#!/usr/bin/env bash SUBPROGRAM=osync PROGRAM="$SUBPROGRAM-batch" # Batch program to run osync / obackup instances sequentially and rerun failed ones AUTHOR="(L) 2013-2018 by Orsiris de Jong" CONTACT="http://www.netpower.fr - ozy@netpower.fr" PROGRAM_BUILD=2018100201 ## Runs an osync /obackup instance for every conf file found ## If an instance fails, run it again if time permits if ! type "$BASH" > /dev/null; then echo "Please run this script only with bash shell. Tested on bash >= 3.2" exit 127 fi ## If maximum execution time is not reached, failed instances will be rerun. Max exec time is in seconds. Example is set to 10 hours. MAX_EXECUTION_TIME=36000 ## Specifies the number of total runs an instance may get MAX_RUNS=3 ## Log file path if [ -w /var/log ]; then LOG_FILE=/var/log/$SUBPROGRAM-batch.log else LOG_FILE=./$SUBPROGRAM-batch.log fi ## Default directory where to store temporary run files if [ -w /tmp ]; then RUN_DIR=/tmp elif [ -w /var/tmp ]; then RUN_DIR=/var/tmp else RUN_DIR=. fi trap TrapQuit TERM EXIT HUP QUIT # No need to edit under this line ############################################################## #### RemoteLogger SUBSET #### # Array to string converter, see http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1527049/bash-join-elements-of-an-array # usage: joinString separaratorChar Array function joinString { local IFS="$1"; shift; echo "$*"; } # Sub function of Logger function _Logger { local logValue="${1}" # Log to file local stdValue="${2}" # Log to screeen local toStdErr="${3:-false}" # Log to stderr instead of stdout if [ "$logValue" != "" ]; then echo -e "$logValue" >> "$LOG_FILE" # Build current log file for alerts if we have a sufficient environment if [ "$RUN_DIR/$PROGRAM" != "/" ]; then echo -e "$logValue" >> "$RUN_DIR/$PROGRAM.${FUNCNAME[0]}.$SCRIPT_PID.$TSTAMP.log" fi fi if [ "$stdValue" != "" ] && [ "$_LOGGER_SILENT" != true ]; then if [ $toStdErr == true ]; then # Force stderr color in subshell (>&2 echo -e "$stdValue") else echo -e "$stdValue" fi fi } # Remote logger similar to below Logger, without log to file and alert flags function RemoteLogger { local value="${1}" # Sentence to log (in double quotes) local level="${2}" # Log level local retval="${3:-undef}" # optional return value of command local prefix if [ "$_LOGGER_PREFIX" == "time" ]; then prefix="TIME: $SECONDS - " elif [ "$_LOGGER_PREFIX" == "date" ]; then prefix="R $(date) - " else prefix="" fi if [ "$level" == "CRITICAL" ]; then _Logger "" "$prefix\e[1;33;41m$value\e[0m" true if [ $_DEBUG == true ]; then _Logger -e "" "[$retval] in [$(joinString , ${FUNCNAME[@]})] SP=$SCRIPT_PID P=$$" true fi return elif [ "$level" == "ERROR" ]; then _Logger "" "$prefix\e[31m$value\e[0m" true if [ $_DEBUG == true ]; then _Logger -e "" "[$retval] in [$(joinString , ${FUNCNAME[@]})] SP=$SCRIPT_PID P=$$" true fi return elif [ "$level" == "WARN" ]; then _Logger "" "$prefix\e[33m$value\e[0m" true if [ $_DEBUG == true ]; then _Logger -e "" "[$retval] in [$(joinString , ${FUNCNAME[@]})] SP=$SCRIPT_PID P=$$" true fi return elif [ "$level" == "NOTICE" ]; then if [ $_LOGGER_ERR_ONLY != true ]; then _Logger "" "$prefix$value" fi return elif [ "$level" == "VERBOSE" ]; then if [ $_LOGGER_VERBOSE == true ]; then _Logger "" "$prefix$value" fi return elif [ "$level" == "ALWAYS" ]; then _Logger "" "$prefix$value" return elif [ "$level" == "DEBUG" ]; then if [ "$_DEBUG" == true ]; then _Logger "" "$prefix$value" return fi else _Logger "" "\e[41mLogger function called without proper loglevel [$level].\e[0m" true _Logger "" "Value was: $prefix$value" true fi } #### RemoteLogger SUBSET END #### # General log function with log levels: # Environment variables # _LOGGER_SILENT: Disables any output to stdout & stderr # _LOGGER_ERR_ONLY: Disables any output to stdout except for ALWAYS loglevel # _LOGGER_VERBOSE: Allows VERBOSE loglevel messages to be sent to stdout # Loglevels # Except for VERBOSE, all loglevels are ALWAYS sent to log file # CRITICAL, ERROR, WARN sent to stderr, color depending on level, level also logged # NOTICE sent to stdout # VERBOSE sent to stdout if _LOGGER_VERBOSE=true # ALWAYS is sent to stdout unless _LOGGER_SILENT=true # DEBUG & PARANOIA_DEBUG are only sent to stdout if _DEBUG=true function Logger { local value="${1}" # Sentence to log (in double quotes) local level="${2}" # Log level local retval="${3:-undef}" # optional return value of command local prefix if [ "$_LOGGER_PREFIX" == "time" ]; then prefix="TIME: $SECONDS - " elif [ "$_LOGGER_PREFIX" == "date" ]; then prefix="$(date '+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') - " else prefix="" fi ## Obfuscate _REMOTE_TOKEN in logs (for ssh_filter usage only in osync and obackup) value="${value/env _REMOTE_TOKEN=$_REMOTE_TOKEN/__(o_O)__}" value="${value/env _REMOTE_TOKEN=\$_REMOTE_TOKEN/__(o_O)__}" if [ "$level" == "CRITICAL" ]; then _Logger "$prefix($level):$value" "$prefix\e[1;33;41m$value\e[0m" true ERROR_ALERT=true # ERROR_ALERT / WARN_ALERT is not set in main when Logger is called from a subprocess. Need to keep this flag. echo -e "[$retval] in [$(joinString , ${FUNCNAME[@]})] SP=$SCRIPT_PID P=$$\n$prefix($level):$value" >> "$RUN_DIR/$PROGRAM.${FUNCNAME[0]}.error.$SCRIPT_PID.$TSTAMP" return elif [ "$level" == "ERROR" ]; then _Logger "$prefix($level):$value" "$prefix\e[91m$value\e[0m" true ERROR_ALERT=true echo -e "[$retval] in [$(joinString , ${FUNCNAME[@]})] SP=$SCRIPT_PID P=$$\n$prefix($level):$value" >> "$RUN_DIR/$PROGRAM.${FUNCNAME[0]}.error.$SCRIPT_PID.$TSTAMP" return elif [ "$level" == "WARN" ]; then _Logger "$prefix($level):$value" "$prefix\e[33m$value\e[0m" true WARN_ALERT=true echo -e "[$retval] in [$(joinString , ${FUNCNAME[@]})] SP=$SCRIPT_PID P=$$\n$prefix($level):$value" >> "$RUN_DIR/$PROGRAM.${FUNCNAME[0]}.warn.$SCRIPT_PID.$TSTAMP" return elif [ "$level" == "NOTICE" ]; then if [ "$_LOGGER_ERR_ONLY" != true ]; then _Logger "$prefix$value" "$prefix$value" fi return elif [ "$level" == "VERBOSE" ]; then if [ $_LOGGER_VERBOSE == true ]; then _Logger "$prefix($level):$value" "$prefix$value" fi return elif [ "$level" == "ALWAYS" ]; then _Logger "$prefix$value" "$prefix$value" return elif [ "$level" == "DEBUG" ]; then if [ "$_DEBUG" == true ]; then _Logger "$prefix$value" "$prefix$value" return fi else _Logger "\e[41mLogger function called without proper loglevel [$level].\e[0m" "\e[41mLogger function called without proper loglevel [$level].\e[0m" true _Logger "Value was: $prefix$value" "Value was: $prefix$value" true fi } function CheckEnvironment { ## osync / obackup executable full path can be set here if it cannot be found on the system if ! type $SUBPROGRAM.sh > /dev/null 2>&1 then if [ -f /usr/local/bin/$SUBPROGRAM.sh ] then SUBPROGRAM_EXECUTABLE=/usr/local/bin/$SUBPROGRAM.sh else Logger "Could not find [/usr/local/bin/$SUBPROGRAM.sh]" "CRITICAL" ( >&2 echo "Could not find [/usr/local/bin/$SUBPROGRAM.sh]" ) exit 1 fi else SUBPROGRAM_EXECUTABLE=$(type -p $SUBPROGRAM.sh) fi if [ "$CONF_FILE_PATH" == "" ]; then Usage fi } function Batch { local runs=1 # Number of batch runs local runList # Actual conf file list to run local runAgainList # List of failed conf files sto run again local confFile local result local i # Using -e because find will accept directories or files if [ ! -e "$CONF_FILE_PATH" ]; then Logger "Cannot find conf file path [$CONF_FILE_PATH]." "CRITICAL" Usage else # Ugly hack to read files into an array while preserving special characters runList=() while IFS= read -d $'\0' -r file; do runList+=("$file"); done < <(find "$CONF_FILE_PATH" -maxdepth 1 -iname "*.conf" -print0) while ([ $MAX_EXECUTION_TIME -gt $SECONDS ] || [ $MAX_EXECUTION_TIME -eq 0 ]) && [ "${#runList[@]}" -gt 0 ] && [ $runs -le $MAX_RUNS ]; do runAgainList=() Logger "Sequential run n°$runs of $SUBPROGRAM instances for:" "NOTICE" for confFile in "${runList[@]}"; do Logger "$(basename $confFile)" "NOTICE" done for confFile in "${runList[@]}"; do $SUBPROGRAM_EXECUTABLE "$confFile" --silent $opts & wait $! result=$? if [ $result != 0 ]; then if [ $result == 1 ] || [ $result == 128 ]; then # Do not handle exit code 128 because it is already handled here Logger "Instance $(basename $confFile) failed with exit code [$result]." "ERROR" runAgainList+=("$confFile") elif [ $result == 2 ]; then Logger "Instance $(basename $confFile) finished with warnings." "WARN" fi else Logger "Instance $(basename $confFile) succeed." "NOTICE" fi done runList=("${runAgainList[@]}") runs=$((runs + 1)) done fi } function Usage { echo "$PROGRAM $PROGRAM_BUILD" echo "$AUTHOR" echo "$CONTACT" echo "" echo "Batch script to sequentially run osync or obackup instances and rerun failed ones." echo "Usage: $PROGRAM.sh [OPTIONS] [$SUBPROGRAM OPTIONS]" echo "" echo "[OPTIONS]" echo "--path=/path/to/conf Path to osync / obackup conf files, defaults to /etc/osync or /etc/obackup" echo "--max-runs=X Number of max runs per instance, (defaults to 3)" echo "--max-exec-time=X Retry failed instances only if max execution time not reached (defaults to 36000 seconds). Set to 0 to bypass execution time check" echo "[$SUBPROGRAM OPTIONS]" echo "Specify whatever options $PROGRAM accepts. Example" echo "$PROGRAM.sh --path=/etc/$SUBPROGRAM --no-maxtime" echo "" echo "No output will be written to stdout/stderr." echo "Verify log file in [$LOG_FILE]." exit 128 } opts="" for i in "$@" do case $i in --path=*) CONF_FILE_PATH=${i##*=} ;; --max-runs=*) MAX_RUNS=${i##*=} ;; --max-exec-time=*) MAX_EXECUTION_TIME=${i##*=} ;; --help|-h|-?) Usage ;; *) opts="$opts$i " ;; esac done CheckEnvironment Logger "$(date) $SUBPROGRAM batch run" "NOTICE" Batch