#!/usr/bin/env bash PROGRAM="osync instance upgrade script" SUBPROGRAM="osync" AUTHOR="(C) 2015 by Orsiris \"Ozy\" de Jong" CONTACT="http://www.netpower.fr/osync - ozy@netpower.fr" OLD_PROGRAM_VERSION="1.0x" NEW_PROGRAM_VERSION="v1.1x" PROGRAM_BUILD=2016041301 ## type -p does not work on platforms other than linux (bash). If if does not work, always assume output is not a zero exitcode if ! type "$BASH" > /dev/null; then echo "Please run this script only with bash shell. Tested on bash >= 3.2" exit 127 fi function Init { OSYNC_DIR=".osync_workdir" STATE_DIR="state" TREE_CURRENT_FILENAME="-tree-current-$SYNC_ID" TREE_AFTER_FILENAME="-tree-after-$SYNC_ID" TREE_AFTER_FILENAME_NO_SUFFIX="-tree-after-$SYNC_ID" DELETED_LIST_FILENAME="-deleted-list-$SYNC_ID" FAILED_DELETE_LIST_FILENAME="-failed-delete-$SYNC_ID" if [ "${SLAVE_SYNC_DIR:0:6}" == "ssh://" ]; then REMOTE_SYNC="yes" # remove leadng 'ssh://' uri=${SLAVE_SYNC_DIR#ssh://*} if [[ "$uri" == *"@"* ]]; then # remove everything after '@' REMOTE_USER=${uri%@*} else REMOTE_USER=$LOCAL_USER fi if [ "$SSH_RSA_PRIVATE_KEY" == "" ]; then SSH_RSA_PRIVATE_KEY=~/.ssh/id_rsa fi # remove everything before '@' _hosturiandpath=${uri#*@} # remove everything after first '/' _hosturi=${_hosturiandpath%%/*} if [[ "$_hosturi" == *":"* ]]; then REMOTE_PORT=${_hosturi##*:} else REMOTE_PORT=22 fi REMOTE_HOST=${_hosturi%%:*} # remove everything before first '/' SLAVE_SYNC_DIR=${_hosturiandpath#*/} fi SSH_CMD="$(type -p ssh) $SSH_COMP -i $SSH_RSA_PRIVATE_KEY $REMOTE_USER@$REMOTE_HOST -p $REMOTE_PORT" } function Usage { echo "$PROGRAM $PROGRAM_BUILD" echo $AUTHOR echo $CONTACT echo "" echo "This script migrates osync $OLD_PROGRAM_VERSION setups to $NEW_PROGRAM_VERSION by updating state filenames and config files." echo "" echo "Usage: $0 /path/to/config_file.conf" echo "Usage: $0 --master=/path/to/master/replica --slave=/path/to/local/slave/replica --sync-id=existing_id" echo "Usage: $0 --master=/path/to/master/replica --slave=ssh://[backupuser]@remotehost.com[:portnumber]//path/to/slave/replica --sync-id=existing_id --rsakey=/path/to/rsa/key" echo "" echo "If config file is provided, the config file itself and both replicas from config file will be updated. Please make sure the config file is writable." echo "If no config file provided, assume you run the update script just like any other quicksync task." echo "If sync-id is not specified, it will assume handling a quicksync task." exit 128 } function CheckEnvironment { if [ "$REMOTE_SYNC" == "yes" ]; then if ! type -p ssh > /dev/null 2>&1 then Logger "ssh not present. Cannot start sync." "CRITICAL" return 1 fi fi if ! type -p rsync > /dev/null 2>&1 then Logger "rsync not present. Sync cannot start." "CRITICAL" return 1 fi } function LoadConfigFile { local config_file="${1}" if [ ! -f "$config_file" ]; then echo "Cannot load configuration file [$config_file]. Sync cannot start." exit 1 elif [[ "$1" != *".conf" ]]; then echo "Wrong configuration file supplied [$config_file]. Sync cannot start." exit 1 else egrep '^#|^[^ ]*=[^;&]*' "$config_file" > "./$SUBPROGRAM.$FUNCNAME.$$" # Shellcheck source=./sync.conf source "./$SUBPROGRAM.$FUNCNAME.$$" rm -f "./$SUBPROGRAM.$FUNCNAME.$$" fi } function _RenameStateFilesLocal { local state_dir="${1}" # Absolute path to statedir local rewrite=false echo "Rewriting state files in [$state_dir]." # Make sure there is no ending slash state_dir="${state_dir%/}/" if [ -f "$state_dir""master"$TREE_CURRENT_FILENAME ]; then mv -f "$state_dir""master"$TREE_CURRENT_FILENAME "$state_dir""initiator"$TREE_CURRENT_FILENAME if [ $? != 0 ]; then echo "Error while rewriting "$state_dir"master"$TREE_CURRENT_FILENAME else rewrite=true fi fi if [ -f "$state_dir""master"$TREE_AFTER_FILENAME ]; then mv -f "$state_dir""master"$TREE_AFTER_FILENAME "$state_dir""initiator"$TREE_AFTER_FILENAME if [ $? != 0 ]; then echo "Error while rewriting "$state_dir"master"$TREE_AFTER_FILENAME else rewrite=true fi fi if [ -f "$state_dir""master"$DELETED_LIST_FILENAME ]; then mv -f "$state_dir""master"$DELETED_LIST_FILENAME "$state_dir""initiator"$DELETED_LIST_FILENAME if [ $? != 0 ]; then echo "Error while rewriting "$state_dir"master"$DELETED_LIST_FILENAME else rewrite=true fi rewrite=true fi if [ -f "$state_dir""master"$FAILED_DELETE_LIST_FILENAME ]; then mv -f "$state_dir""master"$FAILED_DELETE_LIST_FILENAME "$state_dir""initiator"$FAILED_DELETE_LIST_FILENAME if [ $? != 0 ]; then echo "Error while rewriting "$state_dir"master"$FAILED_DELETE_LIST_FILENAME else rewrite=true fi fi if [ -f "$state_dir""master"$TREE_CURRENT_FILENAME"-dry" ]; then mv -f "$state_dir""master"$TREE_CURRENT_FILENAME"-dry" "$state_dir""initiator"$TREE_CURRENT_FILENAME"-dry" if [ $? != 0 ]; then echo "Error while rewriting "$state_dir"master"$TREE_CURRENT_FILENAME"-dry" else rewrite=true fi fi if [ -f "$state_dir""master"$TREE_AFTER_FILENAME"-dry" ]; then mv -f "$state_dir""master"$TREE_AFTER_FILENAME"-dry" "$state_dir""initiator"$TREE_AFTER_FILENAME"-dry" if [ $? != 0 ]; then echo "Error while rewriting "$state_dir""master"$TREE_AFTER_FILENAME" else rewrite=true fi fi if [ -f "$state_dir""master"$DELETED_LIST_FILENAME"-dry" ]; then mv -f "$state_dir""master"$DELETED_LIST_FILENAME"-dry" "$state_dir""initiator"$DELETED_LIST_FILENAME"-dry" if [ $? != 0 ]; then echo "Error while rewriting "$state_dir"master"$DELETED_LIST_FILENAME"-dry" else rewrite=true fi fi if [ -f "$state_dir""master"$FAILED_DELETE_LIST_FILENAME"-dry" ]; then mv -f "$state_dir""master"$FAILED_DELETE_LIST_FILENAME"-dry" "$state_dir""initiator"$FAILED_DELETE_LIST_FILENAME"-dry" if [ $? != 0 ]; then echo "Error while rewriting "$state_dir"master"$FAILED_DELETE_LIST_FILENAME"-dry" else rewrite=true fi fi if [ -f "$state_dir""slave"$TREE_CURRENT_FILENAME ]; then mv -f "$state_dir""slave"$TREE_CURRENT_FILENAME "$state_dir""target"$TREE_CURRENT_FILENAME if [ $? != 0 ]; then echo "Error while rewriting "$state_dir"slave"$TREE_CURRENT_FILENAME else rewrite=true fi fi if [ -f "$state_dir""slave"$TREE_AFTER_FILENAME ]; then mv -f "$state_dir""slave"$TREE_AFTER_FILENAME "$state_dir""target"$TREE_AFTER_FILENAME if [ $? != 0 ]; then echo "Error while rewriting "$state_dir"slave"$TREE_AFTER_FILENAME else rewrite=true fi fi if [ -f "$state_dir""slave"$DELETED_LIST_FILENAME ]; then mv -f "$state_dir""slave"$DELETED_LIST_FILENAME "$state_dir""target"$DELETED_LIST_FILENAME if [ $? != 0 ]; then echo "Error while rewriting "$state_dir"slave"$DELETED_LIST_FILENAME else rewrite=true fi fi if [ -f "$state_dir""slave"$FAILED_DELETE_LIST_FILENAME ]; then mv -f "$state_dir""slave"$FAILED_DELETE_LIST_FILENAME "$state_dir""target"$FAILED_DELETE_LIST_FILENAME if [ $? != 0 ]; then echo "Error while rewriting "$state_dir"slave"$FAILED_DELETE_LIST_FILENAME else rewrite=true fi fi if [ -f "$state_dir""slave"$TREE_CURRENT_FILENAME"-dry" ]; then mv -f "$state_dir""slave"$TREE_CURRENT_FILENAME"-dry" "$state_dir""target"$TREE_CURRENT_FILENAME"-dry" if [ $? != 0 ]; then echo "Error while rewriting "$state_dir"slave"$TREE_CURRENT_FILENAME"-dry" else rewrite=true fi fi if [ -f "$state_dir""slave"$TREE_AFTER_FILENAME"-dry" ]; then mv -f "$state_dir""slave"$TREE_AFTER_FILENAME"-dry" "$state_dir""target"$TREE_AFTER_FILENAME"-dry" if [ $? != 0 ]; then echo "Error while rewriting "$state_dir"slave"$TREE_AFTER_FILENAME"-dry" else rewrite=true fi fi if [ -f "$state_dir""slave"$DELETED_LIST_FILENAME"-dry" ]; then mv -f "$state_dir""slave"$DELETED_LIST_FILENAME"-dry" "$state_dir""target"$DELETED_LIST_FILENAME"-dry" if [ $? != 0 ]; then echo "Error while rewriting "$state_dir"slave"$DELETED_LIST_FILENAME"-dry" else rewrite=true fi fi if [ -f "$state_dir""slave"$FAILED_DELETE_LIST_FILENAME"-dry" ]; then mv -f "$state_dir""slave"$FAILED_DELETE_LIST_FILENAME"-dry" "$state_dir""target"$FAILED_DELETE_LIST_FILENAME"-dry" if [ $? != 0 ]; then echo "Error while rewriting "$state_dir"slave"$FAILED_DELETE_LIST_FILENAME"-dry" else rewrite=true fi fi if [ $rewrite == true ]; then echo "State dir rewritten." else echo "Nothing rewritten in state dir." fi } function _RenameStateFilesRemote { echo "Connecting remotely to rewrite state files in [$1]." $SSH_CMD state_dir="${1}" DELETED_LIST_FILENAME="$DELETED_LIST_FILENAME" FAILED_DELETE_LIST_FILENAME="$FAILED_DELETE_LIST_FILENAME" 'bash -s' << 'ENDSSH' # Make sure there is no ending slash state_dir="${state_dir%/}/" rewrite=false if [ -f "$state_dir""master"$DELETED_LIST_FILENAME ]; then mv -f "$state_dir""master"$DELETED_LIST_FILENAME "$state_dir""initiator"$DELETED_LIST_FILENAME if [ $? != 0 ]; then echo "Error while rewriting "$state_dir"master"$DELETED_LIST_FILENAME else rewrite=true fi fi if [ -f "$state_dir""master"$FAILED_DELETE_LIST_FILENAME ]; then mv -f "$state_dir""master"$FAILED_DELETE_LIST_FILENAME "$state_dir""initiator"$FAILED_DELETE_LIST_FILENAME if [ $? != 0 ]; then echo "Error while rewriting "$state_dir"master"$FAILED_DELETE_LIST_FILENAME else rewrite=true fi fi if [ -f "$state_dir""master"$FAILED_DELETE_LIST_FILENAME"-dry" ]; then mv -f "$state_dir""master"$FAILED_DELETE_LIST_FILENAME"-dry" "$state_dir""initiator"$FAILED_DELETE_LIST_FILENAME"-dry" if [ $? != 0 ]; then echo "Error while rewriting "$state_dir"master"$FAILED_DELETE_LIST_FILENAME"-dry" else rewrite=true fi fi if [ $rewrite == true ]; then echo "State dir rewritten." else echo "Nothing rewritten in state dir." fi ENDSSH } function RenameStateFiles { _RenameStateFilesLocal "$MASTER_SYNC_DIR/$OSYNC_DIR/$STATE_DIR" if [ "$REMOTE_SYNC" != "yes" ]; then _RenameStateFilesLocal "$SLAVE_SYNC_DIR/$OSYNC_DIR/$STATE_DIR" else _RenameStateFilesRemote "$SLAVE_SYNC_DIR/$OSYNC_DIR/$STATE_DIR" fi } function RewriteConfigFiles { local config_file="${1}" if ((! grep "MASTER_SYNC_DIR=" "$config_file" > /dev/null) && (! grep "INITIATOR_SYNC_DIR=" "$config_file" > /dev/null)); then echo "Config file [$config_file] does not seem to be an osync v1.0x or v1.1-dev file." exit 1 fi echo "Backing up [$config_file] as [$config_file.save]" cp -p "$config_file" "$config_file.save" if [ $? != 0 ]; then echo "Cannot backup config file." exit 1 fi echo "Rewriting config file $config_file" #TODO: exclude occurences between doublequotes sed -i'.tmp' 's/^MASTER_SYNC_DIR/INITIATOR_SYNC_DIR/g' "$config_file" sed -i'.tmp' 's/^SLAVE_SYNC_DIR/TARGET_SYNC_DIR/g' "$config_file" sed -i'.tmp' 's/^CONFLICT_PREVALANCE=master/CONFLICT_PREVALANCE=initiator/g' "$config_file" sed -i'.tmp' 's/^CONFLICT_PREVALANCE=slave/CONFLICT_PREVALANCE=target/g' "$config_file" sed -i'.tmp' 's/^SYNC_ID=/INSTANCE_ID=/g' "$config_file" # Add new config file values from v1.1x if ! grep "^RSYNC_PATTERN_FIRST=" "$config_file" > /dev/null; then sed -i'.tmp' '/^LOGFILE=*/a\'$'\n''RSYNC_PATTERN_FIRST=include\'$'\n''' "$config_file" fi if ! grep "^SSH_IGNORE_KNOWN_HOSTS=" "$config_file" > /dev/null; then sed -i'.tmp' '/^SSH_COMPRESSION=*/a\'$'\n''SSH_IGNORE_KNOWN_HOSTS=no\'$'\n''' "$config_file" fi if ! grep "^RSYNC_INCLUDE_PATTERN=" "$config_file" > /dev/null; then sed -i'.tmp' '/^RSYNC_EXCLUDE_PATTERN=*/a\'$'\n''RSYNC_INCLUDE_PATTERN=""\'$'\n''' "$config_file" fi if ! grep "^RSYNC_INCLUDE_FROM=" "$config_file" > /dev/null; then sed -i'.tmp' '/^RSYNC_EXCLUDE_FROM=*/a\'$'\n''RSYNC_INCLUDE_FROM=""\'$'\n''' "$config_file" fi if ! grep "^CHECKSUM=" "$config_file" > /dev/null; then sed -i'.tmp' '/^PRESERVE_HARDLINKS=*/a\'$'\n''CHECKSUM=no\'$'\n''' "$config_file" fi if ! grep "^MAX_WAIT=" "$config_file" > /dev/null; then sed -i'.tmp' '/^MIN_WAIT=*/a\'$'\n''MAX_WAIT=300\'$'\n''' "$config_file" fi if ! grep "^PARTIAL=" "$config_file" > /dev/null; then sed -i'.tmp' '/^FORCE_STRANGER_LOCK_RESUME=*/a\'$'\n''PARTIAL=no\'$'\n''' "$config_file" fi if ! grep "^DELTA_COPIES=" "$config_file" > /dev/null; then sed -i'.tmp' '/^PARTIAL=*/a\'$'\n''DELTA_COPIES=yes\'$'\n''' "$config_file" fi if ! grep "^RUN_AFTER_CMD_ON_ERROR=" "$config_file" > /dev/null; then sed -i'.tmp' '/^STOP_ON_CMD_ERROR=*/a\'$'\n''RUN_AFTER_CMD_ON_ERROR=no\'$'\n''' "$config_file" fi rm -f "$config_file.tmp" } _QUICKSYNC=0 for i in "$@" do case $i in --master=*) no_maxtime=1 MASTER_SYNC_DIR=${i##*=} QUICK_SYNC=$(($_QUICKSYNC + 1)) ;; --slave=*) SLAVE_SYNC_DIR=${i##*=} QUICK_SYNC=$(($_QUICKSYNC + 1)) ;; --rsakey=*) SSH_RSA_PRIVATE_KEY=${i##*=} ;; --sync-id=*) SYNC_ID=${i##*=} ;; esac done if [ $_QUICKSYNC -eq 2 ]; then Init REPLICA_DIR=${i##*=} RenameStateFiles elif [ "$1" != "" ] && [ -f "$1" ] && [ -w "$1" ]; then CONF_FILE="$1" # Make sure there is no ending slash CONF_FILE="${CONF_FILE%/}" LoadConfigFile "$CONF_FILE" Init RewriteConfigFiles "$CONF_FILE" RenameStateFiles else Usage fi