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WireGuard AzireVPN Road Warrior Setup
.. Warning::
WireGuard Plugin is still in development, use at your own risk!
AzireVPN is an international VPN provider, co-locating in multiple datacenters and offering secure
tunneling in respect to privacy. To set up a WireGuard VPN to AzireVPN we assume you are familiar
with the concepts of WireGuard you that you have read the basic howto :doc:`how-tos/wireguard-client`.
Step 1 - Get AzireVPN configuration
For an automated rollout of configuration, AzireVPN will create a private key in your browser and send
the public key via an API call to their servers.
To get a configuration login to your account_
.. _account:
Via **Options** you can select the country where you want to break out, choose a port (default ist fine),
and set the protocol to tunnel (we only cover IPv4).
Hit **Download** at the end of the page to get the preconfigured text file and open it in your
favorite text editor.
Step 2 - Setup WireGuard Instance
Go to tab **Server** and create a new instance. Give it a **Name** and set a desired **Listen Port**.
If you have more than one server instance be aware that you can use the **Listen Port** only once. In
the field **Private Key** insert the value from your text file and leave **Public Key** empty. **DNS**
and **Tunnel Address** has also to be taken from the configuration. Hit **Save** and go to **Endpoint**
On **Endpoint** tab create a new Endpoint, give it a **Name**, set in **Tunnel Address** and set
the DNS name from your configuration in **Endpoint Address**. Don't forget to do this also for the port.
Go back to tab **Server**, open the instance and choose the newly created endpoint in **Peers**.
Now we can **Enable** the VPN in tab **General** and continue with the setup.
Step 3 - Assignments and Routing
To let you internal clients go through the tunnel you have to add a NAT entry. Go to
**Firewall->NAT->Outbound** and add a rule. Check that rule generation is set to manual
or hybrid. Add a rule and select Wireguard as **Interface**. **Source** should be your
LAN network and set **Translation / target** to **interface address**.
When assigning interfaces we can also add gateways to them. This would offer you the chance to
balance traffic via different VPN providers or do more complex routing scenarios.