#!/usr/bin/env bash PROGRAM="osync" # Rsync based two way sync engine with fault tolerance AUTHOR="(C) 2013-2017 by Orsiris de Jong" CONTACT="http://www.netpower.fr/osync - ozy@netpower.fr" PROGRAM_VERSION=1.2-RC2 PROGRAM_BUILD=2017020801 IS_STABLE=yes _OFUNCTIONS_VERSION=2.1-RC2 _OFUNCTIONS_BUILD=2017020801 _OFUNCTIONS_BOOTSTRAP=true ## BEGIN Generic bash functions written in 2013-2017 by Orsiris de Jong - http://www.netpower.fr - ozy@netpower.fr ## To use in a program, define the following variables: ## PROGRAM=program-name ## INSTANCE_ID=program-instance-name ## _DEBUG=yes/no ## _LOGGER_SILENT=true/false ## _LOGGER_VERBOSE=true/false ## _LOGGER_ERR_ONLY=true/false ## _LOGGER_PREFIX="date"/"time"/"" ## Logger sets {ERROR|WARN}_ALERT variable when called with critical / error / warn loglevel ## When called from subprocesses, variable of main process can't be set. Status needs to be get via $RUN_DIR/$PROGRAM.Logger.{error|warn}.$SCRIPT_PID.$TSTAMP if ! type "$BASH" > /dev/null; then echo "Please run this script only with bash shell. Tested on bash >= 3.2" exit 127 fi ## Correct output of sort command (language agnostic sorting) export LC_ALL=C # Standard alert mail body MAIL_ALERT_MSG="Execution of $PROGRAM instance $INSTANCE_ID on $(date) has warnings/errors." # Environment variables that can be overriden by programs _DRYRUN=false _LOGGER_SILENT=false _LOGGER_VERBOSE=false _LOGGER_ERR_ONLY=false _LOGGER_PREFIX="date" if [ "$KEEP_LOGGING" == "" ]; then KEEP_LOGGING=1801 fi # Initial error status, logging 'WARN', 'ERROR' or 'CRITICAL' will enable alerts flags ERROR_ALERT=false WARN_ALERT=false ## allow debugging from command line with _DEBUG=yes if [ ! "$_DEBUG" == "yes" ]; then _DEBUG=no _LOGGER_VERBOSE=false else trap 'TrapError ${LINENO} $?' ERR _LOGGER_VERBOSE=true fi if [ "$SLEEP_TIME" == "" ]; then # Leave the possibity to set SLEEP_TIME as environment variable when runinng with bash -x in order to avoid spamming console SLEEP_TIME=.05 fi SCRIPT_PID=$$ TSTAMP=$(date '+%Y%m%d%H%M%S%N') LOCAL_USER=$(whoami) LOCAL_HOST=$(hostname) if [ "$PROGRAM" == "" ]; then PROGRAM="ofunctions" fi ## Default log file until config file is loaded if [ -w /var/log ]; then LOG_FILE="/var/log/$PROGRAM.log" elif ([ "$HOME" != "" ] && [ -w "$HOME" ]); then LOG_FILE="$HOME/$PROGRAM.log" elif [ -w . ]; then LOG_FILE="./$PROGRAM.log" else LOG_FILE="/tmp/$PROGRAM.log" fi ## Default directory where to store temporary run files if [ -w /tmp ]; then RUN_DIR=/tmp elif [ -w /var/tmp ]; then RUN_DIR=/var/tmp else RUN_DIR=. fi # Default alert attachment filename ALERT_LOG_FILE="$RUN_DIR/$PROGRAM.$SCRIPT_PID.$TSTAMP.last.log" # Set error exit code if a piped command fails set -o pipefail set -o errtrace function Dummy { sleep $SLEEP_TIME } #### Logger SUBSET #### # Array to string converter, see http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1527049/bash-join-elements-of-an-array # usage: joinString separaratorChar Array function joinString { local IFS="$1"; shift; echo "$*"; } # Sub function of Logger function _Logger { local logValue="${1}" # Log to file local stdValue="${2}" # Log to screeen local toStdErr="${3:-false}" # Log to stderr instead of stdout if [ "$logValue" != "" ]; then echo -e "$logValue" >> "$LOG_FILE" # Current log file echo -e "$logValue" >> "$RUN_DIR/$PROGRAM.${FUNCNAME[0]}.$SCRIPT_PID.$TSTAMP" fi if [ "$stdValue" != "" ] && [ "$_LOGGER_SILENT" != true ]; then if [ $toStdErr == true ]; then # Force stderr color in subshell (>&2 echo -e "$stdValue") else echo -e "$stdValue" fi fi } # Remote logger similar to below Logger, without log to file and alert flags function RemoteLogger { local value="${1}" # Sentence to log (in double quotes) local level="${2}" # Log level local retval="${3:-undef}" # optional return value of command if [ "$_LOGGER_PREFIX" == "time" ]; then prefix="TIME: $SECONDS - " elif [ "$_LOGGER_PREFIX" == "date" ]; then prefix="R $(date) - " else prefix="" fi if [ "$level" == "CRITICAL" ]; then _Logger "" "$prefix\e[1;33;41m$value\e[0m" true if [ $_DEBUG == "yes" ]; then _Logger -e "" "[$retval] in [$(joinString , ${FUNCNAME[@]})] SP=$SCRIPT_PID P=$$" true fi return elif [ "$level" == "ERROR" ]; then _Logger "" "$prefix\e[91m$value\e[0m" true if [ $_DEBUG == "yes" ]; then _Logger -e "" "[$retval] in [$(joinString , ${FUNCNAME[@]})] SP=$SCRIPT_PID P=$$" true fi return elif [ "$level" == "WARN" ]; then _Logger "" "$prefix\e[33m$value\e[0m" true if [ $_DEBUG == "yes" ]; then _Logger -e "" "[$retval] in [$(joinString , ${FUNCNAME[@]})] SP=$SCRIPT_PID P=$$" true fi return elif [ "$level" == "NOTICE" ]; then if [ $_LOGGER_ERR_ONLY != true ]; then _Logger "" "$prefix$value" fi return elif [ "$level" == "VERBOSE" ]; then if [ $_LOGGER_VERBOSE == true ]; then _Logger "" "$prefix$value" fi return elif [ "$level" == "ALWAYS" ]; then _Logger "" "$prefix$value" return elif [ "$level" == "DEBUG" ]; then if [ "$_DEBUG" == "yes" ]; then _Logger "" "$prefix$value" return fi else _Logger "" "\e[41mLogger function called without proper loglevel [$level].\e[0m" true _Logger "" "Value was: $prefix$value" true fi } # General log function with log levels: # Environment variables # _LOGGER_SILENT: Disables any output to stdout & stderr # _LOGGER_ERR_ONLY: Disables any output to stdout except for ALWAYS loglevel # _LOGGER_VERBOSE: Allows VERBOSE loglevel messages to be sent to stdout # Loglevels # Except for VERBOSE, all loglevels are ALWAYS sent to log file # CRITICAL, ERROR, WARN sent to stderr, color depending on level, level also logged # NOTICE sent to stdout # VERBOSE sent to stdout if _LOGGER_VERBOSE = true # ALWAYS is sent to stdout unless _LOGGER_SILENT = true # DEBUG & PARANOIA_DEBUG are only sent to stdout if _DEBUG=yes function Logger { local value="${1}" # Sentence to log (in double quotes) local level="${2}" # Log level local retval="${3:-undef}" # optional return value of command if [ "$_LOGGER_PREFIX" == "time" ]; then prefix="TIME: $SECONDS - " elif [ "$_LOGGER_PREFIX" == "date" ]; then prefix="$(date) - " else prefix="" fi if [ "$level" == "CRITICAL" ]; then _Logger "$prefix($level):$value" "$prefix\e[1;33;41m$value\e[0m" true ERROR_ALERT=true # ERROR_ALERT / WARN_ALERT isn't set in main when Logger is called from a subprocess. Need to keep this flag. echo -e "[$retval] in [$(joinString , ${FUNCNAME[@]})] SP=$SCRIPT_PID P=$$\n$prefix($level):$value" >> "$RUN_DIR/$PROGRAM.${FUNCNAME[0]}.error.$SCRIPT_PID.$TSTAMP" return elif [ "$level" == "ERROR" ]; then _Logger "$prefix($level):$value" "$prefix\e[91m$value\e[0m" true ERROR_ALERT=true echo -e "[$retval] in [$(joinString , ${FUNCNAME[@]})] SP=$SCRIPT_PID P=$$\n$prefix($level):$value" >> "$RUN_DIR/$PROGRAM.${FUNCNAME[0]}.error.$SCRIPT_PID.$TSTAMP" return elif [ "$level" == "WARN" ]; then _Logger "$prefix($level):$value" "$prefix\e[33m$value\e[0m" true WARN_ALERT=true echo -e "[$retval] in [$(joinString , ${FUNCNAME[@]})] SP=$SCRIPT_PID P=$$\n$prefix($level):$value" >> "$RUN_DIR/$PROGRAM.${FUNCNAME[0]}.warn.$SCRIPT_PID.$TSTAMP" return elif [ "$level" == "NOTICE" ]; then if [ "$_LOGGER_ERR_ONLY" != true ]; then _Logger "$prefix$value" "$prefix$value" fi return elif [ "$level" == "VERBOSE" ]; then if [ $_LOGGER_VERBOSE == true ]; then _Logger "$prefix:$value" "$prefix$value" fi return elif [ "$level" == "ALWAYS" ]; then _Logger "$prefix$value" "$prefix$value" return elif [ "$level" == "DEBUG" ]; then if [ "$_DEBUG" == "yes" ]; then _Logger "$prefix$value" "$prefix$value" return fi else _Logger "\e[41mLogger function called without proper loglevel [$level].\e[0m" "\e[41mLogger function called without proper loglevel [$level].\e[0m" true _Logger "Value was: $prefix$value" "Value was: $prefix$value" true fi } #### Logger SUBSET END #### # QuickLogger subfunction, can be called directly function _QuickLogger { local value="${1}" local destination="${2}" # Destination: stdout, log, both if ([ "$destination" == "log" ] || [ "$destination" == "both" ]); then echo -e "$(date) - $value" >> "$LOG_FILE" elif ([ "$destination" == "stdout" ] || [ "$destination" == "both" ]); then echo -e "$value" fi } # Generic quick logging function function QuickLogger { local value="${1}" if [ "$_LOGGER_SILENT" == true ]; then _QuickLogger "$value" "log" else _QuickLogger "$value" "stdout" fi } # Portable child (and grandchild) kill function tester under Linux, BSD and MacOS X function KillChilds { local pid="${1}" # Parent pid to kill childs local self="${2:-false}" # Should parent be killed too ? # Warning: pgrep does not exist in cygwin, have this checked in CheckEnvironment if children="$(pgrep -P "$pid")"; then for child in $children; do KillChilds "$child" true done fi # Try to kill nicely, if not, wait 15 seconds to let Trap actions happen before killing if [ "$self" == true ]; then if kill -0 "$pid" > /dev/null 2>&1; then kill -s TERM "$pid" Logger "Sent SIGTERM to process [$pid]." "DEBUG" if [ $? != 0 ]; then sleep 15 Logger "Sending SIGTERM to process [$pid] failed." "DEBUG" kill -9 "$pid" if [ $? != 0 ]; then Logger "Sending SIGKILL to process [$pid] failed." "DEBUG" return 1 fi # Simplify the return 0 logic here else return 0 fi else return 0 fi else return 0 fi } function KillAllChilds { local pids="${1}" # List of parent pids to kill separated by semi-colon local self="${2:-false}" # Should parent be killed too ? local errorcount=0 IFS=';' read -a pidsArray <<< "$pids" for pid in "${pidsArray[@]}"; do KillChilds $pid $self if [ $? != 0 ]; then errorcount=$((errorcount+1)) fi done return $errorcount } # osync/obackup/pmocr script specific mail alert function, use SendEmail function for generic mail sending function SendAlert { local runAlert="${1:-false}" # Specifies if current message is sent while running or at the end of a run local attachment local attachmentFile local subject local body if [ "$DESTINATION_MAILS" == "" ]; then return 0 fi if [ "$_DEBUG" == "yes" ]; then Logger "Debug mode, no warning mail will be sent." "NOTICE" return 0 fi eval "cat \"$LOG_FILE\" $COMPRESSION_PROGRAM > $ALERT_LOG_FILE" if [ $? != 0 ]; then Logger "Cannot create [$ALERT_LOG_FILE]" "WARN" attachment=false else attachment=true fi if [ -e "$RUN_DIR/$PROGRAM._Logger.$SCRIPT_PID.$TSTAMP" ]; then if [ "$MAIL_BODY_CHARSET" != "" ] && type iconv > /dev/null 2>&1; then iconv -f UTF-8 -t $MAIL_BODY_CHARSET "$RUN_DIR/$PROGRAM._Logger.$SCRIPT_PID.$TSTAMP" > "$RUN_DIR/$PROGRAM._Logger.iconv.$SCRIPT_PID.$TSTAMP" body="$MAIL_ALERT_MSG"$'\n\n'"$(cat $RUN_DIR/$PROGRAM._Logger.iconv.$SCRIPT_PID.$TSTAMP)" else body="$MAIL_ALERT_MSG"$'\n\n'"$(cat $RUN_DIR/$PROGRAM._Logger.$SCRIPT_PID.$TSTAMP)" fi fi if [ $ERROR_ALERT == true ]; then subject="Error alert for $INSTANCE_ID" elif [ $WARN_ALERT == true ]; then subject="Warning alert for $INSTANCE_ID" else subject="Alert for $INSTANCE_ID" fi if [ $runAlert == true ]; then subject="Currently runing - $subject" else subject="Finished run - $subject" fi if [ "$attachment" == true ]; then attachmentFile="$ALERT_LOG_FILE" fi SendEmail "$subject" "$body" "$DESTINATION_MAILS" "$attachmentFile" "$SENDER_MAIL" "$SMTP_SERVER" "$SMTP_PORT" "$SMTP_ENCRYPTION" "$SMTP_USER" "$SMTP_PASSWORD" # Delete tmp log file if [ "$attachment" == true ]; then if [ -f "$ALERT_LOG_FILE" ]; then rm -f "$ALERT_LOG_FILE" fi fi } # Generic email sending function. # Usage (linux / BSD), attachment is optional, can be "/path/to/my.file" or "" # SendEmail "subject" "Body text" "receiver@example.com receiver2@otherdomain.com" "/path/to/attachment.file" # Usage (Windows, make sure you have mailsend.exe in executable path, see http://github.com/muquit/mailsend) # attachment is optional but must be in windows format like "c:\\some\path\\my.file", or "" # smtp_server.domain.tld is mandatory, as is smtpPort (should be 25, 465 or 587) # encryption can be set to tls, ssl or none # smtpUser and smtpPassword are optional # SendEmail "subject" "Body text" "receiver@example.com receiver2@otherdomain.com" "/path/to/attachment.file" "senderMail@example.com" "smtpServer.domain.tld" "smtpPort" "encryption" "smtpUser" "smtpPassword" function SendEmail { local subject="${1}" local message="${2}" local destinationMails="${3}" local attachment="${4}" local senderMail="${5}" local smtpServer="${6}" local smtpPort="${7}" local encryption="${8}" local smtpUser="${9}" local smtpPassword="${10}" local mail_no_attachment= local attachment_command= local encryption_string= local auth_string= if [ ! -f "$attachment" ]; then attachment_command="-a $attachment" mail_no_attachment=1 else mail_no_attachment=0 fi if [ "$LOCAL_OS" == "Busybox" ] || [ "$LOCAL_OS" == "Android" ]; then if [ "$smtpPort" == "" ]; then Logger "Missing smtp port, assuming 25." "WARN" smtpPort=25 fi if type sendmail > /dev/null 2>&1; then if [ "$encryption" == "tls" ]; then echo -e "Subject:$subject\r\n$message" | $(type -p sendmail) -f "$senderMail" -H "exec openssl s_client -quiet -tls1_2 -starttls smtp -connect $smtpServer:$smtpPort" -au"$smtpUser" -ap"$smtpPassword" "$destinationMails" elif [ "$encryption" == "ssl" ]; then echo -e "Subject:$subject\r\n$message" | $(type -p sendmail) -f "$senderMail" -H "exec openssl s_client -quiet -connect $smtpServer:$smtpPort" -au"$smtpUser" -ap"$smtpPassword" "$destinationMails" else echo -e "Subject:$subject\r\n$message" | $(type -p sendmail) -f "$senderMail" -S "$smtpServer:$smtpPort" -au"$smtpUser" -ap"$smtpPassword" "$destinationMails" fi if [ $? != 0 ]; then Logger "Cannot send alert mail via $(type -p sendmail) !!!" "WARN" # Don't bother try other mail systems with busybox return 1 else return 0 fi else Logger "Sendmail not present. Won't send any mail" "WARN" return 1 fi fi if type mutt > /dev/null 2>&1 ; then # We need to replace spaces with comma in order for mutt to be able to process multiple destinations echo "$message" | $(type -p mutt) -x -s "$subject" "${destinationMails// /,}" $attachment_command if [ $? != 0 ]; then Logger "Cannot send mail via $(type -p mutt) !!!" "WARN" else Logger "Sent mail using mutt." "NOTICE" return 0 fi fi if type mail > /dev/null 2>&1 ; then # We need to detect which version of mail is installed if ! $(type -p mail) -V > /dev/null 2>&1; then # This may be MacOS mail program attachment_command="" elif [ "$mail_no_attachment" -eq 0 ] && $(type -p mail) -V | grep "GNU" > /dev/null; then attachment_command="-A $attachment" elif [ "$mail_no_attachment" -eq 0 ] && $(type -p mail) -V > /dev/null; then attachment_command="-a$attachment" else attachment_command="" fi echo "$message" | $(type -p mail) $attachment_command -s "$subject" "$destinationMails" if [ $? != 0 ]; then Logger "Cannot send mail via $(type -p mail) with attachments !!!" "WARN" echo "$message" | $(type -p mail) -s "$subject" "$destinationMails" if [ $? != 0 ]; then Logger "Cannot send mail via $(type -p mail) without attachments !!!" "WARN" else Logger "Sent mail using mail command without attachment." "NOTICE" return 0 fi else Logger "Sent mail using mail command." "NOTICE" return 0 fi fi if type sendmail > /dev/null 2>&1 ; then echo -e "Subject:$subject\r\n$message" | $(type -p sendmail) "$destinationMails" if [ $? != 0 ]; then Logger "Cannot send mail via $(type -p sendmail) !!!" "WARN" else Logger "Sent mail using sendmail command without attachment." "NOTICE" return 0 fi fi # Windows specific if type "mailsend.exe" > /dev/null 2>&1 ; then if [ "$senderMail" == "" ]; then Logger "Missing sender email." "ERROR" return 1 fi if [ "$smtpServer" == "" ]; then Logger "Missing smtp port." "ERROR" return 1 fi if [ "$smtpPort" == "" ]; then Logger "Missing smtp port, assuming 25." "WARN" smtpPort=25 fi if [ "$encryption" != "tls" ] && [ "$encryption" != "ssl" ] && [ "$encryption" != "none" ]; then Logger "Bogus smtp encryption, assuming none." "WARN" encryption_string= elif [ "$encryption" == "tls" ]; then encryption_string=-starttls elif [ "$encryption" == "ssl" ]:; then encryption_string=-ssl fi if [ "$smtpUser" != "" ] && [ "$smtpPassword" != "" ]; then auth_string="-auth -user \"$smtpUser\" -pass \"$smtpPassword\"" fi $(type mailsend.exe) -f "$senderMail" -t "$destinationMails" -sub "$subject" -M "$message" -attach "$attachment" -smtp "$smtpServer" -port "$smtpPort" $encryption_string $auth_string if [ $? != 0 ]; then Logger "Cannot send mail via $(type mailsend.exe) !!!" "WARN" else Logger "Sent mail using mailsend.exe command with attachment." "NOTICE" return 0 fi fi # pfSense specific if [ -f /usr/local/bin/mail.php ]; then echo "$message" | /usr/local/bin/mail.php -s="$subject" if [ $? != 0 ]; then Logger "Cannot send mail via /usr/local/bin/mail.php (pfsense) !!!" "WARN" else Logger "Sent mail using pfSense mail.php." "NOTICE" return 0 fi fi # If function has not returned 0 yet, assume it is critical that no alert can be sent Logger "Cannot send mail (neither mutt, mail, sendmail, sendemail, mailsend (windows) or pfSense mail.php could be used)." "ERROR" # Is not marked critical because execution must continue } function TrapError { local job="$0" local line="$1" local code="${2:-1}" if [ $_LOGGER_SILENT == false ]; then (>&2 echo -e "\e[45m/!\ ERROR in ${job}: Near line ${line}, exit code ${code}\e[0m") fi } function LoadConfigFile { local configFile="${1}" if [ ! -f "$configFile" ]; then Logger "Cannot load configuration file [$configFile]. Cannot start." "CRITICAL" exit 1 elif [[ "$configFile" != *".conf" ]]; then Logger "Wrong configuration file supplied [$configFile]. Cannot start." "CRITICAL" exit 1 else # Remove everything that is not a variable assignation grep '^[^ ]*=[^;&]*' "$configFile" > "$RUN_DIR/$PROGRAM.${FUNCNAME[0]}.$SCRIPT_PID.$TSTAMP" source "$RUN_DIR/$PROGRAM.${FUNCNAME[0]}.$SCRIPT_PID.$TSTAMP" fi CONFIG_FILE="$configFile" } _OFUNCTIONS_SPINNER="|/-\\" function Spinner { if [ $_LOGGER_SILENT == true ] || [ "$_LOGGER_ERR_ONLY" == true ]; then return 0 else printf " [%c] \b\b\b\b\b\b" "$_OFUNCTIONS_SPINNER" #printf "\b\b\b\b\b\b" _OFUNCTIONS_SPINNER=${_OFUNCTIONS_SPINNER#?}${_OFUNCTIONS_SPINNER%%???} return 0 fi } # Time control function for background processes, suitable for multiple synchronous processes # Fills a global variable called WAIT_FOR_TASK_COMPLETION_$callerName that contains list of failed pids in format pid1:result1;pid2:result2 # Also sets a global variable called HARD_MAX_EXEC_TIME_REACHED_$callerName to true if hardMaxTime is reached # Standard wait $! emulation would be WaitForTaskCompletion $! 0 0 1 0 true false true false function WaitForTaskCompletion { local pids="${1}" # pids to wait for, separated by semi-colon local softMaxTime="${2:-0}" # If process(es) with pid(s) $pids take longer than $softMaxTime seconds, will log a warning, unless $softMaxTime equals 0. local hardMaxTime="${3:-0}" # If process(es) with pid(s) $pids take longer than $hardMaxTime seconds, will stop execution, unless $hardMaxTime equals 0. local sleepTime="${4:-.05}" # Seconds between each state check, the shorter this value, the snappier it will be, but as a tradeoff cpu power will be used (general values between .05 and 1). local keepLogging="${5:-0}" # Every keepLogging seconds, an alive log message is send. Setting this value to zero disables any alive logging. local counting="${6:-true}" # Count time since function has been launched (true), or since script has been launched (false) local spinner="${7:-true}" # Show spinner (true), don't show anything (false) local noErrorLog="${8:-false}" # Log errors when reaching soft / hard max time (false), don't log errors on those triggers (true) local callerName="${FUNCNAME[1]}" local log_ttime=0 # local time instance for comparaison local seconds_begin=$SECONDS # Seconds since the beginning of the script local exec_time=0 # Seconds since the beginning of this function local retval=0 # return value of monitored pid process local errorcount=0 # Number of pids that finished with errors local pid # Current pid working on local pidCount # number of given pids local pidState # State of the process local pidsArray # Array of currently running pids local newPidsArray # New array of currently running pids if [ $counting == true ]; then # If counting == false _SOFT_ALERT should be a global value so no more than one soft alert is shown local _SOFT_ALERT=false # Does a soft alert need to be triggered, if yes, send an alert once fi IFS=';' read -a pidsArray <<< "$pids" pidCount=${#pidsArray[@]} # Set global var default eval "WAIT_FOR_TASK_COMPLETION_$callerName=\"\"" eval "HARD_MAX_EXEC_TIME_REACHED_$callerName=false" while [ ${#pidsArray[@]} -gt 0 ]; do newPidsArray=() if [ $spinner == true ]; then Spinner fi if [ $counting == true ]; then exec_time=$((SECONDS - seconds_begin)) else exec_time=$SECONDS fi if [ $keepLogging -ne 0 ]; then if [ $((($exec_time + 1) % $keepLogging)) -eq 0 ]; then if [ $log_ttime -ne $exec_time ]; then # Fix when sleep time lower than 1s log_ttime=$exec_time Logger "Current tasks still running with pids [$(joinString , ${pidsArray[@]})]." "NOTICE" fi fi fi if [ $exec_time -gt $softMaxTime ]; then if [ "$_SOFT_ALERT" != true ] && [ $softMaxTime -ne 0 ] && [ $noErrorLog != true ]; then Logger "Max soft execution time exceeded for task [$callerName] with pids [$(joinString , ${pidsArray[@]})]." "WARN" _SOFT_ALERT=true SendAlert true fi fi if [ $exec_time -gt $hardMaxTime ] && [ $hardMaxTime -ne 0 ]; then if [ $noErrorLog != true ]; then Logger "Max hard execution time exceeded for task [$callerName] with pids [$(joinString , ${pidsArray[@]})]. Stopping task execution." "ERROR" fi for pid in "${pidsArray[@]}"; do KillChilds $pid true if [ $? == 0 ]; then Logger "Task with pid [$pid] stopped successfully." "NOTICE" else Logger "Could not stop task with pid [$pid]." "ERROR" fi errorcount=$((errorcount+1)) done if [ $noErrorLog != true ]; then SendAlert true fi eval "HARD_MAX_EXEC_TIME_REACHED_$callerName=true" return $errorcount fi for pid in "${pidsArray[@]}"; do if [ $(IsInteger $pid) -eq 1 ]; then if kill -0 $pid > /dev/null 2>&1; then # Handle uninterruptible sleep state or zombies by ommiting them from running process array (How to kill that is already dead ? :) pidState="$(eval $PROCESS_STATE_CMD)" if [ "$pidState" != "D" ] && [ "$pidState" != "Z" ]; then newPidsArray+=($pid) fi else # pid is dead, get it's exit code from wait command wait $pid retval=$? if [ $retval -ne 0 ]; then Logger "${FUNCNAME[0]} called by [$callerName] finished monitoring [$pid] with exitcode [$retval]." "DEBUG" errorcount=$((errorcount+1)) # Welcome to variable variable bash hell if [ "$(eval echo \"\$WAIT_FOR_TASK_COMPLETION_$callerName\")" == "" ]; then eval "WAIT_FOR_TASK_COMPLETION_$callerName=\"$pid:$retval\"" else eval "WAIT_FOR_TASK_COMPLETION_$callerName=\";$pid:$retval\"" fi fi fi fi done pidsArray=("${newPidsArray[@]}") # Trivial wait time for bash to not eat up all CPU sleep $sleepTime done # Return exit code if only one process was monitored, else return number of errors # As we cannot return multiple values, a global variable WAIT_FOR_TASK_COMPLETION contains all pids with their return value if [ $pidCount -eq 1 ]; then return $retval else return $errorcount fi } # Take a list of commands to run, runs them sequentially with numberOfProcesses commands simultaneously runs # Returns the number of non zero exit codes from commands # Use cmd1;cmd2;cmd3 syntax for small sets, use file for large command sets # Only 2 first arguments are mandatory # Sets a global variable called HARD_MAX_EXEC_TIME_REACHED to true if hardMaxTime is reached function ParallelExec { local numberOfProcesses="${1}" # Number of simultaneous commands to run local commandsArg="${2}" # Semi-colon separated list of commands, or path to file containing one command per line local readFromFile="${3:-false}" # commandsArg is a file (true), or a string (false) local softMaxTime="${4:-0}" # If process(es) with pid(s) $pids take longer than $softMaxTime seconds, will log a warning, unless $softMaxTime equals 0. local hardMaxTime="${5:-0}" # If process(es) with pid(s) $pids take longer than $hardMaxTime seconds, will stop execution, unless $hardMaxTime equals 0. local sleepTime="${6:-.05}" # Seconds between each state check, the shorter this value, the snappier it will be, but as a tradeoff cpu power will be used (general values between .05 and 1). local keepLogging="${7:-0}" # Every keepLogging seconds, an alive log message is send. Setting this value to zero disables any alive logging. local counting="${8:-true}" # Count time since function has been launched (true), or since script has been launched (false) local spinner="${9:-false}" # Show spinner (true), don't show spinner (false) local noErrorLog="${10:-false}" # Log errors when reaching soft / hard max time (false), don't log errors on those triggers (true) local callerName="${FUNCNAME[1]}" local log_ttime=0 # local time instance for comparaison local seconds_begin=$SECONDS # Seconds since the beginning of the script local exec_time=0 # Seconds since the beginning of this function local commandCount local command local pid local counter=0 local commandsArray local pidsArray local newPidsArray local retval local errorCount=0 local pidState local commandsArrayPid # Set global var default eval "HARD_MAX_EXEC_TIME_REACHED_$callerName=false" if [ $counting == true ]; then # If counting == false _SOFT_ALERT should be a global value so no more than one soft alert is shown local _SOFT_ALERT=false # Does a soft alert need to be triggered, if yes, send an alert once fi if [ $readFromFile == true ];then if [ -f "$commandsArg" ]; then commandCount=$(wc -l < "$commandsArg") else commandCount=0 fi else IFS=';' read -r -a commandsArray <<< "$commandsArg" commandCount=${#commandsArray[@]} fi Logger "Runnning $commandCount commands in $numberOfProcesses simultaneous processes." "DEBUG" while [ $counter -lt "$commandCount" ] || [ ${#pidsArray[@]} -gt 0 ]; do if [ $spinner == true ]; then Spinner fi if [ $counting == true ]; then exec_time=$((SECONDS - seconds_begin)) else exec_time=$SECONDS fi if [ $keepLogging -ne 0 ]; then if [ $((($exec_time + 1) % $keepLogging)) -eq 0 ]; then if [ $log_ttime -ne $exec_time ]; then # Fix when sleep time lower than 1s log_ttime=$exec_time Logger "Current tasks still running with pids [$(joinString , ${pidsArray[@]})]." "NOTICE" fi fi fi if [ $exec_time -gt $softMaxTime ]; then if [ "$_SOFT_ALERT" != true ] && [ $softMaxTime -ne 0 ] && [ $noErrorLog != true ]; then Logger "Max soft execution time exceeded for task [$callerName] with pids [$(joinString , ${pidsArray[@]})]." "WARN" _SOFT_ALERT=true SendAlert true fi fi if [ $exec_time -gt $hardMaxTime ] && [ $hardMaxTime -ne 0 ]; then if [ $noErrorLog != true ]; then Logger "Max hard execution time exceeded for task [$callerName] with pids [$(joinString , ${pidsArray[@]})]. Stopping task execution." "ERROR" fi for pid in "${pidsArray[@]}"; do KillChilds $pid true if [ $? == 0 ]; then Logger "Task with pid [$pid] stopped successfully." "NOTICE" else Logger "Could not stop task with pid [$pid]." "ERROR" fi done if [ $noErrorLog != true ]; then SendAlert true fi eval "HARD_MAX_EXEC_TIME_REACHED_$callerName=true" # Return the number of commands that haven't run / finished run return $((commandCount - counter + ${#pidsArray[@]})) fi while [ $counter -lt "$commandCount" ] && [ ${#pidsArray[@]} -lt $numberOfProcesses ]; do if [ $readFromFile == true ]; then command=$(awk 'NR == num_line {print; exit}' num_line=$((counter+1)) "$commandsArg") else command="${commandsArray[$counter]}" fi Logger "Running command [$command]." "DEBUG" eval "$command" >> "$RUN_DIR/$PROGRAM.${FUNCNAME[0]}.$callerName.$SCRIPT_PID.$TSTAMP" 2>&1 & pid=$! pidsArray+=($pid) commandsArrayPid[$pid]="$command" counter=$((counter+1)) done newPidsArray=() for pid in "${pidsArray[@]}"; do if [ $(IsInteger $pid) -eq 1 ]; then # Handle uninterruptible sleep state or zombies by ommiting them from running process array (How to kill that is already dead ? :) if kill -0 $pid > /dev/null 2>&1; then pidState="$(eval $PROCESS_STATE_CMD)" if [ "$pidState" != "D" ] && [ "$pidState" != "Z" ]; then newPidsArray+=($pid) fi else # pid is dead, get it's exit code from wait command wait $pid retval=$? if [ $retval -ne 0 ]; then Logger "Command [${commandsArrayPid[$pid]}] failed with exit code [$retval]." "ERROR" errorCount=$((errorCount+1)) fi fi fi done pidsArray=("${newPidsArray[@]}") # Trivial wait time for bash to not eat up all CPU sleep $sleepTime done return $errorCount } function CleanUp { if [ "$_DEBUG" != "yes" ]; then rm -f "$RUN_DIR/$PROGRAM."*".$SCRIPT_PID.$TSTAMP" # Fix for sed -i requiring backup extension for BSD & Mac (see all sed -i statements) rm -f "$RUN_DIR/$PROGRAM."*".$SCRIPT_PID.$TSTAMP.tmp" fi } # Usage: var=$(StripSingleQuotes "$var") function StripSingleQuotes { local string="${1}" string="${string/#\'/}" # Remove singlequote if it begins string string="${string/%\'/}" # Remove singlequote if it ends string echo "$string" } # Usage: var=$(StripDoubleQuotes "$var") function StripDoubleQuotes { local string="${1}" string="${string/#\"/}" string="${string/%\"/}" echo "$string" } function StripQuotes { local string="${1}" echo "$(StripSingleQuotes $(StripDoubleQuotes $string))" } # Usage var=$(EscapeSpaces "$var") or var="$(EscapeSpaces "$var")" function EscapeSpaces { local string="${1}" # String on which spaces will be escaped echo "${string// /\\ }" } function IsNumericExpand { eval "local value=\"${1}\"" # Needed eval so variable variables can be processed if [[ $value =~ ^-?[0-9]+([.][0-9]+)?$ ]]; then echo 1 else echo 0 fi } # Usage [ $(IsNumeric $var) -eq 1 ] function IsNumeric { local value="${1}" if [[ $value =~ ^[0-9]+([.][0-9]+)?$ ]]; then echo 1 else echo 0 fi } function IsInteger { local value="${1}" if [[ $value =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]]; then echo 1 else echo 0 fi } # Converts human readable sizes into integer kilobyte sizes # Usage numericSize="$(HumanToNumeric $humanSize)" function HumanToNumeric { local value="${1}" local notation local suffix local suffixPresent local multiplier notation=(K M G T P E) for suffix in "${notation[@]}"; do multiplier=$((multiplier+1)) if [[ "$value" == *"$suffix"* ]]; then suffixPresent=$suffix break; fi done if [ "$suffixPresent" != "" ]; then value=${value%$suffix*} value=${value%.*} # /1024 since we convert to kilobytes instead of bytes value=$((value*(1024**multiplier/1024))) else value=${value%.*} fi echo $value } ## from https://gist.github.com/cdown/1163649 function UrlEncode { local length="${#1}" local LANG=C for (( i = 0; i < length; i++ )); do local c="${1:i:1}" case $c in [a-zA-Z0-9.~_-]) printf "$c" ;; *) printf '%%%02X' "'$c" ;; esac done } function UrlDecode { local urlEncoded="${1//+/ }" printf '%b' "${urlEncoded//%/\\x}" } ## Modified version of http://stackoverflow.com/a/8574392 ## Usage: [ $(ArrayContains "needle" "${haystack[@]}") -eq 1 ] function ArrayContains () { local needle="${1}" local haystack="${2}" local e if [ "$needle" != "" ] && [ "$haystack" != "" ]; then for e in "${@:2}"; do if [ "$e" == "$needle" ]; then echo 1 return fi done fi echo 0 return } function GetLocalOS { local localOsVar local localOsName local localOsVer # There's no good way to tell if currently running in BusyBox shell. Using sluggish way. if ls --help 2>&1 | grep -i "BusyBox" > /dev/null; then localOsVar="BusyBox" else # Detecting the special ubuntu userland in Windows 10 bash if grep -i Microsoft /proc/sys/kernel/osrelease > /dev/null 2>&1; then localOsVar="Microsoft" else localOsVar="$(uname -spior 2>&1)" if [ $? != 0 ]; then localOsVar="$(uname -v 2>&1)" if [ $? != 0 ]; then localOsVar="$(uname)" fi fi fi fi case $localOsVar in # Android uname contains both linux and android, keep it before linux entry *"Android"*) LOCAL_OS="Android" ;; *"Linux"*) LOCAL_OS="Linux" ;; *"BSD"*) LOCAL_OS="BSD" ;; *"MINGW32"*|*"MSYS"*) LOCAL_OS="msys" ;; *"CYGWIN"*) LOCAL_OS="Cygwin" ;; *"Microsoft"*) LOCAL_OS="WinNT10" ;; *"Darwin"*) LOCAL_OS="MacOSX" ;; *"BusyBox"*) LOCAL_OS="BusyBox" ;; *) if [ "$IGNORE_OS_TYPE" == "yes" ]; then Logger "Running on unknown local OS [$localOsVar]." "WARN" return fi if [ "$_OFUNCTIONS_VERSION" != "" ]; then Logger "Running on >> $localOsVar << not supported. Please report to the author." "ERROR" fi exit 1 ;; esac if [ "$_OFUNCTIONS_VERSION" != "" ]; then Logger "Local OS: [$localOsVar]." "DEBUG" fi # Get linux versions if [ -f "/etc/os-release" ]; then localOsName=$(GetConfFileValue "/etc/os-release" "NAME") localOsVer=$(GetConfFileValue "/etc/os-release" "VERSION") fi # Add a global variable for statistics in installer LOCAL_OS_FULL="$localOsVar ($localOsName $localOsVer)" } function GetRemoteOS { if [ "$REMOTE_OPERATION" != "yes" ]; then return 0 fi local remoteOsVar $SSH_CMD env _REMOTE_TOKEN="$_REMOTE_TOKEN" bash -s << 'ENDSSH' >> "$RUN_DIR/$PROGRAM.${FUNCNAME[0]}.$SCRIPT_PID.$TSTAMP" 2>&1 function GetOs { local localOsVar local localOsName local localOsVer # There's no good way to tell if currently running in BusyBox shell. Using sluggish way. if ls --help 2>&1 | grep -i "BusyBox" > /dev/null; then localOsVar="BusyBox" else # Detecting the special ubuntu userland in Windows 10 bash if grep -i Microsoft /proc/sys/kernel/osrelease > /dev/null 2>&1; then localOsVar="Microsoft" else localOsVar="$(uname -spior 2>&1)" if [ $? != 0 ]; then localOsVar="$(uname -v 2>&1)" if [ $? != 0 ]; then localOsVar="$(uname)" fi fi fi fi # Get linux versions if [ -f "/etc/os-release" ]; then localOsName=$(GetConfFileValue "/etc/os-release" "NAME") localOsVer=$(GetConfFileValue "/etc/os-release" "VERSION") fi echo "$localOsVar ($localOsName $localOsVer)" } GetOs ENDSSH if [ -f "$RUN_DIR/$PROGRAM.${FUNCNAME[0]}.$SCRIPT_PID.$TSTAMP" ]; then remoteOsVar=$(cat "$RUN_DIR/$PROGRAM.${FUNCNAME[0]}.$SCRIPT_PID.$TSTAMP") case $remoteOsVar in *"Android"*) REMOTE_OS="Android" ;; *"Linux"*) REMOTE_OS="Linux" ;; *"BSD"*) REMOTE_OS="BSD" ;; *"MINGW32"*|*"MSYS"*) REMOTE_OS="msys" ;; *"CYGWIN"*) REMOTE_OS="Cygwin" ;; *"Microsoft"*) REMOTE_OS="WinNT10" ;; *"Darwin"*) REMOTE_OS="MacOSX" ;; *"BusyBox"*) REMOTE_OS="BusyBox" ;; *"ssh"*|*"SSH"*) Logger "Cannot connect to remote system." "CRITICAL" exit 1 ;; *) if [ "$IGNORE_OS_TYPE" == "yes" ]; then #DOC: Undocumented debug only setting Logger "Running on unknown remote OS [$remoteOsVar]." "WARN" return fi Logger "Running on remote OS failed. Please report to the author if the OS is not supported." "CRITICAL" Logger "Remote OS said:\n$remoteOsVar" "CRITICAL" exit 1 esac Logger "Remote OS: [$remoteOsVar]." "DEBUG" else Logger "Cannot get Remote OS" "CRITICAL" fi } function RunLocalCommand { local command="${1}" # Command to run local hardMaxTime="${2}" # Max time to wait for command to compleet if [ $_DRYRUN == true ]; then Logger "Dryrun: Local command [$command] not run." "NOTICE" return 0 fi Logger "Running command [$command] on local host." "NOTICE" eval "$command" > "$RUN_DIR/$PROGRAM.${FUNCNAME[0]}.$SCRIPT_PID.$TSTAMP" 2>&1 & WaitForTaskCompletion $! 0 $hardMaxTime $SLEEP_TIME $KEEP_LOGGING true true false retval=$? if [ $retval -eq 0 ]; then Logger "Command succeded." "NOTICE" else Logger "Command failed." "ERROR" fi if [ $_LOGGER_VERBOSE == true ] || [ $retval -ne 0 ]; then Logger "Command output:\n$(cat $RUN_DIR/$PROGRAM.${FUNCNAME[0]}.$SCRIPT_PID.$TSTAMP)" "NOTICE" fi if [ "$STOP_ON_CMD_ERROR" == "yes" ] && [ $retval -ne 0 ]; then Logger "Stopping on command execution error." "CRITICAL" exit 1 fi } ## Runs remote command $1 and waits for completition in $2 seconds function RunRemoteCommand { local command="${1}" # Command to run local hardMaxTime="${2}" # Max time to wait for command to compleet CheckConnectivity3rdPartyHosts CheckConnectivityRemoteHost if [ $_DRYRUN == true ]; then Logger "Dryrun: Local command [$command] not run." "NOTICE" return 0 fi Logger "Running command [$command] on remote host." "NOTICE" cmd=$SSH_CMD' "env _REMOTE_TOKEN="'$_REMOTE_TOKEN'" $command" > "'$RUN_DIR/$PROGRAM.${FUNCNAME[0]}.$SCRIPT_PID.$TSTAMP'" 2>&1' Logger "cmd: $cmd" "DEBUG" eval "$cmd" & WaitForTaskCompletion $! 0 $hardMaxTime $SLEEP_TIME $KEEP_LOGGING true true false retval=$? if [ $retval -eq 0 ]; then Logger "Command succeded." "NOTICE" else Logger "Command failed." "ERROR" fi if [ -f "$RUN_DIR/$PROGRAM.${FUNCNAME[0]}.$SCRIPT_PID.$TSTAMP" ] && ([ $_LOGGER_VERBOSE == true ] || [ $retval -ne 0 ]) then Logger "Command output:\n$(cat $RUN_DIR/$PROGRAM.${FUNCNAME[0]}.$SCRIPT_PID.$TSTAMP)" "NOTICE" fi if [ "$STOP_ON_CMD_ERROR" == "yes" ] && [ $retval -ne 0 ]; then Logger "Stopping on command execution error." "CRITICAL" exit 1 fi } function RunBeforeHook { local pids if [ "$LOCAL_RUN_BEFORE_CMD" != "" ]; then RunLocalCommand "$LOCAL_RUN_BEFORE_CMD" $MAX_EXEC_TIME_PER_CMD_BEFORE & pids="$!" fi if [ "$REMOTE_RUN_BEFORE_CMD" != "" ]; then RunRemoteCommand "$REMOTE_RUN_BEFORE_CMD" $MAX_EXEC_TIME_PER_CMD_BEFORE & pids="$pids;$!" fi if [ "$pids" != "" ]; then WaitForTaskCompletion $pids 0 0 $SLEEP_TIME $KEEP_LOGGING true true false fi } function RunAfterHook { local pids if [ "$LOCAL_RUN_AFTER_CMD" != "" ]; then RunLocalCommand "$LOCAL_RUN_AFTER_CMD" $MAX_EXEC_TIME_PER_CMD_AFTER & pids="$!" fi if [ "$REMOTE_RUN_AFTER_CMD" != "" ]; then RunRemoteCommand "$REMOTE_RUN_AFTER_CMD" $MAX_EXEC_TIME_PER_CMD_AFTER & pids="$pids;$!" fi if [ "$pids" != "" ]; then WaitForTaskCompletion $pids 0 0 $SLEEP_TIME $KEEP_LOGGING true true false fi } function CheckConnectivityRemoteHost { local retval if [ "$REMOTE_HOST_PING" != "no" ] && [ "$REMOTE_OPERATION" != "no" ]; then eval "$PING_CMD $REMOTE_HOST > /dev/null 2>&1" & WaitForTaskCompletion $! 60 180 $SLEEP_TIME $KEEP_LOGGING true true false retval=$? if [ $retval != 0 ]; then Logger "Cannot ping [$REMOTE_HOST]. Return code [$retval]." "WARN" return $retval fi fi } function CheckConnectivity3rdPartyHosts { local remote3rdPartySuccess local retval if [ "$REMOTE_3RD_PARTY_HOSTS" != "" ]; then remote3rdPartySuccess=false for i in $REMOTE_3RD_PARTY_HOSTS do eval "$PING_CMD $i > /dev/null 2>&1" & WaitForTaskCompletion $! 180 360 $SLEEP_TIME $KEEP_LOGGING true true false retval=$? if [ $retval != 0 ]; then Logger "Cannot ping 3rd party host [$i]. Return code [$retval]." "NOTICE" else remote3rdPartySuccess=true fi done if [ $remote3rdPartySuccess == false ]; then Logger "No remote 3rd party host responded to ping. No internet ?" "WARN" return 1 else return 0 fi fi } function RsyncPatternsAdd { local patternType="${1}" # exclude or include local pattern="${2}" local rest # Disable globbing so wildcards from exclusions do not get expanded set -f rest="$pattern" while [ -n "$rest" ] do # Take the string until first occurence until $PATH_SEPARATOR_CHAR str="${rest%%$PATH_SEPARATOR_CHAR*}" # Handle the last case if [ "$rest" == "${rest/$PATH_SEPARATOR_CHAR/}" ]; then rest= else # Cut everything before the first occurence of $PATH_SEPARATOR_CHAR rest="${rest#*$PATH_SEPARATOR_CHAR}" fi if [ "$RSYNC_PATTERNS" == "" ]; then RSYNC_PATTERNS="--"$patternType"=\"$str\"" else RSYNC_PATTERNS="$RSYNC_PATTERNS --"$patternType"=\"$str\"" fi done set +f } function RsyncPatternsFromAdd { local patternType="${1}" local patternFrom="${2}" ## Check if the exclude list has a full path, and if not, add the config file path if there is one if [ "$(basename $patternFrom)" == "$patternFrom" ]; then patternFrom="$(dirname $CONFIG_FILE)/$patternFrom" fi if [ -e "$patternFrom" ]; then RSYNC_PATTERNS="$RSYNC_PATTERNS --"$patternType"-from=\"$patternFrom\"" fi } function RsyncPatterns { if [ "$RSYNC_PATTERN_FIRST" == "exclude" ]; then if [ "$RSYNC_EXCLUDE_PATTERN" != "" ]; then RsyncPatternsAdd "exclude" "$RSYNC_EXCLUDE_PATTERN" fi if [ "$RSYNC_EXCLUDE_FROM" != "" ]; then RsyncPatternsFromAdd "exclude" "$RSYNC_EXCLUDE_FROM" fi if [ "$RSYNC_INCLUDE_PATTERN" != "" ]; then RsyncPatternsAdd "$RSYNC_INCLUDE_PATTERN" "include" fi if [ "$RSYNC_INCLUDE_FROM" != "" ]; then RsyncPatternsFromAdd "include" "$RSYNC_INCLUDE_FROM" fi # Use default include first for quicksync runs elif [ "$RSYNC_PATTERN_FIRST" == "include" ] || [ "$_QUICK_SYNC" == "2" ]; then if [ "$RSYNC_INCLUDE_PATTERN" != "" ]; then RsyncPatternsAdd "include" "$RSYNC_INCLUDE_PATTERN" fi if [ "$RSYNC_INCLUDE_FROM" != "" ]; then RsyncPatternsFromAdd "include" "$RSYNC_INCLUDE_FROM" fi if [ "$RSYNC_EXCLUDE_PATTERN" != "" ]; then RsyncPatternsAdd "exclude" "$RSYNC_EXCLUDE_PATTERN" fi if [ "$RSYNC_EXCLUDE_FROM" != "" ]; then RsyncPatternsFromAdd "exclude" "$RSYNC_EXCLUDE_FROM" fi else Logger "Bogus RSYNC_PATTERN_FIRST value in config file. Will not use rsync patterns." "WARN" fi } function PreInit { local compressionString ## SSH compression if [ "$SSH_COMPRESSION" != "no" ]; then SSH_COMP=-C else SSH_COMP= fi ## Ignore SSH known host verification if [ "$SSH_IGNORE_KNOWN_HOSTS" == "yes" ]; then SSH_OPTS="-o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no" fi ## Support for older config files without RSYNC_EXECUTABLE option if [ "$RSYNC_EXECUTABLE" == "" ]; then RSYNC_EXECUTABLE=rsync fi ## Sudo execution option if [ "$SUDO_EXEC" == "yes" ]; then if [ "$RSYNC_REMOTE_PATH" != "" ]; then RSYNC_PATH="sudo $RSYNC_REMOTE_PATH/$RSYNC_EXECUTABLE" else RSYNC_PATH="sudo $RSYNC_EXECUTABLE" fi COMMAND_SUDO="sudo -E" else if [ "$RSYNC_REMOTE_PATH" != "" ]; then RSYNC_PATH="$RSYNC_REMOTE_PATH/$RSYNC_EXECUTABLE" else RSYNC_PATH="$RSYNC_EXECUTABLE" fi COMMAND_SUDO="" fi ## Set compression executable and extension if [ "$(IsInteger $COMPRESSION_LEVEL)" -eq 0 ]; then COMPRESSION_LEVEL=3 fi } function PostInit { # Define remote commands if [ -f "$SSH_RSA_PRIVATE_KEY" ]; then SSH_CMD="$(type -p ssh) $SSH_COMP -i $SSH_RSA_PRIVATE_KEY $SSH_OPTS $REMOTE_USER@$REMOTE_HOST -p $REMOTE_PORT" SCP_CMD="$(type -p scp) $SSH_COMP -i $SSH_RSA_PRIVATE_KEY -P $REMOTE_PORT" RSYNC_SSH_CMD="$(type -p ssh) $SSH_COMP -i $SSH_RSA_PRIVATE_KEY $SSH_OPTS -p $REMOTE_PORT" elif [ -f "$SSH_PASSWORD_FILE" ]; then SSH_CMD="$(type -p sshpass) -f $SSH_PASSWORD_FILE $(type -p ssh) $SSH_COMP $SSH_OPTS $REMOTE_USER@$REMOTE_HOST -p $REMOTE_PORT" SCP_CMD="$(type -p sshpass) -f $SSH_PASSWORD_FILE $(type -p scp) $SSH_COMP -P $REMOTE_PORT" RSYNC_SSH_CMD="$(type -p sshpass) -f $SSH_PASSWORD_FILE $(type -p ssh) $SSH_COMP $SSH_OPTS -p $REMOTE_PORT" else SSH_PASSWORD="" SSH_CMD="" SCP_CMD="" RSYNC_SSH_CMD="" fi } function SetCompression { ## Busybox fix (Termux xz command doesn't support compression at all) if [ "$LOCAL_OS" == "BusyBox" ] || [ "$REMOTE_OS" == "Busybox" ] || [ "$LOCAL_OS" == "Android" ] || [ "$REMOTE_OS" == "Android" ]; then compressionString="" if type gzip > /dev/null 2>&1 then COMPRESSION_PROGRAM="| gzip -c$compressionString" COMPRESSION_EXTENSION=.gz # obackup specific else COMPRESSION_PROGRAM= COMPRESSION_EXTENSION= fi else compressionString=" -$COMPRESSION_LEVEL" if type xz > /dev/null 2>&1 then COMPRESSION_PROGRAM="| xz -c$compressionString" COMPRESSION_EXTENSION=.xz elif type lzma > /dev/null 2>&1 then COMPRESSION_PROGRAM="| lzma -c$compressionString" COMPRESSION_EXTENSION=.lzma elif type pigz > /dev/null 2>&1 then COMPRESSION_PROGRAM="| pigz -c$compressionString" COMPRESSION_EXTENSION=.gz # obackup specific COMPRESSION_OPTIONS=--rsyncable elif type gzip > /dev/null 2>&1 then COMPRESSION_PROGRAM="| gzip -c$compressionString" COMPRESSION_EXTENSION=.gz # obackup specific COMPRESSION_OPTIONS=--rsyncable else COMPRESSION_PROGRAM= COMPRESSION_EXTENSION= fi fi ALERT_LOG_FILE="$ALERT_LOG_FILE$COMPRESSION_EXTENSION" } function InitLocalOSDependingSettings { ## If running under Msys, some commands do not run the same way ## Using mingw version of find instead of windows one ## Getting running processes is quite different ## Ping command is not the same if [ "$LOCAL_OS" == "msys" ] || [ "$LOCAL_OS" == "Cygwin" ]; then FIND_CMD=$(dirname $BASH)/find PING_CMD='$SYSTEMROOT\system32\ping -n 2' # On BSD, when not root, min ping interval is 1s elif [ "$LOCAL_OS" == "BSD" ] && [ "$LOCAL_USER" != "root" ]; then FIND_CMD=find PING_CMD="ping -c 2 -i 1" else FIND_CMD=find PING_CMD="ping -c 2 -i .2" fi if [ "$LOCAL_OS" == "BusyBox" ] || [ "$LOCAL_OS" == "Android" ] || [ "$LOCAL_OS" == "msys" ] || [ "$LOCAL_OS" == "Cygwin" ]; then PROCESS_STATE_CMD="echo none" DF_CMD="df" else PROCESS_STATE_CMD='ps -p$pid -o state= 2 > /dev/null' # CentOS 5 needs -P for one line output DF_CMD="df -P" fi ## Stat command has different syntax on Linux and FreeBSD/MacOSX if [ "$LOCAL_OS" == "MacOSX" ] || [ "$LOCAL_OS" == "BSD" ]; then # Tested on BSD and Mac STAT_CMD="stat -f \"%Sm\"" STAT_CTIME_MTIME_CMD="stat -f %N;%c;%m" else # Tested on GNU stat, busybox and Cygwin STAT_CMD="stat -c %y" STAT_CTIME_MTIME_CMD="stat -c %n;%Z;%Y" fi # Set compression first time when we know what local os we have SetCompression } # Gets executed regardless of the need of remote connections. It's just that this code needs to get executed after we know if there is a remote os, and if yes, which one function InitRemoteOSDependingSettings { if [ "$REMOTE_OS" == "msys" ] || [ "$LOCAL_OS" == "Cygwin" ]; then REMOTE_FIND_CMD=$(dirname $BASH)/find else REMOTE_FIND_CMD=find fi ## Stat command has different syntax on Linux and FreeBSD/MacOSX if [ "$LOCAL_OS" == "MacOSX" ] || [ "$LOCAL_OS" == "BSD" ]; then REMOTE_STAT_CMD="stat -f \"%Sm\"" REMOTE_STAT_CTIME_MTIME_CMD="stat -f \\\"%N;%c;%m\\\"" else REMOTE_STAT_CMD="stat --format %y" REMOTE_STAT_CTIME_MTIME_CMD="stat -c \\\"%n;%Z;%Y\\\"" fi ## Set rsync default arguments RSYNC_ARGS="-rltD -8" if [ "$_DRYRUN" == true ]; then RSYNC_DRY_ARG="-n" DRY_WARNING="/!\ DRY RUN " else RSYNC_DRY_ARG="" fi RSYNC_ATTR_ARGS="" if [ "$PRESERVE_PERMISSIONS" != "no" ]; then RSYNC_ATTR_ARGS=$RSYNC_ATTR_ARGS" -p" fi if [ "$PRESERVE_OWNER" != "no" ]; then RSYNC_ATTR_ARGS=$RSYNC_ATTR_ARGS" -o" fi if [ "$PRESERVE_GROUP" != "no" ]; then RSYNC_ATTR_ARGS=$RSYNC_ATTR_ARGS" -g" fi if [ "$PRESERVE_EXECUTABILITY" != "no" ]; then RSYNC_ATTR_ARGS=$RSYNC_ATTR_ARGS" --executability" fi if [ "$PRESERVE_ACL" == "yes" ]; then if [ "$LOCAL_OS" != "MacOSX" ] && [ "$REMOTE_OS" != "MacOSX" ] && [ "$LOCAL_OS" != "msys" ] && [ "$REMOTE_OS" != "msys" ] && [ "$LOCAL_OS" != "Cygwin" ] && [ "$REMOTE_OS" != "Cygwin" ] && [ "$LOCAL_OS" != "BusyBox" ] && [ "$REMOTE_OS" != "BusyBox" ] && [ "$LOCAL_OS" != "Android" ] && [ "$REMOTE_OS" != "Android" ]; then RSYNC_ATTR_ARGS=$RSYNC_ATTR_ARGS" -A" else Logger "Disabling ACL synchronization on [$LOCAL_OS] due to lack of support." "NOTICE" fi fi if [ "$PRESERVE_XATTR" == "yes" ]; then if [ "$LOCAL_OS" != "MacOSX" ] && [ "$REMOTE_OS" != "MacOSX" ] && [ "$LOCAL_OS" != "msys" ] && [ "$REMOTE_OS" != "msys" ] && [ "$LOCAL_OS" != "Cygwin" ] && [ "$REMOTE_OS" != "Cygwin" ] && [ "$LOCAL_OS" != "BusyBox" ] && [ "$REMOTE_OS" != "BusyBox" ]; then RSYNC_ATTR_ARGS=$RSYNC_ATTR_ARGS" -X" else Logger "Disabling extended attributes synchronization on [$LOCAL_OS] due to lack of support." "NOTICE" fi fi if [ "$RSYNC_COMPRESS" == "yes" ]; then if [ "$LOCAL_OS" != "MacOSX" ] && [ "$REMOTE_OS" != "MacOSX" ]; then RSYNC_ARGS=$RSYNC_ARGS" -zz --skip-compress=gz/xz/lz/lzma/lzo/rz/jpg/mp3/mp4/7z/bz2/rar/zip/sfark/s7z/ace/apk/arc/cab/dmg/jar/kgb/lzh/lha/lzx/pak/sfx" else Logger "Disabling compression skips on synchronization on [$LOCAL_OS] due to lack of support." "NOTICE" fi fi if [ "$COPY_SYMLINKS" == "yes" ]; then RSYNC_ARGS=$RSYNC_ARGS" -L" fi if [ "$KEEP_DIRLINKS" == "yes" ]; then RSYNC_ARGS=$RSYNC_ARGS" -K" fi if [ "$RSYNC_OPTIONAL_ARGS" != "" ]; then RSYNC_ARGS=$RSYNC_ARGS" "$RSYNC_OPTIONAL_ARGS fi if [ "$PRESERVE_HARDLINKS" == "yes" ]; then RSYNC_ARGS=$RSYNC_ARGS" -H" fi if [ "$CHECKSUM" == "yes" ]; then RSYNC_TYPE_ARGS=$RSYNC_TYPE_ARGS" --checksum" fi if [ "$BANDWIDTH" != "" ] && [ "$BANDWIDTH" != "0" ]; then RSYNC_ARGS=$RSYNC_ARGS" --bwlimit=$BANDWIDTH" fi if [ "$PARTIAL" == "yes" ]; then RSYNC_ARGS=$RSYNC_ARGS" --partial --partial-dir=\"$PARTIAL_DIR\"" RSYNC_PARTIAL_EXCLUDE="--exclude=\"$PARTIAL_DIR\"" fi if [ "$DELTA_COPIES" != "no" ]; then RSYNC_ARGS=$RSYNC_ARGS" --no-whole-file" else RSYNC_ARGS=$RSYNC_ARGS" --whole-file" fi # Set compression options again after we know what remote OS we're dealing with SetCompression } ## IFS debug function function PrintIFS { printf "IFS is: %q" "$IFS" } # Process debugging # Recursive function to get all parents from a pid function ParentPid { local pid="${1}" # Pid to analyse local parent parent=$(ps -p $pid -o ppid=) echo "$pid is a child of $parent" if [ $parent -gt 0 ]; then ParentPid $parent fi } # Neat version compare function found at http://stackoverflow.com/a/4025065/2635443 # Returns 0 if equal, 1 if $1 > $2 and 2 if $1 < $2 vercomp () { if [[ $1 == $2 ]] then return 0 fi local IFS=. local i ver1=($1) ver2=($2) # fill empty fields in ver1 with zeros for ((i=${#ver1[@]}; i<${#ver2[@]}; i++)) do ver1[i]=0 done for ((i=0; i<${#ver1[@]}; i++)) do if [[ -z ${ver2[i]} ]] then # fill empty fields in ver2 with zeros ver2[i]=0 fi if ((10#${ver1[i]} > 10#${ver2[i]})) then return 1 fi if ((10#${ver1[i]} < 10#${ver2[i]})) then return 2 fi done return 0 } function GetConfFileValue () { local file="${1}" local name="${2}" local value value=$(grep "^$name=" "$file") if [ $? == 0 ]; then value="${value##*=}" echo "$value" else Logger "Cannot get value for [$name] in config file [$file]." "ERROR" fi } function SetConfFileValue () { local file="${1}" local name="${2}" local value="${3}" if grep "^$name=" "$file" > /dev/null; then # Using -i.tmp for BSD compat sed -i.tmp "s/^$name=.*/$name=$value/" "$file" rm -f "$file.tmp" Logger "Set [$name] to [$value] in config file [$file]." "DEBUG" else Logger "Cannot set value [$name] to [$value] in config file [$file]." "ERROR" fi } # If using "include" statements, make sure the script does not get executed unless it's loaded by bootstrap _OFUNCTIONS_BOOTSTRAP=true [ "$_OFUNCTIONS_BOOTSTRAP" != true ] && echo "Please use bootstrap.sh to load this dev version of $(basename $0)" && exit 1 _LOGGER_PREFIX="time" ## Working directory. This directory exists in any replica and contains state files, backups, soft deleted files etc OSYNC_DIR=".osync_workdir" # The catch CRTL+C behavior can be changed at script entry point with SOFT_STOP=0 function TrapStop { if [ $SOFT_STOP -eq 2 ]; then Logger " /!\ WARNING: Manual exit of osync is really not recommended. Sync will be in inconsistent state." "WARN" Logger " /!\ WARNING: If you are sure, please hit CTRL+C another time to quit." "WARN" SOFT_STOP=1 return 1 fi if [ $SOFT_STOP -lt 2 ]; then Logger " /!\ WARNING: CTRL+C hit. Exiting osync. Please wait while replicas get unlocked..." "WARN" SOFT_STOP=0 exit 2 fi } function TrapQuit { local exitcode # Get ERROR / WARN alert flags from subprocesses that call Logger if [ -f "$RUN_DIR/$PROGRAM.Logger.warn.$SCRIPT_PID.$TSTAMP" ]; then WARN_ALERT=true fi if [ -f "$RUN_DIR/$PROGRAM.Logger.error.$SCRIPT_PID.$TSTAMP" ]; then ERROR_ALERT=true fi if [ $ERROR_ALERT == true ]; then UnlockReplicas if [ "$RUN_AFTER_CMD_ON_ERROR" == "yes" ]; then RunAfterHook fi Logger "$PROGRAM finished with errors." "ERROR" if [ "$_DEBUG" != "yes" ] then SendAlert else Logger "Debug mode, no alert mail will be sent." "NOTICE" fi exitcode=1 elif [ $WARN_ALERT == true ]; then UnlockReplicas if [ "$RUN_AFTER_CMD_ON_ERROR" == "yes" ]; then RunAfterHook fi Logger "$PROGRAM finished with warnings." "WARN" if [ "$_DEBUG" != "yes" ] then SendAlert else Logger "Debug mode, no alert mail will be sent." "NOTICE" fi exitcode=2 # Warning exit code must not force daemon mode to quit else UnlockReplicas RunAfterHook Logger "$PROGRAM finished." "ALWAYS" exitcode=0 fi CleanUp KillChilds $$ > /dev/null 2>&1 exit $exitcode } function CheckEnvironment { if [ "$REMOTE_OPERATION" == "yes" ]; then if ! type ssh > /dev/null 2>&1 ; then Logger "ssh not present. Cannot start sync." "CRITICAL" exit 1 fi if [ "$SSH_PASSWORD_FILE" != "" ] && ! type sshpass > /dev/null 2>&1 ; then Logger "sshpass not present. Cannot use password authentication." "CRITICAL" exit 1 fi fi if ! type rsync > /dev/null 2>&1 ; then Logger "rsync not present. Sync cannot start." "CRITICAL" exit 1 fi if ! type pgrep > /dev/null 2>&1 ; then Logger "pgrep not present. Sync cannot start." "CRITICAL" exit 1 fi if [ "$SUDO_EXEC" == "yes" ]; then if ! type sudo > /dev/null 2>&1 ; then Logger "sudo not present. Sync cannot start." "CRITICAL" exit 1 fi fi } # Only gets checked in config file mode where all values should be present function CheckCurrentConfig { # Check all variables that should contain "yes" or "no" declare -a yes_no_vars=(CREATE_DIRS SUDO_EXEC SSH_COMPRESSION SSH_IGNORE_KNOWN_HOSTS REMOTE_HOST_PING PRESERVE_PERMISSIONS PRESERVE_OWNER PRESERVE_GROUP PRESERVE_EXECUTABILITY PRESERVE_ACL PRESERVE_XATTR COPY_SYMLINKS KEEP_DIRLINKS PRESERVE_HARDLINKS CHECKSUM RSYNC_COMPRESS CONFLICT_BACKUP CONFLICT_BACKUP_MULTIPLE SOFT_DELETE RESUME_SYNC FORCE_STRANGER_LOCK_RESUME PARTIAL DELTA_COPIES STOP_ON_CMD_ERROR RUN_AFTER_CMD_ON_ERROR) for i in "${yes_no_vars[@]}"; do test="if [ \"\$$i\" != \"yes\" ] && [ \"\$$i\" != \"no\" ]; then Logger \"Bogus $i value [\$$i] defined in config file. Correct your config file or update it using the update script if using and old version.\" \"CRITICAL\"; exit 1; fi" eval "$test" done # Check all variables that should contain a numerical value >= 0 declare -a num_vars=(MINIMUM_SPACE BANDWIDTH SOFT_MAX_EXEC_TIME HARD_MAX_EXEC_TIME KEEP_LOGGING MIN_WAIT MAX_WAIT CONFLICT_BACKUP_DAYS SOFT_DELETE_DAYS RESUME_TRY MAX_EXEC_TIME_PER_CMD_BEFORE MAX_EXEC_TIME_PER_CMD_AFTER) for i in "${num_vars[@]}"; do test="if [ $(IsNumericExpand \"\$$i\") -eq 0 ]; then Logger \"Bogus $i value [\$$i] defined in config file. Correct your config file or update it using the update script if using and old version.\" \"CRITICAL\"; exit 1; fi" eval "$test" done } # Gets checked in quicksync and config file mode function CheckCurrentConfigAll { local tmp if [ "$INSTANCE_ID" == "" ]; then Logger "No INSTANCE_ID defined in config file." "CRITICAL" exit 1 fi if [ "$INITIATOR_SYNC_DIR" == "" ]; then Logger "No INITIATOR_SYNC_DIR set in config file." "CRITICAL" exit 1 fi if [ "$TARGET_SYNC_DIR" == "" ]; then Logger "Not TARGET_SYNC_DIR set in config file." "CRITICAL" exit 1 fi if [ "$REMOTE_OPERATION" == "yes" ] && ([ ! -f "$SSH_RSA_PRIVATE_KEY" ] && [ ! -f "$SSH_PASSWORD_FILE" ]); then Logger "Cannot find rsa private key [$SSH_RSA_PRIVATE_KEY] nor password file [$SSH_PASSWORD_FILE]. No authentication method provided." "CRITICAL" exit 1 fi if [ "$SKIP_DELETION" != "" ]; then tmp="$SKIP_DELETION" IFS=',' read -r -a SKIP_DELETION <<< "$tmp" if [ $(ArrayContains "${INITIATOR[$__type]}" "${SKIP_DELETION[@]}") -eq 0 ] && [ $(ArrayContains "${TARGET[$__type]}" "${SKIP_DELETION[@]}") -eq 0 ]; then Logger "Bogus skip deletion parameter [$SKIP_DELETION]." "CRITICAL" exit 1 fi fi } ###### Osync specific functions (non shared) function _CheckReplicasLocal { local replicaPath="${1}" local replicaType="${2}" local retval local diskSpace if [ ! -d "$replicaPath" ]; then if [ "$CREATE_DIRS" == "yes" ]; then mkdir -p "$replicaPath" >> "$RUN_DIR/$PROGRAM.${FUNCNAME[0]}.$replicaType.$SCRIPT_PID.$TSTAMP" 2>&1 retval=$? if [ $retval -ne 0 ]; then Logger "Cannot create local replica path [$replicaPath]." "CRITICAL" $retval Logger "Command output:\n$(cat $RUN_DIR/$PROGRAM.${FUNCNAME[0]}.$replicaType.$SCRIPT_PID.$TSTAMP)" "WARN" return 1 else Logger "Created local replica path [$replicaPath]." "NOTICE" fi else Logger "Local replica path [$replicaPath] does not exist / is not writable." "CRITICAL" return 1 fi fi if [ ! -w "$replicaPath" ]; then Logger "Local replica path [$replicaPath] is not writable." "CRITICAL" return 1 fi Logger "Checking minimum disk space in local replica [$replicaPath]." "NOTICE" diskSpace=$($DF_CMD "$replicaPath" | tail -1 | awk '{print $4}') retval=$? if [ $retval -ne 0 ]; then Logger "Cannot get free space." "ERROR" $retval else # Ugly fix for df in some busybox environments that can only show human formats if [ $(IsInteger $diskSpace) -eq 0 ]; then diskSpace=$(HumanToNumeric $diskSpace) fi if [ $diskSpace -lt $MINIMUM_SPACE ]; then Logger "There is not enough free space on local replica [$replicaPath] ($diskSpace KB)." "WARN" fi fi } function _CheckReplicasRemote { local replicaPath="${1}" local replicaType="${2}" local retval local cmd CheckConnectivity3rdPartyHosts CheckConnectivityRemoteHost $SSH_CMD env _REMOTE_TOKEN="$_REMOTE_TOKEN" \ env _DEBUG="'$_DEBUG'" env _PARANOIA_DEBUG="'$_PARANOIA_DEBUG'" env _LOGGER_SILENT="'$_LOGGER_SILENT'" env _LOGGER_VERBOSE="'$_LOGGER_VERBOSE'" env _LOGGER_PREFIX="'$_LOGGER_PREFIX'" env _LOGGER_ERR_ONLY="'$_LOGGER_ERR_ONLY'" \ env PROGRAM="'$PROGRAM'" env SCRIPT_PID="'$SCRIPT_PID'" TSTAMP="'$TSTAMP'" \ env replicaPath="'$replicaPath'" env CREATE_DIRS="'$CREATE_DIRS'" env DF_CMD="'$DF_CMD'" env MINIMUM_SPACE="'$MINIMUM_SPACE'" $COMMAND_SUDO' bash -s' << 'ENDSSH' > "$RUN_DIR/$PROGRAM.${FUNCNAME[0]}.$replicaType.$SCRIPT_PID.$TSTAMP" 2>&1 ## allow debugging from command line with _DEBUG=yes if [ ! "$_DEBUG" == "yes" ]; then _DEBUG=no _LOGGER_VERBOSE=false else trap 'TrapError ${LINENO} $?' ERR _LOGGER_VERBOSE=true fi if [ "$SLEEP_TIME" == "" ]; then # Leave the possibity to set SLEEP_TIME as environment variable when runinng with bash -x in order to avoid spamming console SLEEP_TIME=.05 fi function TrapError { local job="$0" local line="$1" local code="${2:-1}" if [ $_LOGGER_SILENT == false ]; then (>&2 echo -e "\e[45m/!\ ERROR in ${job}: Near line ${line}, exit code ${code}\e[0m") fi } function IsInteger { local value="${1}" if [[ $value =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]]; then echo 1 else echo 0 fi } # Converts human readable sizes into integer kilobyte sizes # Usage numericSize="$(HumanToNumeric $humanSize)" function HumanToNumeric { local value="${1}" local notation local suffix local suffixPresent local multiplier notation=(K M G T P E) for suffix in "${notation[@]}"; do multiplier=$((multiplier+1)) if [[ "$value" == *"$suffix"* ]]; then suffixPresent=$suffix break; fi done if [ "$suffixPresent" != "" ]; then value=${value%$suffix*} value=${value%.*} # /1024 since we convert to kilobytes instead of bytes value=$((value*(1024**multiplier/1024))) else value=${value%.*} fi echo $value } # Array to string converter, see http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1527049/bash-join-elements-of-an-array # usage: joinString separaratorChar Array function joinString { local IFS="$1"; shift; echo "$*"; } # Sub function of Logger function _Logger { local logValue="${1}" # Log to file local stdValue="${2}" # Log to screeen local toStdErr="${3:-false}" # Log to stderr instead of stdout if [ "$logValue" != "" ]; then echo -e "$logValue" >> "$LOG_FILE" # Current log file echo -e "$logValue" >> "$RUN_DIR/$PROGRAM.${FUNCNAME[0]}.$SCRIPT_PID.$TSTAMP" fi if [ "$stdValue" != "" ] && [ "$_LOGGER_SILENT" != true ]; then if [ $toStdErr == true ]; then # Force stderr color in subshell (>&2 echo -e "$stdValue") else echo -e "$stdValue" fi fi } # Remote logger similar to below Logger, without log to file and alert flags function RemoteLogger { local value="${1}" # Sentence to log (in double quotes) local level="${2}" # Log level local retval="${3:-undef}" # optional return value of command if [ "$_LOGGER_PREFIX" == "time" ]; then prefix="TIME: $SECONDS - " elif [ "$_LOGGER_PREFIX" == "date" ]; then prefix="R $(date) - " else prefix="" fi if [ "$level" == "CRITICAL" ]; then _Logger "" "$prefix\e[1;33;41m$value\e[0m" true if [ $_DEBUG == "yes" ]; then _Logger -e "" "[$retval] in [$(joinString , ${FUNCNAME[@]})] SP=$SCRIPT_PID P=$$" true fi return elif [ "$level" == "ERROR" ]; then _Logger "" "$prefix\e[91m$value\e[0m" true if [ $_DEBUG == "yes" ]; then _Logger -e "" "[$retval] in [$(joinString , ${FUNCNAME[@]})] SP=$SCRIPT_PID P=$$" true fi return elif [ "$level" == "WARN" ]; then _Logger "" "$prefix\e[33m$value\e[0m" true if [ $_DEBUG == "yes" ]; then _Logger -e "" "[$retval] in [$(joinString , ${FUNCNAME[@]})] SP=$SCRIPT_PID P=$$" true fi return elif [ "$level" == "NOTICE" ]; then if [ $_LOGGER_ERR_ONLY != true ]; then _Logger "" "$prefix$value" fi return elif [ "$level" == "VERBOSE" ]; then if [ $_LOGGER_VERBOSE == true ]; then _Logger "" "$prefix$value" fi return elif [ "$level" == "ALWAYS" ]; then _Logger "" "$prefix$value" return elif [ "$level" == "DEBUG" ]; then if [ "$_DEBUG" == "yes" ]; then _Logger "" "$prefix$value" return fi else _Logger "" "\e[41mLogger function called without proper loglevel [$level].\e[0m" true _Logger "" "Value was: $prefix$value" true fi } function _CheckReplicasRemoteSub { if [ ! -d "$replicaPath" ]; then if [ "$CREATE_DIRS" == "yes" ]; then mkdir -p "$replicaPath" retval=$? if [ $retval -ne 0 ]; then RemoteLogger "Cannot create remote replica path [$replicaPath]." "CRITICAL" $retval exit 1 else RemoteLogger "Created remote replica path [$replicaPath]." "NOTICE" fi else RemoteLogger "Remote replica path [$replicaPath] does not exist / is not writable." "CRITICAL" exit 1 fi fi if [ ! -w "$replicaPath" ]; then RemoteLogger "Remote replica path [$replicaPath] is not writable." "CRITICAL" exit 1 fi RemoteLogger "Checking minimum disk space in remote replica [$replicaPath]." "NOTICE" diskSpace=$($DF_CMD "$replicaPath" | tail -1 | awk '{print $4}') retval=$? if [ $retval -ne 0 ]; then RemoteLogger "Cannot get free space." "ERROR" $retval else # Ugly fix for df in some busybox environments that can only show human formats if [ $(IsInteger $diskSpace) -eq 0 ]; then diskSpace=$(HumanToNumeric $diskSpace) fi if [ $diskSpace -lt $MINIMUM_SPACE ]; then RemoteLogger "There is not enough free space on remote replica [$replicaPath] ($diskSpace KB)." "WARN" fi fi } _CheckReplicasRemoteSub exit $? ENDSSH retval=$? if [ $retval -ne 0 ]; then Logger "Failed to check remote replica." "CRITICAL" $retval fi if [ -s "$RUN_DIR/$PROGRAM.${FUNCNAME[0]}.$replicaType.$SCRIPT_PID.$TSTAMP" ]; then ( _LOGGER_PREFIX="" Logger "$(cat $RUN_DIR/$PROGRAM.${FUNCNAME[0]}.$replicaType.$SCRIPT_PID.$TSTAMP)" "NOTICE" ) fi if [ $retval -ne 0 ]; then return $retval else return 0 fi } function CheckReplicas { local retval local pids if [ "$REMOTE_OPERATION" != "yes" ]; then if [ "${INITIATOR[$__replicaDir]}" == "${TARGET[$__replicaDir]}" ]; then Logger "Initiator and target path [${INITIATOR[$__replicaDir]}] cannot be the same." "CRITICAL" exit 1 fi fi _CheckReplicasLocal "${INITIATOR[$__replicaDir]}" "${INITIATOR[$__type]}" & pids="$!" if [ "$REMOTE_OPERATION" != "yes" ]; then _CheckReplicasLocal "${TARGET[$__replicaDir]}" "${TARGET[$__type]}" & pids="$pids;$!" else _CheckReplicasRemote "${TARGET[$__replicaDir]}" "${TARGET[$__type]}" & pids="$pids;$!" fi WaitForTaskCompletion $pids 720 1800 $SLEEP_TIME $KEEP_LOGGING true true false retval=$? if [ $retval -ne 0 ]; then Logger "Cancelling task." "CRITICAL" $retval exit 1 fi } function _HandleLocksLocal { local replicaStateDir="${1}" local lockfile="${2}" local replicaType="${3}" local overwrite="${4:-false}" local retval local lockfileContent local lockPid local lockInstanceID local writeLocks if [ ! -d "$replicaStateDir" ]; then mkdir -p "$replicaStateDir" > "$RUN_DIR/$PROGRAM.${FUNCNAME[0]}.$replicaType.$SCRIPT_PID.$TSTAMP" 2>&1 retval=$? if [ $retval -ne 0 ]; then Logger "Cannot create state dir [$replicaStateDir]." "CRITICAL" $retval Logger "Command output:\n$(cat $RUN_DIR/$PROGRAM.${FUNCNAME[0]}.$replicaType.$SCRIPT_PID.$TSTAMP)" "WARN" return 1 fi fi # Skip the whole part if overwrite true if [ -s "$lockfile" ] && [ $overwrite != true ]; then lockfileContent=$(cat $lockfile) Logger "Master lock pid present: $lockfileContent" "DEBUG" lockPid="${lockfileContent%@*}" if [ $(IsInteger $lockPid) -ne 1 ]; then Logger "Invalid pid [$lockPid] in local replica." "CRITICAL" return 1 fi lockInstanceID="${lockfileContent#*@}" if [ "$lockInstanceID" == "" ]; then Logger "Invalid instance id [$lockInstanceID] in local replica." "CRITICAL" return 1 Logger "Local $replicaType lock is: [$lockPid@$lockInstanceID]." "DEBUG" fi kill -0 $lockPid > /dev/null 2>&1 retval=$? if [ $retval -ne 0 ]; then Logger "There is a local dead osync lock [$lockPid@$lockInstanceID] that is no longer running. Resuming." "NOTICE" writeLocks=true else Logger "There is already a local instance [$lockPid@$lockInstanceID] of osync running for this replica. Cannot start." "CRITICAL" $retval return 1 fi else writeLocks=true fi if [ $writeLocks != true ]; then return 1 else echo "$SCRIPT_PID@$INSTANCE_ID" > "$lockfile" 2> "$RUN_DIR/$PROGRAM.${FUNCNAME[0]}.$replicaType.$SCRIPT_PID.$TSTAMP" retval=$? if [ $retval -ne 0 ]; then Logger "Could not create lock file on local $replicaType in [$lockfile]." "CRITICAL" $retval Logger "Command output\n$($RUN_DIR/$PROGRAM.${FUNCNAME[0]}.$replicaType.$SCRIPT_PID.$TSTAMP)" "WARN" return 1 else Logger "Locked local $replicaType replica in [$lockfile]." "DEBUG" fi fi } function _HandleLocksRemote { local replicaStateDir="${1}" local lockfile="${2}" local replicaType="${3}" local overwrite="${4:-false}" local retval local initiatorRunningPids CheckConnectivity3rdPartyHosts CheckConnectivityRemoteHost # Create an array of all currently running pids read -a initiatorRunningPids <<< $(ps -A | tail -n +2 | awk '{print $1}') # passing initiatorRunningPids as litteral string (has to be run through eval to be an array again) $SSH_CMD env _REMOTE_TOKEN="$_REMOTE_TOKEN" \ env _DEBUG="'$_DEBUG'" env _PARANOIA_DEBUG="'$_PARANOIA_DEBUG'" env _LOGGER_SILENT="'$_LOGGER_SILENT'" env _LOGGER_VERBOSE="'$_LOGGER_VERBOSE'" env _LOGGER_PREFIX="'$_LOGGER_PREFIX'" env _LOGGER_ERR_ONLY="'$_LOGGER_ERR_ONLY'" \ env PROGRAM="'$PROGRAM'" env SCRIPT_PID="'$SCRIPT_PID'" TSTAMP="'$TSTAMP'" \ env replicaStateDir="'$replicaStateDir'" env initiatorRunningPidsFlat="\"(${initiatorRunningPids[@]})\"" env lockfile="'$lockfile'" env replicaType="'$replicaType'" env overwrite="'$overwrite'" \ env INSTANCE_ID="'$INSTANCE_ID'" env FORCE_STRANGER_LOCK_RESUME="'$FORCE_STRANGER_LOCK_RESUME'" $COMMAND_SUDO' bash -s' << 'ENDSSH' > "$RUN_DIR/$PROGRAM.${FUNCNAME[0]}.$replicaType.$SCRIPT_PID.$TSTAMP" 2>&1 ## allow debugging from command line with _DEBUG=yes if [ ! "$_DEBUG" == "yes" ]; then _DEBUG=no _LOGGER_VERBOSE=false else trap 'TrapError ${LINENO} $?' ERR _LOGGER_VERBOSE=true fi if [ "$SLEEP_TIME" == "" ]; then # Leave the possibity to set SLEEP_TIME as environment variable when runinng with bash -x in order to avoid spamming console SLEEP_TIME=.05 fi function TrapError { local job="$0" local line="$1" local code="${2:-1}" if [ $_LOGGER_SILENT == false ]; then (>&2 echo -e "\e[45m/!\ ERROR in ${job}: Near line ${line}, exit code ${code}\e[0m") fi } ## Modified version of http://stackoverflow.com/a/8574392 ## Usage: [ $(ArrayContains "needle" "${haystack[@]}") -eq 1 ] function ArrayContains () { local needle="${1}" local haystack="${2}" local e if [ "$needle" != "" ] && [ "$haystack" != "" ]; then for e in "${@:2}"; do if [ "$e" == "$needle" ]; then echo 1 return fi done fi echo 0 return } function IsInteger { local value="${1}" if [[ $value =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]]; then echo 1 else echo 0 fi } # Array to string converter, see http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1527049/bash-join-elements-of-an-array # usage: joinString separaratorChar Array function joinString { local IFS="$1"; shift; echo "$*"; } # Sub function of Logger function _Logger { local logValue="${1}" # Log to file local stdValue="${2}" # Log to screeen local toStdErr="${3:-false}" # Log to stderr instead of stdout if [ "$logValue" != "" ]; then echo -e "$logValue" >> "$LOG_FILE" # Current log file echo -e "$logValue" >> "$RUN_DIR/$PROGRAM.${FUNCNAME[0]}.$SCRIPT_PID.$TSTAMP" fi if [ "$stdValue" != "" ] && [ "$_LOGGER_SILENT" != true ]; then if [ $toStdErr == true ]; then # Force stderr color in subshell (>&2 echo -e "$stdValue") else echo -e "$stdValue" fi fi } # Remote logger similar to below Logger, without log to file and alert flags function RemoteLogger { local value="${1}" # Sentence to log (in double quotes) local level="${2}" # Log level local retval="${3:-undef}" # optional return value of command if [ "$_LOGGER_PREFIX" == "time" ]; then prefix="TIME: $SECONDS - " elif [ "$_LOGGER_PREFIX" == "date" ]; then prefix="R $(date) - " else prefix="" fi if [ "$level" == "CRITICAL" ]; then _Logger "" "$prefix\e[1;33;41m$value\e[0m" true if [ $_DEBUG == "yes" ]; then _Logger -e "" "[$retval] in [$(joinString , ${FUNCNAME[@]})] SP=$SCRIPT_PID P=$$" true fi return elif [ "$level" == "ERROR" ]; then _Logger "" "$prefix\e[91m$value\e[0m" true if [ $_DEBUG == "yes" ]; then _Logger -e "" "[$retval] in [$(joinString , ${FUNCNAME[@]})] SP=$SCRIPT_PID P=$$" true fi return elif [ "$level" == "WARN" ]; then _Logger "" "$prefix\e[33m$value\e[0m" true if [ $_DEBUG == "yes" ]; then _Logger -e "" "[$retval] in [$(joinString , ${FUNCNAME[@]})] SP=$SCRIPT_PID P=$$" true fi return elif [ "$level" == "NOTICE" ]; then if [ $_LOGGER_ERR_ONLY != true ]; then _Logger "" "$prefix$value" fi return elif [ "$level" == "VERBOSE" ]; then if [ $_LOGGER_VERBOSE == true ]; then _Logger "" "$prefix$value" fi return elif [ "$level" == "ALWAYS" ]; then _Logger "" "$prefix$value" return elif [ "$level" == "DEBUG" ]; then if [ "$_DEBUG" == "yes" ]; then _Logger "" "$prefix$value" return fi else _Logger "" "\e[41mLogger function called without proper loglevel [$level].\e[0m" true _Logger "" "Value was: $prefix$value" true fi } function _HandleLocksRemoteSub { if [ ! -d "$replicaStateDir" ]; then mkdir -p "$replicaStateDir" retval=$? if [ $retval -ne 0 ]; then RemoteLogger "Cannot create state dir [$replicaStateDir]." "CRITICAL" $retval return 1 fi fi # Skip the whole part if overwrite true if [ -s "$lockfile" ] && [ $overwrite != true ]; then lockfileContent=$(cat $lockfile) RemoteLogger "Master lock pid present: $lockfileContent" "DEBUG" lockPid="${lockfileContent%@*}" if [ $(IsInteger $lockPid) -ne 1 ]; then RemoteLogger "Invalid pid [$lockPid] in local replica." "CRITICAL" return 1 fi lockInstanceID="${lockfileContent#*@}" if [ "$lockInstanceID" == "" ]; then RemoteLogger "Invalid instance id [$lockInstanceID] in local replica." "CRITICAL" return 1 RemoteLogger "Local $replicaType lock is: [$lockPid@$lockInstanceID]." "DEBUG" fi # Retransform litteral array string to array eval "initiatorRunningPids=$initiatorRunningPidsFlat" if [ $(ArrayContains "$lockPid" "${initiatorRunningPids[@]}") -eq 0 ]; then if [ "$lockInstanceID" == "$INSTANCE_ID" ]; then RemoteLogger "There is a remote dead osync lock [$lockPid@$lockInstanceID] on target replica that corresponds to this initiator INSTANCE_ID. Pid [$lockPid] no longer running. Resuming." "NOTICE" writeLocks=true else if [ "$FORCE_STRANGER_LOCK_RESUME" == "yes" ]; then RemoteLogger "There is a remote (maybe dead) osync lock [$lockPid@$lockInstanceID] on target replica that does not correspond to this initiator INSTANCE_ID. Forcing resume." "WARN" writeLocks=true else RemoteLogger "There is a remote (maybe dead) osync lock [$lockPid@$lockInstanceID] on target replica that does not correspond to this initiator INSTANCE_ID. Will not resume." "CRITICAL" return 1 fi fi else RemoteLogger "There is already a local instance of osync that locks target replica [$lockPid@$lockInstanceID]. Cannot start." "CRITICAL" return 1 fi else writeLocks=true fi if [ $writeLocks != true ]; then return 1 else echo "$SCRIPT_PID@$INSTANCE_ID" > "$lockfile" retval=$? if [ $retval -ne 0 ]; then RemoteLogger "Could not create lock file on local $replicaType in [$lockfile]." "CRITICAL" $retval return 1 else RemoteLogger "Locked local $replicaType replica in [$lockfile]." "DEBUG" fi fi } _HandleLocksRemoteSub exit $? ENDSSH retval=$? if [ $retval -ne 0 ]; then Logger "Remote lock handling failed." "CRITICAL" $retval fi if [ -s "$RUN_DIR/$PROGRAM.${FUNCNAME[0]}.$replicaType.$SCRIPT_PID.$TSTAMP" ]; then ( _LOGGER_PREFIX="" Logger "$(cat $RUN_DIR/$PROGRAM.${FUNCNAME[0]}.$replicaType.$SCRIPT_PID.$TSTAMP)" "NOTICE" ) fi if [ $retval -ne 0 ]; then return 1 fi } function HandleLocks { local retval local pids local overwrite=false if [ $_NOLOCKS == true ]; then return 0 fi # Do not bother checking for locks when FORCE_UNLOCK is set if [ $FORCE_UNLOCK == true ]; then overwrite=true else _HandleLocksLocal "${INITIATOR[$__replicaDir]}${INITIATOR[$__stateDir]}" "${INITIATOR[$__lockFile]}" "${INITIATOR[$__type]}" $overwrite & pids="$!" if [ "$REMOTE_OPERATION" != "yes" ]; then _HandleLocksLocal "${TARGET[$__replicaDir]}${TARGET[$__stateDir]}" "${TARGET[$__lockFile]}" "${TARGET[$__type]}" $overwrite & pids="$pids;$!" else _HandleLocksRemote "${TARGET[$__replicaDir]}${TARGET[$__stateDir]}" "${TARGET[$__lockFile]}" "${TARGET[$__type]}" $overwrite & pids="$pids;$!" fi INITIATOR_LOCK_FILE_EXISTS=true TARGET_LOCK_FILE_EXISTS=true WaitForTaskCompletion $pids 720 1800 $SLEEP_TIME $KEEP_LOGGING true true false retval=$? if [ $retval -ne 0 ]; then IFS=';' read -r -a pidArray <<< "$(eval echo \"\$WAIT_FOR_TASK_COMPLETION_${FUNCNAME[0]}\")" for pid in "${pidArray[@]}"; do pid=${pid%:*} if [ "$pid" == "$initiatorPid" ]; then INITIATOR_LOCK_FILE_EXISTS=false elif [ "$pid" == "$targetPid" ]; then TARGET_LOCK_FILE_EXISTS=false fi done Logger "Cancelling task." "CRITICAL" $retval exit 1 fi fi } function _UnlockReplicasLocal { local lockfile="${1}" local replicaType="${2}" local retval if [ -f "$lockfile" ]; then rm "$lockfile" retval=$? if [ $retval -ne 0 ]; then Logger "Could not unlock local $replicaType replica." "ERROR" $retval else Logger "Removed local $replicaType replica lock." "DEBUG" fi fi } function _UnlockReplicasRemote { local lockfile="${1}" local replicaType="${2}" local retval local cmd CheckConnectivity3rdPartyHosts CheckConnectivityRemoteHost $SSH_CMD env _REMOTE_TOKEN="$_REMOTE_TOKEN" \ env _DEBUG="'$_DEBUG'" env _PARANOIA_DEBUG="'$_PARANOIA_DEBUG'" env _LOGGER_SILENT="'$_LOGGER_SILENT'" env _LOGGER_VERBOSE="'$_LOGGER_VERBOSE'" env _LOGGER_PREFIX="'$_LOGGER_PREFIX'" env _LOGGER_ERR_ONLY="'$_LOGGER_ERR_ONLY'" \ env PROGRAM="'$PROGRAM'" env SCRIPT_PID="'$SCRIPT_PID'" TSTAMP="'$TSTAMP'" \ env lockfile="'$lockfile'" $COMMAND_SUDO' bash -s' << 'ENDSSH' > "$RUN_DIR/$PROGRAM.${FUNCNAME[0]}.$replicaType.$SCRIPT_PID.$TSTAMP" 2>&1 if [ -f "$lockfile" ]; then rm -f "$lockfile" fi ENDSSH retval=$? if [ $retval -ne 0 ]; then Logger "Could not unlock $replicaType remote replica." "ERROR" $retval Logger "Command Output:\n$(cat $RUN_DIR/$PROGRAM.${FUNCNAME[0]}.$replicaType.$SCRIPT_PID.$TSTAMP)" "WARN" else Logger "Removed remote $replicaType replica lock." "DEBUG" fi } function UnlockReplicas { local pids if [ $_NOLOCKS == true ]; then return 0 fi if [ $INITIATOR_LOCK_FILE_EXISTS == true ]; then _UnlockReplicasLocal "${INITIATOR[$__lockFile]}" "${INITIATOR[$__type]}" & pids="$!" fi if [ $TARGET_LOCK_FILE_EXISTS == true ]; then if [ "$REMOTE_OPERATION" != "yes" ]; then _UnlockReplicasLocal "${TARGET[$__lockFile]}" "${TARGET[$__type]}" & pids="$pids;$!" else _UnlockReplicasRemote "${TARGET[$__lockFile]}" "${TARGET[$__type]}" & pids="$pids;$!" fi fi if [ "$pids" != "" ]; then WaitForTaskCompletion $pids 720 1800 $SLEEP_TIME $KEEP_LOGGING true true false fi } ###### Sync core functions ## Rsync does not like spaces in directory names, considering it as two different directories. Handling this schema by escaping space. ## It seems this only happens when trying to execute an rsync command through weval $rsyncCmd on a remote host. ## So I am using unescaped $INITIATOR_SYNC_DIR for local rsync calls and escaped $ESC_INITIATOR_SYNC_DIR for remote rsync calls like user@host:$ESC_INITIATOR_SYNC_DIR ## The same applies for target sync dir..............................................T.H.I.S..I.S..A..P.R.O.G.R.A.M.M.I.N.G..N.I.G.H.T.M.A.R.E function treeList { local replicaPath="${1}" # path to the replica for which a tree needs to be constructed local replicaType="${2}" # replica type: initiator, target local treeFilename="${3}" # filename to output tree (will be prefixed with $replicaType) local retval local escapedReplicaPath local rsyncCmd escapedReplicaPath=$(EscapeSpaces "$replicaPath") # operation explanation # (command || :) = Return code 0 regardless of command return code # (grep -E \"^-|^d|^l\" || :) = Be sure line begins with '-' or 'd' or 'l' (rsync semantics for file, directory or symlink) # (awk '{\$1=\$2=\$3=\$4=\"\" ;print}' || :) = Remove the first four columns of rsync output # (awk '{\$1=\$1 ;print}' || :) = Removes leading spaces # (awk '{$1=$2=$3=$4="" ;print substr(\$0,5)}' || :) = Same the two lines above, replaces them # (awk 'BEGIN { FS=\" -> \" } ; { print \$1 }' || :) = Only show output before ' -> ' in order to remove symlink destionations # (grep -v \"^\.$\" || :) = Removes line containing current directory sign '.' Logger "Creating $replicaType replica file list [$replicaPath]." "NOTICE" if [ "$REMOTE_OPERATION" == "yes" ] && [ "$replicaType" == "${TARGET[$__type]}" ]; then CheckConnectivity3rdPartyHosts CheckConnectivityRemoteHost rsyncCmd="$(type -p $RSYNC_EXECUTABLE) --rsync-path=\"$RSYNC_PATH\" $RSYNC_ARGS $RSYNC_ATTR_ARGS $RSYNC_TYPE_ARGS --exclude \"$OSYNC_DIR\" $RSYNC_PATTERNS $RSYNC_PARTIAL_EXCLUDE -e \"$RSYNC_SSH_CMD\" --list-only $REMOTE_USER@$REMOTE_HOST:\"$escapedReplicaPath\" 2> \"$RUN_DIR/$PROGRAM.${FUNCNAME[0]}.$replicaType.error.$SCRIPT_PID.$TSTAMP\" | (grep -E \"^-|^d|^l\" || :) | (awk '{\$1=\$2=\$3=\$4=\"\" ;print substr(\$0,5)}' || :) | (awk 'BEGIN { FS=\" -> \" } ; { print \$1 }' || :) | (grep -v \"^\.$\" || :) | sort > \"$RUN_DIR/$PROGRAM.${FUNCNAME[0]}.$replicaType.$SCRIPT_PID.$TSTAMP\"" else rsyncCmd="$(type -p $RSYNC_EXECUTABLE) --rsync-path=\"$RSYNC_PATH\" $RSYNC_ARGS $RSYNC_ATTR_ARGS $RSYNC_TYPE_ARGS --exclude \"$OSYNC_DIR\" $RSYNC_PATTERNS $RSYNC_PARTIAL_EXCLUDE --list-only \"$replicaPath\" 2> \"$RUN_DIR/$PROGRAM.${FUNCNAME[0]}.$replicaType.error.$SCRIPT_PID.$TSTAMP\" | (grep -E \"^-|^d|^l\" || :) | (awk '{\$1=\$2=\$3=\$4=\"\" ;print substr(\$0,5)}' || :) | (awk 'BEGIN { FS=\" -> \" } ; { print \$1 }' || :) | (grep -v \"^\.$\" || :) | sort > \"$RUN_DIR/$PROGRAM.${FUNCNAME[0]}.$replicaType.$SCRIPT_PID.$TSTAMP\"" fi Logger "RSYNC_CMD: $rsyncCmd" "DEBUG" eval "$rsyncCmd" retval=$? if [ -f "$RUN_DIR/$PROGRAM.${FUNCNAME[0]}.$replicaType.$SCRIPT_PID.$TSTAMP" ]; then mv -f "$RUN_DIR/$PROGRAM.${FUNCNAME[0]}.$replicaType.$SCRIPT_PID.$TSTAMP" "${INITIATOR[$__replicaDir]}${INITIATOR[$__stateDir]}/$replicaType$treeFilename" fi ## Retval 24 = some files vanished while creating list if ([ $retval -eq 0 ] || [ $retval -eq 24 ]) then return $? elif [ $retval -eq 23 ]; then Logger "Some files could not be listed in $replicaType replica [$replicaPath]. Check for failing symlinks." "ERROR" $retval Logger "Command output\n$(cat $RUN_DIR/$PROGRAM.${FUNCNAME[0]}.$replicaType.error.$SCRIPT_PID.$TSTAMP)" "WARN" return 0 else Logger "Cannot create replica file list in [$replicaPath]." "CRITICAL" $retval Logger "Command was [$rsyncCmd]." "WARN" Logger "Command output\n$(cat $RUN_DIR/$PROGRAM.${FUNCNAME[0]}.$replicaType.error.$SCRIPT_PID.$TSTAMP)" "WARN" return $retval fi } # deleteList(replicaType): Creates a list of files vanished from last run on replica $1 (initiator/target) function deleteList { local replicaType="${1}" # replica type: initiator, target local retval local subretval local cmd local failedDeletionListFromReplica if [ "$replicaType" == "${INITIATOR[$__type]}" ]; then failedDeletionListFromReplica="${TARGET[$__type]}" elif [ "$replicaType" == "${TARGET[$__type]}" ]; then failedDeletionListFromReplica="${INITIATOR[$__type]}" else Logger "Bogus replicaType in [${FUNCNAME[0]}]." "CRITICAL" exit 1 fi Logger "Creating $replicaType replica deleted file list." "NOTICE" if [ -f "${INITIATOR[$__replicaDir]}${INITIATOR[$__stateDir]}/$replicaType${INITIATOR[$__treeAfterFileNoSuffix]}" ]; then ## Same functionnality, comm is much faster than grep but is not available on every platform if type comm > /dev/null 2>&1 ; then cmd="comm -23 \"${INITIATOR[$__replicaDir]}${INITIATOR[$__stateDir]}/$replicaType${INITIATOR[$__treeAfterFileNoSuffix]}\" \"${INITIATOR[$__replicaDir]}${INITIATOR[$__stateDir]}/$replicaType${INITIATOR[$__treeCurrentFile]}\" > \"${INITIATOR[$__replicaDir]}${INITIATOR[$__stateDir]}/$replicaType${INITIATOR[$__deletedListFile]}\"" else ## The || : forces the command to have a good result cmd="(grep -F -x -v -f \"${INITIATOR[$__replicaDir]}${INITIATOR[$__stateDir]}/$replicaType${INITIATOR[$__treeCurrentFile]}\" \"${INITIATOR[$__replicaDir]}${INITIATOR[$__stateDir]}/$replicaType${INITIATOR[$__treeAfterFileNoSuffix]}\" || :) > \"${INITIATOR[$__replicaDir]}${INITIATOR[$__stateDir]}/$replicaType${INITIATOR[$__deletedListFile]}\"" fi Logger "Launching command [$cmd]." "DEBUG" eval "$cmd" 2>> "$LOG_FILE" retval=$? if [ $retval -ne 0 ]; then Logger "Could not prepare $replicaType deletion list." "CRITICAL" $retval Logger "Command was [$cmd]." "WARN" return $retval fi # Add delete failed file list to current delete list and then empty it if [ -f "${INITIATOR[$__replicaDir]}${INITIATOR[$__stateDir]}/$failedDeletionListFromReplica${INITIATOR[$__failedDeletedListFile]}" ]; then cat "${INITIATOR[$__replicaDir]}${INITIATOR[$__stateDir]}/$failedDeletionListFromReplica${INITIATOR[$__failedDeletedListFile]}" >> "${INITIATOR[$__replicaDir]}${INITIATOR[$__stateDir]}/$replicaType${INITIATOR[$__deletedListFile]}" subretval=$? if [ $subretval -eq 0 ]; then rm -f "${INITIATOR[$__replicaDir]}${INITIATOR[$__stateDir]}/$failedDeletionListFromReplica${INITIATOR[$__failedDeletedListFile]}" else Logger "Cannot add failed deleted list to current deleted list for replica [$replicaType]." "ERROR" $subretval fi fi return $retval else touch "${INITIATOR[$__replicaDir]}${INITIATOR[$__stateDir]}/$replicaType${INITIATOR[$__deletedListFile]}" return $retval fi } function _getFileCtimeMtimeLocal { local replicaPath="${1}" # Contains replica path local replicaType="${2}" # Initiator / Target local fileList="${3}" # Contains list of files to get time attrs local retval echo -n "" > "$RUN_DIR/$PROGRAM.ctime_mtime.$replicaType.$SCRIPT_PID.$TSTAMP" while read -r file; do $STAT_CTIME_MTIME_CMD "$replicaPath$file" | sort >> "$RUN_DIR/$PROGRAM.ctime_mtime.$replicaType.$SCRIPT_PID.$TSTAMP"; done < "$fileList" retval=$? if [ $retval -ne 0 ]; then Logger "Getting file attributes failed [$retval] on $replicaType. Stopping execution." "CRITICAL" $retval if [ -f "$RUN_DIR/$PROGRAM.ctime_mtime.$replicaType.$SCRIPT_PID.$TSTAMP" ]; then Logger "Command output:\n$(cat $RUN_DIR/$PROGRAM.ctime_mtime.$replicaType.$SCRIPT_PID.$TSTAMP)" "WARN" fi return 1 fi } function _getFileCtimeMtimeRemote { local replicaPath="${1}" # Contains replica path local replicaType="${2}" local fileList="${3}" local retval local cmd #WIP check if the following works with env remote token on top of cat cmd='cat "'$fileList'" | '$SSH_CMD' "env _REMOTE_TOKEN=$_REMOTE_TOKEN cat > \".$PROGRAM.ctime_mtime.$replicaType.$SCRIPT_PID.$TSTAMP\""' Logger "Launching command [$cmd]." "DEBUG" eval "$cmd" retval=$? if [ $retval -ne 0 ]; then Logger "Sending ctime required file list failed with [$retval] on $replicaType. Stopping execution." "CRITICAL" $retval Logger "Command was [$cmd]." "WARN" if [ -f "$RUN_DIR/$PROGRAM.ctime_mtime.$replicaType.$SCRIPT_PID.$TSTAMP" ]; then Logger "Command output:\n$(cat $RUN_DIR/$PROGRAM.ctime_mtime.$replicaType.$SCRIPT_PID.$TSTAMP)" "WARN" fi return 1 fi $SSH_CMD env _REMOTE_TOKEN="$_REMOTE_TOKEN" \ env _DEBUG="'$_DEBUG'" env _PARANOIA_DEBUG="'$_PARANOIA_DEBUG'" env _LOGGER_SILENT="'$_LOGGER_SILENT'" env _LOGGER_VERBOSE="'$_LOGGER_VERBOSE'" env _LOGGER_PREFIX="'$_LOGGER_PREFIX'" env _LOGGER_ERR_ONLY="'$_LOGGER_ERR_ONLY'" \ env PROGRAM="'$PROGRAM'" env SCRIPT_PID="'$SCRIPT_PID'" TSTAMP="'$TSTAMP'" \ env replicaPath="'$replicaPath'" env replicaType="'$replicaType'" env REMOTE_STAT_CTIME_MTIME_CMD="'$REMOTE_STAT_CTIME_MTIME_CMD'" $COMMAND_SUDO' bash -s' << 'ENDSSH' > "$RUN_DIR/$PROGRAM.ctime_mtime.$replicaType.$SCRIPT_PID.$TSTAMP" while read -r file; do $REMOTE_STAT_CTIME_MTIME_CMD "$replicaPath$file" | sort; done < ".$PROGRAM.ctime_mtime.$replicaType.$SCRIPT_PID.$TSTAMP" if [ -f ".$PROGRAM.ctime_mtime.$replicaType.$SCRIPT_PID.$TSTAMP" ]; then rm -f ".$PROGRAM.ctime_mtime.$replicaType.$SCRIPT_PID.$TSTAMP" fi ENDSSH retval=$? if [ $retval -ne 0 ]; then Logger "Getting file attributes failed [$retval] on $replicaType. Stopping execution." "CRITICAL" $retval if [ -f "$RUN_DIR/$PROGRAM.ctime_mtime.$replicaType.$SCRIPT_PID.$TSTAMP" ]; then Logger "Command output:\n$(cat $RUN_DIR/$PROGRAM.ctime_mtime.$replicaType.$SCRIPT_PID.$TSTAMP)" "WARN" fi return $retval else # Ugly fix for csh in FreeBSD 11 that adds leading and trailing '\"' sed -i.tmp -e 's/^\\"//' -e 's/\\"$//' "$RUN_DIR/$PROGRAM.ctime_mtime.$replicaType.$SCRIPT_PID.$TSTAMP" fi } # rsync does sync with mtime, but file attribute modifications only change ctime. # Hence, detect newer ctime on the replica that gets updated first with CONFLICT_PREVALANCE and update all newer file attributes on this replica before real update function syncAttrs { local initiatorReplica="${1}" local targetReplica="${2}" local rsyncCmd local retval local sourceDir local destDir local escSourceDir local escDestDir local destReplica if [ "$LOCAL_OS" == "BusyBox" ] || [ "$LOCAL_OS" == "Android" ] || [ "$REMOTE_OS" == "BusyBox" ] || [ "$REMOTE_OS" == "Android" ]; then Logger "Skipping acl synchronization. Busybox does not have join command." "NOTICE" return 0 fi Logger "Getting list of files that need updates." "NOTICE" if [ "$REMOTE_OPERATION" == "yes" ]; then CheckConnectivity3rdPartyHosts CheckConnectivityRemoteHost rsyncCmd="$(type -p $RSYNC_EXECUTABLE) --rsync-path=\"$RSYNC_PATH\" -i -n $RSYNC_ARGS $RSYNC_ATTR_ARGS $RSYNC_PARTIAL_EXCLUDE -e \"$RSYNC_SSH_CMD\" --exclude \"$OSYNC_DIR\" $RSYNC_PATTERNS $RSYNC_PARTIAL_EXCLUDE \"$initiatorReplica\" $REMOTE_USER@$REMOTE_HOST:\"$targetReplica\" >> $RUN_DIR/$PROGRAM.${FUNCNAME[0]}.$SCRIPT_PID.$TSTAMP 2>&1 &" else rsyncCmd="$(type -p $RSYNC_EXECUTABLE) --rsync-path=\"$RSYNC_PATH\" -i -n $RSYNC_ARGS $RSYNC_ATTR_ARGS $RSYNC_PARTIAL_EXCLUDE --exclude \"$OSYNC_DIR\" $RSYNC_PATTERNS $RSYNC_PARTIAL_EXCLUDE \"$initiatorReplica\" \"$targetReplica\" >> $RUN_DIR/$PROGRAM.${FUNCNAME[0]}.$SCRIPT_PID.$TSTAMP 2>&1 &" fi Logger "RSYNC_CMD: $rsyncCmd" "DEBUG" eval "$rsyncCmd" WaitForTaskCompletion $! $SOFT_MAX_EXEC_TIME $HARD_MAX_EXEC_TIME $SLEEP_TIME $KEEP_LOGGING false true false retval=$? if [ $retval -ne 0 ] && [ $retval -ne 24 ]; then Logger "Getting list of files that need updates failed [$retval]. Stopping execution." "CRITICAL" $retval Logger "Command was [$rsyncCmd]." "WARN" if [ -f "$RUN_DIR/$PROGRAM.${FUNCNAME[0]}.$SCRIPT_PID.$TSTAMP" ]; then Logger "Rsync output:\n$(cat $RUN_DIR/$PROGRAM.${FUNCNAME[0]}.$SCRIPT_PID.$TSTAMP)" "NOTICE" fi return $retval else if [ -f "$RUN_DIR/$PROGRAM.${FUNCNAME[0]}.$SCRIPT_PID.$TSTAMP" ]; then Logger "List:\n$(cat $RUN_DIR/$PROGRAM.${FUNCNAME[0]}.$SCRIPT_PID.$TSTAMP)" "VERBOSE" fi ( grep -Ev "^[^ ]*(c|s|t)[^ ]* " "$RUN_DIR/$PROGRAM.${FUNCNAME[0]}.$SCRIPT_PID.$TSTAMP" || :) | ( grep -E "^[^ ]*(p|o|g|a)[^ ]* " || :) | sed -e 's/^[^ ]* //' >> "$RUN_DIR/$PROGRAM.${FUNCNAME[0]}-cleaned.$SCRIPT_PID.$TSTAMP" retval=$? if [ $retval -ne 0 ]; then Logger "Cannot prepare file list for attribute sync." "CRITICAL" $retval exit 1 fi fi Logger "Getting ctimes for pending files on initiator." "NOTICE" _getFileCtimeMtimeLocal "${INITIATOR[$__replicaDir]}" "${INITIATOR[$__type]}" "$RUN_DIR/$PROGRAM.${FUNCNAME[0]}-cleaned.$SCRIPT_PID.$TSTAMP" & pids="$!" Logger "Getting ctimes for pending files on target." "NOTICE" if [ "$REMOTE_OPERATION" != "yes" ]; then _getFileCtimeMtimeLocal "${TARGET[$__replicaDir]}" "${TARGET[$__type]}" "$RUN_DIR/$PROGRAM.${FUNCNAME[0]}-cleaned.$SCRIPT_PID.$TSTAMP" & pids="$pids;$!" else _getFileCtimeMtimeRemote "${TARGET[$__replicaDir]}" "${TARGET[$__type]}" "$RUN_DIR/$PROGRAM.${FUNCNAME[0]}-cleaned.$SCRIPT_PID.$TSTAMP" & pids="$pids;$!" fi WaitForTaskCompletion $pids $SOFT_MAX_EXEC_TIME $HARD_MAX_EXEC_TIME $SLEEP_TIME $KEEP_LOGGING false true false retval=$? if [ $retval -ne 0 ]; then Logger "Getting ctime attributes failed." "CRITICAL" $retval return 1 fi # If target gets updated first, then sync_attr must update initiators attrs first # For join, remove leading replica paths sed -i'.tmp' "s;^${INITIATOR[$__replicaDir]};;g" "$RUN_DIR/$PROGRAM.ctime_mtime.${INITIATOR[$__type]}.$SCRIPT_PID.$TSTAMP" sed -i'.tmp' "s;^${TARGET[$__replicaDir]};;g" "$RUN_DIR/$PROGRAM.ctime_mtime.${TARGET[$__type]}.$SCRIPT_PID.$TSTAMP" if [ "$CONFLICT_PREVALANCE" == "${TARGET[$__type]}" ]; then sourceDir="${INITIATOR[$__replicaDir]}" escSourceDir=$(EscapeSpaces "${INITIATOR[$__replicaDir]}") destDir="${TARGET[$__replicaDir]}" escDestDir=$(EscapeSpaces "${TARGET[$__replicaDir]}") destReplica="${TARGET[$__type]}" join -j 1 -t ';' -o 1.1,1.2,2.2 "$RUN_DIR/$PROGRAM.ctime_mtime.${INITIATOR[$__type]}.$SCRIPT_PID.$TSTAMP" "$RUN_DIR/$PROGRAM.ctime_mtime.${TARGET[$__type]}.$SCRIPT_PID.$TSTAMP" | awk -F';' '{if ($2 > $3) print $1}' > "$RUN_DIR/$PROGRAM.${FUNCNAME[0]}-ctime_files.$SCRIPT_PID.$TSTAMP" else sourceDir="${TARGET[$__replicaDir]}" escSourceDir=$(EscapeSpaces "${TARGET[$__replicaDir]}") destDir="${INITIATOR[$__replicaDir]}" escDestDir=$(EscapeSpaces "${INITIATOR[$__replicaDir]}") destReplica="${INITIATOR[$__type]}" join -j 1 -t ';' -o 1.1,1.2,2.2 "$RUN_DIR/$PROGRAM.ctime_mtime.${TARGET[$__type]}.$SCRIPT_PID.$TSTAMP" "$RUN_DIR/$PROGRAM.ctime_mtime.${INITIATOR[$__type]}.$SCRIPT_PID.$TSTAMP" | awk -F';' '{if ($2 > $3) print $1}' > "$RUN_DIR/$PROGRAM.${FUNCNAME[0]}-ctime_files.$SCRIPT_PID.$TSTAMP" fi if [ $(wc -l < "$RUN_DIR/$PROGRAM.${FUNCNAME[0]}-ctime_files.$SCRIPT_PID.$TSTAMP") -eq 0 ]; then Logger "Updating file attributes on $destReplica not required" "NOTICE" return 0 fi Logger "Updating file attributes on $destReplica." "NOTICE" if [ "$REMOTE_OPERATION" == "yes" ]; then CheckConnectivity3rdPartyHosts CheckConnectivityRemoteHost # No rsync args (hence no -r) because files are selected with --from-file if [ "$destReplica" == "${INITIATOR[$__type]}" ]; then rsyncCmd="$(type -p $RSYNC_EXECUTABLE) --rsync-path=\"$RSYNC_PATH\" $RSYNC_DRY_ARG $RSYNC_ATTR_ARGS $SYNC_OPTS -e \"$RSYNC_SSH_CMD\" --exclude \"$OSYNC_DIR\" $RSYNC_PATTERNS $RSYNC_PARTIAL_EXCLUDE --exclude-from=\"${INITIATOR[$__replicaDir]}${INITIATOR[$__stateDir]}/${INITIATOR[$__type]}${INITIATOR[$__deletedListFile]}\" --exclude-from=\"${INITIATOR[$__replicaDir]}${INITIATOR[$__stateDir]}/${TARGET[$__type]}${INITIATOR[$__deletedListFile]}\" --files-from=\"$RUN_DIR/$PROGRAM.${FUNCNAME[0]}-ctime_files.$SCRIPT_PID.$TSTAMP\" $REMOTE_USER@$REMOTE_HOST:\"$escSourceDir\" \"$destDir\" >> $RUN_DIR/$PROGRAM.attr-update.$destReplica.$SCRIPT_PID.$TSTAMP 2>&1 &" else rsyncCmd="$(type -p $RSYNC_EXECUTABLE) --rsync-path=\"$RSYNC_PATH\" $RSYNC_DRY_ARG $RSYNC_ATTR_ARGS $SYNC_OPTS -e \"$RSYNC_SSH_CMD\" --exclude \"$OSYNC_DIR\" $RSYNC_PATTERNS $RSYNC_PARTIAL_EXCLUDE --exclude-from=\"${INITIATOR[$__replicaDir]}${INITIATOR[$__stateDir]}/${INITIATOR[$__type]}${INITIATOR[$__deletedListFile]}\" --exclude-from=\"${INITIATOR[$__replicaDir]}${INITIATOR[$__stateDir]}/${TARGET[$__type]}${INITIATOR[$__deletedListFile]}\" --files-from=\"$RUN_DIR/$PROGRAM.${FUNCNAME[0]}-ctime_files.$SCRIPT_PID.$TSTAMP\" \"$sourceDir\" $REMOTE_USER@$REMOTE_HOST:\"$escDestDir\" >> $RUN_DIR/$PROGRAM.attr-update.$destReplica.$SCRIPT_PID.$TSTAMP 2>&1 &" fi else rsyncCmd="$(type -p $RSYNC_EXECUTABLE) --rsync-path=\"$RSYNC_PATH\" $RSYNC_DRY_ARG $RSYNC_ATTR_ARGS $SYNC_OPTS --exclude \"$OSYNC_DIR\" $RSYNC_PATTERNS $RSYNC_PARTIAL_EXCLUDE --exclude-from=\"${INITIATOR[$__replicaDir]}${INITIATOR[$__stateDir]}/${INITIATOR[$__type]}${INITIATOR[$__deletedListFile]}\" --exclude-from=\"${INITIATOR[$__replicaDir]}${INITIATOR[$__stateDir]}/${TARGET[$__type]}${INITIATOR[$__deletedListFile]}\" --files-from=\"$RUN_DIR/$PROGRAM.${FUNCNAME[0]}-ctime_files.$SCRIPT_PID.$TSTAMP\" \"$sourceDir\" \"$destDir\" >> $RUN_DIR/$PROGRAM.attr-update.$destReplica.$SCRIPT_PID.$TSTAMP 2>&1 &" fi Logger "RSYNC_CMD: $rsyncCmd" "DEBUG" eval "$rsyncCmd" WaitForTaskCompletion $! $SOFT_MAX_EXEC_TIME $HARD_MAX_EXEC_TIME $SLEEP_TIME $KEEP_LOGGING false true false retval=$? if [ $retval -ne 0 ] && [ $retval -ne 24 ]; then Logger "Updating file attributes on $destReplica [$retval]. Stopping execution." "CRITICAL" $retval Logger "Command was [$rsyncCmd]." "WARN" if [ -f "$RUN_DIR/$PROGRAM.attr-update.$destReplica.$SCRIPT_PID.$TSTAMP" ]; then Logger "Rsync output:\n$(cat $RUN_DIR/$PROGRAM.attr-update.$destReplica.$SCRIPT_PID.$TSTAMP)" "NOTICE" fi return 1 else if [ -f "$RUN_DIR/$PROGRAM.attr-update.$destReplica.$SCRIPT_PID.$TSTAMP" ]; then Logger "List:\n$(cat $RUN_DIR/$PROGRAM.attr-update.$destReplica.$SCRIPT_PID.$TSTAMP)" "VERBOSE" fi Logger "Successfully updated file attributes on $destReplica replica." "NOTICE" fi } # syncUpdate(source replica, destination replica, delete_list_filename) function syncUpdate { local sourceReplica="${1}" # Contains replica type of source: initiator, target local destinationReplica="${2}" # Contains replica type of destination: initiator, target local rsyncCmd local retval local sourceDir local escSourceDir local destDir local escDestDir local backupArgs Logger "Updating $destinationReplica replica." "NOTICE" if [ "$sourceReplica" == "${INITIATOR[$__type]}" ]; then sourceDir="${INITIATOR[$__replicaDir]}" destDir="${TARGET[$__replicaDir]}" backupArgs="$TARGET_BACKUP" escSourceDir=$(EscapeSpaces "${INITIATOR[$__replicaDir]}") escDestDir=$(EscapeSpaces "${TARGET[$__replicaDir]}") else sourceDir="${TARGET[$__replicaDir]}" destDir="${INITIATOR[$__replicaDir]}" backupArgs="$INITIATOR_BACKUP" escSourceDir=$(EscapeSpaces "${TARGET[$__replicaDir]}") escDestDir=$(EscapeSpaces "${INITIATOR[$__replicaDir]}") fi if [ "$REMOTE_OPERATION" == "yes" ]; then CheckConnectivity3rdPartyHosts CheckConnectivityRemoteHost if [ "$sourceReplica" == "${INITIATOR[$__type]}" ]; then rsyncCmd="$(type -p $RSYNC_EXECUTABLE) --rsync-path=\"$RSYNC_PATH\" $RSYNC_ARGS $RSYNC_DRY_ARG $RSYNC_ATTR_ARGS $RSYNC_TYPE_ARGS $SYNC_OPTS -e \"$RSYNC_SSH_CMD\" $backupArgs --exclude \"$OSYNC_DIR\" $RSYNC_PATTERNS $RSYNC_PARTIAL_EXCLUDE --exclude-from=\"${INITIATOR[$__replicaDir]}${INITIATOR[$__stateDir]}/$sourceReplica${INITIATOR[$__deletedListFile]}\" --exclude-from=\"${INITIATOR[$__replicaDir]}${INITIATOR[$__stateDir]}/$destinationReplica${INITIATOR[$__deletedListFile]}\" \"$sourceDir\" $REMOTE_USER@$REMOTE_HOST:\"$escDestDir\" >> $RUN_DIR/$PROGRAM.update.$destinationReplica.$SCRIPT_PID.$TSTAMP 2>&1" else rsyncCmd="$(type -p $RSYNC_EXECUTABLE) --rsync-path=\"$RSYNC_PATH\" $RSYNC_ARGS $RSYNC_DRY_ARG $RSYNC_ATTR_ARGS $RSYNC_TYPE_ARGS $SYNC_OPTS -e \"$RSYNC_SSH_CMD\" $backupArgs --exclude \"$OSYNC_DIR\" $RSYNC_PATTERNS $RSYNC_PARTIAL_EXCLUDE --exclude-from=\"${INITIATOR[$__replicaDir]}${INITIATOR[$__stateDir]}/$destinationReplica${INITIATOR[$__deletedListFile]}\" --exclude-from=\"${INITIATOR[$__replicaDir]}${INITIATOR[$__stateDir]}/$sourceReplica${INITIATOR[$__deletedListFile]}\" $REMOTE_USER@$REMOTE_HOST:\"$escSourceDir\" \"$destDir\" >> $RUN_DIR/$PROGRAM.update.$destinationReplica.$SCRIPT_PID.$TSTAMP 2>&1" fi else rsyncCmd="$(type -p $RSYNC_EXECUTABLE) --rsync-path=\"$RSYNC_PATH\" $RSYNC_ARGS $RSYNC_DRY_ARG $RSYNC_ATTR_ARGS $RSYNC_TYPE_ARGS $SYNC_OPTS $backupArgs --exclude \"$OSYNC_DIR\" $RSYNC_PATTERNS $RSYNC_PARTIAL_EXCLUDE --exclude-from=\"${INITIATOR[$__replicaDir]}${INITIATOR[$__stateDir]}/$sourceReplica${INITIATOR[$__deletedListFile]}\" --exclude-from=\"${INITIATOR[$__replicaDir]}${INITIATOR[$__stateDir]}/$destinationReplica${INITIATOR[$__deletedListFile]}\" \"$sourceDir\" \"$destDir\" >> $RUN_DIR/$PROGRAM.update.$destinationReplica.$SCRIPT_PID.$TSTAMP 2>&1" fi Logger "RSYNC_CMD: $rsyncCmd" "DEBUG" eval "$rsyncCmd" retval=$? if [ $retval -ne 0 ] && [ $retval -ne 24 ]; then Logger "Updating $destinationReplica replica failed. Stopping execution." "CRITICAL" $retval Logger "Command was [$rsyncCmd]." "WARN" if [ -f "$RUN_DIR/$PROGRAM.update.$destinationReplica.$SCRIPT_PID.$TSTAMP" ]; then Logger "Rsync output:\n$(cat $RUN_DIR/$PROGRAM.update.$destinationReplica.$SCRIPT_PID.$TSTAMP)" "NOTICE" fi exit 1 else if [ -f "$RUN_DIR/$PROGRAM.update.$destinationReplica.$SCRIPT_PID.$TSTAMP" ]; then Logger "List:\n$(cat $RUN_DIR/$PROGRAM.update.$destinationReplica.$SCRIPT_PID.$TSTAMP)" "VERBOSE" fi Logger "Updating $destinationReplica replica succeded." "NOTICE" return 0 fi } function _deleteLocal { local replicaType="${1}" # Replica type local replicaDir="${2}" # Full path to replica local deletionDir="${3}" # deletion dir in format .[workdir]/deleted local retval local parentdir local previousFile="" local deletionListFromReplica if [ "$replicaType" == "${INITIATOR[$__type]}" ]; then deletionListFromReplica="${TARGET[$__type]}" elif [ "$replicaType" == "${TARGET[$__type]}" ]; then deletionListFromReplica="${INITIATOR[$__type]}" else Logger "Bogus replicaType in [${FUNCNAME[0]}]." "CRITICAL" exit 1 fi if [ ! -d "$replicaDir$deletionDir" ] && [ $_DRYRUN == false ]; then mkdir -p "$replicaDir$deletionDir" retval=$? if [ $retval -ne 0 ]; then Logger "Cannot create local replica deletion directory in [$replicaDir$deletionDir]." "ERROR" $retval exit 1 fi fi while read -r files; do ## On every run, check wheter the next item is already deleted because it is included in a directory already deleted if [[ "$files" != "$previousFile/"* ]] && [ "$files" != "" ]; then if [ "$SOFT_DELETE" != "no" ]; then if [ $_DRYRUN == false ]; then if [ -e "$replicaDir$deletionDir/$files" ] || [ -L "$replicaDir$deletionDir/$files" ]; then rm -rf "${replicaDir:?}$deletionDir/$files" fi if [ -e "$replicaDir$files" ] || [ -L "$replicaDir$files" ]; then # In order to keep full path on soft deletion, create parent directories before move parentdir="$(dirname "$files")" if [ "$parentdir" != "." ]; then mkdir -p "$replicaDir$deletionDir/$parentdir" Logger "Moving deleted file [$replicaDir$files] to [$replicaDir$deletionDir/$parentdir]." "VERBOSE" mv -f "$replicaDir$files" "$replicaDir$deletionDir/$parentdir" else Logger "Moving deleted file [$replicaDir$files] to [$replicaDir$deletionDir]." "VERBOSE" mv -f "$replicaDir$files" "$replicaDir$deletionDir" fi retval=$? if [ $retval -ne 0 ]; then Logger "Cannot move [$replicaDir$files] to deletion directory." "ERROR" $retval echo "$files" >> "${INITIATOR[$__replicaDir]}${INITIATOR[$__stateDir]}/$replicaType${INITIATOR[$__failedDeletedListFile]}" else echo "$files" >> "$RUN_DIR/$PROGRAM.delete.$replicaType.$SCRIPT_PID.$TSTAMP" fi fi fi else if [ $_DRYRUN == false ]; then if [ -e "$replicaDir$files" ] || [ -L "$replicaDir$files" ]; then rm -rf "$replicaDir$files" retval=$? Logger "Deleting [$replicaDir$files]." "VERBOSE" if [ $retval -ne 0 ]; then Logger "Cannot delete [$replicaDir$files]." "ERROR" $retval echo "$files" >> "${INITIATOR[$__replicaDir]}${INITIATOR[$__stateDir]}/$replicaType${INITIATOR[$__failedDeletedListFile]}" else echo "$files" >> "$RUN_DIR/$PROGRAM.delete.$replicaType.$SCRIPT_PID.$TSTAMP" fi fi fi fi previousFile="$files" fi done < "${INITIATOR[$__replicaDir]}${INITIATOR[$__stateDir]}/$deletionListFromReplica${INITIATOR[$__deletedListFile]}" } function _deleteRemote { local replicaType="${1}" # Replica type local replicaDir="${2}" # Full path to replica local deletionDir="${3}" # deletion dir in format .[workdir]/deleted local retval local escDestDir local rsyncCmd local failedDeleteList local successDeleteList local deletionListFromReplica if [ "$replicaType" == "${INITIATOR[$__type]}" ]; then deletionListFromReplica="${TARGET[$__type]}" elif [ "$replicaType" == "${TARGET[$__type]}" ]; then deletionListFromReplica="${INITIATOR[$__type]}" else Logger "Bogus replicaType in [${FUNCNAME[0]}]." "CRITICAL" exit 1 fi failedDeleteList="$(EscapeSpaces ${TARGET[$__replicaDir]}${TARGET[$__stateDir]}/$replicaType${TARGET[$__failedDeletedListFile]})" successDeleteList="$(EscapeSpaces ${TARGET[$__replicaDir]}${TARGET[$__stateDir]}/$replicaType${TARGET[$__successDeletedListFile]})" ## This is a special coded function. Need to redelcare local functions on remote host, passing all needed variables as escaped arguments to ssh command. ## Anything beetween << ENDSSH and ENDSSH will be executed remotely # Additionnaly, we need to copy the deletetion list to the remote state folder escDestDir="$(EscapeSpaces "${TARGET[$__replicaDir]}${TARGET[$__stateDir]}")" rsyncCmd="$(type -p $RSYNC_EXECUTABLE) --rsync-path=\"$RSYNC_PATH\" -e \"$RSYNC_SSH_CMD\" \"${INITIATOR[$__replicaDir]}${INITIATOR[$__stateDir]}/$deletionListFromReplica${INITIATOR[$__deletedListFile]}\" $REMOTE_USER@$REMOTE_HOST:\"$escDestDir/\" >> $RUN_DIR/$PROGRAM.${FUNCNAME[0]}.precopy.$SCRIPT_PID.$TSTAMP 2>&1" Logger "RSYNC_CMD: $rsyncCmd" "DEBUG" eval "$rsyncCmd" 2>> "$LOG_FILE" retval=$? if [ $retval -ne 0 ]; then Logger "Cannot copy the deletion list to remote replica." "ERROR" $retval Logger "Command was [$rsyncCmd]." "WARN" if [ -f "$RUN_DIR/$PROGRAM.${FUNCNAME[0]}.precopy.$SCRIPT_PID.$TSTAMP" ]; then Logger "$(cat $RUN_DIR/$PROGRAM.${FUNCNAME[0]}.precopy.$SCRIPT_PID.$TSTAMP)" "ERROR" fi exit 1 fi $SSH_CMD env _REMOTE_TOKEN="$_REMOTE_TOKEN" \ env _DEBUG="'$_DEBUG'" env _PARANOIA_DEBUG="'$_PARANOIA_DEBUG'" env _LOGGER_SILENT="'$_LOGGER_SILENT'" env _LOGGER_VERBOSE="'$_LOGGER_VERBOSE'" env _LOGGER_PREFIX="'$_LOGGER_PREFIX'" env _LOGGER_ERR_ONLY="'$_LOGGER_ERR_ONLY'" \ env PROGRAM="'$PROGRAM'" env SCRIPT_PID="'$SCRIPT_PID'" TSTAMP="'$TSTAMP'" \ env sync_on_changes=$sync_on_changes env _DRYRUN="'$_DRYRUN'" \ env FILE_LIST="'$(EscapeSpaces "${TARGET[$__replicaDir]}${TARGET[$__stateDir]}/$deletionListFromReplica${INITIATOR[$__deletedListFile]}")'" env REPLICA_DIR="'$(EscapeSpaces "$replicaDir")'" env SOFT_DELETE="'$SOFT_DELETE'" \ env DELETION_DIR="'$(EscapeSpaces "$deletionDir")'" env FAILED_DELETE_LIST="'$failedDeleteList'" env SUCCESS_DELETE_LIST="'$successDeleteList'" $COMMAND_SUDO' bash -s' << 'ENDSSH' >> "$RUN_DIR/$PROGRAM.remote_deletion.$SCRIPT_PID.$TSTAMP" 2>&1 ## allow debugging from command line with _DEBUG=yes if [ ! "$_DEBUG" == "yes" ]; then _DEBUG=no _LOGGER_VERBOSE=false else trap 'TrapError ${LINENO} $?' ERR _LOGGER_VERBOSE=true fi if [ "$SLEEP_TIME" == "" ]; then # Leave the possibity to set SLEEP_TIME as environment variable when runinng with bash -x in order to avoid spamming console SLEEP_TIME=.05 fi function TrapError { local job="$0" local line="$1" local code="${2:-1}" if [ $_LOGGER_SILENT == false ]; then (>&2 echo -e "\e[45m/!\ ERROR in ${job}: Near line ${line}, exit code ${code}\e[0m") fi } # Array to string converter, see http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1527049/bash-join-elements-of-an-array # usage: joinString separaratorChar Array function joinString { local IFS="$1"; shift; echo "$*"; } # Sub function of Logger function _Logger { local logValue="${1}" # Log to file local stdValue="${2}" # Log to screeen local toStdErr="${3:-false}" # Log to stderr instead of stdout if [ "$logValue" != "" ]; then echo -e "$logValue" >> "$LOG_FILE" # Current log file echo -e "$logValue" >> "$RUN_DIR/$PROGRAM.${FUNCNAME[0]}.$SCRIPT_PID.$TSTAMP" fi if [ "$stdValue" != "" ] && [ "$_LOGGER_SILENT" != true ]; then if [ $toStdErr == true ]; then # Force stderr color in subshell (>&2 echo -e "$stdValue") else echo -e "$stdValue" fi fi } # Remote logger similar to below Logger, without log to file and alert flags function RemoteLogger { local value="${1}" # Sentence to log (in double quotes) local level="${2}" # Log level local retval="${3:-undef}" # optional return value of command if [ "$_LOGGER_PREFIX" == "time" ]; then prefix="TIME: $SECONDS - " elif [ "$_LOGGER_PREFIX" == "date" ]; then prefix="R $(date) - " else prefix="" fi if [ "$level" == "CRITICAL" ]; then _Logger "" "$prefix\e[1;33;41m$value\e[0m" true if [ $_DEBUG == "yes" ]; then _Logger -e "" "[$retval] in [$(joinString , ${FUNCNAME[@]})] SP=$SCRIPT_PID P=$$" true fi return elif [ "$level" == "ERROR" ]; then _Logger "" "$prefix\e[91m$value\e[0m" true if [ $_DEBUG == "yes" ]; then _Logger -e "" "[$retval] in [$(joinString , ${FUNCNAME[@]})] SP=$SCRIPT_PID P=$$" true fi return elif [ "$level" == "WARN" ]; then _Logger "" "$prefix\e[33m$value\e[0m" true if [ $_DEBUG == "yes" ]; then _Logger -e "" "[$retval] in [$(joinString , ${FUNCNAME[@]})] SP=$SCRIPT_PID P=$$" true fi return elif [ "$level" == "NOTICE" ]; then if [ $_LOGGER_ERR_ONLY != true ]; then _Logger "" "$prefix$value" fi return elif [ "$level" == "VERBOSE" ]; then if [ $_LOGGER_VERBOSE == true ]; then _Logger "" "$prefix$value" fi return elif [ "$level" == "ALWAYS" ]; then _Logger "" "$prefix$value" return elif [ "$level" == "DEBUG" ]; then if [ "$_DEBUG" == "yes" ]; then _Logger "" "$prefix$value" return fi else _Logger "" "\e[41mLogger function called without proper loglevel [$level].\e[0m" true _Logger "" "Value was: $prefix$value" true fi } ## Empty earlier failed delete list > "$FAILED_DELETE_LIST" > "$SUCCESS_DELETE_LIST" parentdir= previousFile="" if [ ! -d "$REPLICA_DIR$DELETION_DIR" ] && [ $_DRYRUN == false ]; then mkdir -p "$REPLICA_DIR$DELETION_DIR" retval=$? if [ $retval -ne 0 ]; then RemoteLogger "Cannot create remote replica deletion directory in [$REPLICA_DIR$DELETION_DIR]." "ERROR" $retval exit 1 fi fi while read -r files; do ## On every run, check wheter the next item is already deleted because it is included in a directory already deleted if [[ "$files" != "$previousFile/"* ]] && [ "$files" != "" ]; then if [ "$SOFT_DELETE" != "no" ]; then if [ $_DRYRUN == false ]; then if [ -e "$REPLICA_DIR$DELETION_DIR/$files" ] || [ -L "$REPLICA_DIR$DELETION_DIR/$files" ]; then rm -rf "$REPLICA_DIR$DELETION_DIR/$files" fi if [ -e "$REPLICA_DIR$files" ] || [ -L "$REPLICA_DIR$files" ]; then # In order to keep full path on soft deletion, create parent directories before move parentdir="$(dirname "$files")" if [ "$parentdir" != "." ]; then RemoteLogger "Moving deleted file [$REPLICA_DIR$files] to [$REPLICA_DIR$DELETION_DIR/$parentdir]." "VERBOSE" mkdir -p "$REPLICA_DIR$DELETION_DIR/$parentdir" mv -f "$REPLICA_DIR$files" "$REPLICA_DIR$DELETION_DIR/$parentdir" else RemoteLogger "Moving deleted file [$REPLICA_DIR$files] to [$REPLICA_DIR$DELETION_DIR]." "VERBOSE" mv -f "$REPLICA_DIR$files" "$REPLICA_DIR$DELETION_DIR" fi retval=$? if [ $retval -ne 0 ]; then RemoteLogger "Cannot move [$REPLICA_DIR$files] to deletion directory." "ERROR" $retval # Using $files instead of $REPLICA_DIR$files here so the list is ready for next run echo "$files" >> "$FAILED_DELETE_LIST" else echo "$files" >> "$SUCCESS_DELETE_LIST" fi fi fi else if [ $_DRYRUN == false ]; then if [ -e "$REPLICA_DIR$files" ] || [ -e "$REPLICA_DIR$files" ]; then RemoteLogger "Deleting [$REPLICA_DIR$files]." "VERBOSE" rm -rf "$REPLICA_DIR$files" retval=$? if [ $retval -ne 0 ]; then RemoteLogger "Cannot delete [$REPLICA_DIR$files]." "ERROR" $retval echo "$files" >> "$FAILED_DELETE_LIST" else echo "$files" >> "$SUCCESS_DELETE_LIST" fi fi fi fi previousFile="$files" fi done < "$FILE_LIST" ENDSSH if [ -s "$RUN_DIR/$PROGRAM.remote_deletion.$SCRIPT_PID.$TSTAMP" ]; then ( _LOGGER_PREFIX="RR" Logger "$(cat $RUN_DIR/$PROGRAM.remote_deletion.$SCRIPT_PID.$TSTAMP)" "ERROR" ) fi ## Copy back the deleted failed file list rsyncCmd="$(type -p $RSYNC_EXECUTABLE) -r --rsync-path=\"$RSYNC_PATH\" -e \"$RSYNC_SSH_CMD\" --include \"$(dirname ${TARGET[$__stateDir]})\" --include \"${TARGET[$__stateDir]}\" --include \"${TARGET[$__stateDir]}/$replicaType${TARGET[$__failedDeletedListFile]}\" --include \"${TARGET[$__stateDir]}/$replicaType${TARGET[$__successDeletedListFile]}\" --exclude='*' $REMOTE_USER@$REMOTE_HOST:\"$(EscapeSpaces ${TARGET[$__replicaDir]})\" \"${INITIATOR[$__replicaDir]}\" > \"$RUN_DIR/$PROGRAM.remote_failed_deletion_list_copy.$SCRIPT_PID.$TSTAMP\"" Logger "RSYNC_CMD: $rsyncCmd" "DEBUG" eval "$rsyncCmd" 2>> "$LOG_FILE" retval=$? if [ $retval -ne 0 ]; then Logger "Cannot copy back the failed deletion list to initiator replica." "CRITICAL" $retval Logger "Command was [$rsyncCmd]." "WARN" if [ -f "$RUN_DIR/$PROGRAM.remote_failed_deletion_list_copy.$SCRIPT_PID.$TSTAMP" ]; then Logger "Comand output: $(cat $RUN_DIR/$PROGRAM.remote_failed_deletion_list_copy.$SCRIPT_PID.$TSTAMP)" "NOTICE" fi exit 1 fi return 0 } # delete_Propagation(replica type) function deletionPropagation { local replicaType="${1}" # Contains replica type: initiator, target where to delete local retval local replicaDir local deleteDir Logger "Propagating deletions to $replicaType replica." "NOTICE" if [ "$replicaType" == "${INITIATOR[$__type]}" ]; then if [ $(ArrayContains "${INITIATOR[$__type]}" "${SKIP_DELETION[@]}") -eq 0 ]; then replicaDir="${INITIATOR[$__replicaDir]}" deleteDir="${INITIATOR[$__deleteDir]}" _deleteLocal "${INITIATOR[$__type]}" "$replicaDir" "$deleteDir" retval=$? if [ $retval -ne 0 ]; then Logger "Deletion on $replicaType replica failed." "CRITICAL" $retval exit 1 fi else Logger "Skipping deletion on replica $replicaType." "NOTICE" fi elif [ "$replicaType" == "${TARGET[$__type]}" ]; then if [ $(ArrayContains "${TARGET[$__type]}" "${SKIP_DELETION[@]}") -eq 0 ]; then replicaDir="${TARGET[$__replicaDir]}" deleteDir="${TARGET[$__deleteDir]}" if [ "$REMOTE_OPERATION" == "yes" ]; then _deleteRemote "${TARGET[$__type]}" "$replicaDir" "$deleteDir" else _deleteLocal "${TARGET[$__type]}" "$replicaDir" "$deleteDir" fi retval=$? if [ $retval -eq 0 ]; then if [ -f "$RUN_DIR/$PROGRAM._delete_remote.$SCRIPT_PID.$TSTAMP" ]; then Logger "Remote:\n$(cat $RUN_DIR/$PROGRAM._delete_remote.$SCRIPT_PID.$TSTAMP)" "VERBOSE" fi return $retval else Logger "Deletion on $replicaType failed." "CRITICAL" if [ -f "$RUN_DIR/$PROGRAM.remote_deletion.$SCRIPT_PID.$TSTAMP" ]; then Logger "Remote:\n$(cat $RUN_DIR/$PROGRAM.remote_deletion.$SCRIPT_PID.$TSTAMP)" "CRITICAL" $retval fi exit 1 fi else Logger "Skipping deletion on replica $replicaType." "NOTICE" fi fi } ###### Sync function in 6 steps ###### ###### Step 0a & 0b: Create current file list of replicas ###### Step 1a & 1b: Create deleted file list of replicas ###### Step 3: Update file attributes ###### Step 3a & 3b: Update replicas ###### Step 4a & 4b: Propagate deletions on replicas ###### Step 5a & 5b: Create after run file list of replicas function Sync { local resumeCount local resumeInitiator local resumeTarget local initiatorPid local targetPid local initiatorFail local targetFail Logger "Starting synchronization task." "NOTICE" if [ "$RESUME_SYNC" != "no" ]; then if [ -f "${INITIATOR[$__resumeCount]}" ]; then resumeCount=$(cat "${INITIATOR[$__resumeCount]}") else resumeCount=0 fi if [ $resumeCount -lt $RESUME_TRY ]; then if [ -f "${INITIATOR[$__initiatorLastActionFile]}" ]; then resumeInitiator=$(cat "${INITIATOR[$__initiatorLastActionFile]}") else resumeInitiator="synced" fi if [ -f "${INITIATOR[$__targetLastActionFile]}" ]; then resumeTarget=$(cat "${INITIATOR[$__targetLastActionFile]}") else resumeTarget="synced" fi if [ "$resumeInitiator" != "synced" ]; then Logger "Trying to resume aborted execution on $($STAT_CMD "${INITIATOR[$__initiatorLastActionFile]}") at task [$resumeInitiator] for initiator. [$resumeCount] previous tries." "NOTICE" echo $(($resumeCount+1)) > "${INITIATOR[$__resumeCount]}" else resumeInitiator="none" fi if [ "$resumeTarget" != "synced" ]; then Logger "Trying to resume aborted execution on $($STAT_CMD "${INITIATOR[$__targetLastActionFile]}") as task [$resumeTarget] for target. [$resumeCount] previous tries." "NOTICE" echo $(($resumeCount+1)) > "${INITIATOR[$__resumeCount]}" else resumeTarget="none" fi else Logger "Will not resume aborted execution. Too many resume tries [$resumeCount]." "WARN" echo "0" > "${INITIATOR[$__resumeCount]}" resumeInitiator="none" resumeTarget="none" fi else resumeInitiator="none" resumeTarget="none" fi ################################################################################################################################################# Actual sync begins here ## Step 0a & 0b if [ "$resumeInitiator" == "none" ] || [ "$resumeTarget" == "none" ] || [ "$resumeInitiator" == "${SYNC_ACTION[0]}" ] || [ "$resumeTarget" == "${SYNC_ACTION[0]}" ]; then if [ "$resumeInitiator" == "none" ] || [ "$resumeInitiator" == "${SYNC_ACTION[0]}" ]; then treeList "${INITIATOR[$__replicaDir]}" "${INITIATOR[$__type]}" "${INITIATOR[$__treeCurrentFile]}" & initiatorPid="$!" fi if [ "$resumeTarget" == "none" ] || [ "$resumeTarget" == "${SYNC_ACTION[0]}" ]; then treeList "${TARGET[$__replicaDir]}" "${TARGET[$__type]}" "${INITIATOR[$__treeCurrentFile]}" & targetPid="$!" fi WaitForTaskCompletion "$initiatorPid;$targetPid" $SOFT_MAX_EXEC_TIME $HARD_MAX_EXEC_TIME $SLEEP_TIME $KEEP_LOGGING false true false if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then IFS=';' read -r -a pidArray <<< "$(eval echo \"\$WAIT_FOR_TASK_COMPLETION_${FUNCNAME[0]}\")" initiatorFail=false targetFail=false for pid in "${pidArray[@]}"; do pid=${pid%:*} if [ "$pid" == "$initiatorPid" ]; then echo "${SYNC_ACTION[0]}" > "${INITIATOR[$__initiatorLastActionFile]}" initiatorFail=true elif [ "$pid" == "$targetPid" ]; then echo "${SYNC_ACTION[0]}" > "${INITIATOR[$__targetLastActionFile]}" targetFail=true fi done if [ $initiatorFail == false ]; then echo "${SYNC_ACTION[1]}" > "${INITIATOR[$__initiatorLastActionFile]}" fi if [ $targetFail == false ]; then echo "${SYNC_ACTION[1]}" > "${INITIATOR[$__targetLastActionFile]}" fi exit 1 else echo "${SYNC_ACTION[1]}" > "${INITIATOR[$__initiatorLastActionFile]}" echo "${SYNC_ACTION[1]}" > "${INITIATOR[$__targetLastActionFile]}" resumeInitiator="${SYNC_ACTION[1]}" resumeTarget="${SYNC_ACTION[1]}" fi fi ## Step 1a & 1b if [ "$resumeInitiator" == "${SYNC_ACTION[1]}" ] || [ "$resumeTarget" == "${SYNC_ACTION[1]}" ]; then if [ "$resumeInitiator" == "${SYNC_ACTION[1]}" ]; then deleteList "${INITIATOR[$__type]}" & initiatorPid="$!" fi if [ "$resumeTarget" == "${SYNC_ACTION[1]}" ]; then deleteList "${TARGET[$__type]}" & targetPid="$!" fi WaitForTaskCompletion "$initiatorPid;$targetPid" $SOFT_MAX_EXEC_TIME $HARD_MAX_EXEC_TIME $SLEEP_TIME $KEEP_LOGGING false true false if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then IFS=';' read -r -a pidArray <<< "$(eval echo \"\$WAIT_FOR_TASK_COMPLETION_${FUNCNAME[0]}\")" initiatorFail=false targetFail=false for pid in "${pidArray[@]}"; do pid=${pid%:*} if [ "$pid" == "$initiatorPid" ]; then echo "${SYNC_ACTION[1]}" > "${INITIATOR[$__initiatorLastActionFile]}" initiatorFail=true elif [ "$pid" == "$targetPid" ]; then echo "${SYNC_ACTION[1]}" > "${INITIATOR[$__targetLastActionFile]}" targetFail=true fi done if [ $initiatorFail == false ]; then echo "${SYNC_ACTION[2]}" > "${INITIATOR[$__initiatorLastActionFile]}" fi if [ $targetFail == false ]; then echo "${SYNC_ACTION[2]}" > "${INITIATOR[$__targetLastActionFile]}" fi exit 1 else echo "${SYNC_ACTION[2]}" > "${INITIATOR[$__initiatorLastActionFile]}" echo "${SYNC_ACTION[2]}" > "${INITIATOR[$__targetLastActionFile]}" resumeInitiator="${SYNC_ACTION[2]}" resumeTarget="${SYNC_ACTION[2]}" fi fi ## Step 2 if [ "$resumeInitiator" == "${SYNC_ACTION[2]}" ] || [ "$resumeTarget" == "${SYNC_ACTION[2]}" ]; then if [[ "$RSYNC_ATTR_ARGS" == *"-X"* ]] || [[ "$RSYNC_ATTR_ARGS" == *"-A"* ]]; then syncAttrs "${INITIATOR[$__replicaDir]}" "$TARGET_SYNC_DIR" & WaitForTaskCompletion $! $SOFT_MAX_EXEC_TIME $HARD_MAX_EXEC_TIME $SLEEP_TIME $KEEP_LOGGING false true false if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "${SYNC_ACTION[2]}" > "${INITIATOR[$__initiatorLastActionFile]}" echo "${SYNC_ACTION[2]}" > "${INITIATOR[$__targetLastActionFile]}" exit 1 else echo "${SYNC_ACTION[3]}" > "${INITIATOR[$__initiatorLastActionFile]}" echo "${SYNC_ACTION[3]}" > "${INITIATOR[$__targetLastActionFile]}" resumeInitiator="${SYNC_ACTION[3]}" resumeTarget="${SYNC_ACTION[3]}" fi else echo "${SYNC_ACTION[3]}" > "${INITIATOR[$__initiatorLastActionFile]}" echo "${SYNC_ACTION[3]}" > "${INITIATOR[$__targetLastActionFile]}" resumeInitiator="${SYNC_ACTION[3]}" resumeTarget="${SYNC_ACTION[3]}" fi fi ## Step 3a & 3b if [ "$resumeInitiator" == "${SYNC_ACTION[3]}" ] || [ "$resumeTarget" == "${SYNC_ACTION[3]}" ]; then if [ "$CONFLICT_PREVALANCE" == "${TARGET[$__type]}" ]; then if [ "$resumeTarget" == "${SYNC_ACTION[3]}" ]; then syncUpdate "${TARGET[$__type]}" "${INITIATOR[$__type]}" & WaitForTaskCompletion $! $SOFT_MAX_EXEC_TIME $HARD_MAX_EXEC_TIME $SLEEP_TIME $KEEP_LOGGING false true false if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "${SYNC_ACTION[3]}" > "${INITIATOR[$__targetLastActionFile]}" resumeTarget="${SYNC_ACTION[3]}" exit 1 else echo "${SYNC_ACTION[4]}" > "${INITIATOR[$__targetLastActionFile]}" resumeTarget="${SYNC_ACTION[4]}" fi fi if [ "$resumeInitiator" == "${SYNC_ACTION[3]}" ]; then syncUpdate "${INITIATOR[$__type]}" "${TARGET[$__type]}" & WaitForTaskCompletion $! $SOFT_MAX_EXEC_TIME $HARD_MAX_EXEC_TIME $SLEEP_TIME $KEEP_LOGGING false true false if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "${SYNC_ACTION[3]}" > "${INITIATOR[$__initiatorLastActionFile]}" resumeInitiator="${SYNC_ACTION[3]}" exit 1 else echo "${SYNC_ACTION[4]}" > "${INITIATOR[$__initiatorLastActionFile]}" resumeInitiator="${SYNC_ACTION[4]}" fi fi else if [ "$resumeInitiator" == "${SYNC_ACTION[3]}" ]; then syncUpdate "${INITIATOR[$__type]}" "${TARGET[$__type]}" & WaitForTaskCompletion $! $SOFT_MAX_EXEC_TIME $HARD_MAX_EXEC_TIME $SLEEP_TIME $KEEP_LOGGING false true false if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "${SYNC_ACTION[3]}" > "${INITIATOR[$__initiatorLastActionFile]}" resumeInitiator="${SYNC_ACTION[3]}" exit 1 else echo "${SYNC_ACTION[4]}" > "${INITIATOR[$__initiatorLastActionFile]}" resumeInitiator="${SYNC_ACTION[4]}" fi fi if [ "$resumeTarget" == "${SYNC_ACTION[3]}" ]; then syncUpdate "${TARGET[$__type]}" "${INITIATOR[$__type]}" & WaitForTaskCompletion $! $SOFT_MAX_EXEC_TIME $HARD_MAX_EXEC_TIME $SLEEP_TIME $KEEP_LOGGING false true false if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "${SYNC_ACTION[3]}" > "${INITIATOR[$__targetLastActionFile]}" resumeTarget="${SYNC_ACTION[3]}" exit 1 else echo "${SYNC_ACTION[4]}" > "${INITIATOR[$__targetLastActionFile]}" resumeTarget="${SYNC_ACTION[4]}" fi fi fi fi ## Step 4a & 4b if [ "$resumeInitiator" == "${SYNC_ACTION[4]}" ] || [ "$resumeTarget" == "${SYNC_ACTION[4]}" ]; then if [ "$resumeInitiator" == "${SYNC_ACTION[4]}" ]; then deletionPropagation "${INITIATOR[$__type]}" & initiatorPid="$!" fi if [ "$resumeTarget" == "${SYNC_ACTION[4]}" ]; then deletionPropagation "${TARGET[$__type]}" & targetPid="$!" fi WaitForTaskCompletion "$initiatorPid;$targetPid" $SOFT_MAX_EXEC_TIME $HARD_MAX_EXEC_TIME $SLEEP_TIME $KEEP_LOGGING false true false if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then IFS=';' read -r -a pidArray <<< "$(eval echo \"\$WAIT_FOR_TASK_COMPLETION_${FUNCNAME[0]}\")" initiatorFail=false targetFail=false for pid in "${pidArray[@]}"; do pid=${pid%:*} if [ "$pid" == "$initiatorPid" ]; then echo "${SYNC_ACTION[4]}" > "${INITIATOR[$__initiatorLastActionFile]}" initiatorFail=true elif [ "$pid" == "$targetPid" ]; then echo "${SYNC_ACTION[4]}" > "${INITIATOR[$__targetLastActionFile]}" targetFail=true fi done if [ $initiatorFail == false ]; then echo "${SYNC_ACTION[5]}" > "${INITIATOR[$__initiatorLastActionFile]}" fi if [ $targetFail == false ]; then echo "${SYNC_ACTION[5]}" > "${INITIATOR[$__targetLastActionFile]}" fi exit 1 else echo "${SYNC_ACTION[5]}" > "${INITIATOR[$__initiatorLastActionFile]}" echo "${SYNC_ACTION[5]}" > "${INITIATOR[$__targetLastActionFile]}" resumeInitiator="${SYNC_ACTION[5]}" resumeTarget="${SYNC_ACTION[5]}" fi fi ## Step 5a & 5b if [ "$resumeInitiator" == "${SYNC_ACTION[5]}" ] || [ "$resumeTarget" == "${SYNC_ACTION[5]}" ]; then if [ "$resumeInitiator" == "${SYNC_ACTION[5]}" ]; then treeList "${INITIATOR[$__replicaDir]}" "${INITIATOR[$__type]}" "${INITIATOR[$__treeAfterFile]}" & initiatorPid="$!" fi if [ "$resumeTarget" == "${SYNC_ACTION[5]}" ]; then treeList "${TARGET[$__replicaDir]}" "${TARGET[$__type]}" "${INITIATOR[$__treeAfterFile]}" & targetPid="$!" fi WaitForTaskCompletion "$initiatorPid;$targetPid" $SOFT_MAX_EXEC_TIME $HARD_MAX_EXEC_TIME $SLEEP_TIME $KEEP_LOGGING false true false if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then IFS=';' read -r -a pidArray <<< "$(eval echo \"\$WAIT_FOR_TASK_COMPLETION_${FUNCNAME[0]}\")" initiatorFail=false targetFail=false for pid in "${pidArray[@]}"; do pid=${pid%:*} if [ "$pid" == "$initiatorPid" ]; then echo "${SYNC_ACTION[5]}" > "${INITIATOR[$__initiatorLastActionFile]}" initiatorFail=true elif [ "$pid" == "$targetPid" ]; then echo "${SYNC_ACTION[5]}" > "${INITIATOR[$__targetLastActionFile]}" targetFail=true fi done if [ $initiatorFail == false ]; then echo "${SYNC_ACTION[6]}" > "${INITIATOR[$__initiatorLastActionFile]}" fi if [ $targetFail == false ]; then echo "${SYNC_ACTION[6]}" > "${INITIATOR[$__targetLastActionFile]}" fi exit 1 else echo "${SYNC_ACTION[6]}" > "${INITIATOR[$__initiatorLastActionFile]}" echo "${SYNC_ACTION[6]}" > "${INITIATOR[$__targetLastActionFile]}" resumeInitiator="${SYNC_ACTION[6]}" resumeTarget="${SYNC_ACTION[6]}" fi fi Logger "Finished synchronization task." "NOTICE" echo "0" > "${INITIATOR[$__resumeCount]}" } function _SoftDeleteLocal { local replicaType="${1}" # replica type (initiator, target) local replicaDeletionPath="${2}" # Contains the full path to softdelete / backup directory without ending slash local changeTime="${3}" # Delete files older than changeTime days local deletionType="${4}" # Trivial deletion type string local retval if [ "$LOCAL_OS" == "Busybox" ] || [ "$LOCAL_OS" == "Android" ]; then Logger "Skipping $deletionType deletion on $replicaType. Busybox find -ctime not supported." "NOTICE" return 0 fi if [ -d "$replicaDeletionPath" ]; then if [ $_DRYRUN == true ]; then Logger "Listing files older than $changeTime days on $replicaType replica for $deletionType deletion. Does not remove anything." "NOTICE" else Logger "Removing files older than $changeTime days on $replicaType replica for $deletionType deletion." "NOTICE" fi $FIND_CMD "$replicaDeletionPath" -type f -ctime +"$changeTime" -print0 | xargs -0 -I {} bash -c 'export file="{}"; if [ '$_LOGGER_VERBOSE' == true ]; then echo "On "'$replicaType'" will delete file {}"; fi; if [ '$_DRYRUN' == false ]; then rm -f "$file"; fi' > "$RUN_DIR/$PROGRAM.${FUNCNAME[0]}.$replicaType.$SCRIPT_PID.$TSTAMP" 2>&1 retval=$? if [ $retval -ne 0 ]; then Logger "Error while executing file cleanup on $replicaType replica." "ERROR" $retval Logger "Command output:\n$(cat $RUN_DIR/$PROGRAM.${FUNCNAME[0]}.$replicaType.$SCRIPT_PID.$TSTAMP)" "WARN" else Logger "Command output:\n$(cat $RUN_DIR/$PROGRAM.${FUNCNAME[0]}.$replicaType.$SCRIPT_PID.$TSTAMP)" "VERBOSE" Logger "File cleanup complete on $replicaType replica." "NOTICE" fi $FIND_CMD "$replicaDeletionPath" -type d -empty -ctime +"$changeTime" -print0 | xargs -0 -I {} bash -c 'export file="{}"; if [ '$_LOGGER_VERBOSE' == true ]; then echo "On "'$replicaType'" will delete directory {}"; fi; if [ '$_DRYRUN' == false ]; then rm -rf "{}"; fi' > "$RUN_DIR/$PROGRAM.${FUNCNAME[0]}.$replicaType.$SCRIPT_PID.$TSTAMP" 2>&1 retval=$? if [ $retval -ne 0 ]; then Logger "Error while executing directory cleanup on $replicaType replica." "ERROR" $retval Logger "Command output:\n$(cat $RUN_DIR/$PROGRAM.${FUNCNAME[0]}.$replicaType.$SCRIPT_PID.$TSTAMP)" "WARN" else Logger "Command output:\n$(cat $RUN_DIR/$PROGRAM.${FUNCNAME[0]}.$replicaType.$SCRIPT_PID.$TSTAMP)" "VERBOSE" Logger "Directory cleanup complete on $replicaType replica." "NOTICE" fi elif [ -d "$replicaDeletionPath" ] && ! [ -w "$replicaDeletionPath" ]; then Logger "The $replicaType replica dir [$replicaDeletionPath] is not writable. Cannot clean old files." "ERROR" else Logger "The $replicaType replica dir [$replicaDeletionPath] does not exist. Skipping cleaning of old files." "VERBOSE" fi } function _SoftDeleteRemote { local replicaType="${1}" local replicaDeletionPath="${2}" # Contains the full path to softdelete / backup directory without ending slash local changeTime="${3}" # Delete files older than changeTime days local deletionType="${4}" # Trivial deletion type string local retval if [ "$REMOTE_OS" == "BusyBox" ] || [ "$REMOTE_OS" == "Android" ]; then Logger "Skipping $deletionType deletion on $replicaType. Busybox find -ctime not supported." "NOTICE" return 0 fi CheckConnectivity3rdPartyHosts CheckConnectivityRemoteHost if [ $_DRYRUN == true ]; then Logger "Listing files older than $changeTime days on $replicaType replica for $deletionType deletion. Does not remove anything." "NOTICE" else Logger "Removing files older than $changeTime days on $replicaType replica for $deletionType deletion." "NOTICE" fi $SSH_CMD env _REMOTE_TOKEN="$_REMOTE_TOKEN" \ env _DEBUG="'$_DEBUG'" env _PARANOIA_DEBUG="'$_PARANOIA_DEBUG'" env _LOGGER_SILENT="'$_LOGGER_SILENT'" env _LOGGER_VERBOSE="'$_LOGGER_VERBOSE'" env _LOGGER_PREFIX="'$_LOGGER_PREFIX'" env _LOGGER_ERR_ONLY="'$_LOGGER_ERR_ONLY'" \ env PROGRAM="'$PROGRAM'" env SCRIPT_PID="'$SCRIPT_PID'" TSTAMP="'$TSTAMP'" \ env _DRYRUN="'$_DRYRUN'" env replicaType="'$replicaType'" env replicaDeletionPath="'$replicaDeletionPath'" env changeTime="'$changeTime'" env REMOTE_FIND_CMD="'$REMOTE_FIND_CMD'" $COMMAND_SUDO' bash -s' << 'ENDSSH' > "$RUN_DIR/$PROGRAM.${FUNCNAME[0]}.$replicaType.$SCRIPT_PID.$TSTAMP" 2>&1 # Cannot launch log function from xargs, ugly hack if [ -d "$replicaDeletionPath" ]; then $REMOTE_FIND_CMD "$replicaDeletionPath" -type f -ctime +"$changeTime" -print0 | xargs -0 -I {} bash -c 'export file="{}"; if [ '$_LOGGER_VERBOSE' == true ]; then echo "On "'$replicaType'" will delete file {}"; fi; if [ '$_DRYRUN' == false ]; then rm -f "$file"; fi' retval1=$? $REMOTE_FIND_CMD "$replicaDeletionPath" -type d -empty -ctime +"$changeTime" -print0 | xargs -0 -I {} bash -c 'export file="{}"; if [ '$_LOGGER_VERBOSE' == true ]; then echo "On "'$replicaType'" will delete directory {}"; fi; if [ '$_DRYRUN' == false ]; then rm -rf "{}"; fi' retval2=$? else echo "The $replicaType replica dir [$replicaDeletionPath] does not exist. Skipping cleaning of old files" fi exit $((retval1 + retval2)) ENDSSH retval=$? if [ $retval -ne 0 ]; then Logger "Error while executing cleanup on remote $replicaType replica." "ERROR" $retval Logger "Command output:\n$(cat $RUN_DIR/$PROGRAM.${FUNCNAME[0]}.$replicaType.$SCRIPT_PID.$TSTAMP)" "WARN" else Logger "Cleanup complete on $replicaType replica." "NOTICE" Logger "Command output:\n$(cat $RUN_DIR/$PROGRAM.${FUNCNAME[0]}.$replicaType.$SCRIPT_PID.$TSTAMP)" "VERBOSE" fi } function SoftDelete { local pids if [ "$CONFLICT_BACKUP" != "no" ] && [ $CONFLICT_BACKUP_DAYS -ne 0 ]; then Logger "Running conflict backup cleanup." "NOTICE" _SoftDeleteLocal "${INITIATOR[$__type]}" "${INITIATOR[$__replicaDir]}${INITIATOR[$__backupDir]}" $CONFLICT_BACKUP_DAYS "conflict backup" & pids="$!" if [ "$REMOTE_OPERATION" != "yes" ]; then _SoftDeleteLocal "${TARGET[$__type]}" "${TARGET[$__replicaDir]}${TARGET[$__backupDir]}" $CONFLICT_BACKUP_DAYS "conflict backup" & pids="$pids;$!" else _SoftDeleteRemote "${TARGET[$__type]}" "${TARGET[$__replicaDir]}${TARGET[$__backupDir]}" $CONFLICT_BACKUP_DAYS "conflict backup" & pids="$pids;$!" fi WaitForTaskCompletion $pids $SOFT_MAX_EXEC_TIME $HARD_MAX_EXEC_TIME $SLEEP_TIME $KEEP_LOGGING false true false if [ $? -ne 0 ] && [ "$(eval echo \"\$HARD_MAX_EXEC_TIME_REACHED_${FUNCNAME[0]}\")" == true ]; then exit 1 fi fi if [ "$SOFT_DELETE" != "no" ] && [ $SOFT_DELETE_DAYS -ne 0 ]; then Logger "Running soft deletion cleanup." "NOTICE" _SoftDeleteLocal "${INITIATOR[$__type]}" "${INITIATOR[$__replicaDir]}${INITIATOR[$__deleteDir]}" $SOFT_DELETE_DAYS "softdelete" & pids="$!" if [ "$REMOTE_OPERATION" != "yes" ]; then _SoftDeleteLocal "${TARGET[$__type]}" "${TARGET[$__replicaDir]}${TARGET[$__deleteDir]}" $SOFT_DELETE_DAYS "softdelete" & pids="$pids;$!" else _SoftDeleteRemote "${TARGET[$__type]}" "${TARGET[$__replicaDir]}${TARGET[$__deleteDir]}" $SOFT_DELETE_DAYS "softdelete" & pids="$pids;$!" fi WaitForTaskCompletion $pids $SOFT_MAX_EXEC_TIME $HARD_MAX_EXEC_TIME $SLEEP_TIME $KEEP_LOGGING false true false if [ $? -ne 0 ] && [ "$(eval echo \"\$HARD_MAX_EXEC_TIME_REACHED_${FUNCNAME[0]}\")" == true ]; then exit 1 fi fi } function _SummaryFromFile { local replicaPath="${1}" local summaryFile="${2}" local direction="${3}" if [ -f "$summaryFile" ]; then while read -r file; do # grep -E "^<|^>|^\." = Remove all lines that do not begin with <, > or . to deal with a bizarre bug involving rsync 3.0.6 / CentOS 6 and --skip-compress showing 'adding zip' line for every skipped compressed extension if echo "$file" | grep -E "^<|^>|^\." > /dev/null 2>&1; then # awk removes first part of line until space, then show all others Logger "$direction $replicaPath$(echo $file | awk '{for (i=2; i> TARGET" "ALWAYS" _SummaryFromFile "${TARGET[$__replicaDir]}" "$RUN_DIR/$PROGRAM.attr-update.target.$SCRIPT_PID.$TSTAMP" "~ >>" _SummaryFromFile "${INITIATOR[$__replicaDir]}" "$RUN_DIR/$PROGRAM.attr-update.initiator.$SCRIPT_PID.$TSTAMP" "~ <<" Logger "File transfers: INITIATOR << >> TARGET" "ALWAYS" _SummaryFromFile "${TARGET[$__replicaDir]}" "$RUN_DIR/$PROGRAM.update.target.$SCRIPT_PID.$TSTAMP" "+ >>" _SummaryFromFile "${INITIATOR[$__replicaDir]}" "$RUN_DIR/$PROGRAM.update.initiator.$SCRIPT_PID.$TSTAMP" "+ <<" Logger "File deletions: INITIATOR << >> TARGET" "ALWAYS" if [ "$REMOTE_OPERATION" == "yes" ]; then _SummaryFromFile "${TARGET[$__replicaDir]}" "${INITIATOR[$__replicaDir]}${INITIATOR[$__stateDir]}/target${TARGET[$__successDeletedListFile]}" "- >>" else _SummaryFromFile "${TARGET[$__replicaDir]}" "$RUN_DIR/$PROGRAM.delete.target.$SCRIPT_PID.$TSTAMP" "- >>" fi _SummaryFromFile "${INITIATOR[$__replicaDir]}" "$RUN_DIR/$PROGRAM.delete.initiator.$SCRIPT_PID.$TSTAMP" "- <<" ) } function Init { # Set error exit code if a piped command fails set -o pipefail set -o errtrace # Do not use exit and quit traps if osync runs in monitor mode if [ $sync_on_changes == false ]; then trap TrapStop INT HUP TERM QUIT trap TrapQuit EXIT else trap TrapQuit TERM EXIT HUP QUIT fi local uri local hosturiandpath local hosturi ## Test if target dir is a ssh uri, and if yes, break it down it its values if [ "${TARGET_SYNC_DIR:0:6}" == "ssh://" ]; then REMOTE_OPERATION="yes" # remove leadng 'ssh://' uri=${TARGET_SYNC_DIR#ssh://*} if [[ "$uri" == *"@"* ]]; then # remove everything after '@' REMOTE_USER=${uri%@*} else REMOTE_USER=$LOCAL_USER fi if [ "$SSH_RSA_PRIVATE_KEY" == "" ]; then if [ ! -f "$SSH_PASSWORD_FILE" ]; then # Assume that there might exist a standard rsa key SSH_RSA_PRIVATE_KEY=~/.ssh/id_rsa fi fi # remove everything before '@' hosturiandpath=${uri#*@} # remove everything after first '/' hosturi=${hosturiandpath%%/*} if [[ "$hosturi" == *":"* ]]; then REMOTE_PORT=${hosturi##*:} else REMOTE_PORT=22 fi REMOTE_HOST=${hosturi%%:*} # remove everything before first '/' TARGET_SYNC_DIR=${hosturiandpath#*/} else REMOTE_OPERATION="no" fi if [ "$INITIATOR_SYNC_DIR" == "" ] || [ "$TARGET_SYNC_DIR" == "" ]; then Logger "Initiator or target path empty." "CRITICAL" exit 1 fi ## Make sure there is only one trailing slash on path INITIATOR_SYNC_DIR="${INITIATOR_SYNC_DIR%/}/" TARGET_SYNC_DIR="${TARGET_SYNC_DIR%/}/" # Expand ~ if exists INITIATOR_SYNC_DIR="${INITIATOR_SYNC_DIR/#\~/$HOME}" TARGET_SYNC_DIR="${TARGET_SYNC_DIR/#\~/$HOME}" SSH_RSA_PRIVATE_KEY="${SSH_RSA_PRIVATE_KEY/#\~/$HOME}" SSH_PASSWORD_FILE="${SSH_PASSWORD_FILE/#\~/$HOME}" ## Replica format ## Why the f*** does bash not have simple objects ? # Local variables used for state filenames local lockFilename="lock" local stateDir="state" local backupDir="backup" local deleteDir="deleted" local partialDir="_partial" local lastAction="last-action" local resumeCount="resume-count" if [ "$_DRYRUN" == true ]; then local drySuffix="-dry" else local drySuffix= fi # The following associative like array definitions are used for bash ver < 4 compat readonly __type=0 readonly __replicaDir=1 readonly __lockFile=2 readonly __stateDir=3 readonly __backupDir=4 readonly __deleteDir=5 readonly __partialDir=6 readonly __initiatorLastActionFile=7 readonly __targetLastActionFile=8 readonly __resumeCount=9 readonly __treeCurrentFile=10 readonly __treeAfterFile=11 readonly __treeAfterFileNoSuffix=12 readonly __deletedListFile=13 readonly __failedDeletedListFile=14 readonly __successDeletedListFile=15 INITIATOR=() INITIATOR[$__type]='initiator' INITIATOR[$__replicaDir]="$INITIATOR_SYNC_DIR" INITIATOR[$__lockFile]="$INITIATOR_SYNC_DIR$OSYNC_DIR/$lockFilename" INITIATOR[$__stateDir]="$OSYNC_DIR/$stateDir" INITIATOR[$__backupDir]="$OSYNC_DIR/$backupDir" INITIATOR[$__deleteDir]="$OSYNC_DIR/$deleteDir" INITIATOR[$__partialDir]="$OSYNC_DIR/$partialDir" INITIATOR[$__initiatorLastActionFile]="$INITIATOR_SYNC_DIR$OSYNC_DIR/$stateDir/initiator-$lastAction-$INSTANCE_ID$drySuffix" INITIATOR[$__targetLastActionFile]="$INITIATOR_SYNC_DIR$OSYNC_DIR/$stateDir/target-$lastAction-$INSTANCE_ID$drySuffix" INITIATOR[$__resumeCount]="$INITIATOR_SYNC_DIR$OSYNC_DIR/$stateDir/$resumeCount-$INSTANCE_ID$drySuffix" INITIATOR[$__treeCurrentFile]="-tree-current-$INSTANCE_ID$drySuffix" INITIATOR[$__treeAfterFile]="-tree-after-$INSTANCE_ID$drySuffix" INITIATOR[$__treeAfterFileNoSuffix]="-tree-after-$INSTANCE_ID" INITIATOR[$__deletedListFile]="-deleted-list-$INSTANCE_ID$drySuffix" INITIATOR[$__failedDeletedListFile]="-failed-delete-$INSTANCE_ID$drySuffix" INITIATOR[$__successDeletedListFile]="-success-delete-$INSTANCE_ID$drySuffix" TARGET=() TARGET[$__type]='target' TARGET[$__replicaDir]="$TARGET_SYNC_DIR" TARGET[$__lockFile]="$TARGET_SYNC_DIR$OSYNC_DIR/$lockFilename" TARGET[$__stateDir]="$OSYNC_DIR/$stateDir" TARGET[$__backupDir]="$OSYNC_DIR/$backupDir" TARGET[$__deleteDir]="$OSYNC_DIR/$deleteDir" TARGET[$__partialDir]="$OSYNC_DIR/$partialDir" # unused TARGET[$__initiatorLastActionFile]="$TARGET_SYNC_DIR$OSYNC_DIR/$stateDir/initiator-$lastAction-$INSTANCE_ID$drySuffix" # unused TARGET[$__targetLastActionFile]="$TARGET_SYNC_DIR$OSYNC_DIR/$stateDir/target-$lastAction-$INSTANCE_ID$drySuffix" # unused TARGET[$__resumeCount]="$TARGET_SYNC_DIR$OSYNC_DIR/$stateDir/$resumeCount-$INSTANCE_ID$drySuffix" # unused TARGET[$__treeCurrentFile]="-tree-current-$INSTANCE_ID$drySuffix" # unused TARGET[$__treeAfterFile]="-tree-after-$INSTANCE_ID$drySuffix" # unused TARGET[$__treeAfterFileNoSuffix]="-tree-after-$INSTANCE_ID" # unused TARGET[$__deletedListFile]="-deleted-list-$INSTANCE_ID$drySuffix" # unused TARGET[$__failedDeletedListFile]="-failed-delete-$INSTANCE_ID$drySuffix" TARGET[$__successDeletedListFile]="-success-delete-$INSTANCE_ID$drySuffix" PARTIAL_DIR="${INITIATOR[$__partialDir]}" ## Set sync only function arguments for rsync SYNC_OPTS="-u" if [ $_LOGGER_VERBOSE == true ] || [ $_SUMMARY == true ]; then SYNC_OPTS=$SYNC_OPTS" -i" fi if [ $STATS == true ]; then SYNC_OPTS=$SYNC_OPTS" --stats" fi ## Add Rsync include / exclude patterns RsyncPatterns ## Conflict options if [ "$CONFLICT_BACKUP" != "no" ]; then INITIATOR_BACKUP="--backup --backup-dir=\"${INITIATOR[$__backupDir]}\"" TARGET_BACKUP="--backup --backup-dir=\"${TARGET[$__backupDir]}\"" if [ "$CONFLICT_BACKUP_MULTIPLE" == "yes" ]; then INITIATOR_BACKUP="$INITIATOR_BACKUP --suffix .$(date +%Y.%m.%d-%H.%M.%S)" TARGET_BACKUP="$TARGET_BACKUP --suffix .$(date +%Y.%m.%d-%H.%M.%S)" fi else INITIATOR_BACKUP="" TARGET_BACKUP="" fi SYNC_ACTION=( 'replica-tree' 'deleted-list' 'sync_attrs' 'update-replica' 'delete-propagation' 'replica-tree-after' 'synced' ) } function Main { HandleLocks Sync } function Usage { if [ "$IS_STABLE" != "yes" ]; then echo -e "\e[93mThis is an unstable dev build. Please use with caution.\e[0m" fi echo "$PROGRAM $PROGRAM_VERSION $PROGRAM_BUILD" echo "$AUTHOR" echo "$CONTACT" echo "" echo "You may use osync with a full blown configuration file, or use its default options for quick command line sync." echo "Usage: osync.sh /path/to/config/file [OPTIONS]" echo "or osync.sh --initiator=/path/to/initiator/replica --target=/path/to/target/replica [OPTIONS] [QUICKSYNC OPTIONS]" echo "or osync.sh --initiator=/path/to/initiator/replica --target=ssh://[backupuser]@remotehost.com[:portnumber]//path/to/target/replica [OPTIONS] [QUICKSYNC OPTIONS]" echo "" echo "[OPTIONS]" echo "--dry Will run osync without actually doing anything; just testing" echo "--no-prefix Will suppress time / date suffix from output" echo "--silent Will run osync without any output to stdout, used for cron jobs" echo "--errors-only Output only errors (can be combined with silent or verbose)" echo "--summary Outputs a list of transferred / deleted files at the end of the run" echo "--verbose Increases output" echo "--stats Adds rsync transfer statistics to verbose output" echo "--partial Allows rsync to keep partial downloads that can be resumed later (experimental)" echo "--no-maxtime Disables any soft and hard execution time checks" echo "--force-unlock Will override any existing active or dead locks on initiator and target replica" echo "--on-changes Will launch a sync task after a short wait period if there is some file activity on initiator replica. You should try daemon mode instead" echo "" echo "[QUICKSYNC OPTIONS]" echo "--initiator=\"\" Master replica path. Will contain state and backup directory (is mandatory)" echo "--target=\"\" Local or remote target replica path. Can be a ssh uri like ssh://user@host.com:22//path/to/target/replica (is mandatory)" echo "--rsakey=\"\" Alternative path to rsa private key for ssh connection to target replica" echo "--password-file=\"\" If no rsa private key is used for ssh authentication, a password file can be used" echo "--remote-token=\"\" When using ssh filter protection, you must specify the remote token set in ssh_filter.sh" echo "--instance-id=\"\" Optional sync task name to identify this synchronization task when using multiple targets" echo "--skip-deletion=\"\" You may skip deletion propagation on initiator or target. Valid values: initiator target initiator,target" echo "--destination-mails=\"\" Double quoted list of space separated email addresses to send alerts to" echo "" echo "Additionaly, you may set most osync options at runtime. eg:" echo "SOFT_DELETE_DAYS=365 osync.sh --initiator=/path --target=/other/path" echo "" exit 128 } function SyncOnChanges { local cmd local retval if [ "$LOCAL_OS" == "MacOSX" ]; then if ! type fswatch > /dev/null 2>&1 ; then Logger "No inotifywait command found. Cannot monitor changes." "CRITICAL" exit 1 fi else if ! type inotifywait > /dev/null 2>&1 ; then Logger "No inotifywait command found. Cannot monitor changes." "CRITICAL" exit 1 fi fi Logger "#### Running osync in file monitor mode." "NOTICE" while true; do if [ "$ConfigFile" != "" ]; then cmd='bash '$osync_cmd' "'$ConfigFile'" '$opts else cmd='bash '$osync_cmd' '$opts fi Logger "Daemon cmd: $cmd" "DEBUG" eval "$cmd" retval=$? if [ $retval -ne 0 ] && [ $retval != 2 ]; then Logger "osync child exited with error." "ERROR" $retval fi Logger "#### Monitoring now." "NOTICE" if [ "$LOCAL_OS" == "MacOSX" ]; then fswatch $RSYNC_PATTERNS $RSYNC_PARTIAL_EXCLUDE --exclude "$OSYNC_DIR" -1 "$INITIATOR_SYNC_DIR" > /dev/null & # Mac fswatch doesn't have timeout switch, replacing wait $! with WaitForTaskCompletion without warning nor spinner and increased SLEEP_TIME to avoid cpu hogging. This sims wait $! with timeout WaitForTaskCompletion $! 0 $MAX_WAIT 1 0 true false true else inotifywait $RSYNC_PATTERNS $RSYNC_PARTIAL_EXCLUDE --exclude "$OSYNC_DIR" -qq -r -e create -e modify -e delete -e move -e attrib --timeout "$MAX_WAIT" "$INITIATOR_SYNC_DIR" & wait $! fi retval=$? if [ $retval -eq 0 ]; then Logger "#### Changes detected, waiting $MIN_WAIT seconds before running next sync." "NOTICE" sleep $MIN_WAIT # inotifywait --timeout result is 2, WaitForTaskCompletion HardTimeout is 1 elif [ "$LOCAL_OS" == "MacOSX" ]; then Logger "#### Changes or error detected, waiting $MIN_WAIT seconds before running next sync." "NOTICE" elif [ $retval -eq 2 ]; then Logger "#### $MAX_WAIT timeout reached, running sync." "NOTICE" elif [ $retval -eq 1 ]; then Logger "#### inotify error detected, waiting $MIN_WAIT seconds before running next sync." "ERROR" $retval sleep $MIN_WAIT fi done } #### SCRIPT ENTRY POINT # quicksync mode settings, overriden by config file STATS=false PARTIAL=no if [ "$CONFLICT_PREVALANCE" == "" ]; then CONFLICT_PREVALANCE=initiator fi DESTINATION_MAILS="" INITIATOR_LOCK_FILE_EXISTS=false TARGET_LOCK_FILE_EXISTS=false FORCE_UNLOCK=false no_maxtime=false opts="" ERROR_ALERT=false WARN_ALERT=false # Number of CTRL+C needed to stop script SOFT_STOP=2 # Number of given replicas in command line _QUICK_SYNC=0 sync_on_changes=false _NOLOCKS=false osync_cmd=$0 _SUMMARY=false if [ $# -eq 0 ] then Usage fi first=1 for i in "$@"; do case $i in --dry) _DRYRUN=true opts=$opts" --dry" ;; --silent) _LOGGER_SILENT=true opts=$opts" --silent" ;; --verbose) _LOGGER_VERBOSE=true opts=$opts" --verbose" ;; --stats) STATS=true opts=$opts" --stats" ;; --partial) PARTIAL="yes" opts=$opts" --partial" ;; --force-unlock) FORCE_UNLOCK=true opts=$opts" --force-unlock" ;; --no-maxtime) no_maxtime=true opts=$opts" --no-maxtime" ;; --help|-h|--version|-v) Usage ;; --initiator=*) _QUICK_SYNC=$(($_QUICK_SYNC + 1)) INITIATOR_SYNC_DIR=${i##*=} opts=$opts" --initiator=\"$INITIATOR_SYNC_DIR\"" ;; --target=*) _QUICK_SYNC=$(($_QUICK_SYNC + 1)) TARGET_SYNC_DIR=${i##*=} opts=$opts" --target=\"$TARGET_SYNC_DIR\"" ;; --rsakey=*) SSH_RSA_PRIVATE_KEY=${i##*=} opts=$opts" --rsakey=\"$SSH_RSA_PRIVATE_KEY\"" ;; --password-file=*) SSH_PASSWORD_FILE=${i##*=} opts=$opts" --password-file\"$SSH_PASSWORD_FILE\"" ;; --instance-id=*) INSTANCE_ID=${i##*=} opts=$opts" --instance-id=\"$INSTANCE_ID\"" ;; --skip-deletion=*) opts=$opts" --skip-deletion=\"${i##*=}\"" SKIP_DELETION=${##*=} ;; --on-changes) sync_on_changes=true _NOLOCKS=true _LOGGER_PREFIX="date" ;; --no-locks) _NOLOCKS=true ;; --errors-only) _LOGGER_ERR_ONLY=true ;; --summary) _SUMMARY=true ;; --no-prefix) _LOGGER_PREFIX="" ;; --destination-mails=*) DESTINATION_MAILS=${i##*=} ;; --remote-token=*) _REMOTE_TOKEN=${i##*=} ;; *) if [ $first == "0" ]; then Logger "Unknown option '$i'" "CRITICAL" Usage fi ;; esac first=0 done # Remove leading space if there is one opts="${opts# *}" ## Here we set default options for quicksync tasks when no configuration file is provided. if [ $_QUICK_SYNC -eq 2 ]; then if [ "$INSTANCE_ID" == "" ]; then INSTANCE_ID="quicksync_task" fi # Let the possibility to initialize those values directly via command line like SOFT_DELETE_DAYS=60 ./osync.sh if [ $(IsInteger $MINIMUM_SPACE) -ne 1 ]; then MINIMUM_SPACE=1024 fi if [ $(IsInteger $CONFLICT_BACKUP_DAYS) -ne 1 ]; then CONFLICT_BACKUP_DAYS=30 fi if [ $(IsInteger $SOFT_DELETE_DAYS) -ne 1 ]; then SOFT_DELETE_DAYS=30 fi if [ $(IsInteger $RESUME_TRY) -ne 1 ]; then RESUME_TRY=1 fi if [ $(IsInteger $SOFT_MAX_EXEC_TIME) -ne 1 ]; then SOFT_MAX_EXEC_TIME=0 fi if [ $(IsInteger $HARD_MAX_EXEC_TIME) -ne 1 ]; then HARD_MAX_EXEC_TIME=0 fi if [ "$PATH_SEPARATOR_CHAR" == "" ]; then PATH_SEPARATOR_CHAR=";" fi MIN_WAIT=30 else ConfigFile="${1}" LoadConfigFile "$ConfigFile" fi if [ "$LOGFILE" == "" ]; then if [ -w /var/log ]; then LOG_FILE="/var/log/$PROGRAM.$INSTANCE_ID.log" elif ([ "$HOME" != "" ] && [ -w "$HOME" ]); then LOG_FILE="$HOME/$PROGRAM.$INSTANCE_ID.log" else LOG_FILE="./$PROGRAM.$INSTANCE_ID.log" fi else LOG_FILE="$LOGFILE" fi if [ ! -w "$(dirname $LOG_FILE)" ]; then echo "Cannot write to log [$(dirname $LOG_FILE)]." else Logger "Script begin, logging to [$LOG_FILE]." "DEBUG" fi if [ "$IS_STABLE" != "yes" ]; then Logger "This is an unstable dev build [$PROGRAM_BUILD]. Please use with caution." "WARN" fi GetLocalOS InitLocalOSDependingSettings PreInit Init CheckEnvironment PostInit if [ $_QUICK_SYNC -lt 2 ]; then CheckCurrentConfig fi CheckCurrentConfigAll DATE=$(date) Logger "-------------------------------------------------------------" "NOTICE" Logger "$DRY_WARNING$DATE - $PROGRAM $PROGRAM_VERSION script begin." "ALWAYS" Logger "-------------------------------------------------------------" "NOTICE" Logger "Sync task [$INSTANCE_ID] launched as $LOCAL_USER@$LOCAL_HOST (PID $SCRIPT_PID)" "NOTICE" if [ $sync_on_changes == true ]; then SyncOnChanges else GetRemoteOS InitRemoteOSDependingSettings if [ $no_maxtime == true ]; then SOFT_MAX_EXEC_TIME=0 HARD_MAX_EXEC_TIME=0 fi CheckReplicas RunBeforeHook Main if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then SoftDelete fi if [ $_SUMMARY == true ]; then Summary fi fi