS" == "msys" ] || [ "$LOCAL_OS" == "Cygwin" ]; then [ ! -f "$file.old" ] assertEquals "Old softdeleted / backed up file [$file.old] is deleted permanently." "0" $? else [ ! -f "$file.old" ] assertEquals "Old softdeleted / backed up file [$file.old] is deleted permanently." "1" $? fi done if [ "$TRAVIS_RUN" == true ] || [ "$LOCAL_OS" == "BSD" ] || [ "$LOCAL_OS" == "MacOSX" ] || [ "$LOCAL_OS" == "WinNT10" ] || [ "$LOCAL_OS" == "msys" ] || [ "$LOCAL_OS" == "Cygwin" ]; then [ ! -d "$DirA" ] assertEquals "Old softdeleted / backed up directory [$dirA] is deleted permanently." "0" $? [ ! -d "$DirB" ] assertEquals "Old softdeleted / backed up directory [$dirB] is deleted permanently." "0" $? else [ ! -d "$DirA" ] assertEquals "Old softdeleted / backed up directory [$DirA] is deleted permanently." "1" $? [ ! -d "$DirB" ] assertEquals "Old softdeleted / backed up directory [$DirB] is deleted permanently." "1" $? fi done } function nope_test_FileAttributePropagation () { if [ "$TRAVIS_RUN" == true ]; then echo "Skipping FileAttributePropagation tests as travis does not support getfacl / setfacl." return 0 fi if [ "$LOCAL_OS" == "MacOSX" ] || [ "$LOCAL_OS" == "msys" ] || [ "$LOCAL_OS" == "Cygwin" ]; then echo "Skipping FileAttributePropagation tests because [$LOCAL_OS] does not support ACL." return 0 fi for i in "${osyncParameters[@]}"; do cd "$OSYNC_DIR" PrepareLocalDirs DirA="dir a" DirB="dir b" DirC="dir c" DirD="dir d" mkdir "$INITIATOR_DIR/$DirA" mkdir "$TARGET_DIR/$DirB" mkdir "$INITIATOR_DIR/$DirC" mkdir "$TARGET_DIR/$DirD" FileA="$DirA/FileA" FileB="$DirB/FileB" touch "$INITIATOR_DIR/$FileA" touch "$TARGET_DIR/$FileB" # First run PRESERVE_ACL=yes PRESERVE_XATTR=yes REMOTE_HOST_PING=$RHOST_PING $OSYNC_EXECUTABLE $i assertEquals "First deletion run with parameters [$i]." "0" $? sleep 1 getfacl "$INITIATOR_DIR/$FileA" | grep "other::r--" > /dev/null assertEquals "Check getting ACL on initiator." "0" $? getfacl "$TARGET_DIR/$FileB" | grep "other::r--" > /dev/null assertEquals "Check getting ACL on target." "0" $? getfacl "$INITIATOR_DIR/$DirC" | grep "other::r-x" > /dev/null assertEquals "Check getting ACL on initiator subdirectory." "0" $? getfacl "$TARGET_DIR/$DirD" | grep "other::r-x" > /dev/null assertEquals "Check getting ACL on target subdirectory." "0" $? setfacl -m o::r-x "$INITIATOR_DIR/$FileA" assertEquals "Set ACL on initiator" "0" $? setfacl -m o::-w- "$TARGET_DIR/$FileB" assertEquals "Set ACL on target" "0" $? setfacl -m o::rwx "$INITIATOR_DIR/$DirC" assertEquals "Set ACL on initiator directory" "0" $? setfacl -m o::-wx "$TARGET_DIR/$DirD" assertEquals "Set ACL on target directory" "0" $? # Second run PRESERVE_ACL=yes PRESERVE_XATTR=yes REMOTE_HOST_PING=$RHOST_PING $OSYNC_EXECUTABLE $i assertEquals "First deletion run with parameters [$i]." "0" $? getfacl "$TARGET_DIR/$FileA" | grep "other::r-x" > /dev/null assertEquals "ACLs matched original value on target." "0" $? getfacl "$INITIATOR_DIR/$FileB" | grep "other::-w-" > /dev/null assertEquals "ACLs matched original value on initiator." "0" $? getfacl "$TARGET_DIR/$DirC" | grep "other::rwx" > /dev/null assertEquals "ACLs matched original value on target subdirectory." "0" $? getfacl "$INITIATOR_DIR/$DirD" | grep "other::-wx" > /dev/null assertEquals "ACLs matched original value on initiator subdirectory." "0" $? done } function nope_test_ConflictBackups () { for i in "${osyncParameters[@]}"; do cd "$OSYNC_DIR" PrepareLocalDirs DirA="some dir" DirB="some other dir" mkdir -p "$INITIATOR_DIR/$DirA" mkdir -p "$TARGET_DIR/$DirB" FileA="$DirA/FileA" FileB="$DirB/File B" echo "$FileA" > "$INITIATOR_DIR/$FileA" echo "$FileB" > "$TARGET_DIR/$FileB" # First run REMOTE_HOST_PING=$RHOST_PING $OSYNC_EXECUTABLE $i assertEquals "First deletion run with parameters [$i]." "0" $? echo "$FileA+" > "$TARGET_DIR/$FileA" echo "$FileB+" > "$INITIATOR_DIR/$FileB" # Second run REMOTE_HOST_PING=$RHOST_PING $OSYNC_EXECUTABLE $i assertEquals "First deletion run with parameters [$i]." "0" $? [ -f "$INITIATOR_DIR/$OSYNC_BACKUP_DIR/$FileA" ] assertEquals "Backup file is present in [$INITIATOR_DIR/$OSYNC_BACKUP_DIR/$FileA]." "0" $? [ -f "$TARGET_DIR/$OSYNC_BACKUP_DIR/$FileB" ] assertEquals "Backup file is present in [$TARGET_DIR/$OSYNC_BACKUP_DIR/$FileB]." "0" $? done } function nope_test_MultipleConflictBackups () { local additionalParameters # modify config files SetConfFileValue "$CONF_DIR/$LOCAL_CONF" "CONFLICT_BACKUP_MULTIPLE" "yes" SetConfFileValue "$CONF_DIR/$REMOTE_CONF" "CONFLICT_BACKUP_MULTIPLE" "yes" if [ "$OSYNC_MIN_VERSION" != "1" ]; then additionalParameters="--errors-only --summary --no-prefix" fi for i in "${osyncParameters[@]}"; do echo "Running with parameters [$i]." cd "$OSYNC_DIR" PrepareLocalDirs FileA="FileA" FileB="FileB" echo "$FileA" > "$INITIATOR_DIR/$FileA" echo "$FileB" > "$TARGET_DIR/$FileB" # First run CONFLICT_BACKUP_MULTIPLE=yes REMOTE_HOST_PING=$RHOST_PING $OSYNC_EXECUTABLE $i $additionalParameters assertEquals "First deletion run with parameters [$i]." "0" $? echo "$FileA+" > "$TARGET_DIR/$FileA" echo "$FileB+" > "$INITIATOR_DIR/$FileB" # Second run CONFLICT_BACKUP_MULTIPLE=yes REMOTE_HOST_PING=$RHOST_PING $OSYNC_EXECUTABLE $i $additionalParameters assertEquals "First deletion run with parameters [$i]." "0" $? echo "$FileA-" > "$TARGET_DIR/$FileA" echo "$FileB-" > "$INITIATOR_DIR/$FileB" # Third run CONFLICT_BACKUP_MULTIPLE=yes REMOTE_HOST_PING=$RHOST_PING $OSYNC_EXECUTABLE $i $additionalParameters assertEquals "First deletion run with parameters [$i]." "0" $? echo "$FileA*" > "$TARGET_DIR/$FileA" echo "$FileB*" > "$INITIATOR_DIR/$FileB" # Fouth run CONFLICT_BACKUP_MULTIPLE=yes REMOTE_HOST_PING=$RHOST_PING $OSYNC_EXECUTABLE $i $additionalParameters assertEquals "First deletion run with parameters [$i]." "0" $? # This test may fail only on 31th December at 23:59 :) [ $(find "$INITIATOR_DIR/$OSYNC_BACKUP_DIR/" -type f -name "FileA.$(date '+%Y')*" | wc -l) -eq 3 ] assertEquals "3 Backup files are present in [$INITIATOR_DIR/$OSYNC_BACKUP_DIR/]." "0" $? [ $(find "$TARGET_DIR/$OSYNC_BACKUP_DIR/" -type f -name "FileB.$(date '+%Y')*" | wc -l) -eq 3 ] assertEquals "3 Backup files are present in [$TARGET_DIR/$OSYNC_BACKUP_DIR/]." "0" $? done SetConfFileValue "$CONF_DIR/$LOCAL_CONF" "CONFLICT_BACKUP_MULTIPLE" "no" SetConfFileValue "$CONF_DIR/$REMOTE_CONF" "CONFLICT_BACKUP_MULTIPLE" "no" } function nope_test_Locking () { # local not running = resume # remote same instance_id = resume # remote different instance_id = stop # remote dfiffent instance_id + FORCE_STRANGER_LOCK_RESUME = resume # Initiator lock present should always be resumed if pid does not run for i in "${osyncParameters[@]}"; do cd "$OSYNC_DIR" PrepareLocalDirs mkdir -p "$INITIATOR_DIR/$OSYNC_WORKDIR" echo 65536 > "$INITIATOR_DIR/$OSYNC_WORKDIR/lock" REMOTE_HOST_PING=$RHOST_PING $OSYNC_EXECUTABLE $i assertEquals "Should be able to resume when initiator has lock without running pid." "0" $? echo $$ > "$INITIATOR_DIR/$OSYNC_WORKDIR/lock" REMOTE_HOST_PING=$RHOST_PING $OSYNC_EXECUTABLE $i assertEquals "Should never be able to resume when initiator has lock with running pid." "1" $? done # Target lock present should be resumed if instance ID is the same as current one PrepareLocalDirs mkdir -p "$TARGET_DIR/$OSYNC_WORKDIR" echo 65536@quicklocal > "$TARGET_DIR/$OSYNC_WORKDIR/lock" REMOTE_HOST_PING=$RHOST_PING $OSYNC_EXECUTABLE ${osyncParameters[$__quickLocal]} assertEquals "Should be able to resume locked target with same instance_id in quickLocal mode." "0" $? PrepareLocalDirs mkdir -p "$TARGET_DIR/$OSYNC_WORKDIR" echo 65536@local > "$TARGET_DIR/$OSYNC_WORKDIR/lock" REMOTE_HOST_PING=$RHOST_PING $OSYNC_EXECUTABLE ${osyncParameters[$__confLocal]} assertEquals "Should be able to resume locked target with same instance_id in confLocal mode." "0" $? if [ "$LOCAL_OS" != "msys" ] && [ "$LOCAL_OS" != "Cygwin" ]; then PrepareLocalDirs mkdir -p "$TARGET_DIR/$OSYNC_WORKDIR" echo 65536@quickremote > "$TARGET_DIR/$OSYNC_WORKDIR/lock" REMOTE_HOST_PING=$RHOST_PING $OSYNC_EXECUTABLE ${osyncParameters[$__quickRemote]} assertEquals "Should be able to resume locked target with same instance_id in quickRemote mode." "0" $? PrepareLocalDirs mkdir -p "$TARGET_DIR/$OSYNC_WORKDIR" echo 65536@remote > "$TARGET_DIR/$OSYNC_WORKDIR/lock" REMOTE_HOST_PING=$RHOST_PING $OSYNC_EXECUTABLE ${osyncParameters[$__confRemote]} assertEquals "Should be able to resume locked target with same instance_id in confRemote mode." "0" $? fi # Remote Target lock present should not be resumed if instance ID is NOT the same as current one, local target lock is resumed PrepareLocalDirs mkdir -p "$TARGET_DIR/$OSYNC_WORKDIR" echo 65536@bogusinstance > "$TARGET_DIR/$OSYNC_WORKDIR/lock" REMOTE_HOST_PING=$RHOST_PING $OSYNC_EXECUTABLE ${osyncParameters[$__quickLocal]} assertEquals "Should be able to resume locked local target with bogus instance id in quickLocal mode." "0" $? PrepareLocalDirs mkdir -p "$TARGET_DIR/$OSYNC_WORKDIR" echo 65536@bogusinstance > "$TARGET_DIR/$OSYNC_WORKDIR/lock" REMOTE_HOST_PING=$RHOST_PING $OSYNC_EXECUTABLE ${osyncParameters[$__confLocal]} assertEquals "Should be able to resume locked local target with bogus instance_id in confLocal mode." "0" $? if [ "$LOCAL_OS" != "msys" ] && [ "$LOCAL_OS" != "Cygwin" ]; then PrepareLocalDirs mkdir -p "$TARGET_DIR/$OSYNC_WORKDIR" echo 65536@bogusinstance > "$TARGET_DIR/$OSYNC_WORKDIR/lock" REMOTE_HOST_PING=$RHOST_PING $OSYNC_EXECUTABLE ${osyncParameters[$__quickRemote]} assertEquals "Should not be able to resume remote locked target with bogus instance_id in quickRemote mode." "1" $? PrepareLocalDirs mkdir -p "$TARGET_DIR/$OSYNC_WORKDIR" echo 65536@bogusinstance > "$TARGET_DIR/$OSYNC_WORKDIR/lock" REMOTE_HOST_PING=$RHOST_PING $OSYNC_EXECUTABLE ${osyncParameters[$__confRemote]} assertEquals "Should not be able to resume remote locked target with bogus instance_id in confRemote mode." "1" $? fi # Target lock present should be resumed if instance ID is NOT the same as current one but FORCE_STRANGER_UNLOCK=yes SetConfFileValue "$CONF_DIR/$LOCAL_CONF" "FORCE_STRANGER_LOCK_RESUME" "yes" SetConfFileValue "$CONF_DIR/$REMOTE_CONF" "FORCE_STRANGER_LOCK_RESUME" "yes" for i in "${osyncParameters[@]}"; do cd "$OSYNC_DIR" PrepareLocalDirs mkdir -p "$INITIATOR_DIR/$OSYNC_WORKDIR" echo 65536@bogusinstance > "$INITIATOR_DIR/$OSYNC_WORKDIR/lock" FORCE_STRANGER_UNLOCK=yes REMOTE_HOST_PING=$RHOST_PING $OSYNC_EXECUTABLE $i assertEquals "Should be able to resume when target has lock with different instance id but FORCE_STRANGER_UNLOCK=yes." "0" $? done SetConfFileValue "$CONF_DIR/$LOCAL_CONF" "FORCE_STRANGER_LOCK_RESUME" "no" SetConfFileValue "$CONF_DIR/$REMOTE_CONF" "FORCE_STRANGER_LOCK_RESUME" "no" } function test_ConflictDetetion () { local result # Tests compatible with v1.3+ if [ $OSYNC_MIN_VERSION -lt 3 ]; then echo "Skipping conflict detection test because osync min version is $OSYNC_MIN_VERSION (must be 3 at least)." return 0 fi for i in "${osyncParameters[0]}"; do cd "$OSYNC_DIR" PrepareLocalDirs FileA="some file" FileB="some other file" touch "$INITIATOR_DIR/$FileA" touch "$TARGET_DIR/$FileB" touch "$INITIATOR_DIR/$FileB" touch "$TARGET_DIR/$FileA" # Initializing treeList REMOTE_HOST_PING=$RHOST_PING $OSYNC_EXECUTABLE $i --initialize assertEquals "Initialization run with parameters [$i]." "0" $? # Now modifying files on both sides echo "A" > "$INITIATOR_DIR/$FileA" echo "B" > "$TARGET_DIR/$FileB" echo "AA" > "$TARGET_DIR/$FileA" echo "BB" > "$INITIATOR_DIR/$FileB" # Now run should return conflicts REMOTE_HOST_PING=$RHOST_PING $OSYNC_EXECUTABLE $i --log-conflicts > "$FAKEROOT/output.log" 2>&1 result=$? cat "$FAKEROOT/output.log" assertEquals "Second run that should detect conflicts with parameters [$i]." "0" $result grep "$INITIATOR_DIR/$FileA -- $TARGET_DIR/$FileB" "$TMP/output.log" assertEquals "FileA conflict detect with parameters [$i]." "0" $? grep "$INITIATOR_DIR/$FileB -- $TARGET_DIR/$FileB" "$TMP/output.log" assertEquals "FileB conflict detect with parameters [$i]." "0" $? # TODO: Missing test for conflict prevalance done } function nope_test_WaitForTaskCompletion () { local pids # Tests compatible with v1.1 syntax # These tests aren't really effective because in any case, output from WaitFor functions is always 0, which was a bad behavior in v1.1 if [ "$OSYNC_MIN_VERSION" == "1" ]; then echo "Using v1.1 WaitForTaskCompletion test" # Needed in order to get PROCESS_test_CMD value InitLocalOSSettings # Standard wait sleep 2 & pid=$! WaitForTaskCompletion $pid 0 0 ${FUNCNAME[0]} assertEquals "WaitForTaskCompletion v1.1 test 1" "0" $? # Standard wait with warning sleep 5 & WaitForTaskCompletion $! 3 0 ${FUNCNAME[0]} assertEquals "WaitForTaskCompletion v1.1 test 2" "0" $? # Pid is killed sleep 5 & WaitForTaskCompletion $! 0 2 ${FUNCNAME[0]} assertEquals "WaitForTaskCompletion v1.1 test 3" "1" $? # Standard wait sleep 2 & WaitForCompletion $! 0 0 ${FUNCNAME[0]} assertEquals "WaitForCompletion test 1" "0" $? # Standard wait with warning sleep 5 & WaitForCompletion $! 3 0 ${FUNCNAME[0]} assertEquals "WaitForCompletion test 2" "0" $? # Pid is killed sleep 5 & WaitForCompletion $! 0 2 ${FUNCNAME[0]} assertEquals "WaitForCompletion test 3" "1" $? return 0 fi # Tests if wait for task completion works correctly with v1.2+ # Standard wait sleep 1 & pids="$!" sleep 2 & pids="$pids;$!" WaitForTaskCompletion $pids 0 0 $SLEEP_TIME $KEEP_LOGGING true true false ${FUNCNAME[0]} assertEquals "WaitForTaskCompletion test 1" "0" $? # Standard wait with warning sleep 2 & pids="$!" sleep 5 & pids="$pids;$!" WaitForTaskCompletion $pids 3 0 $SLEEP_TIME $KEEP_LOGGING true true false ${FUNCNAME[0]} assertEquals "WaitForTaskCompletion test 2" "0" $? # Both pids are killed sleep 5 & pids="$!" sleep 5 & pids="$pids;$!" WaitForTaskCompletion $pids 0 2 $SLEEP_TIME $KEEP_LOGGING true true false ${FUNCNAME[0]} assertEquals "WaitForTaskCompletion test 3" "2" $? # One of two pids are killed sleep 2 & pids="$!" sleep 10 & pids="$pids;$!" WaitForTaskCompletion $pids 0 3 $SLEEP_TIME $KEEP_LOGGING true true false ${FUNCNAME[0]} assertEquals "WaitForTaskCompletion test 4" "1" $? # Count since script begin, the following should output two warnings and both pids should get killed sleep 20 & pids="$!" sleep 20 & pids="$pids;$!" WaitForTaskCompletion $pids 3 5 $SLEEP_TIME $KEEP_LOGGING false true false ${FUNCNAME[0]} assertEquals "WaitForTaskCompletion test 5" "2" $? } function nope_test_ParallelExec () { if [ "$OSYNC_MIN_VERSION" == "1" ]; then echo "Skipping ParallelExec test because osync v1.1 ofunctions don't have this function." return 0 fi local cmd # Test if parallelExec works correctly in array mode cmd="sleep 2;sleep 2;sleep 2;sleep 2" ParallelExec 4 "$cmd" assertEquals "ParallelExec test 1" "0" $? cmd="sleep 2;du /none;sleep 2" ParallelExec 2 "$cmd" assertEquals "ParallelExec test 2" "1" $? cmd="sleep 4;du /none;sleep 3;du /none;sleep 2" ParallelExec 3 "$cmd" assertEquals "ParallelExec test 3" "2" $? # Test if parallelExec works correctly in file mode echo "sleep 2" > "$TMP_FILE" echo "sleep 2" >> "$TMP_FILE" echo "sleep 2" >> "$TMP_FILE" echo "sleep 2" >> "$TMP_FILE" ParallelExec 4 "$TMP_FILE" true assertEquals "ParallelExec test 4" "0" $? echo "sleep 2" > "$TMP_FILE" echo "du /nome" >> "$TMP_FILE" echo "sleep 2" >> "$TMP_FILE" ParallelExec 2 "$TMP_FILE" true assertEquals "ParallelExec test 5" "1" $? echo "sleep 4" > "$TMP_FILE" echo "du /none" >> "$TMP_FILE" echo "sleep 3" >> "$TMP_FILE" echo "du /none" >> "$TMP_FILE" echo "sleep 2" >> "$TMP_FILE" ParallelExec 3 "$TMP_FILE" true assertEquals "ParallelExec test 6" "2" $? #function ParallelExec $numberOfProcesses $commandsArg $readFromFile $softTime $HardTime $sleepTime $keepLogging $counting $Spinner $noError $callerName # Test if parallelExec works correctly in array mode with full time control cmd="sleep 5;sleep 5;sleep 5;sleep 5;sleep 5" ParallelExec 4 "$cmd" false 1 0 .05 3600 true true false ${FUNCNAME[0]} assertEquals "ParallelExec full test 1" "0" $? cmd="sleep 2;du /none;sleep 2;sleep 2;sleep 4" ParallelExec 2 "$cmd" false 0 0 .1 2 true false false ${FUNCNAME[0]} assertEquals "ParallelExec full test 2" "1" $? cmd="sleep 4;du /none;sleep 3;du /none;sleep 2" ParallelExec 3 "$cmd" false 1 2 .05 7000 true true false ${FUNCNAME[0]} assertNotEquals "ParallelExec full test 3" "0" $? } function nope_test_timedExecution () { local arguments local warnExitCode # Clever usage of indexes and exit codes # osync exits with 0 when no problem detected # exits with 1 when error detected (triggered by reaching HARD_MAX_EXEC_TIME) # exits with 2 when warning only detected (triggered by reaching SOFT_MAX_EXEC_TIME) softTimes=() softTimes[0]=7200 # original values (to be executed at last in order to leave config file in original state) hardTimes[0]=10600 softTimes[1]=0 hardTimes[1]=3 softTimes[2]=2 hardTimes[2]=10600 for x in 2 1 0; do SetConfFileValue "$CONF_DIR/$LOCAL_CONF" "SOFT_MAX_EXEC_TIME" ${softTimes[$x]} SetConfFileValue "$CONF_DIR/$LOCAL_CONF" "HARD_MAX_EXEC_TIME" ${hardTimes[$x]} SetConfFileValue "$CONF_DIR/$REMOTE_CONF" "SOFT_MAX_EXEC_TIME" ${softTimes[$x]} SetConfFileValue "$CONF_DIR/$REMOTE_CONF" "HARD_MAX_EXEC_TIME" ${hardTimes[$x]} for i in "${osyncParameters[@]}"; do cd "$OSYNC_DIR" PrepareLocalDirs echo "Test with args [$i $arguments]." SLEEP_TIME=1 SOFT_MAX_EXEC_TIME=${softTimes[$x]} HARD_MAX_EXEC_TIME=${hardTimes[$x]} $OSYNC_EXECUTABLE $i retval=$? if [ "$OSYNC_MIN_VERSION" -gt 1 ]; then assertEquals "Timed Execution test with timed SOFT_MAX_EXEC_TIME=${softTimes[$x]} and HARD_MAX_EXEC_TIME=${hardTimes[$x]}." $x $retval else # osync v1.1 had different exit codes, 240 was warning, anything else than 0 was error if [ $x -eq 2 ]; then assertEquals "Timed Execution test with timed SOFT_MAX_EXEC_TIME=${softTimes[$x]} and HARD_MAX_EXEC_TIME=${hardTimes[$x]}." 240 $retval elif [ $x -eq 1 ]; then assertNotEquals "Timed Execution test with timed SOFT_MAX_EXEC_TIME=${softTimes[$x]} and HARD_MAX_EXEC_TIME=${hardTimes[$x]}." 0 $retval else assertEquals "Timed Execution test with timed SOFT_MAX_EXEC_TIME=${softTimes[$x]} and HARD_MAX_EXEC_TIME=${hardTimes[$x]}." 0 $retval fi fi done done } function nope_test_UpgradeConfRun () { if [ "$OSYNC_MIN_VERSION" == "1" ]; then echo "Skipping Upgrade script test because no further dev will happen on this for v1.1" return 0 fi # Basic return code tests. Need to go deep into file presence testing cd "$OSYNC_DIR" PrepareLocalDirs # Make a security copy of the old config file cp "$CONF_DIR/$OLD_CONF" "$CONF_DIR/$TMP_OLD_CONF" ./$OSYNC_UPGRADE "$CONF_DIR/$TMP_OLD_CONF" assertEquals "Conf file upgrade" "0" $? # Update remote conf files with SSH port sed -i.tmp 's#ssh://.*@localhost:[0-9]*/${HOME}/osync-tests/target#ssh://'$REMOTE_USER'@localhost:'$SSH_PORT'/${HOME}/osync-tests/target#' "$CONF_DIR/$TMP_OLD_CONF" $OSYNC_EXECUTABLE "$CONF_DIR/$TMP_OLD_CONF" assertEquals "Upgraded conf file execution test" "0" $? rm -f "$CONF_DIR/$TMP_OLD_CONF" rm -f "$CONF_DIR/$TMP_OLD_CONF.save" } function nope_test_DaemonMode () { if [ "$LOCAL_OS" == "WinNT10" ] || [ "$LOCAL_OS" == "msys" ] || [ "$LOCAL_OS" == "Cygwin" ]; then echo "Skipping daemon mode test as [$LOCAL_OS] does not have inotifywait support." return 0 fi for i in "${osyncDaemonParameters[@]}"; do cd "$OSYNC_DIR" PrepareLocalDirs FileA="FileA" FileB="FileB" FileC="FileC" touch "$INITIATOR_DIR/$FileA" touch "$TARGET_DIR/$FileB" $OSYNC_EXECUTABLE "$CONF_DIR/$LOCAL_CONF" --on-changes & pid=$! # Trivial value of 2xMIN_WAIT from config files echo "Sleeping for 120s" sleep 120 [ -f "$TARGET_DIR/$FileB" ] assertEquals "File [$TARGET_DIR/$FileB] should be synced." "0" $? [ -f "$INITIATOR_DIR/$FileA" ] assertEquals "File [$INITIATOR_DIR/$FileB] should be synced." "0" $? touch "$INITIATOR_DIR/$FileC" rm -f "$INITIATOR_DIR/$FileA" rm -f "$TARGET_DIR/$FileB" echo "Sleeping for 120s" sleep 120 [ ! -f "$TARGET_DIR/$FileB" ] assertEquals "File [$TARGET_DIR/$FileB] should be deleted." "0" $? [ ! -f "$INITIATOR_DIR/$FileA" ] assertEquals "File [$INITIATOR_DIR/$FileA] should be deleted." "0" $? [ -f "$TARGET_DIR/$OSYNC_DELETE_DIR/$FileA" ] assertEquals "File [$TARGET_DIR/$OSYNC_DELETE_DIR/$FileA] should be in soft deletion dir." "0" $? [ -f "$INITIATOR_DIR/$OSYNC_DELETE_DIR/$FileB" ] assertEquals "File [$INITIATOR_DIR/$OSYNC_DELETE_DIR/$FileB] should be in soft deletion dir." "0" $? [ -f "$TARGET_DIR/$FileC" ] assertEquals "File [$TARGET_DIR/$FileC] should be synced." "0" $? kill $pid done } function nope_test_NoRemoteAccessTest () { RemoveSSH cd "$OSYNC_DIR" PrepareLocalDirs REMOTE_HOST_PING=$RHOST_PING $OSYNC_EXECUTABLE ${osyncParameters[$__confLocal]} assertEquals "Basic local test without remote access." "0" $? } . "$TESTS_DIR/shunit2/shunit2"