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Gateways and monitoring
The address you are trying to monitor should be reachable using the interface the gateway is attached to, either
directly or using a static route (check :menuselection:`System --> Routes --> Status`).
dpinger:.. sendto error: XXX
Usually found in :menuselection:`System --> Log Files --> General`, every code has a meaning, usually explained in
`errno.h <>`__ (:code:`man errno`)
Some common ones are explained in the :ref:`errno` section.
arpresolve: can't allocate llinfo for..
This message usually means that the configured gateway lies outside the configured subnets for this firewall (for IPv4).
.. Tip::
Double check the subnets of your interface and virtual IP's, you can also use :menuselection:`Interfaces --> Overview`
for a quick list of all configured addresses.