#!/usr/bin/env python3.7 import requests import json # key + secret from downloaded apikey.txt api_key="3RhWOno+HwvtmT406I6zw8of8J6n9FOKlWK6U0B+K7stt/fDaJg7bjeF3QAshlScYqC+3o5THy3vQViW" api_secret="uaBk27NKhQCZSDpfAlG6YJ473MzvsCNiED6kzbYuykzU05fCRkcJADhDm5nxbZt8yREC74ZpvD/vbcEx" # define the basics, hostname to use and description used to identify our test rule rule_description='OPNsense_fw_api_testrule_1' remote_uri="" # search for rule r = requests.get( "%s/api/firewall/filter/searchRule?current=1&rowCount=7&searchPhrase=%s" % ( remote_uri, rule_description ), auth=(api_key, api_secret), verify=False ) if r.status_code == 200: response = json.loads(r.text) if len(response['rows']) == 0: # create a new rule, identified by rule_description allowing traffic from # to using TCP protocol data = {"rule" : { "description": rule_description, "source_net": "", "protocol": "TCP", "destination_net": "" } } r = requests.post( "%s/api/firewall/filter/addRule" % remote_uri, auth=(api_key, api_secret), verify=False, json=data ) if r.status_code == 200: print("created : %s" % json.loads(r.text)['uuid']) else: print("error : %s" % r.text) else: for row in response['rows']: print ("found uuid %s" % row['uuid'])